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[Warhammer] Fluffy Armies and Army comp.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 5:31 pm
by Ghotty
Sal said this, but it's damn hard to do this.

What "fluffy" means is creating an army that's basically story-driven. An army that you can imagine seeing. It's not impossible, but it get's damn hard to do. Especially with certien armies.

Armies I consider hard to make fluffy, yet effective:

High Elf(their fluff dipicts alot of infantry, but all-cav armies are the best way to go.)
Vamp. Counts(their fluff dipicts alot of undead, but they're soooo friggen expensive)
Daemonic Chaos Armies(not using the Daemonic Legion from SoC)

Brettonians have Easy to make fluffy armies(hell, an army of Grail Knights, Grail Relaque, Knights /w empathy virtues and nothing but peasents is still effective)

Empire is pretty easily made fluffy. You can't go wrong with them, in my opinion.

The worse thing is, I field a moderately fluffy army, and I play against my friends army which is non-fluffy. I pull off wins, but barely.

Posted: Mon Aug 23, 2004 6:03 pm
by Ancient History
Yeah. Then, of course, there's people who love the special units but hat the they put in a bare minimum of them. Dwarf and Skaven armies seem especially prone to that.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 8:04 am
by steeltoe1926
Well I have a question. I don’t play my self all that much but I have a few friends who are nearly obsessed with 40k. Only one of the group as far as I can see plays with fluffy armies, and he uses Tearinids(sp?) but almost all special pieces or at least the rely big ones. Now my question is what is fluffy for Tearinids(sp?)?

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 1:35 pm
by Ancient History
The Tyranids? Anything vaguely zerg-like, really.

Posted: Sun Oct 10, 2004 11:52 pm
by BloodHound
That son of a bitch power games like nothing else.
He'll take 3 Carnifex's - 2 Hive Tyrants with wings and warp blast - 2 squads of 3 Rippers :mad
and the rest of the points in Raveners.
If that is anywhere near fluff - please let me know.

it wouldnt be so bad if he didnt have 2-3 maxed out squads of Raveners - damn things just dont die.

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 12:45 am
by Ancient History
Let's review:

A "fluff" gamer makes an army that follows some traditional theme for the race.

A "power" gamer eschews such high-minded concepts for whatever will best kick his opponent's ass.

3 Carnifex, 2 modded hive tyrants and six rippers isn't fluff. It's one of those old dwarf-centaur driven chew'em up machines.

Now, if he'd added Old One Eye, that'd be evil...

Posted: Mon Oct 11, 2004 1:11 am
by BloodHound
I would never play him again - I use Blood Angels and Iron Warriors but i dont over do their specialties.
I am also looking to start up a Dark Elf Fantasy Army.
I was thinking warriors with some executioners and a couple bolt throwers and dark riders. I love the Executioner models - they just look badass.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 8:03 am
by steeltoe1926
Ancient History wrote:
Now, if he'd added Old One Eye, that'd be evil...
He can’t his army is too many pts. Old one eye has to be in a small army. It has a built in max point cap to field. Otherwise he would have.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 9:20 am
by Maelwys
Ancient History wrote:Let's review:

A "fluff" gamer makes an army that follows some traditional theme for the race.

A "power" gamer eschews such high-minded concepts for whatever will best kick his opponent's ass.
Of course, sometimes these two things fit together hand in hand. Consider Blood Angels and Iron Warriors. Both are considered perhaps the strongest armies in 3rd Edition (and probably 4th Edition) and they both do it by being fluffy. Blood Angels charge, hit units with S5 I5 Marines, and the only draw back they suffer is that their heavy weapon squads have to advance at times. Of course, you can reduce this by making all their heavy weapons vehicles. Iron Warriors get extra heavy Support, and heavy weapons, plus unlimited Obliterators. The only drawback is loss oftwo Fast Attack choices, (and normally due to point cost, fast attack choices are often eliminated from smaller army lists).

