Notes to a Story

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Ancient History
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Notes to a Story

Post by Ancient History »

So, I decided to dig this up...these were my notes to a story I'm writing...sorta got to 13K words and now I can't find the right place to write. If anyone's interested, I'll post installments of what I have so far...if not, this sinks to the bottom of the heap.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Atomic blast speeds up human mutations
subspecies may be valuable in 1,000 years
Japanese government creates a asecret project to speed up and control these
--mutations to create a japanese race of supermen that will eventually replace their own
ex-german genetiscists, scientists and doctors
cruel experiments on inmates
breeding camps

Dr.____, Japanese genetiscist in charge, addicted to morphine
Dr.____, German, ex-nazi with theories of "master race", occult clap-trap with eastern mythology?
Col.____, japanese army officer, leader of movement to create project, member of ancient ninja clan?
_____, prominent Japanese family/politician/businessman, aids project

Nazi eugenist arrives in Japan
talks to japanese colonel
colonel presents to his superiors
debate in council, plan accepted
Japanese doctor treating victims charged w/aiding project
remote villiage set-up nihonjin
--Former villagers-relocated one morning
--Engineers move in and set up
--Drs Observe
--Drs collect first patients
eta/oni-focus on villagers
Focus on Doctor
Focus on victims
most promising subjects moved to village, studied
Americans arrive to investigate victims
shown vctims not in villages
American logs copied
Spy-follows Americans: spies on Los Alamos
Discourse on Dragons by Dr.
Discourse on Dragons by Spy
<focus on project>
--General Outline of project, 5k or so patients/subjects
--Living conditions-hygiencic/deplorable-patients view-young girl?
--Dr's study of growth
--Takonashi-daily care/consulting/Dr. Labwork-study<observer>
--Kanji-light touches, the Uncaring-divine goal-heirophant?-just watches?-biblical refences?

Scene:Dr+Takonashi-birth, surgery, calm, talking, blood, needle, knife, screams, gripping black sheets, one cry dies, another starts birth and death in pain...?
" "Dr+Kanji-report, Kanji rants, INSPIRES Dr., Hierophant proclaiming dark gospel, prophet?
" "Takonashi+patients: young girl, innoculation, tests, simple questions, difficult answers
Japanese doctor unsure
Nazi begins breeding and experiments
col approves of nazi's experiments
Japanese doctor cares for victims <medially>, collates data
reports come in from Los Alamaos, other sites from around the world: breeding, mutation
Church of World Peace built in ruins of Hiroshima
first generation matures <note:generational time is approx 12 years, with repeated birthings every year, less subjects per year due to loss of breeders to disease, radiation, mutation, age)
doctor helps Nazi connect data
col pops head in, supervises, sneer
nazi+Jap doc pick subjects to breed
second generation
mutations analyzed
projections made of proposed and evident mutations
third generation subjects picked; "alien" line begins with experimentation
third generation<focus on "alien line">
speed up timeline; Nazi dies (leukemia?-or lasophayrgneal cancer-heh-mummy tribute-I like)
final days of his life, Jap doctor sums up project (been 40 years for 3 gens; doc 30ish to start-hm, dies in mid 80's) describes 4th generation advances; outlines current project goals to his successor, dies
general hands 1st book to sucessor; skip to 1980's-2000's
There's more...mainly describing the "final form." Sorry they're so disjointed...but it gives ye an idea of the plot.
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Post by Threadbare »

I think I'd be incredulous, anyway, considering the state of Japan during the years after the war. We weren't just inspecting, we ran the place. It'd be hard to hide much.

If I wasn't so busy commanding more than one ship without holding flag rank, I would come down there to New London Towne and show a few people a thing or two about OFFICERship."
--The Commodore

Keep the Funk Alive.
Ancient History
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Post by Ancient History »

WEll, leastway's y'all're honest.
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