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Barbecue After Action Report

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 5:52 am
by Serious Paul
Still relatively too drunk to post much, will update.

[Edit: Just editing my topic, Capitolization.]

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 8:17 am
by Anguirel
*Calls Paul's House, get some details*

Here, I'll help.

AK404 got puking drunk on 4 shots of Tequila. He redecorated the floor and sink and gave up several offerings to the Porcelain God. And Paul abused him rectally. Allegedly.

Toon enjoyed some alcohol as well and puked on the porch. Later he passed out on the porch and people repeatedly tripped over him. While talking to me. :p

3278 talked. A lot. And dominated conversations and picked apart every little minute detail. He also was drinking. I know because he told me. :roll

Bull tried to drive to Grand Rapids afterwards but got lost and came back after 2 hours.

Flak was cool and very funny.

Sin brought motorcycles and took Meri's sister out on one and got up to 110 MPH.

Teja "was just fine... and not as bad as last night." ;)

IC == teh sw33t. He also loves you all and wants to bear your children.

Meri stayed sober and watched as her house was destroyed.

Paul burned lots and lots of wood. Including barn beams which may well have been Arsenic-laced pressure treated lumber. And got drunk.

MooCow did not answer his phone. Then again, he was in a hotel at that point. Loser.

That more or less covers what I heard, I think... :D

Edit: And Meri's sister had fun. And remained sober. She was wasted the previous night though. She lost her cigarettes, or they were stolen... but it's ok because she's quit smoking. Really.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 8:05 pm
by ak404
Six shots of tequila, Ang. I double-loaded those last two cups.

Don't forget the vodka and that Mike's whatever; I guess Mike's Hard Lemonade qualifies as beer, because MAN, I've never felt that shitty.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 8:18 pm
by Serious Paul
Anguirel wrote:*Calls Paul's House, get some details*
Man what a weird call to get after midnight or so, I think. I am kind of fuzzy on how it all started....
AK404 got puking drunk on 4 shots of Tequila. He redecorated the floor and sink and gave up several offerings to the Porcelain God. And Paul abused him rectally. Allegedly.
Bull also made him his BITCH! Heh, Hi Ak404! How you feelin' bud?
Toon enjoyed some alcohol as well and puked on the porch. Later he passed out on the porch and people repeatedly tripped over him. While talking to me. :p
Heh, he did wake up though! And he will forever remind me of that guy from Officer&Gentleman, after he made a guest appearence in Law&Order. Toon by far has the deepest voice of anything I have ever heard, ever.
3278 talked. A lot. And dominated conversations and picked apart every little minute detail. He also was drinking. I know because he told me. :roll
He did well till this morning at around 9ish when I think he may have vomited, since I was still not recovered enough to see straight, this onformation may be called into question.
Bull tried to drive to Grand Rapids afterwards but got lost and came back after 2 hours.
Heh, poor guy. "Who makes white road signs with small black lettering anyways?"
Flak was cool and very funny.
Damn straight. I think he was recovering from the previous night when Jim and Moo took advantage of him greatly!
Sin brought motorcycles and took Meri's sister out on one and got up to 110 MPH.
He also gets ahearty thanks from me for cleaning vomit out of my sink, I am not sure who did that, but way cool bud, thanks!
Teja "was just fine... and not as bad as last night." ;)
IC == teh sw33t. He also loves you all and wants to bear your children.
he also bought me the most exspensive bottle of Tequila ever, which is responsible for so many peoples very inebriated condition.
Meri stayed sober and watched as her house was destroyed.
She also made some great seasoned burgers which Bishop cooked!

Bishop gets mad props for cooking for us all, and helping me load that freakin' tree in Teja's truck after we broke the chainsaw! Teja supposedly has pictures.

Speaking of pictures I think Lilith may have cam corded some of the happenings, gawd I hope not though! I know many pictures were taken.