To be honest, the Tyranid army doesn't sound all that bad. That's what, a maximum of 29 models? It's not often that a marine army can outmodel an army (or even a necron army) but even Deathwing has a chance of getting an equivalent number of models on that table. Sit back about 36 inches, shoot the Hive Tyrants with heavy weapons, watch them die, then the Raveners with everything else, then the rippers and carnifexes. Unless you're playing on heavy terrain'd tables, or playing 4x4, then it should be easy enough to defeat him.

You're also missing a third category, which closely relates to Fluff and Power Gaming. "Theme" Often times the theme army is accused of being a power gamer army as it emphasises certain aspects of an army at the expense of others.

Here's a question for an Iyandan Army Fluffy, Powergaming, or Theme?

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 9:20 am
by Maelwys
<sigh> Double post

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 11:10 am
by steeltoe1926
Maelwys wrote:To be honest, the Tyranid army doesn't sound all that bad. That's what, a maximum of 29 models? It's not often that a marine army can outmodel an army (or even a necron army) but even Deathwing has a chance of getting an equivalent number of models on that table. Sit back about 36 inches, shoot the Hive Tyrants with heavy weapons, watch them die, then the Raveners with everything else, then the rippers and carnifexes. Unless you're playing on heavy terrain'd tables, or playing 4x4, then it should be easy enough to defeat him.
Ya but with 4 wounds apiece for the carnifexes and Hive Tyrants plus just enough fast moving pieces to get into close combat and prevent long firing a anything but the fast movers on a small table it gets worse. Bloodhound can explain it better though he is the one from my previous post who plays Blood Angles.

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 4:52 pm
by TheScamp
Dude, raveners only have a 5+ armor save. Bolters should eat them for breakfast.

Pretty much all of my armies are themed armies; it's no real fun for me otherwise. Taking unpopular (or stupid) choices and making them work is most of the fun for me. That's why I play Southlands lizardmen, and a Fal'Shia Tau army.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 4:31 am
by BloodHound
Its not the 5+ armor that i hate - its the 2 friggin wounds they have. I could care less about their move and assault - which are beffiting a fast attack choice - but 3 attacks base + 1 more for talons + 1 for charging (5) times 6 for maxed out sqaud = 30 attacks on the charge that instantly kill a marine on a to hit roll of 6. They're a little over powered.
That and the bastard proxies all his models with smaller ones so they can all get in base to base, so they receive all thier attacks.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 4:40 am
by BloodHound
That army of his is horrible to face. it may seem like a peice of cake to you, but try it sometime - it sucks hard core.
Now it is true that some people power game in fluffy ways - but those BA marines only get S 5 I 5 for the first round and only if they charge.
I take a full Tac Squad and a full Scout squad as my troops and I have no rhinos in my army. I play a balanced BA army, because 30 assault marines and 30 Veteran assault marines are just no fun for anyone.
as for IW - I have 2 Oblits. Yes I do have a vindicator and basilisk and i do have 2 havoc squads but only 1 missle and lascannon amongst all 16.
I've tried the Deathwing thing - 1 squad of raveners ate 8 termies, a grand master, a leader, and a dreadnought. Yes, there was lots of cover.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 12:42 pm
by TheScamp
That and the bastard proxies all his models with smaller ones so they can all get in base to base, so they receive all thier attacks.
Well, if he's breaking the rules, of course things are going to be difficult.
I take a full Tac Squad and a full Scout squad as my troops and I have no rhinos in my army.
Only 2 troop choices? That could be your problem right there.

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 2:57 pm
by BloodHound
I could feild more - I have an ass load of stuff - but I love my Dreadnoughts, 3 models and I always play the one with the plasma cannon.
the only other troops I have are crappy 5 man squads and i cant put them together cause the colors are all wrong.
Good job by a younger me huh?

