State of the Disunion :: 2003

Users should come to the Embassy to make all suggestions, bug reports, complaints, and anything else relating to the forum itself. The Embassy Control staff will take all issues seriously. Or kill you. One of the two. Possibly both.
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State of the Disunion :: 2003

Post by 3278 »

I feel as if I'm waking from a long sleep, a long, terrible nightmare. And, of course, I've awakened to find that I've been sleepwalking, my nightmare made real.

About six months ago now, the second worst thing to ever happen to me occured. I say this not for attention or sympathy - both of which this community has supplied me with in more-than-fair amounts - but rather for a sense of perspective. Those who know me well know my life has been a long study in terrible things, so it should come as no surprise to discover that this event was cripplingly proportioned.

I did all I knew to do; I withdrew, shut my brain down - my copiously-abled brain - and used what little I had left to manage to get through life. It wasn't, as you might expect, much of a life. But the alternative - that all of the work I'd done in the last 13 or so years to make myself sane and useful, would come to nothing - was by far worse. This way, this reactor scram, assured that I had time and support when I was ready to face the world, and my mind, again.

In any case, this is, I should think, enough perspective: I shut my life off to prevent myself from going mad, and now it's time to reboot, a little at a time.

During my brain's time off, a number of things fell by the wayside; my social life, my job, my family, and this board. This week, I re-enter the world, starting with family and work and repairing this board. [My social life doesn't matter so much.]

The original intent of this board was that Control would be a truly group entity, a concept shared by several people, who would work collaboratively here, bugfixing and upgrading and generally keeping everything running smoothly. For many different reasons, this never happened. The "Control Staff" is still a staff of one.

It's time for this to change. This board is a central figure in the lives of hundreds of people, and yet very few are able or allowed to be a part of supporting it. For nearly a year, I've run it by myself - with help, certainly, from several others, but basically alone - because, well, I'm the sort of person who prefers to do things myself. But that's not always the best way.

We need volunteers. We need people who can code, who can think, who can read or write. We need people to collect all the information about all of the bugs, we need people who can write web pages, we need people who can code PHP, we need people to give support - gruntwork, research, gophering - for those people doing the big stuff. We don't just need Wildfire and Dennis and Jackal and Eva and Adam, we need anyone with a pulse and a fair brain.

We all have such a strong investment in this board, but very few of you have been allowed to help in any way with personally making certain this board, this site, is as good as it possibly can be. That's going to change. This is an open invitation foranyonewho thinks they can help to join the Control staff.

What do you get in exchange for this? Nothing. There's no title, no special access, no secret handshake. But you'll get the gratitude of this community, and the special gratitude of her creator.

Don't have much time? Whatever. Neither do I, and I've managed, in the past, to get a lot done. As a group, we'll try to find a way to set it up so that even if you only have an hour a week to spare, there's something you can do. Will you have to learn something? Well, you just might. Any problem with that?

We have something like a hundred solid users of this board, people who come here every week or every day looking for their friends, looking for something to talk about, looking for a fight or a distraction, a vacation or work, looking for something they can't find anywhere else. And until today, we've had one person working for them. What I envision is a board on which every one of these people helps to make certain that the board is everything it can be. I envision a board on which old programmers help to teach new programmers how to make PHP work for them, a board on which people who never thought they'd touch a lick of HTML are at Webmonkey learning how, so they can add captions to the Gathering pages. I envision a board on which the serious programmers, the heavy hitters, gather 'round to dream up new ways to make the board better, to make it do things we never dreamed were possible. [Like send a PM to more than one person, damn it.]

This is a thing we can do, and it's a thing wemustdo, for the flaws of the one-man Control scheme are readily evident in the performance of the last six months.

If you want to help, the line starts below. I don't know how we'll do it, but we'll find a way. I know a man, name of Farmer Bob, who can likely set us on the right course. [Want to get that in-joke? Join the Control staff.] If you think you can help us, please, don't hesitate one second to join. Not one second.

On a similar note, this board has always been financially supported by a single person, no matter how often Dennis or Evan tells me how unfair that is. Today, that changes, too. Anyone who chooses to make a donation to the support and upkeep of the board - the so-called "bandwidth bill," so called because that's what it is - is free to do so. Payment will be by Pay-Pal to my personal account, but don't let that fool you; I'm not embezzling, and I wouldn't do so, it's just that Pay-Pal won't let Control have the same bank account I do.

So if you want to donate anything - large or small - to the support of the site, you are free to do so; simply Pay-Pal your donation to If you'd like to have your donation kept private, please request such in your donation. If Pay-Pal doesn't work for you, we can make arrangements; just e-mail

We all live here, every one of you reading this post. And while, for a long time now, I've prevented any of you from helping out too much, that time is over. We're a community, and communities help each other, and thus themselves. While attending the funeral of someone close to me very recently, held in a small town here in the Midwest, I saw the power of a true community, a small group of people who band together for the support of their fellow people. I saw the power of hundreds of people serving each other, helping each other in times of need, and I want that power here.

