The Logs of "The Goblin's Phylactery" Part I

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Tasty Human
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The Logs of "The Goblin's Phylactery" Part I

Post by Starburst »

These are very raw and unedited. There was much discussion between players and GM that happened outside the scope of this log...unfortunately, not all of that can be placed accurately here. (For I don't have that information. I will edit these as I have more time to do so...I also hope to play part 2 and finish the adventure up later. Thanks to all who played, and I hope the reading isn't too disjointed :)

[19:13] *** Celeste is a 5'8" female, she's wearing a longish robe, with a quaterstaff in her hand
[19:14] <EliGM> Atragon was born on September 7, 2002 at approx. 7:14 PM and is a half-orc Barbarian I believe :)
[19:14] *** Atragon nods
[19:14] <EliGM> Sorry 9:14 PM :)
[19:15] *** Karliss is a human paladin of Parsamea, slightly built, approx. 5'7", sapphire blue eyes and blonde hair that falls to her waist. Obviously stronger than she looks as she carries a greatsword and a heavy mace as her weapons. Dressed in half-plate, usually mopunted and overly cheerful
[19:16] *** Karliss 's visual reference:
[19:16] *** Atragon is a male half-orc barbarian, well muscled and standing about 6' tall, he is a rather imposing presence.
[19:17] <Atragon> ((replace Atragon with Grok))
[19:17] *** Atragon is now known as Grok
[19:18] <EliGM> Alright FORMAT! The one I like to use.
[19:18] <EliGM> Action
[19:18] <EliGM> "Dialogue"
[19:18] <EliGM> ((OOC))
[19:19] *** Celeste sits at a table, looking over a book, with a rather large breakfast before her.
[19:20] <EliGM> You are currently in the city of Kalvale, a few days journey west of Grall (The Capital of the Empire) Anything you wish, you can probably find. You're in a rather high-class establishment, living off the proceeds of your last adventure.
[19:21] *** Karliss hasn't recieved any guidance from Parsemea recently, and so she is busy carving (or attempting to carve) small wooden puzzles for a few children
[19:21] <Celeste> "She's late, wonder what's keeping her?"
[19:22] <EliGM> There aren't many other patrons, as it is still fairly early, and with the end of the Summertide Festival it doesn't look like many more will guests will appear.
[19:23] <EliGM> ((If I'm going to keep typing after a long paragraph...I will write <more>))
[19:23] <EliGM> ((elsewise, interrupt freely, interrupt freely anyway))
[19:23] <Karliss> ((oh, okay. :) ))
[19:24] <EliGM> ((Now talk amongst yourselves :D ))
[19:25] *** Karliss finishes the last puzzle, which doesn't quite work the way she wanted it to, and manages to make her way to the building without the children
[19:26] <Karliss> "Good morning Celeste! Did you sleep well? It's going to be a wonderful day, I'm sure!"
[19:26] *** Celeste nods, "Yes, I did, see Grok this morning?"
[19:27] <Karliss> "Ah....don't think so, no. Was busy though, could have missed him."
[19:27] *** Celeste moves the book, "I've ordered us breakfast."
[19:29] <Karliss> "Breakfast? Oh, I completely forgot! Thank you"
[19:29] *** Karliss smiles cheerily
[19:29] *** Celeste smirks, "I thought you might, eggs, bacon, toast I believe."
[19:30] <EliGM> A waitress brings our bacon, eggs and toast.
[19:31] <EliGM> "Anything else I can get you two ladies?"
[19:31] <Celeste> "For now no, but we'll have two more joining us."
[19:31] <Karliss> "Um, not yet, maybe more breakfast if I'm still hungry later, though."
[19:32] <EliGM> "Oh between you and me...what's it know," she motions vaguely about flexing her arms.
[19:32] *** Celeste spocks and eyebrow, "What's what like?"
[19:32] *** Karliss blank stares at her
[19:33] <EliGM> "Ya know, traveling with...that thing?"
[19:33] <Karliss> "What thing?"
[19:33] <Celeste> "With Grok? oh...just the same as traveling with anyone else."
[19:34] *** Karliss blank stares some more, while munching on bacon
[19:34] *** Celeste makes a sour face.
[19:34] <Karliss> "Oh! Grok! No, he's a him, not a thing...these eggs are really good..."
[19:34] *** Grok ignores the byplay with the waitress and chows down on the food
[19:34] <EliGM> The waitress looks at you with a glance that seems to turn her face sideways.
[19:35] <EliGM> "yeah....right....'kay, look...I've got to go wash some dishes dearies."
[19:35] <EliGM> The waitress bounds back to the kitchen.
[19:35] <Karliss> "You know, it always looks better when someone else makes breakfast. Mine always looks like one giant egg with stuff in it."
[19:36] *** Celeste smirks, "Know that feeling, though, my breakfast at home with 4 brothers was a lot like this, a lot of it."
[19:36] <EliGM> "MISTRESS KARLISS!" The shout comes from outside, but none of you recognize the voice, "MISTRESS KARLISS!"
[19:37] *** Karliss looks up "Eh? Guess I'd better go see...
[19:37] *** Karliss gets up and walks outside
[19:38] *** Celeste looks at Grok, "Should we follow?"
[19:40] *** Grok shrugs "Sounds like a plan"
[19:40] *** Celeste stands, grabbing quaterstaff, and stowing her book, and follows outside.
[19:41] *** Grok grabs his pack and follows
[19:41] <EliGM> "But did he say's a temple, and The Head Weaver said that you should go immediately."
[19:42] <EliGM> "They could tell you more."
[19:42] <Karliss> "Well, that's different! Let me get me stuff and then, eh...where exactly /is/ Gosenwyne?"
[19:43] <EliGM> The boy shrugs, "Can't say I've been there myself...he said it was to the west, and a little bit north I think..."
[19:44] <Karliss> "Okay, I'll find it! Go ahead and get back, I'll leave right away!"
[19:44] *** Karliss notices Celeste and Grok now
[19:44] <Celeste> "I know where it is Karliss, grab your things."

[19:45] <Celeste> "Grok, looks like we'll be on the road again."
[19:45] <Karliss> "Great! Be saddled up in about 10 minutes..."
[19:46] *** Karliss runs back into the building grabs the rest of breakfast, her gear, and heads to the stable to get ready to go
[19:46] <EliGM> "Aw m'am, but breakfast," sayeth the young boy.
[19:46] *** Grok heads back into the inn, gets his weapons and armour, and heads over to the stables
[19:48] *** Celeste checks her bag, and waits by the stables.