Posted: Wed Oct 13, 2004 3:58 pm
by TheScamp
Dude, if he's cheating by using smaller bases, you can certainly field multicolored squads.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 2:51 am
by BloodHound
I know, but I'm a perfectionist when itr comes to that stuff.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 3:39 pm
by Szechuan
So clearly it's not his fault you're losing. Suck the pain, bitch. :D

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 7:27 pm
by BloodHound
No, its not his fault. If you'd pull your head outta your ass, you'd see i never wrote that.
I'm merely stating that I hate playing power gamers, especially this guy cause he love to rub it in for a whole week afterward when he plays a cheap army.
suck on that hoe.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 8:51 pm
by Lord Death Hand
Well it's obvious that you aren't enjoying playing the game with him so don't. It's pretty simple really. See how he likes not playing a game he's spent a lot of monies on, and then after a few weeks ask him if he'll play a little less assholey. Unless of course he can play with other people. Than that probably won't work.

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:26 pm
by TheScamp
The thing is, this guy hasn't spent a lot of money. He's proxied the majority of his army.

Of course, the solution is simple. Don't let him proxy. Or, if you're feeling nice, let him proxy, but with the same or larger base sizes. You know, the way the game is designed?

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 4:38 pm
by BloodHound
yeah, i dont have a lot that big - when the asshole whats to prox a dread Im using for his Hive Tyrant, I wanna smack him in the face.

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 8:53 pm
by TheScamp
Wait, he uses your models to proxy?!

Posted: Fri Oct 15, 2004 10:08 pm
by Elldren
Now that's just wrong.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 12:14 am
by BloodHound
yeah. I usauly dont have a problem with it cause I'v got 3 ish armies and plenty of models, just no big ones.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 3:53 am
by TheScamp
At the very least, have him go out and pick up a bag of the right sized model bases. Should only set him back like $15.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 6:37 am
by BloodHound
unfortunately, hes a cheap bastard who's whole mentality about the game is mooching and cockbiting.

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 7:38 am
by TheScamp
I'm sorry, why do you play with this guy again?

Posted: Sat Oct 16, 2004 5:33 pm
by BloodHound
he's one of my freinds who i was trying to get in the game.

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2004 5:57 pm
by Salvation122
A couple things:

If he's using the Mutable Genus rules, those Hive Tyrants could be T7, which would make them a giant pain in the ass to kill. The model count is low, but it still moves very quickly, and a charging Tyrant can probably kill four marines a turn without worrying too much about being hurt back (minus hidden 'fists.)

If he's cheesing out to such an extent, don't feel bad about brutally equpping your Iron Warriors, or using them as another Chaos force. A Slaanesh Daemon Prince with seven Minor Psychic Powers has a pretty good chance to roll Siren, which basically makes the model invincible, and you'll probably get some other nifty stuff as well. MoS, Combat Drugs, Dark Blade, D. Mutation, D. Rune, D. Speed would probably be a good build to play against this guy, assuming it doesn't break the 100-point Demonic Gifts limit. Couple that with two six-man squads of Havocs, one with Heavy Bolters and one with Lascannons, champs given D. Mutation and a Powerfist. Make your CSM squads about seven men with a Plasma Gun and Autocannon or Lascannon. Take a couple squads of either Bloodthirsters or Daemonettes. Have fun.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 12:10 am
by BloodHound
yeah, but i'm trying not to be an ass bite about it. i like more balanced armies than cheesey beardy bull crap.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 6:54 pm
by Salvation122
I understand that sentiment, but I humbly submit that once you slap him the fuck down and show him that balanced forces are more fun, both of you will enjoy yourself more. (And, honestly, a tweaked Chaos list versus a Big Bugs list should have absolutely no problem and should win pretty much every time.)

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 7:58 pm
by BloodHound
all the games he plays are to win. He's the kind of ass churning dick bandit that will only do something so he can win. its really starting to piss me off, and i'm not playing him in 40k anymore.

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2004 10:56 pm
by TheScamp
Which is really the best solution, I think, provided that he really is an intractable wangbouncer.

