All Babies Must Be Cooked!

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All Babies Must Be Cooked!

Post by Cazmonster »

Okay, I've been toying with some ideas for an All Flesh meets Kobolds sort of game. Tell me what you think of my notes so far...

All Babies Must Be Cooked

The Culinary Survival Horror Roleplaying Supplement

NAZA - National Anti Zombie Authority

Zombie Chicken
Zombie Cow 18 1 1 1 1 1 24 +Zombie 3 5
Zombie Dog 8 3 4 6 2 1 10 +Zombie 3 2
Zombie Baby 3 1 1 1 1 1 4 +Zombie 1 2
Zombie Kobold 9 4 4 4 1 1 12 +Zombie 1 2
Hungry Spirit 2 12 12 16 4 3 2 +Spirit 3 3
WereChicken 10 4 8 10 3 2 10 +Troll Blood 2 3
Grotesque Creation 18 8 10 8 1 2 18 BASH & THROW 3 5

Grotesque Creation – often, Necromancer’s toy with the building blocks of life, and these things are the result, followed by a great deal of destruction, screaming, and Necromancer deaths. They fear fire, dance to music, and attempt to destroy everything else. Grotesques can use their THROW skill on things as big as Kobolds, and do them 2 HITS per map square they throw them.
Hungry Spirit – Risen from the bowels of Vor, these twisted wrecks of Ectoplasmic Kobolds seek to fill their always empty spectral guts.
Zombie Cow – Massive slabs of rot on the hoof, zombie cows simply squash the wiggly bits of kobolds to graze on the tasty brains.
Werechicken - Abominable hybrids of Kobold and Chicken, these freakish monsters hunt for both creatures as prey. They can masquerade as either chickens or kobolds.
Zombie Baby – Wrapped in rotting swaddle, these beasties have chomped the brain out of more than one kobold. Bonus – they get 2 bonus dice to WRASSLE while being held by a kobold.
Zombie Dog – Even more disturbing than living dogs, and filled with a stench almost as bad as Aunt Gladys’s cooking, zombie dogs stalk and kill unwary kobolds.
Zombie Kobold – These brainless, rotten wretches are all that’s left of the last set of late night baby nappers. They each have one random ITEM, but won’t use it unless it’s a weapon.

Séance Person 6 10 10 5 1 3 6 SUMMON Ouija 1
Existential Blue Cultist 5 11 13 6 2 3 5 WHOA Dagger(1) 3
Visigoth 15 4 8 10 3 2 15 DUELIST Sword(3) 5
Goth 4 6 18 9 2 4 4 BARD Dagger(1) 1
Angry Villager 10 8 4 5 1 1 10 COWER Torch(1) 2
Necromancer 6 14 10 8 2 3 6 PRIEST Dagger(1) 4
Body Snatcher 9 9 6 7 2 2 9 COWER Shovel(2) 2
Zombie Hunter 12 10 10 8 2 3 12 TRAPS Crossbow(2) 5

Angry Villager – Usually only found hunting in packs, angry villagers prove to be a constant threat to kobold shopping trips.
Body Snatcher – Found neck deep in open graves, these Necromancer minions lurk after fresh dead bodies. They’re bug eyed and creepy, and generally in competition with Kobold kind.
Séance Person – These humans hang out in the dark, shadowy corners of graveyards and try to summon up dead spirits. The dead often like to feed on people dumb enough to disturb their sleep. It’s good that Nature brought them together. Their Ouija boards can serve as 3 HITS of armor.
Existential Blue Cultist – Down on just about everything, the Cultist has been ostracized by even the weirdo humans. Now he’s here in the graveyard, looking for a good way to end his Existential Blues and meet the Big Blue God. He can rack up death checks, just like a Kobold, but can use any spell in the books by shrugging his shoulders and going ‘whoa’.
Visigoths – These barbaric humans wear leather vests and helmets that provides 6 HITS of armor and came raiding the cemetery. Why do they raid a place full of dead bodies? Well, they’re Visigoths, its really just a night job.
Goths – Late at night, the Farmer’s kids break out the white face, the black sack cloth and sit around in the cemetery waiting for something ‘cool’ to happen. They use their BARD skill to tell lies about cool stuff that happened to them the last time they went out, and to their parents about the weird blood stains and the residues of white face.
Zombie Hunter – Obsessed with destroying the undead menace, the zombie hunter fights with cool quips and fast one-liners, along with a deadly crossbow and horrid kobold-crushing traps. He’s got a nifty Blue Tunic and Cloak that give him 4 HITS of armor.
Necromancer – They raise the dead, no one really knows why. But the necromancers are out in the graveyards, filling cricket teams and square dances with legions of the shambling dead. Necromancers can summon 1 Zombie on a successful 3d6 Ego roll. They are also equipped with an Amulet of Jurkat and nifty robes that give them 4 HITS of armor.

Zombies, like Kobolds, have Edges and Bogies.
+ Implacable + A zombie gets a bonus die if it is doing the same thing it tried to do last turn. If it’s attacking, it has to be attacking the very same target.
+ Kobold Senses + Zombies have a sense of smell, for living things, that rivals that of Kobolds. They can see in the dark as well.
– Hungry – Just like the most driven of Kobolds, Zombies will go after anything food like at the first scent of blood.
– Flammable – Being dead leads to a drying of the tissues, and the production of certain gasses… that said, zombies burn like torches and take an extra d6 HITS of damage from flames.
Also, all zombies can WRASSLE.

Spirits all have their own set of Edges and Bogies.
+ Mortifying + A Spirit can paralyze a target by making a resisted Ego test.
+ Immaterial + All Spirits can move through solid objects. They can, however, be struck and killed with normal weapons.
– Detached – As they are not solidly connected to the Würlde, they can’t discern anything outside of their Map Square.
– Undead – Vulnerable to the powers of Fünkengrüven.
Also, all spirits can SNEAK.

Fünkengrüven - The Yellow God of Partying
(and zombie hunting)
Beer Muscles - +d6 Armor HITS
Run Away!! - +1 Speed for d6 turns
Slap Undead - One Undead is annhiliated
Speak with Undead - like Kobold Mind Trick but only works on the undead
Weapon of Niftyness - Weapon does an extra d6 HITS for one attack.

Takes place at night

Saw of Horrendous Slaughter (Bzzz! Chop! Thunk!)

Nifty new OUTFITS

Undead Kobold
(That’s right, you’re no longer with us. Of course, you can still suffer Horrible Death, or what fun would the game be?)
Prerequisites – you’ve got to be reduced to exactly 1 HIT by a zombie. At that point, the zombie fever takes over and you die quite painfully.
Bonus – A nifty red leather jacket with zippers, POWERFUL – you do +1 HIT of damage. TOUGH – you can trade HITS of damage for Death Checks.

After one too many encounters with the strange and terrifying, you’re now convinced you must bring them to the light of day and to King Torg’s (ALL HAIL KING TORG!) attention.
Prerequisites – survive at least two encounters with really weird monsters (zombies and werechickens will do nicely)
Bonus – A dapper little fedora, and a pencil and sketchpad. DODGY – you get 2 Combat Dice whenever you’re attacked by a weirdo monster, also, you get 1 VP every time you survive an encounter with a weirdo monster, so long as you can tell your story to King Torg. (ALL HAIL KING TORG!)
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