[19:48] *** Karliss leaves a few coins at the kitchen for something for the messanger, and meets Celeste and Grok outside
[19:49] <Karliss> "So, which way, Celeste?"
[19:49] *** Celeste nods, and starts off Northwest.
[19:50] *** Karliss follows, alternatly humming and talking to herself about what the boy was trying to say
[19:51] <Celeste> "So, what are we heading there for anyway?"
[19:52] <Karliss> "He said there's a temple of Parsemea and that they sent for me, which means I must be fated to do something there."
[19:52] <Grok> "So what does that have to do with us?"
[19:52] <Karliss> "Something about a ranger and a weaver, too. Oh well, I'll figure it out when we get there!"
[19:53] <Celeste> "Besides, the town was becoming...stale."
[19:54] <EliGM> The journey takes about two days, and as you travel Celeste tells you what she knows of the Gosenwyne. She visited there with her parents as they were running a guard for the Princess of Grall taking a tour of her recently founded village. She remembers the river called Gosenwyne very clearly and the village less so. After all, it had just been born, it was an inn, a few small houses, and a fence.
[19:55] <EliGM> Celeste also remembers the temple, because that's where she stayed with her family, it was simply a log cabin, like the others.
[19:56] *** Karliss is still idly musing
[19:56] <Karliss> "You know, I think he said, I haven't been summonded by a Headweaver except for twice..."
[19:56] <Celeste> "In trouble for overexuberance?"
[19:56] *** Celeste smiles.
[19:57] <Karliss> "No, silly! Once when I was really little, when my Da promised me to the temple and to my future husband, and once when I completeled my training and recieved my sword."
[19:58] *** Karliss speaks to Celeste like an adult to a child
[19:58] <Karliss> "Headweavers are very busy people you know."
[19:58] <EliGM> The town is still the inn, a few houses and a fence, though Celeste is sure that they are larger than they used to be. The fence itself is nothing more than logs resting on a few supports. The rest of the buildings seem to surround a small common of sorts, and you can hear some children playing. The Temple sits a little further back, a beautiful shade of dark green...what looks to be almost canvas like from this distance. A larger building sits on the commons; Celeste explains it to be The River's Bend, the inn.
[20:00] <Celeste> "It's still not much, but…"
[20:00] <Karliss> "Well, I need to go see the Headweaver, but you don't have to come if you don't want to, I can meet you at the inn."
[20:01] *** Celeste nods, "Okay, Grok, let's get a couple of rooms, and as it's early, I'm going to go into the woods, I have some...meditating to do."
[20:02] *** Karliss heads to the temple
[20:02] <Grok> "I'll wait in the common room"
[20:02] *** Grok heads to the inn
[20:02] *** Celeste heads to the Inn, and gets a couple of rooms.
[20:04] <Celeste> "Grok, I won't be too far, if Karliss returns, let her know I'm in the forest please?"
[20:04] <EliGM> "Oh hello there, welcome to the River's Bend. I must admit that we don't get vistors out here that often! What brings you to this," he laughs, "Part of the woods?"
[20:04] <EliGM> The innkeeper is a burly man, dark brown hair and a very unkempt beard.
[20:05] <Celeste> "Our friend was summoned by the Headweaver of the temple, we would like three rooms please."
[20:05] <Celeste> "Dale?"
[20:05] <EliGM> "Oh aye, those headweavers, they've bee-...aye...tha's my name."
[20:06] <EliGM> "Do I know ye?" He squints for a moment.
[20:06] *** Celeste chuckles, "It's been a time, but I have been here, when the Princess visited some time ago."
[20:07] <EliGM> "Aye! You're that little girl who traveled with the bodyguards!"
[20:08] <EliGM> "I remember when I got a chance to bounce you on my knee...weren't you a cute one then."
[20:08] *** Celeste blushes, "Now, about those rooms?"
[20:08] <EliGM> "Oh aye, but I don't know why you'd want to stay here...there's nothin' good for ye here."
[20:09] <Celeste> "Oh?"
[20:10] <EliGM> "Yah, look, the rooms are on me, but I'd advise you make your stay as quick as possible. There's talk of people leaving!"
[20:10] *** Celeste blinks, "Why are they thinking of doing that?"
[20:12] <EliGM> "I..." he leans close, "Between you and me...I think the devils are coming for our village. There's been things 'appenin. And last night, the woods went up with such a dreadful howl that I didn't know what to think."
[20:13] *** Celeste nods, "I'm guessing that's why our friend was called."
[20:15] <EliGM> "You be careful in those woods, m'lady, there's things on the prowl, I know it."
[20:15] <EliGM> He slides a couple of room keys across the table.
[20:15] *** Celeste smiles, "I'll be careful."
[20:15] <EliGM> "Just be careful."
[20:15] *** Celeste tosses a key to Grok, "I'll be back shortly."
[20:15] <EliGM> "Oh and lady."
[20:16] *** Celeste starts off, and looks back, "Yes?"
[20:16] <EliGM> There's a regular supply train out here now. IF you need anything, I'll make sure Kale over at the Trading Post takes care of it for ye."
[20:16] *** Grok catches the key
[20:17] <Celeste> "Uhm...thank you, I may need some studded leather, if you would be so kind?"
[20:17] <EliGM> "I'll see to it!"
[20:18] *** Grok looks over at the inkeep "What's for dinner?"
[20:18] *** Celeste nods, and goes outside.
[20:18] <EliGM> He smiles broadly and, leaving the common room in the hands of his waitress Erika, heads out.
[20:18] <EliGM> "Stew. Same thing we have every night," she says, coarsely.
[20:18] <Grok> "What's in the stew?"
[20:21] <EliGM> "Rabbit, taters, a couple of onions...some carrots. Lots of taters though. We like taters."
[20:21] <Grok> "Sounds good, do you have ale?"
[20:21] <EliGM> "I'll fill you a mug and grab you a bowl."
[20:21] <Grok> "Good, I'll just find somewhere to sit"
[20:22] <EliGM> The common room consists of three long tables with benches
[20:22] <EliGM> A fireplace rests in the far wall from the door, and with the coming of evening, is glowing with a couple of logs.
[20:22] *** Grok takes a seat near a corner where he can put his pack down
[20:26] <EliGM> Erika brings over a large steaming bowl of stew and a mug of frothy ale.
[20:26] <EliGM> "Dale says it's free."
[20:26] *** Karliss enters the in, a smile still on her face, but her eyes look worried, she scans the room for Celeste or Grok
[20:26] <Grok> "Thanks"
[20:27] <Celeste> 1d20+6
[20:27] *** Parsamea throws the bones for Celeste (1d20+6) and gets 8.