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 1:20 am
by Elldren
TheScamp wrote:intractable wangbouncer.
I love you!

Posted: Sat Nov 06, 2004 6:22 pm
by TheScamp

Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2004 5:31 pm
by BloodHound
I have however, been thinking up idea fo a fantasy army. I was thinking Dark Elves with nothing but archers, or crossbow men, and a couple other units, like maybe executioners or cold one knights.

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2004 9:38 am
by steeltoe1926
Some time after the holidays I was planning to start a 40k armie. I think I want to use the Sisters of Battle but would like to ask suggestions to keep it fluffy. Any help would be appreciated.

Posted: Wed Dec 08, 2004 4:18 pm
by Brineshrimp
Going back to the original post....

I field a Skaven army and pride myself on using large units of core troops. I love the basic skaven clanrat. He's cheap, the equivalent of most other basic troop types, and he tends to bring lots of friends. I never field units smaller than 30 models (usually as large as 40). Sure they're not as easy to move around, but the intimidation factor of plopping 160+ clanrats on the table is usually all I need to make me smile.

Before the new Skaven army book came out, I themed my army heavily around Clan Skryre. After the book came out, I continued to do so. (Minus my beloved Gerbil Death Wheel.) You'll find jezzails and warp fire throwers (which strangely, mine don't blow up) in every army list. Poison Wind Globadiers, the Skaven gatling gun (having a brain fart on the name), and the Warp Cannon are rarities, but fun.

I've always shunned the use of shock troops (censor bearers, plague monks or storm vermin), as they just didn't fit the army comp I was looking for. Plus, I don't feel as bad when one or several clanrats die, as opposed to one or several expensive plague monks.

What you can expect to face:

1. Several large units of clanrats, with full command.
2. Several moderate-sized (20+) units of slaves.
3. 2-3 Warpfire Throwers.
4. My Grey Seer, Skree Darkpelt, given 2 Dispel Scrolls.
5. 3 Warlock Engineers (kitted out with all of their merry goods).
6. One, perhaps two units of 5 Jezzails.
7. A unit of 5 Gutter Runners (the one non-Skryre unit).

I must admit, the army is magic-heavy as I do adore warp-lightning. Probably more than any one person has a right to. A few times I've thought about dropping one or two of the engineers for more clanrats, but just can't bear to do it. I enjoy owning the magic me greedy. :) Of course, I can't and don't rely on magic alone, but it is nice to know I will usually have one part of the game under some level of control. (God knows the dice hate me enough.)

I've gone so far as to write out a short background for each character and how they've come to serve in this army. I've written several short pieces of fiction on Skree himself and how he came to lead said army (most of which are yet I'm constantly editing).

Is the army able to compete well against others? Sure. I've placed well in several tournaments (even winning one, aptly called "The Cheese Fest") and enjoyed every second of them. (Especially when Madness was still a Skaven spell.) :)

In the aforementioned "Cheese Fest," it was the one time I've ever made a "cheese" army (as per the rules of the tournament). Mine wasn't that bad, considering all things. It was composed of the following:

1. One unit of 120 Clanrats. (I used a lunch tray to move them...which drew more than a few double-takes.)
2. A basic warlord given his free kit and the Crown of Command. (We were awarded extra points for taking such no-no items, usually barred or penalized in past tournaments.)
3. A Vermin Lord.

That was it. (There may have been a few other models here and there, but none worth remembering.)

I spent most of the game running my Vermin Lord around the table blasting units with magic or engaging them in melee. The clanrats just hung back and took charge, after charge...steadily whittling down each unit it faced.

We played three games using our armies (I won all of my games), one Death Match using one of our characters (in my case, the Vermin Lord...who did quite well, giving me a second-place final in that round), and finally, one free-for-all using our Generals. Sadly, my General was the second to die. The first being the other Skaven player who's warlord had slightly more equipment than mine.

