[Poetry] Cliffside

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[Poetry] Cliffside

Post by Salvation122 »

I wonder sometimes
What my life would be like if I wasn't so insightful.
I always see the cliff - from miles away, even,
Yet still I persist in walking to the edge and looking over,
And I tend to lose my balance.
"It's not the fall that gets you, it's that sudden stop."

But the cliff's there, damnit.
The view's otherworldly;
It must be appreciated, respected,
Every view is different, though many are the same at first glance,
And to behold is to be awed, and, sometimes, to be held.

So although looking over the edge deliberatly is an extraordinary thing,
I often wish
That I could be walking around ignorant of my surroundings,
Just enjoying the fresh air and the view,
And not realize that I was at the edge, the gravel bouncing down the bluff,
Until I was already falling
So I didn't stress about the inevitably of falling over.
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Post by JetPlane »

I really like this piece.

The only part I might consider removing is the "damnit". It just seems too sudden. I got used to the rhythm and the voice, and suddenly, "damnit!"

But, at the same time, I appreciate the suddenness. It calls my attention. Wakes me up.

Great job.
To be loved, you must be lovable.
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