[20:27] *** Grok looks over at Karlis
[20:27] <Karliss> "Oh, there you are. Stew, eh? Looks good. Up to tromping through the forest tomorrow?"
[20:28] <Celeste> 1d20+6
[20:28] *** Parsamea throws the bones for Celeste (1d20+6) and gets 24.
[20:29] <Grok> "It is good, and yes, I am"
[20:29] <Grok> "Ask erika for some if you want"
[20:30] *** Karliss finds the waitress and gets some stew and ale
[20:31] *** Thorn ( has joined #the_library
[20:31] <Thorn> Hello! Sorry I'm late!
[20:31] <EliGM> ((PAUSE!))
[20:31] <EliGM> ((I'm joining #EliPlan))
[20:32] <EliGM> ((come on in Thorn))
[20:32] <Thorn> Okay!
[20:33] *** Thorn is now known as Lydia
[20:37] <Celeste> 1d20+6
[20:37] *** Parsamea throws the bones for Celeste (1d20+6) and gets 15.
[20:38] <Celeste> 1d20+2
[20:38] *** Parsamea throws the bones for Celeste (1d20+2) and gets 17.
[20:39] <Celeste> 1d6+4
[20:39] *** Parsamea throws the bones for Celeste (1d6+4) and gets 7.
[20:44] <EliGM> ((Unpause and poof, there is another companion in the inn, Karliss, introduce :) ))
[20:45] <Karliss> "Grok, this is Lydia, she's been asked by the Headweaver to help me. Lydia, this is Grok."
[20:45] <Grok> "Hi."
[20:46] <Karliss> "Um, he don't say much, but he's great with his weapons."
[20:46] <Karliss> ((argh, he don't...he /doesn't/))
[20:46] <Celeste> ((physical descrip would be nice for her since she wasn't here.))
[20:47] *** Grok is a male half-orc barbarian, well muscled and standing about 6' tall, he is a rather imposing presence.
[20:49] *** Celeste sets mode +o Lydia
[20:50] <EliGM> ((danke))
[20:50] *** Celeste enters the Inn, 5'8", well muscled female with a staff in her other hand, and pack on her back.
[20:51] <Celeste> ((Karliss and Grok have never seen her dressed like this, she's always seemed slightly plump in her robe))
[20:51] <Lydia> "Hello Grok."
[20:51] <Celeste> "I was just attacked."
[20:52] <Grok> "Are you ok?"
[20:52] <Celeste> "Fine, though one ran off, seems the goblins are claiming these woods."
[20:52] <Karliss> "Celeste! By the Lady, you shouldn't just go off into the woods by yourself, its dangerous!"
[20:53] <Lydia> ((Lydia is a half-elven female, coppery hair, green eyes, a bit on the tall side. Very slender.))
[20:53] <Karliss> "Oh, Celeste, this is Lydia, Lydia, this is my other companion, Celeste"
[20:53] <Lydia> "You were attacked by goblins?"
[20:53] *** Celeste nods, "Lydia."
[20:53] <Celeste> "Yes, I was, they were trapping a young boar."
[20:53] *** Lydia remembers her manners. "Pardon me. Pleased to meet you, Celeste. As Karliss says, I am Lydia."
[20:54] <Karliss> ((For Lydia's benefit, Karliss is human, paladin of Parsemea, approx. 5'7", blue eyes, blonde hair about waist length. Looks slightly built, but quite strong))
[20:55] <Lydia> "The goblins in this area are generally peaceful. Most people in the area recognize the woods as being the goblins' home, but still... I assume you did not attack first, which makes their behavior very unusual."
[20:55] *** Karliss looks to see if there are any of the townspeople near them
[20:55] <Lydia> ((Thanks, K.))
[20:55] <EliGM> There's a few straglers who come in from a day in the fields, grabbing a pint.
[20:55] *** Celeste grimaces, "They are?"
[20:55] <EliGM> But they stay relatively far away.
[20:56] <EliGM> You do notice that the innkeeper keeps beaming this way.
[20:56] <Lydia> "As I say, typically."
[20:56] <EliGM> ((His name is Dale, and the waitress is Erika))
[20:57] *** Celeste sits at the table, grabbing a pint and some food.
[20:57] <Karliss> "I don't suppose you saw eveidence of a druid and a ranger out there, Celeste? I have been tasked to look for them, but we're not to let the townsfolk know for fear of panic."
[20:57] <Lydia> "They rarely fight. These woods are their home, and I'm quite sure they wish to keep their relations with the townspeople peaceable."
[20:58] *** Celeste shakes head, "No I didn't, but I didn't go very far in either."
[20:58] <Karliss> "Will you be okay to retunr to the first tomorrow? Alison fears to let them remain missing for too much longer."
[20:59] *** Celeste nods, "Yes, I will, don't worry."
[20:59] <Lydia> "Celeste, do you need healing?
[21:00] *** Celeste nods.
[21:01] *** Karliss starts to offer, but lets Lydia do it if she is willing
[21:01] *** Celeste blinks, "Oh, no I don't, misheard, they didn't hurt me at all."
[21:01] <Lydia> "Ah. Well, that is something, at least."
[21:02] <Lydia> "May I ask? Did it seem they were trying to hurt you? Or perhaps were they only intent on scaring you off?"
[21:03] <Celeste> "I didn't give them too much of a chance, though the one talked to me after I killed his friend."
[21:03] *** Eclipse ( has joined #the_library
[21:03] <Karliss> "I think we need to get an early start tomorrow, the less townspeople to witness a group such as ours heading into the forest, the less rumors there will be. And I don't want to hurt anything if we can help it."
[21:03] *** Karliss looks a little pained for a moment
[21:04] <Karliss> ((brb))
[21:04] <Grok> "Makes sense
[21:05] *** Lydia nods. "Well, I suppose we must simply be grateful you were not hurt. And we will try to figure things out in the morning."
[21:05] *** Celeste nods, "I won't promise much, I've endured goblin raids as a child too many times."
[21:07] <EliGM> ((You go to bed? Or discuss more?))
[21:07] <Celeste> ((discuss more. :) ))
[21:07] <EliGM> ((cool))
[21:08] *** Celeste goes over to Dale, "Was he able to get it Master Dale?"
[21:09] <EliGM> "Oh aye, m'lady," he pulls the cloth from a suit resting on the counter, "It's plain, the best he could do, but here it is. I hope I weren't interrupting anything."
[21:09] <Karliss> ((back))
[21:09] <Celeste> "No, thank you."
[21:10] <EliGM> "You're welcome! Anything you need, as I said before, you just ask!"