What made this battle particually fun was my alliance with the other Skaven general. We were using a large table filled with city ruins, so I decided to take up hiding in one of the towers. The other general followed my lead and thus our pact was made to combine our strength at defeating the others. (We were really out-classed and our combined deaths wouldn't even earn one victory point.)

Of course, even in the face of death I played my general like a good skaven and tried stabbing my "ally" in the back, which failed. Luckily he was just as miserable as I and failed to wound. In the following turn, our opponents made a bee-line toward us (mainly for the bragging rights of wiping out two, if not completely pathetic, generals at once). In the end, it was a High Elf lord who had the honors of smiting us both. To no one's surprise, we failed to do any damage back.

Wow, I digressed. It's good to know I still have it in me.

Posted: Sun Jan 16, 2005 9:03 pm
by LynGrey
Yeah ghotty got a pretty sweet army list... his anti-knight/calvary mentality gets the best of him tho. I rock Brettonians and Dark Elves.. and i will admit both armies are sweet.. but i get alot more respect when i play Dark Elves.. .people have seen them in the early 6th contantly get crushed because they needed some heavy errata... which the fixed and now they are a formidable and blanced army. The thing about both my list... is Brettonians.. there fluff is we have over 100,000 knights in our land.. while Empire has only 5000 or so... And they are very chilverious taxt there peasants 90% and the only use they are for on the battle fields is maning siege and bows which are dishonest and un chilverious, they are also good for dieing because nobody cares.

So you can field a Bret army totally of Knights, and be called cheesy but its totally within the fluff of the army.. and the other tattics like hammer and anvil you can't do with brets, you can't flee because your peasants are lower leadership and may just keep on running...

Dark Elves tho.. have like 10 differnt army compositions off of fluff... Temple of Khaine (infantry pscho people), Cult of Slannash (its on list), Kardon Kar (beast), Noble list, Har Garnth (executioners), Malekieths Army, City Garason, Army of Har Gonish (lots of calvary).. i mean you so rationalize the list over and over.. there if fluff for just about every compostion you can make.

But i like to say.. both of my list are moderatly fluffy, i am not soo fluffy that i always lose.. but i don't always win.. well i do with brets.. but thats because i am just damn good with them =) i usally don't make any mistakes playing as them. But I have put my DE against some of the hardest infantry and left with draws or even a win, except when playing agianst my own Brets.. but there was alot of luck on the oppenants part. =(

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 9:15 pm
by Ghotty
I field a Khorne MSU army, which is hella sweet. Like Lyn says.

1 Champ(general) tooled for rank and file slaying, 1 bezerker champ on a juggernaut, 1 champ on a chariot

1 unit of chosen warriors /w great weapons, 1 unit of Warriors /w xhand weapons, 1 unit of Khorngor

2 beastherds

Furies of Chaos

2 units of marauder horse( i recently decided to drop my marauders for horsemen)

I do have a definite anti-knight mentality. I despise knights. Any heavy-cav get's the cheese label from me. Strangely, i love fast cav. I think it's because knights really don't require much tactical thought, but fast cav require mad thought. Which makes for alot of un, as you dance around your opponent.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 11:32 pm
by Atragon
I've been called cheesy for my Iron Warriors in 40K, but I fail to see what's so rotton about them...

A basilisk.
4 squads of 5 CSMs, LasCannon/PlasmaGun
1 squad of 12 CSMs, BP+CCW, Led by an Asp Champ in Terminator Armour with twin Lightning Claws
2 Obliterators
And a Demon Prince with demonic stature and a deadaxe...

I don't get it, I've got the troops, the heavy weapons, the artillery, some obliterators, and an assault element.

Posted: Mon Jan 31, 2005 11:57 pm
by Ghotty
You play chaos. Nuff said. Chaos is like the friggen sstereotypical newbie/cheesy army. Why? Because everything is so freaking powerful. Yet, chaos is almost always going to the field with a noted disadvantage of numbers, and this means that chaos players frequently DO have to think and plan their actions.