Bulldrek isn't the big city, where the death of a neighbor goes unnoticed; this is a small town, where the death of a friend means we all bake, we all plan, we all send flowers, and we're all there for the family and friends. This is the power of community, and while I've kept it from your hands for well over two years now, I give it back now, gladly.

Thank you for being a resident of our small town, and I hope you'll find the joy of helping to serve the community, through work or donation, and find that service improves your days here, and the days of everyone who lives here with you. Thank you all.
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Post by Adam »

*loud, long, sustained applause*
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Post by Anguirel »


* Pulls out a Giant Feather-Quill and signs the Declaration of Wanting to Join Control *
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Post by Dennis »

$Dennis = *standing ovation*;
$Adam += $Dennis;
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Post by Daki »

Well that is certainly good to hear.

And I'll say right now that I have NO f'n clue how to code anything that didn't go out of style 10 years ago.
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Post by Serious Paul »

I'll volunteer a little time and my almost certainly pathetic computer skills. Mainly I am willing to do the gopher work where needed.
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Post by lordhellion »

I'm more than willing to help out how I can, though what little programming skills I possess have about five years of rust on them. I you have something simple (i.e. HTML work), I can attempt something along those lines.
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Post by Eva »

I'm so proud of you.
One time I built a matter transporter, but things got screwed up (long story, lol) and I ended up turning into a kind of half-human, half-housefly monstrosity.
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Post by MissTeja »

High salutes to you 32. It sounds to me as though you have been faced with numerous trials and tribulations in your life and have again, been able to succeed at the task of putting them behind you, not only for the betterment of yourself, but those around you. That skill is not an easy one to come by, and it is a skill that makes a great leader and a great person.
Though my skills are not the best of the members of this board, you said to not hesitate even for a second, to help. Therefore, I am posting my wishes to do so. I have only been around for a few months, but have met some extrodinary individuals here and Bulldrek has become a part of my daily routine. I am a student currently, and not working, so I have extra time in my days. Any of that in which Control would like to use for the betterment of the Board is completely up for grabs.
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Post by Big Jim »

*Adds his name to the list of people willing to help.*

I'm in the middle of teaching myself PHP, actually. Anything I can do, let me know.
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Post by Wildfire »

Welcome back, Earl. :) I'm here as always, my code and my time is Bulldrek's if you are willing to share the keys. I promise I'm a better coder than driver :)
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Post by Szechuan »

I don't have a lot of web coding experience, and none with phpBB, but as Wildfire can (hopefully :D) attest to, I learn fast. Sign me up.

Again, I'm unsure how this board works as far as posting new content goes, but perhaps we can split board functions into sections overseen and maintained by different members?

If so, I call Who We Are. :)
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Post by Adam »

Szechuan wrote:Again, I'm unsure how this board works as far as posting new content goes, but perhaps we can split board functions into sections overseen and maintained by different members?
Almost all of the sections that are not actual parts of the board are just raw HTML files. Look at the file extensions - typically, on this setup, board software generated files end in ".php?stuff=morestuff" and human generated files are just ".htm"
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Post by Jestyr »

Add me to the list of volunteers, natch.
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Post by Salvation122 »

VB6 been very very good to me. PHP, I dunno.

I'm more than willing to help in any way I can, on either side of things.
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Post by Szechuan »

Adam wrote:Almost all of the sections that are not actual parts of the board are just raw HTML files. Look at the file extensions - typically, on this setup, board software generated files end in ".php?stuff=morestuff" and human generated files are just ".htm"
Then I reiterate: my experience is almost entirely with HTML. I can help maintain those aspects of the site.

And I still call Who we Are.
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Post by Cash »

I'm willing to help, but I know jack squat about coding, html, php, birds and/or bees.
<font color=#5c7898>A high I.Q. is like a jeep. You'll still get stuck; you'll just be farther from help when you do.
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Post by Bishop »

Beam me up, Scottie. I'm not sure how quickly I can learn coding, or how good I'd be at it, as I 've never demonstrated very good aptitude with computers. They don' t like me and tend to break on sight of me. But I'll do pretty much anything (sexual favors aside, those require money) asked of me, if I have the ability to do it. And if I don't, then I'll learn how.
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Post by Dennis »

For those people who do want to contribute, but aren't sure if they have anything worthwhile to add to the skillset that is already present - let's not forget the economic Law of Progressive and Degressive Added Value, here - there is always the option of donating some money to the "Bandwidth Bill."
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Post by 3278 »

Thank you all. There will be additional news soon about how we're going to work this, including the repair of our development environment and figuring out who fixes what. Stay tuned, and your support is very much appreciated.
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Post by Cazmonster »

This'll teach me to come and read The Embassy like never.