[21:11] *** Celeste brings the bundle back, and sits, "So, other than finding them, what else is going on Karliss?"
[21:12] <Karliss> "Personally, I must protect the temple. Alison has looked into the threads and sees a dark tangle. In this small town, there is not enough people to defend the temple should anything come to pass. I have a feeling it may be the same thing which is causing the goblins to act recklessly."
[21:13] <Celeste> "Or hunt closer."
[21:14] <EliGM> A few more patrons enter the tavern and ask for a pull from the keg. Erika obliges happily.
[21:15] <Lydia> "No. You do not understand. The goblins in this area have lived peacefully in these woods for many years. I understand your experience with goblins is different, but believe me - what happened to you today was... practically unheard of."
[21:16] <Karliss> "I don't know where to start looking, really, other than the druid's and ranger's homes. I was never really good about finding my way in the woods, I even got lost when I was young and on paths. Will you lead us in that regard, Lydia?"
[21:17] *** Celeste sighs, "Okay, okay, understood."
[21:17] <Lydia> "I will admit, I heard a few weeks ago of the goblins trying to attack someone else, but at the time I believed it was just a story. Now, though... this requires investigation."
[21:17] <Lydia> "Of course I will. For the time being, I am on the same path you are. I offer my abilities, and the abilities of Smoke, to this cause."
[21:18] *** Karliss smiles graciously
[21:18] <Celeste> "Who's Smoke?"
[21:18] <Karliss> "Thank you, and I offer you any help I can in your quests if Parsemea wills it."
[21:18] <Lydia> "Smoke is my animal companion. I'm sure her presence will help you feel safe, Celeste. If you like, we can go outside to meet her now."
[21:19] *** Grok is busily working on his 4th serving of stew
[21:19] <EliGM> ((laugh))
[21:20] <EliGM> ((I think my computer might be crashing...I might leave unexpectedly))
[21:21] <Lydia> ((Suck!))
[21:21] *** Celeste eats, three bowls herself, "Early in the morning?"
[21:22] *** Grok finishes off the stew and gets another one from erika
[21:23] <EliGM> ((Gah! I need to swipe the logs from someone, I have to reboot))

[21:25] <EliGM> ((back, sorry))
[21:25] *** Celeste sets mode +o EliGM
[21:25] <Lydia> "Excellent. Which way did you say it was?"
[21:26] *** Celeste gives her a discription of where she saw it.
[21:26] *** Lydia thanks Celeste and goes outside to send Smoke a-hunting
[21:27] *** Celeste stands, "I think I'll turn in now, night."
[21:28] <Karliss> "Good night, Celeste.
[21:28] <Celeste> "Ask Dale about a room Karliss."
[21:29] <Grok> "I'll stand watch from my room"
[21:29] <Lydia> ((Crud. Did I know this? I'd have offered to escort Karliss if I had.))
[21:30] <EliGM> ((Dale is the inkeeper, you all have rooms in the inn))
[21:31] <Karliss> ((Nope, she just kinda decided))
[21:33] <Lydia> ((Okay))
[21:33] <Celeste> ((ff to morning?))
[21:33] *** Karliss spends the night keeping watch over the temple of Parsemea, and praying
[21:33] <EliGM> ((just a second...we have an errant PC))
[21:34] <Celeste> ((*nod*))
[21:34] <EliGM> ((everyone else, it's morning))
[21:34] *** Parsamea ( has joined #The_Library
[21:35] *** Celeste is downstairs, dressed in much like she was last night, with breakfast in front of her, waiting.
[21:35] <Karliss> 1d20+4
[21:35] *** Parsamea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20+4) and gets 18.
[21:35] <Karliss> 1d20+4
[21:35] *** Parsamea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20+4) and gets 22.
[21:35] *** Grok wanders downstairs and gets some breakfast
[21:36] <Celeste> "Morning Grok."
[21:36] *** Lydia stayed at the tavern, and once awake, goes immediately outside to make sure Smoke is happy and full. Then goes back inside for some breakie.
[21:37] <Grok> "Morning Celeste, Lydia"
[21:37] <EliGM> ((you're not allowed to talk to Karliss yet))
[21:37] <Grok> "Sleep well?"
[21:37] <Grok> ((What's for breakfast?))
[21:37] <Celeste> ((Did ))
[21:38] <Celeste> "Actually, better than normal."
[21:39] <EliGM> "Breakfast," Erika says, "Is ham, if you don't mind day old stuff, and bread...oh, and taters, we like our taters."
[21:40] <Grok> "Got any fresh meat?"
[21:41] <Karliss> 1d20+4
[21:41] *** Parsamea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20+4) and gets 10.
[21:41] <EliGM>
[21:41] <Grok> "Oh well, day old ham will do"
[21:41] *** Lydia Lydia smiles around a big mouthful of ham and potatoes. "We could ask Smoke if she left any of that boar for you...."
[21:41] <EliGM> Erika runs to heat up some of the old ham.
[21:44] *** Celeste brings out the bundle she got from Dale last night and looks, sighing.
[21:44] <Lydia> d20 +8
[21:44] *** Parsamea throws the bones for Lydia (d20 +8) and gets 7.
[21:44] <EliGM> She brings it back on a plate with a huge hunk of bread.
[21:45] <Lydia> d20+8
[21:45] *** Parsamea throws the bones for Lydia (d20+8) and gets 13.
[21:45] <Grok> "Could I get some beer and some of those taters too please?"
[21:45] <EliGM> "For the famished,
[21:45] <EliGM> " she states.
[21:45] <EliGM> "Aye, sir," she winks at the half-orc, "Anything for you."
[21:46] <Grok> "Thank you"
[21:46] <EliGM> She hurries into the kitchen to dig up some of the Gosenwyne 'taters'
[21:47] <Celeste> "Grok, I think she likes you."
[21:47] *** Celeste chuckles.
[21:47] <Grok> "No kidding"
[21:49] <Lydia> d20+5
[21:49] *** Parsamea throws the bones for Lydia (d20+5) and gets 22.
[21:49] *** Karliss is uncharacteristically silent, and manages to only eat a normal portion of breakfast.
[21:50] <Celeste> "Should we go to the temple and meet Karliss, or wait?"
[21:50] <Celeste> ((or she pops in...))
[21:50] <EliGM> ((hold that thought, Celeste))
[21:52] <EliGM> Erika drops a plate of perfectly seasoned taters in front of Grok.
[21:53] <EliGM> She then takes a seat and watches the half-orc intently.