I have taken the heat for playing Khorne alot. The only chaos powers that have any "respect" are Nurgle and Slaanesh. And nurgle get's that cuz it sucks, Slaanesh get's it's rep cuz iit's the best army. A Slaanesh army freuqnetly get's more props for being fair and balanced than any other army.

And slaanesh has a cheap mark, that's effective, awesome magical gear, awesome magic and foul daemons, and yet no one says a slaanesh player is being beardy when he fields a unit of chosen knights. Oh, that's cuz they don't have frenzy, right? WRONG. Slaanesh has a spell to bestow frenzy.

Slaanesh magic is one of the better lores. You got a wicked S6 magic missile(only 12" range though), a spell that makes people run wherever you want, a spell that creates unbreakable units, a spell that makes frenzied units, a spell that causes characters to attack their units, and something else.

And a Slaanesh Wizard Lord can be a combat god. But Slaanesh isn't beardy at all.

I guess it's cuz people look at how ruthless khorne is in close-combat and figure that makes khorne invincable. Even though khorne isn't. And Tzeentch get's the cheesies label. Tzaanlord on a dragon /w the eye of tzeentch?! WHAT?!

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:18 am
by Silent Sniper
More specifically, you play Iron Warriors. I guess it's the extra heavy support slot you can get. Though that's never seemed like a huge problem to me unless somebody decides to take 4 Land Raiders (or 5, if they decide to take one as a transport for some Chosen).

On a seperate note, how does this Ogre Kingdoms list look?

Ogre Tyrant
Heavy Armor
251 Points

2 Sabretusks
200 Points


7 Ironguts
Standard Bearer
Bull Standard
386 Points

5 Ogre Bulls
Standard Bearer
Light Armor
240 Points

5 Ogre Bulls
Standard Bearer
Light Armor
Extra Hand Weapons and Ironfists
265 Points

24 Gnoblar Fighters
50 Points

8 Gnoblar Trappers
52 Points


4 Leadbelchers
240 Points

3 Yhetees
215 Points


75 Points

Total 1999 Points

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 1:36 am
by Atragon
Yeah, I suppose being able to accurately lay down a S9 AP3 ordinance blast could be considered a bit much, but the GUARD can take 3!

Armored company can take 9!!!

I can take one. (And 3 defilers or 2 defilers and a vindicator...)

Posted: Tue Feb 01, 2005 2:05 am
by TheScamp
I guess it's cuz people look at how ruthless khorne is in close-combat and figure that makes khorne invincable.
Also because most people misinterpret the Khorne "no pinning tests" rule (I forget the actual name, it's been a while since I've done 40k) to mean no pinning tests ever, which is absolutely incorrect.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 9:54 pm
by Ghotty
Well, in Fantasy, Khorne doesn't even get anything cool like that.

Khorne just get's to be an awful killy close combat force. That HAS to charge, ALWAYS. And can't flee. And loses combat like everyone else.

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2005 11:36 pm
by TheScamp
Oh, I absolutely agree. Then again, I think 40k is kind of a beardy game anyway, comparatively. I think it requires a lot less careful thought than does Fantasy, though I haven't played 40k with the new ruleset. Though I doubt that will really change things.

Posted: Tue Feb 08, 2005 7:24 pm
by Salvation122
Atragon wrote:I've been called cheesy for my Iron Warriors in 40K, but I fail to see what's so rotton about them...

4 squads of 5 CSMs, LasCannon/PlasmaGun
Four min/maxed troops choices.
Scamp wrote:Also because most people misinterpret the Khorne "no pinning tests" rule (I forget the actual name, it's been a while since I've done 40k) to mean no pinning tests ever, which is absolutely incorrect.
Uh, Fearless is worded "automatically pass any moraletest and can never be pinned." So, yeah, it does mean no pinning tests ever.