Earl - you deserve a lot of thanks for stepping up and saying these things.

Bulldrekkers - kick ass and take frikkin' names.

Cazmonster goes to punch his paypal account in the crotch.
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Post by Mjelvis »

Call me a monkey. I'm in.
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Post by Bishop »

You're a monkey. I'll go start a paypal account. Although I suppose I could just drive the 10 miles over to your house and hand you the money. But nope. We live in a civilized society and don't handle such things as cash anymore. ;)
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Post by Cash »

Bishop wrote:We live in a civilized society and don't handle such things as cash anymore. ;)
Much to my disappointment...
For those people who do want to contribute, but aren't sure if they have anything worthwhile to add to the skillset that is already present - let's not forget the economic Law of Progressive and Degressive Added Value, here - there is always the option of donating some money to the "Bandwidth Bill."
Cash needs a jobby job. :)
<font color=#5c7898>A high I.Q. is like a jeep. You'll still get stuck; you'll just be farther from help when you do.
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Post by Bishop »

*handles some Cash* Feel better now?
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Post by FlakJacket »

Like Cazzie, I really should check the Embassy more often. :)

On the personal side, congrats on being able to actually realise that there was something wrong, which is of itself a major step and then doing something about it.

Like others I'll also take this opportunity to say thank you for all the time and effort that you've put into this place and making it happen. Since I know practically sod all about tech or mucking about with code I'll just put myself down in the throw some cash at the Bandwisth Bill section. :D
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Post by Control »

The development server - Farm - is now online, and progress should resume today or tomorrow. Information regarding tasks and voluntary assignments should be posted to The Farm forum.

Additional information about the development server and access for it will be forwarded to members of the Control staff early this week.
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Post by Eva »

Would it make sense to move the current board improvement threads to Farm?
One time I built a matter transporter, but things got screwed up (long story, lol) and I ended up turning into a kind of half-human, half-housefly monstrosity.
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Post by FlameBlade »

Like say, Lexicon committee?

You see, that's for final processing of Lexicons.
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Post by 3278 »

All necessary changes to the development server are complete, and we can begin work. Discussion about Farm will continue in The Farm.
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Post by Nexusvoid »

Yeah, I should probably read The Embassy more, as well. Count my meager skills in.

In addition, I'll shoot you some cash via Paypal next paycheck, 32.
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Post by The Traveler »

Eva wrote:Would it make sense to move the current board improvement threads to Farm?
Seems like it would, if the farm actually let you post, as it's telling me it can't find the smilies data when I try to (though it lets me log in successfully).

Unless I'm using the wrong address. Someone shoot me a PM, I guess.
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Post by 3278 »

Here's some confusion I was afraid of. I think she means The Farm, not Farm. We can't move threads back and forth across the servers, I'm afraid.

I'll check on the smilies data bug on farm; sounds like another folder permissions thing.
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Post by Dennis »

Where is "The Farm?"
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Post by 3278 »

It's the forum that you'll see once you join the Control Staff Group. Does anyone need a primer on how to do that? I'm noticing the process was sort of glossed over in the discussion.
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Post by Dennis »

3278 wrote:It's the forum that you'll see once you join the Control Staff Group. Does anyone need a primer on how to do that? I'm noticing the process was sort of glossed over in the discussion.
Another caching problem, I found the forum. By the way, joining the group isn't rocket science once you discover the Groups link at the top of the page.
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Post by 3278 »

Goodgood. And it wasn't so much the caching problem as much as it was a problem of your request to join the group having just been approved, right after my post. It's a private forum, so you can't see it until you've been approved; the timing just happened to be right this time.
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Post by Thorn »

*Thorn hugs Earl*

All hail the Crazies.

So, look - count me in. I know shit about HTML, but I fuckin' temped for five years. There's not a computer thing I can't learn, if somebody gives me a project, a machine and a few basic instructions on how to do it.

The one problem is, I'm a little short on... well, not time so much as attention.


Okay, yeah... so I've backed off like hell from this place the past couple months, and was in fact lamenting that over dinner to Caz tonight (and why oh why did he not tell me about this?! Oh, right, sinus headache. Guess I'll forgive him then). And... I'm still not sure how much opening up I can do, but... I'll give it a try.

So yeah. Tell me something to do and I'll do my damnedest to not be an asshole and instead actually get it done. Though some regular reminders/prodding from someone would not be unwarranted. But, you know, that's details.

Oh, and I'll make sure Caz has given the PayPal account a crutch-kicking and a half.
_<font color=red size=2>Just wait until I finish knitting this row.</font>
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