[21:54] *** Grok is torn between the taters and erika
[21:54] *** Celeste snickers at Grok and Erika, and stands, going to her room.
[21:54] <EliGM> "You going to eat them, or just look at them?"
[21:54] <Grok> "Thank you Erika"
[21:54] <EliGM> "Welcome!" She doesn't move.
[21:55] *** Grok isn't quite sure how to react
[21:55] *** Grok decides that making small talk with Erika would be the best option
[21:57] *** EliGM returns the talk, she's not particularly attractive, though, as part orc, perhaps your tastes are different. Her blonde hair is a little tangled, and there are some smudges on her face.
[21:57] <Grok> ((Well, seeing as I don't have anything better to do and she's interested...))
[21:57] *** Celeste puts on some studded leather, and goes outside, letting Grok talk with Erika.
[21:59] <EliGM> "So what brings you out this far to the woods? hmmm?"
[22:02] <Grok> "Oh, the usual, mystery, excitement, adventure"
[22:02] <EliGM> "Adventure! this about those noises?"
[22:03] <Grok> "I don't know, what are these noises?"
[22:03] <EliGM> "Well, a few days ago there was this terrible moaning, it seemed like the whole forest was up and crying! Scared me it did...but things have been quiet since then."
[22:04] <Grok> "Really, that does sound like something worth investigating"
[22:04] <EliGM> "And then you show up! Things must be really serious."
[22:05] <Grok> "Well, us showing up was more of a coincidence"
[22:06] <EliGM> "Oh pshaw, those Fate Clerics, you know, at the temple, they say nothing is a coincidence."
[22:07] <Grok> "Well, if you must know, Karliss was summoned here by the headweaver"
[22:07] <EliGM> "Oh aye! That's a rare thing, indeed."
[22:08] <EliGM> "Now what do you suppose they wanted 'er help for?"
[22:08] <Grok> "I have no idea"
[22:09] <EliGM> "What? And here you said you traveled with her...for shame on this Karliss."
[22:10] <Grok> "Well, I just didn't bother to ask her why, I trust her."
[22:10] *** Celeste walks back into the Inn, "Uhm, Grok, would you like to come on, or would you like to play today?"
[22:10] <EliGM> "Oh I see...your....oh..." Erika looks sourly at Celeste.
[22:11] <Grok> "Well eria, duty calls, I guess I'll be seeing you later"
[22:11] <Lydia> (("Thank you, Celeste.")
[22:12] <Grok> ((replace eria with erika))
[22:12] *** Celeste walks to Dale, "Do you have any meat I can take with me?"
[22:12] <EliGM> "Sure thing, m'lady! Erika!" The waitress looks up sullenly, "Go get some more rabbits from the cellar!"
[22:13] <EliGM> She rushes off and gathers some meat for Celeste, handing them over rather rudely.
[22:13] <Celeste> "Thanks."
[22:14] *** Celeste grabs her staff, and pack, "C'mon Grok./
[22:15] *** Grok grabs his pack
[22:15] <Grok> "Comming"
[22:15] <EliGM> ((I'd like a riding/walking order, and whether or not you all are equipped and with what))
[22:16] <Karliss> ((how far is it roughly from town to the grove? Walking or riding distance?))
[22:16] <EliGM> ((riding, about half a day...Celeste, you can swipe a horse from the stables))
[22:17] <Lydia> ((I probably wouldn't ride - Smoke doesn't like it))
[22:17] <Celeste> ((walking is easier, especially in the woods.))
[22:18] <Celeste> (order is Smoke, Grok/Karliss, Celeste then Lydia))
[22:18] <EliGM> ((thank you))
[22:19] <Celeste> ((with horses in the middle))
[22:19] <Karliss> ((I'm in half-plate with the sword and the mace on the warhorse, whose in chain)
[22:20] <Lydia> ((I have everything I own on me, but then... that's hardly unusual))
[22:20] <Grok> ((I'm wearing my breastplate, with my axes and shield with me, pack is on the horse, who is bare))
[22:20] <Lydia> ((brb - pee break before the fun stuff))
[22:21] <EliGM> ((five minute break?))
[22:21] <Celeste> ((sure.))
[22:21] <EliGM> ((Pause))
[22:22] <EliGM> Thoughts so far?
[22:22] <Grok> ((can we extend that break to 10 minutes?))
[22:22] <EliGM> Definitely)
[22:22] <Grok> ((Cool...thoughts so far, good))
[22:22] <EliGM> Feel free to talk without the parenthesis
[22:22] <Karliss> Fun, and I love Parsemea :)
[22:22] *** EliGM also likes Parsemea
[22:23] *** Parsamea is now known as Parsemea
[22:23] <Parsemea> Though I've been spelt wrong the whole time.
[22:23] <EliGM> Has there been too much flava so far?
[22:23] <Karliss> S'okay, I was spelling it Parsaema earlier :)
[22:23] <Karliss> You are so asking the wrong person, Eli :)
[22:23] <Celeste> good..though...considering it's only the fifth's going well.
[22:23] <EliGM> I've had parmesaen, which really annoys me :)
[22:24] <EliGM> Thanks, Slud.
[22:24] <Lydia> back
[22:24] <EliGM> I really like having these multiple windows.
[22:24] <EliGM> Though it's a bitch getting all the logs back together.
[22:24] *** Karliss could go for all flavor, no such thing as too much flavor :)
[22:24] <Celeste> it's been fine, though...the groups been traveling with her for a while...and she's changed how she looks...and no comments...:P
[22:25] <Lydia> Sorry. Just met her, so... no idea this is different
[22:26] <EliGM> I know that dear old Grok almost tattled :)
[22:26] <Celeste> yeah...I'm talking about Karliss and Grok. :)
[22:26] <Karliss> This is Karliss, whose slightly ADD, and slightly out of touch with the real world here, goes whereever without thought of why. She isn't going to stop and think about why Celeste suddenly changed, its all part of fate, of course :)
[22:26] <Celeste> heh
[22:26] <EliGM> Do you feel like you have 'too many leads'?
[22:26] <Celeste> oh goody. :)
[22:27] *** EliGM is making notes for next time.
[22:27] <Karliss> Eli, no, its good, it makes us evaluate what we feel we should do :)
[22:27] <Celeste>'ve made sure that's one player doesn't have all the info, and leave others out.
[22:28] <EliGM> Okay good, that's what I was hoping. I don't want to diffuse it too much though. Also, we may not finish tonight, depends on how long you want to go.