Sludig got up early, way before everybody both days I think, their tent also sprung a major leak (not on Toons side though, hmm evil does not get wet does it???) this morning and they got saoked. I feel bad about that.
Paul burned lots and lots of wood. Including barn beams which may well have been Arsenic-laced pressure treated lumber. And got drunk.
Heh, I haven't puked-yet.
MooCow did not answer his phone. Then again, he was in a hotel at that point. Loser.
He made me a rather strong something, I remember Lilith pointing that out to me. "Wow thats strong..."

Big Jim is indeed very tall but I think he and Moo, and Flak were all recovering-The bastrads!

As of right now everyone except 3278 has left-Teja is attempting to get AK home. Heh.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 8:19 pm
by Serious Paul
Yeah to be fair I know AK did drink more than just the shots!

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 8:50 pm
by Szechuan
ak404 wrote:Six shots of tequila, Ang. I double-loaded those last two cups.
Pussy. :|


Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 10:25 pm
by DV8
Sounds like a good party. :)

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 10:26 pm
by Bishop
Sorry about the axe, Paul. Oh, and the chainsaw..I broke that, too. The clutch finally went out on it.

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 10:36 pm
by Serious Paul
Lets see Bishop broke:
  • His dads chainsaw.
  • My axe
  • Teja's truck tail gate.
  • Meri's van died after the battery went dead, so thats like a half point right?
We're still surveying the damage. :lol [/list]

Posted: Sun Nov 02, 2003 10:42 pm
by MissTeja
I did take pictures with my seriously posessed camera. Shall post em when i get them developed.
Oh and Bish - I got the tailgate fixed. :) Don't let Paul fool ya into thinking it was permanent. lol

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 12:09 am
by sinsual
points to Bishop's sig

First thing is First! Thanks Paul and Meri for both the invite and letting me crash at your place for 2 nights and 3 days. (landed just before dark on Friday)

I have a couple of pics but the cam was brand new and I was totally still trying to get used to how it worked so all of the latenight Saturday pics went POOF. (the evil pic of toon did however survived)

There were actually 3 people who got rides on my bike. Meri(100mph), her sister(110mph), and Lilith(topped out at 90mph before the gaggle of turkeys and oncoming traffic slowed me down).

Paul it was Ak's mess I cleaned out of the kitchen sink as well as the patio from Toon.

Deev the 1800 was GONE in the first half hour. Between that and IC's tequila there was much rejoicing. Oddly enough Flak found the left over Jello shots this morning and of course dug in :D time I need to follow you...remind me to leave the trailer behind :D

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 1:46 am
by ak404
God...DAMN, what the fuck was in that tequila, weapon-grade uranium? I still have a fucking headache from that shit, and I just woke up for the second time!

And can someone explain this unusual pain in my back...? :lol

Josh, no worries about Lindsey's truck. Apparently, the tailgate was designed to be removed and reinserted quickly.

Paul, a passing observation from an former professional video game player: don't store your PS2 in a vertical position. Doing it like that fucks up your disks because the CD spindle doesn't catch the disks all the way, meaning that the outer rim of your disks'll run along the bottom of the caddy. Keep it horizontal.

32, I figure GR is a long way out, but one of these days, I'll have to lay eyes on your library sometime. Also, when you get the time, force Lindsey to watch Kentucky Fried Movie: she needs to see it.

And I apologize for passing out before I could properly meet everyone. I'll strengthen my alcohol resistance next time, swear. :roll

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:10 am
by 3278
It was exactly the best kind of party. A little fire, a little fun, a little laughter, a little chaos, a little weather, a little liquor and a little conflict, poured into a backyard and blended into a lot of party. I can't imagine having had a better time.

