[Lyrics] Satin Rain

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[Lyrics] Satin Rain

Post by Salvation122 »

I'm not entirely sure why I wrote this, and I'm not entirely sure whether I'll let my friends record it or try to do it as a collaborative effort with some guys on the net, but I'm damn proud of it.
The rain falls in sheets like satin.
Soft and smooth and warm
as fresh-washed skin.
Twilight at eleven thirty-seven,
and it feels so good in bed.

Time passes and the day is naught.
More silent contemplation
of the things that you've been facing.
Pieces of souls fall outside your window.
Nothing really makes much sense.

Big mug of coffee
with a shot of mint Schnaaps.
The rain beats stacatto
on the roof of your house.
It's dark outside at a quarter past noon.
You need not speak a word
'cause the storm talks for you.

[Piano Bridge.]

Over to the phone so you can call a pretty girl.
She's on her way to drown out the rain,
The rain and doubt and numbing lonliness
that holds you.
Holds so close to you.

[spoken; acoustic fades out to distorted electric guitar:]
Pain and fear flee in the glory of femininity.
For a moment, one single slice of time, you hang,
suspended, wrapped in soft warm satin sheets,

[sung:] soft and smooth and warm as fresh washed skin,
and then you fall, tumbling, crashing home to
the certain knowledge that

[screaming:] nothing means anything,
that now is not forever; that what you believe to be
the face of God is but a trick of the light.
And as you reach to touch it, it fades back,
and you search for it, screaming, trying to

[Guitar Bridge]

[Sung; acoustic guitar:] but all you find on the other side of the window,
as your girlfriend sleeps smiling next to you as you cry in her hair,
is rain that falls in sheets like satin,
and pieces of souls that laugh at your confusion.
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