[22:29] <Celeste> I'm fine...even though I've been up since 7 est
[22:29] <Grok> well, I'm assuming that celeste has a good reason for concealing her looks normally, and so, I'm not going to bring it up
[22:29] <EliGM> Damn you strong silent type :)
[22:30] <EliGM> Though Erika doesn't mind ;)
[22:30] *** Grok chuckles
[22:30] <Celeste> hehe...I'm seeing cat fight though...I took him away. :)
[22:30] *** EliGM grins.
[22:30] <Karliss> And after the conversation, probably thinks you're Karliss :)
[22:30] <Grok> I'm seeing myself saying 'ladies, ladies, there's plenty of me to go around...'
[22:31] <Celeste> right before I punch you huh? :)
[22:31] *** EliGM giggles. "Everyonce in a while, I've been tempted to pop into #eliplan, and laugh maniacally. Then leave."
[22:31] <Grok> probably...but it'd be fun while it lasted
[22:31] *** Lydia laughs.
[22:31] <Celeste> we ready to start back?
[22:31] <EliGM> I'm set...
[22:31] <Grok> sure
[22:31] <Karliss> Sure :)
[22:32] <EliGM> ((Game On))
[22:33] *** Celeste trudges on, following Smoke and the rest.
[22:33] <EliGM> ((headed to the grove?))
[22:33] *** Grok follows along behind Smoke, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary
[22:34] <EliGM> ((would also like some general spot/listen checks from everyone :) ))
[22:34] <Celeste> ((spot, then listen))
[22:34] <Celeste> 1d20+6
[22:34] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Celeste (1d20+6) and gets 10.
[22:34] <Celeste> 1d20+6
[22:34] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Celeste (1d20+6) and gets 13.
[22:34] <Karliss> Spot: 1d20+4
[22:34] *** EliGM nods sagely.
[22:34] <Karliss> ((whoops...))
[22:34] <Karliss> 1d20+4
[22:34] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20+4) and gets 19.
[22:34] <Karliss> Now, listen
[22:34] <Karliss> 1d20+4
[22:34] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20+4) and gets 17.
[22:35] <Grok> Spot
[22:35] <Grok> 1d20+1
[22:35] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Grok (1d20+1) and gets 13.
[22:35] <Grok> listen
[22:35] <Grok> 1d20+1
[22:35] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Grok (1d20+1) and gets 15.
[22:35] *** Lydia would be keeping alert as well
[22:36] <EliGM> ((roll spot/listen))
[22:36] <Lydia> ((whups. Duh.))
[22:36] *** EliGM rolls for Smoke
[22:36] <Lydia> d20+3
[22:36] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Lydia (d20+3) and gets 18.
[22:36] <EliGM> 2 d20+6
[22:36] *** Parsemea throws the bones for EliGM (2 d20+6) and gets 23 22.
[22:36] <Lydia> d20+3
[22:36] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Lydia (d20+3) and gets 17.
[22:36] *** EliGM nods ever more sagely.
[22:37] <EliGM> ((Now where are we going?))
[22:37] <Celeste> ((I'm guessing Grove))
[22:37] <Lydia> ((Grove, Karliss?))
[22:38] <Karliss> ((Yep))
[22:38] <Lydia> ((grove))
[22:38] <EliGM> ((Can I get a second, Smoke is itching to pull from the northern line...okay, Grove it is))
[22:38] <Lydia> ((Wait, Smoke says differently?))
[22:39] <Lydia> ((Not that I know, unless somebody - or Smoke - tells me... I could just remain oblivious))
[22:40] <Karliss> ((I wouldn't get it, really, would just assume she's after some food))
[22:41] <EliGM> The woods are quiet, though everyonce in a while you hear a warning cry of a bird, or think you see an outline tailing you in the brush...if you stop to investigate there is never anything substantial. The canopy seems to thicken above you as you head further north, and the trees seem to be older. The wood grows ever quieter, until you feel like you've entered something almost sacred.
[22:41] <Lydia> ((Okay. Grove it is then.))
[22:42] <EliGM> There are five standing stones here, tall pillars of little shape, but polished until you can almost see your face in them.
[22:42] <Lydia> ((What arrangement are the stones in?))
[22:43] <EliGM> Roughly a circle
[22:43] *** Lydia steps to the center of the circle
[22:43] *** Celeste looks around the grove for a dwelling.
[22:44] *** Grok stands outside the circle, watching to see what Lydia is up to
[22:45] *** Celeste goes to a stone door, and enters
[22:45] <Grok> "Where'd Celeste go?"
[22:47] *** Kraken ( has joined #The_library
[22:47] <EliGM> ((nix the enter, guys))
[22:47] <Karliss> 1d20+3
[22:47] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20+3) and gets 19.
[22:48] *** Lydia staggers out of the circle of stones, then regains balance. Takes a few deep breaths.,
[22:48] <Grok> "What just happened Lydia?"
[22:49] *** Kraken is now known as Sludig
[22:49] *** Celeste has quit IRC (No route to host)
[22:49] *** Sludig is now known as Celeste
[22:50] <Karliss> "I can hear, like a heartbeat..."
[22:50] <EliGM> ((you're not inside, I misspoke))
[22:50] <Lydia> "There is magic in the circle. I could sense the whole of these woods... there is darkness entering them. To the south, to the southwest... but I do not know if it is the darkness we seek. It is something I must deal with eventually, though."
[22:51] *** Lydia nods. Okay. So I have some semblance of what it is, at least.
[22:51] <Grok> "Ugh, that would be a bad thing, right?"
[22:51] <Lydia> ((Sorry, that was ooc))
[22:52] <Karliss> "Does it have any link to the druid who it belongs to?"
[22:53] <Lydia> "The darkness? Yes. The circle, however, is not bad. It simply is. The heart of these woods is surrounded by those stones."
[22:53] <Grok> 1d20+1
[22:53] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Grok (1d20+1) and gets 4.
[22:53] <Lydia> d20+8
[22:53] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Lydia (d20+8) and gets 16.
[22:53] <Karliss> "I'm sorry, I misspoke. Could you sense where the druid is from the circle, or just the forest?"
[22:54] <Celeste> 1d20+9
[22:54] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Celeste (1d20+9) and gets 22.
[22:56] <Lydia> "The one who chose this grove, who is supposed to be here to protect it, is gone. I could not tell why, or where. Simply that these woods no longer enjoy druidic protection."
[22:56] <Grok> "That's a bad thing, right?"
[22:57] *** Lydia looks sad. "For the woods it is."
[22:58] *** Grok nods
[22:58] <EliGM> Smoke sniffs around the heart, and in and out through the outer rim of trees.
[22:59] *** Celeste 's voice floats over bye a stone door, "Lydia, could you come here please?"