We all got to play with gasoline in the fire. Much gawking at motorcycles was had. There was a ridiculous amount of liquor on hand; some five fifths plus a giant garbage bag full of malt liquor bottles were consumed. AK got to be that guy who drinks /way/ too much too fast. Then Toon got to be the other one. Lil brought me more food than I've seen in a year. Bish brought his girlfriend, who bravely tolerated us for two whole days. Toon and I played a horribly cruel joke on Sludig [now it's getting hard for me to remember screen names, after using everyone's real ones]. Linz and I drove across the state, scared AK's mother and drove back with him. Eventually, we got to sleep in the same bed with him, and in return for our snoring, he gracefully didn't vomit on us in the night. Got to meet Jim and see Simon again, both of whom managed a volume of partying unimagined by man, packed into one weekend, and with grace and style. IC and Kara were back and funny as hell, although I'd rather it have been Kara with the kilt on. We went through two whole trees, a truckload of stolen Amish wood scraps, and some ten gallons of gasoline.

I'm glad it was as fun as I'd hoped; thanks to everybody who made it that way by bringing cheese and booze and burgers and hot dogs and chips and pretzels and soup and cheese puffs and cases of Mountain Dew and, of course, themselves. Next time, we'll do it in summer again, when it's less wet, yeah? ;)
Ang wrote:3278 talked. A lot. And dominated conversations and picked apart every little minute detail. He also was drinking. I know because he told me.
Well, I may have overstated the case a little. :) Linz and I dutifully spent the night mingling like good the good semi-hosts we were, so there was more listening and laughing than talking. Mostly, it was poor Jess who got the brunt of the picking apart and the dominating, which is her fault for not letting me smell her more. :D And I sure as hell did drink.
Teja wrote:I did take pictures with my seriously posessed camera.
Teja: <i>[/i] What the hell's wrong with this -- <i>FLASH![/i] Ow.
Paul wrote:He did well till this morning at around 9ish when I think he may have vomited, since I was still not recovered enough to see straight, this onformation may be called into question.
Oh, no. Nope, I sure vomited. But it was after all the liquor was out of my system, so at least it was just the water I'd had during the night, and not, you know, Toon's whole dinner and drinks menu. :D
AK wrote:Also, when you get the time, force Lindsey to watch Kentucky Fried Movie : she needs to see it.
:wideeyes Lindsay! I'm scandalized!

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:39 am
by Bishop
I broke your tailgate? :aww I'm sorry.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 3:00 am
by sinsual
after having fed the once hosed off bonfire with 100 octane gasoline in an attempt to bring it back to life...

Meri's little brother "dude your hands on fire!"
Sin "better my hand then this half full can of high test...sides its only fire..."

oh and Bish...hows the air compressor?

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 5:05 am
by MissTeja
3278 wrote:
AK wrote:Also, when you get the time, force Lindsey to watch Kentucky Fried Movie : she needs to see it.
:wideeyes Lindsay! I'm scandalized!
Who me? I didn't do it. Nope. I'm innocent. :aww What the hell is Kentucky Fried Movie, anyways?
Bishop wrote:I broke your tailgate? :aww I'm sorry.
Naw, it wasn't just you. It was all three of us for thinking it was a "really bright ingenious idea" to put a tree in the back of my little pickup. :lol We are just giving you credit so you can add one onto your list of breakages. lol

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 5:45 am
by Anguirel
ak404 wrote:Paul, a passing observation from an former professional video game player: don't store your PS2 in a vertical position. Doing it like that fucks up your disks because the CD spindle doesn't catch the disks all the way, meaning that the outer rim of your disks'll run along the bottom of the caddy. Keep it horizontal.
I disagree. The machine was designed to be upright. I've never heard of or seen a disc get damaged from using it vertically. I have heard that the drive system breaks faster when you use it horizontally. My vote is for keeping it vertical. ;)

And Kentucky Fried Movie kicks all ass.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 6:10 am
by Patience
What IS Kentucky Fried Movie? :conf

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 6:33 am
by FlameBlade
The Breaker of unbreakable things.
That's Bishop's sig...


Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 6:54 am
by Serious Paul
Much fun was indeed had, I hope!

Never seen the KF Movie?!?!?!?! I am so ashamed. I let you in my home? *Snicker* We definitely need to have a movie night!

