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Errors involving the [glow] and [mb] tags.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 3:41 am
by Moto42
I made a post using the [mb]Motion Blur[/mb] and [glow]Glow[/glow] tags but they didn't work.
It may just be that I am using FireFox. If so, you may mock me for being a furry.

Just for good measure I'll test the [flipv]Flipv [/flipv]and [fliph]Fliph [/fliph]tags here, all the tag names in this post should be demonstrating their effect.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 12:20 pm
by 3278
Yeah, they're IE-only. It's amusing, because Bulldrek was written exclusively for IE: the mouseover link glow, a lot of tags, that sort of thing. Then I wrote freespeech for Firefox, including only basic support for IE-only features. But I could get away with that: no one used Firefox in Bulldrek's early days, and those who did were used to sites looking funny. Few of the freespeech users used IE, because they're high-end internet users. But looking at the stats for Bulldrek, it looks like a pretty mixed environment, heavy on the IE users.

We could pull the IE-only features, but that leaves them looking stupid for everyone. Or we could find a way to make them work on Firefox, but I'm not even sure you can do that. Advice, anyone?

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 1:35 pm
by Ampere
Honestly, if it's only a few features that are wonky on Firefox...I wouldn't bother with it unless you're really bored. It's a small matter.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:01 pm
by Moto42
If it's a MAJOR problem, we (As in I or another firefox user) can whip up an add-on for firefox that will make these features work.

Posted: Mon Apr 30, 2007 2:13 pm
by Ampere
Moto42 wrote:If it's a MAJOR problem, we (As in I or another firefox user) can whip up an add-on for firefox that will make these features work.
Yup. Pretty much what I'm thinking.