[22:59] *** Lydia walks over to where Celeste is standing.
[23:00] <Celeste> "It was his dwelling, locked by his magic."
[23:01] <Lydia> ((Is this a cottage? A what?))
[23:01] <EliGM> ((Think of something similar to a hobit hole))
[23:01] <Lydia> ((Got it))
[23:02] *** Kai ( has joined #the_library
[23:02] <Kai> ((sigh))
[23:02] <EliGM> ((Welcome back...))
[23:02] #the_library Celeste ( [Sludig]: (0 hops) [H]
[23:02] *** Sludig ( has joined #The_library
[23:02] #the_library Celeste ( [Sludig]: (0 hops) [H]
[23:02] <Kai> ((last I saw, I'd asked Lydia if she could find the druid with the circle))
[23:03] *** Karliss has quit IRC (Ping timeout: 360 seconds)
[23:03] *** Karliss is not on IRC
[23:03] *** Karliss is not on IRC
[23:03] *** Kai is now known as Karliss
[23:03] *** EliGM sets mode +o Karliss
[23:03] <EliGM> ((she can't))
[23:04] *** Celeste has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[23:04] *** Sludig is now known as Celeste
[23:04] *** EliGM sets mode +o Celeste
[23:04] <Karliss> 1d20+4
[23:04] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20+4) and gets 22.
[23:05] <EliGM> ((pause))
[23:05] <EliGM> Okay, since we just had some shit go down...where's everyone at ATM?
[23:05] <Celeste> ((at the stone doorway.))
[23:05] *** Lydia and Celeste are in front of the door, still, and Smoke is sniffing around
[23:05] *** Karliss looks immediatly to the south, and narrows her eyes
[23:05] <Karliss> "I saw something"
[23:06] <EliGM> ((Keep pausing, people))
[23:06] <Grok> ((Standing outside the circle, near where Lydia stumbled out of it))
[23:06] <Karliss> ((Standing just outside of center, seeing my spot result))
[23:07] <EliGM> Alright, I get to post a little, so shhh
[23:07] <EliGM> ((game on))
[23:07] <EliGM> There is a loud growl, Lydia recognizes it as Smoke, and somehow, the darkness of the grove is getting even darker.
[23:08] <EliGM> <more>
[23:08] <EliGM> d20+10
[23:08] *** Parsemea throws the bones for EliGM (d20+10) and gets 20.
[23:08] <EliGM> 1d8+5
[23:08] *** Parsemea throws the bones for EliGM (1d8+5) and gets 8.
[23:09] <EliGM> You also hear a sharp howl of pain, high pitched, "Kartoul CURSE YOU!"
[23:09] <EliGM> There is a smoke...and a new wolf howl errupts from the darkness.
[23:09] <Grok> ((What time of the day/night is it?))
[23:09] <EliGM> Initiative please!
[23:09] <Celeste> 1d20+2
[23:09] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Celeste (1d20+2) and gets 21.
[23:09] <Grok> 1d20+1
[23:09] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Grok (1d20+1) and gets 11.
[23:09] <EliGM> You can't tell, everything is pitch black to all of you right now.
[23:09] <Grok> ((Man, I'm quick on my feet today...not))
[23:09] <Karliss> 1d20-1
[23:09] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20-1) and gets 4.
[23:09] <Lydia> d20+6
[23:09] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Lydia (d20+6) and gets 13.
[23:10] <Lydia> ((Low light vision no good?))
[23:11] <EliGM> You can't see anything...I need listen checks too
[23:11] <Celeste> 1d20+6
[23:11] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Celeste (1d20+6) and gets 16.
[23:11] <EliGM> It's utter darkness for everyone.
[23:11] <Grok> 1d20+1
[23:11] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Grok (1d20+1) and gets 9.
[23:11] <Lydia> d20+3
[23:11] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Lydia (d20+3) and gets 22.
[23:11] <Karliss> 1d20+4
[23:11] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20+4) and gets 18.
[23:13] <EliGM> d20+10
[23:13] *** Parsemea throws the bones for EliGM (d20+10) and gets 28.
[23:13] *** Lydia tries to follow the sound of Smoke to get close to her companion
[23:13] <Grok> ((What about darkvision, pitch black too?))
[23:13] <EliGM> Celeste your turn (everything is)
[23:13] <EliGM> You hear a sharp howl of a wolf, and fang on fang.
[23:13] <Lydia> ((Can I still cast spells in this?))
[23:13] *** Celeste casts a spell.
[23:14] <EliGM> ((spells can be cast, but only at yourself))
[23:14] <EliGM> ((you see no targets))
[23:14] <Lydia> ((Damn. Not on Smoke then?))
[23:14] <Celeste> ((yep.))
[23:14] <EliGM> ((correct))
[23:15] <EliGM> d20+10
[23:15] *** Parsemea throws the bones for EliGM (d20+10) and gets 20.
[23:15] <Celeste> ((done))
[23:16] <EliGM> You hear another sharp howl, this one Lydia recognizes as Smoke's
[23:16] <Lydia> "SMOKE!"
[23:17] <EliGM> Also, you hear the sounds of laughter, high pitched and feral, leading away to the south, and disappearing into the wood.
[23:17] <Lydia> ((Multiple laugh-ers?))
[23:17] <EliGM> Single
[23:17] <EliGM> Lydia, go
[23:17] <Lydia> ((Still can't see anything?))
[23:18] <EliGM> No, but you can try something.
[23:18] <EliGM> ((Grok is next, then Karliss))
[23:18] <Lydia> ((Oh well, may as well gear up...))
[23:18] *** Lydia casts "Barkskin" on herself
[23:19] <EliGM> ((done and done))
[23:19] <EliGM> Grok!
[23:19] *** Grok readies his greataxe and shield and waits
[23:20] <EliGM> Karliss
[23:20] *** Karliss pulls out the greatsword, and attempts to move south towards the sounds
[23:21] <EliGM> (dex check please...)
[23:21] <EliGM> d20+10
[23:21] *** Parsemea throws the bones for EliGM (d20+10) and gets 13.
[23:21] <EliGM> (I jumped ahead a little, Karliss, your check please))
[23:22] -> [Karliss] PING
[23:22] [Karliss PING reply]: 0 Seconds
[23:23] <Karliss> ((er, 1d20 + dex modifier?))
[23:23] <EliGM> (yup)
[23:23] <Karliss> 1d20-1
[23:23] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20-1) and gets 7.
[23:24] <EliGM> Celeste, go.
[23:24] *** Celeste goes to the south staff redy.