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 6:58 am
by Serious Paul
Oh and AK404 officially rocks in my book! Consider the carpet always rolled out brother! Come on up some night and we'll light that cross you almost brought, and catch a flick! In fact LoTR: RotK is coming soon...maybe...with the proper planning...Paul plots...

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 7:15 am
by Big Jim
MissTeja wrote:What the hell is Kentucky Fried Movie, anyways?
Patience wrote:What IS Kentucky Fried Movie?
Go see this movie! At least to see where my nick comes from. :D

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 8:15 am
by DV8
Big Jim wrote:Go see this movie! At least to see where my nick comes from. :D
Big. Jim. Slade! ...with a sexual appetite that will knock your sox off!

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 2:10 pm
by Bishop
Sin: I brought the fucking thing back and got my money back. Went back to the old foot pump, which my dumbass left at home because I had just got the compressor. Boy don't I feel sheepish.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 3:53 pm
by sinsual
That's ok I forgot to empty the tank on mine so I actually had about another 100lbs on the tongue of my trailer.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 7:34 pm
by Instant Cash
I would First of all like to second Sin's comment about the Thanks to Meri and Paul.

Thank you both for putting up with way too many drunken people in a not-so-confined area. I had a blast and look forward to the next time we can all gather wherever that may be.

Now on to other things.

I had an awesome time meeting some of you for the first time, and rejoining others whom I had not seen in many moons. The tequila did go amazingly fast. We had Sins 1800 plus the bottle I had which I do not know the name of but it had a kick ass blue bottle and went down way too smooth.

The Dryer/cooler kicked ass.

Paul, I will definitely drink more often with you, you are funny as shit, I hurt myself.

32, we /really/ need to spend more time hangin out, next time I might even wear pants.

Teja, I was happy to be adopted as your reason for being so drunk, I just wish I remember how many drinks I gave so next time I can make it more. ;)

Sin, As long as I get to ride your bikes sometime, you can take a spin in my car and see what a real V6 supercharger can do. :D

Meri, next time I expect to see your kilt as well. :)

Toon, you do have the deepest voice around, hands down.

AK, I would love to hang out with you for more than the 10.2 seconds before you fell over.

Flak, you definitely win on the most dedicated Bulldreker for flying that many miles to hang out and drink many jello shots.

And for the rest of you, I shall continue making plans for us to get together again in the future because quite frankly, that was a fucking blast. More fun than should be allowable by law.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 7:42 pm
by Instant Cash
Another note

Deev, next time, get your ass over here. :D

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 7:44 pm
by Cazmonster
Big Jim wrote:
MissTeja wrote:What the hell is Kentucky Fried Movie, anyways?
Patience wrote:What IS Kentucky Fried Movie?
Go see this movie! At least to see where my nick comes from. :D
Okay, Big Jim is older than he looks, or at least sees the important esoteric movies.

Ah, without Kentucky Fried, there would be no John Landis. Thank God for Kentucky Fried.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 7:53 pm
by DV8
Instant Cash wrote:Deev, next time, get your ass over here. :D
I'll see what I can do. I'm way too selfish to let you have all that fun to yourself.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 10:40 pm
by Instant Cash
Almost forgot,

I have someones maglight, it somehow got into my trunk sometime in the night

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 11:59 pm
by MissTeja
The lost maglite! ...It's Bishop's. :D

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 12:15 am
by Instant Cash
Well at least it isn't lost anymore

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 12:26 am
by MooCow
I think I have a new flashlight too. But I don't remember what it looks like. Anyone missing one?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 2:05 pm
by Bishop
The one I'm missing is a black Maglite, I don't remember if it takes 3 or 4 batteries, but it's pretty goddamed big. And it's relatively new.

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2003 2:38 pm
by Instant Cash
Bishop wrote:The one I'm missing is a black Maglite, I don't remember if it takes 3 or 4 batteries, but it's pretty goddamed big. And it's relatively new.
Jaded and I are trying to figure out when we can make a trip up to Grand Rapids to return the light to you.

Toon's Big Post-Party Post

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 4:02 am
by Toon
Okay, that had to be one of the most kick-ass parties I have ever been a part of. :cool

What I learned:

Lesson 1: 2 Bacardi Silvers, 2 or 3 Mike's Hard Lemonades, 2" of Vox Vodka in the bottom of a Solo cup, two inches of Vox Vodka in the bottom of a Solo cup, two inches of tequila in the bottom of a Solo cup, a full-Solo-cup screwdriver made with an inch of that flavored vodka, two more inches of Vox Vodka in the bottom of a Solo cup, nearly a pound of tuna when one is not used to eating much fish at all and can't handle any other meat and less than three hours of sleep really do not mix. (Yes, that is the list of alcohol I remember having. Though I think I may have also hit the Rum at some point.)

Lesson 2: Next big party, sleep more, drink less and stick to eating garden burgers.

Lesson 3: Next big Bulldrek BBQ/party/gathering/whatever, bring my own shot glass so I actually have a solid idea of how much I'm drinking when I'm starting to get inebriated.

Now for some much-needed/deserved thank yous:

Paul and Meri: Thanks for having me. Thanks for letting me use your kitchen. And thanks for not killing me for making a mess all over your porch. (Yes, I do remember part of that. Part.)

AK: Thanks for the fun times entertaining Emily, and for getting smashed, too. It's nice to know that I wasn't alone in the total and utter insanity of alcohol poisoning that night.

Whoever brought the Vox and the Tequila: Thanks for a night of not remembering. Sometimes it is nice to forget about everything, even if it's just for a short time. And frankly, a time of forgetting was something I was in very much need of.

Bulldrek in general: Thank you for giving me a community within which I actually feel comfortable enough to have a once-in-a-lifetime night of complete forgetting and getting smashed.

All at the party: Thank you for putting up with and looking out for a very drunk Toon.

Sin: Thanks for the fire fun with Hi-Test. And thank you for cleaning up the porch after I made a mess of it. I owe you big for that one.

32: Thanks for being my accomplice in the practical joke on Slud. It was in very bad taste but hilarious. And for the record, it was all my idea. Don't blame Earl, Slud.

And last yet most importantly, Sludig: Thank you for being the best friend that I could ever have. And don't worry, I will never do that to you again. (The getting totally smashed thing.)

Now on to some commentary:
Serious Paul wrote:And he will forever remind me of that guy from Officer&Gentleman, after he made a guest appearence in Law&Order. Toon by far has the deepest voice of anything I have ever heard, ever
Instant Cash wrote:Toon, you do have the deepest voice around, hands down.
My voice isn't that deep, is it?
MissTeja wrote:I did take pictures with my seriously posessed camera. Shall post em when i get them developed.
sinsual wrote:I have a couple of pics but the cam was brand new and I was totally still trying to get used to how it worked so all of the latenight Saturday pics went POOF. (the evil pic of toon did however survived)
I have to see these pics. Especially any pics of me and the degs.
And for the record: I am not evil. EvilToon left nearly a year ago. Went back to his home dimension. :cute
sinsual wrote:That's ok I forgot to empty the tank on mine so I actually had about another 100lbs on the tongue of my trailer.
Which may be another part of the reason we had such a bitch of a time getting the trailer back on the hitch.
MooCow wrote:I think I have a new flashlight too. But I don't remember what it looks like. Anyone missing one?
If it's a small black and silver thing that says "Garrity" on the side and takes a pair of AA batteries, it's mine. I think lent it to Teja. (I remember lending it out, thinking it was Teja I was lending it to, but was already quite drunk at the time so have no clue whose hands I put it in.) :aww

Okay, have rambled enough. Was a blast of a weekend, despite the bad mix of Lesson 1. Can't wait to get together with as many of you as possible again, and this time actually stay mostly sober. Mostly. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 3:04 pm
by Instant Cash
I wouldn't try so hard to be sober. Inebriated is a fun thing.

Now pacing yourself, that might be a better option. ;)

Next time you drink that much, don't do it in a 2 hour period. :D

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 3:06 pm
by DV8
Instant Cash wrote:Next time you drink that much, don't do it in a 2 hour period. :D
Pfft. Says you. I practically had to carry you home when you were here.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 4:18 pm
by Instant Cash
DV8 wrote:
Instant Cash wrote:Next time you drink that much, don't do it in a 2 hour period. :D
Pfft. Says you. I practically had to carry you home when you were here.
Ahh yes, but that was after 4 hours :) and I walked home all on my own thank you very much.

even let you borrow my pocket knife. ;)

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 5:13 pm
by Toon
Instant Cash wrote:I wouldn't try so hard to be sober. Inebriated is a fun thing.
Thus my use of the word "mostly." After all, inebriated is definately mostly sober compared to me at 9PM Saturday. :D
Instant Cash wrote:Now pacing yourself, that might be a better option. ;)
I usually do. And next time I will. This time, though, I really liked the night of not remembering. Don't think I'll need another for a long time. :cool

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 4:37 am
by sinsual
Toon wrote:
sinsual wrote:
That's ok I forgot to empty the tank on mine so I actually had about another 100lbs on the tongue of my trailer.

Which may be another part of the reason we had such a bitch of a time getting the trailer back on the hitch.
That must have been when the dent showed up in the tailgate. But the real reason was the damn double safety hitch lock.

Thank you!

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 1:08 am
by Jaded
Meri and Paul - Thanks so much for putting up with us. Aside from the "porch step of death" I had a most excellent time. (Don't worry...I didn't even know my ankle was sprained until the alcohol wore off late the next day!)

Teja - Very cool meeting you. I only wish you had helped me drink more of the 2 bottles of wine...

I know I probably talked to everyone at one time or another that night but I forgot pretty much everything up until the time I was sitting in the bathroom giving someone a bath. I think that explains how my jeans got wet...! :eek

And Moo, next time please try not to speak so loudly in the morning after a night of intense drinking...especially in a crowded restaurant roughly the size of a doublewide trailer. Mmmm...biscuits and gravy. I was so jealous. :(

And yes, Flak, you can have my toast. ;)

See you all next time.

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 1:38 am
by MooCow
And Moo, next time please try not to speak so loudly in the morning
Really, this is like asking a bird not to fly.....

Re: Thank you!

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 2:28 am
by Cash
Jaded wrote:I forgot pretty much everything up until the time I was sitting in the bathroom giving someone a bath. I think that explains how my jeans got wet...! :eek
Ic, you dog you! *wink*wink*nudge*nudge*

Re: Thank you!

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 3:11 am
by FlakJacket
Jaded wrote:And yes, Flak, you can have my toast. ;)

Well, add another couple items to the lost and found list. Seems I managed to come away without my jacket. Now I'm fairly sure that either I left it in Jim's car when we were moving stuff across or in Moo's truck when we got back to his place. Oh yeah, and Jim et al are now the proud owners of a pile of assorted British coins on their video shelf. :)

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 3:41 am
by MooCow
Jacket is in my truck. Knowing me, it'll probably still be there next time you come to visit. :D [/quote]

Posted: Sat Nov 08, 2003 5:26 pm
by sinsual
no no no Moo, he left it so you would have to pond hop over to deliver it :D

And Khara I am certain busy E appreciated you helping her with her bath until Meri came to the rescue...but it wasn't easy trying to keep IC from trying to go in and give you a bath as well ;)

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 7:10 am
by Serious Paul
I have been meaning to post this for a while,any one claim responsibilty forwriting bulldrek v1.0 on my van's rear windshield? Heh we noticed the next day on the way down the road.


Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 1:37 pm
by Instant Cash
Damn, I wish I could claim that one, that is amusing. :)

Posted: Wed Nov 12, 2003 1:37 pm
by Instant Cash
what the hell!

Damn double post