[23:25] <EliGM> dex, please
[23:25] <Celeste> 1d20+2
[23:25] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Celeste (1d20+2) and gets 12.
[23:26] <EliGM> There is a brief silence, and suddenly Smoke's screams fill the air.
[23:26] <EliGM> Lydia, Grok, you're not sure what has happened, but you don't think its good.
[23:26] <EliGM> Lydia, go
[23:27] <Lydia> ((Still dark?))
[23:27] <EliGM> It's more of a dark grey.
[23:27] <Lydia> ((Low light help me?))
[23:27] <EliGM> No.
[23:27] <Grok> ((Same question, except substitute darkvision))
[23:27] <EliGM> (soon...soon :))
[23:28] <EliGM> (no you can't, darkvision either)
[23:28] *** Lydia casts "Detect Magic", hoping to be able to see the ballsy SOB messing with her baby.....
[23:29] <EliGM> You see a whole lot of magic...unfortunately it all seems to be within about twenty feet of you...
[23:29] <EliGM> Grok!
[23:29] <Lydia> ((Can I see the aura of the thing fighting Smoke?))
[23:30] *** Grok cautiously moves towards the sound of smoke's screams
[23:30] <EliGM> A faint think it might be a wolf.
[23:30] <EliGM> Dex
[23:30] <Grok> 1d20+1
[23:30] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Grok (1d20+1) and gets 6.
[23:30] <Grok> ((Urk))
[23:31] <EliGM> Karliss
[23:31] <Karliss> ((With the sword, at the other wolf, aiming to hurt/jo and not kill, what do I rooll?))
[23:32] <EliGM> Oh roll your normal
[23:32] <Karliss> ((normal...?))
[23:32] <Celeste> ((normal attack, no penalties))
[23:32] <EliGM> d20+6
[23:32] *** Parsemea throws the bones for EliGM (d20+6) and gets 9.
[23:33] <Karliss> ((1d20 + melee attack bonus?, I'm soory, I'm clueless))
[23:33] <Celeste> ((yep))
[23:33] <Karliss> 1d20+6
[23:33] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20+6) and gets 24.
[23:33] <Celeste> ((That's gonna leave a mark))
[23:33] <EliGM> damage please
[23:33] <Karliss> 2d6
[23:33] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Karliss (2d6) and gets 7.
[23:34] <Celeste> ((don't forget str, and with a greatsword it's +6))
[23:34] <Karliss> (((...what?))
[23:34] <EliGM> The blade rips into the side of the howls in pain and release Smoke's neck...
[23:35] <EliGM> Smoke, sensing it's defeat snaps into it, breaking the fiend's back with a savage bite. It howls furiously and a small puff of smoke, it disappears.
[23:35] <EliGM> Smoke, growls ferociously, and collapses on his side...blood oozing down his neck.
[23:36] *** Lydia will run to smoke ASAP to tend her wounds
[23:36] <EliGM> The darkness lifts...sadly just in time to see your companion fall, Lydia
[23:36] <Lydia> ((Whenever Init says I can, I mean))
[23:36] <Celeste> ((I am right there and going next iirc.))
[23:36] <EliGM> Combat is over.
[23:36] <EliGM> ((Feel free to mingle.))
[23:36] *** Celeste drops and casts CLW on Smoke.
[23:37] <Karliss> ((how many hit points does Smoke have?))
[23:37] <Lydia> ((How much does this heal Smoke - does she need more?))
[23:37] <Lydia> ((Well, she started with 54))
[23:37] <EliGM> The blood flow slows, and it seems more a long scratch (critical hits, however hurt)
[23:38] <EliGM> The wounds on her side seem to have closed slightly.
[23:38] <Celeste> 1d8+2
[23:38] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Celeste (1d8+2) and gets 4.
[23:38] <Celeste> ((she gets back four))
[23:38] <EliGM> ((you'll need a lot more than that :) ))
[23:38] *** Lydia reads scrolls of CLW for Smoke
[23:38] <Lydia> Er... one scroll
[23:38] <Celeste> ((yeah, I know, but it should keep it from dying))
[23:39] <Celeste> "Sorry Lydia, got here as soon as I could."
[23:39] <Lydia> ((her, if you don't mind))
[23:39] <EliGM> Roll
[23:39] *** Lydia casts a glance at Celeste. "We've been through worse, I'm sure. Whatever we can't heal magically I'll heal medically."
[23:40] <Lydia> d8+3
[23:40] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Lydia (d8+3) and gets 11.
[23:40] <Celeste> "I wonder what the hell attacked her, if puffed into smoke when Smoke killed it."
[23:40] <Karliss> "Is she stable?"
[23:41] <Celeste> d8+2
[23:41] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Celeste (d8+2) and gets 9.
[23:41] <Celeste> "More than stable."
[23:41] <EliGM> Smoke growls gently, and eases to her feet...her fur is bristling, and she is sniffing the air ready for action
[23:42] <Lydia> "Stand back, please. She's grouchy when she's been hurt."
[23:42] <Karliss> ((Detect evil, if you don't mind))
[23:42] *** Celeste nods, and is looking around
[23:42] *** Grok puts away his greataxe
[23:43] <EliGM> ((you don't sense anything))
[23:44] *** Lydia strokes Smoke. "You were wonderful, sweetheart. So brave and strong.... Such a good girl...."
[23:44] *** Karliss relaxes slightly, and puts away the sword
[23:45] <Karliss> "That yell, that was a goblin, or possibly an orc, no one else prays to Kartoul..."
[23:45] <Celeste> "Yeah, and definately trying to attack us, we may have just met the problem the village and others have been having."
[23:47] <Karliss> "To the south, there was a yellow flash right before we plunged into darkness there. I think we need to read that way."
[23:47] <Grok> "Lydia did mention that the darkness seemed to be spreading from the south"
[23:47] *** Celeste nods, "Yeah, I'm guessing Smoke may want a little payback huh?"
[23:48] *** Lydia nods. And the southwest. And Smoke had wanted to head west earlier. I think Southwest is the direction we should head.
[23:48] <Grok> "Sure"
[23:48] <EliGM> ((Pause))
[23:48] <EliGM> How's everyone doing?
[23:49] <Karliss> Tired :)
[23:49] <Grok> ((Starting to get tired))
[23:49] <EliGM> I figured...we can either pause now...or get through one more encounter...your!
[23:49] <Lydia> ((Unpause)) Celeste - in future, please consult me before performing spells on Smoke. She is my responsibility, and my friend. I'm sure you understand.
[23:50] *** EliGM smacks the start button ((Pause))
[23:50] <Karliss> How long is an encounter? I think I've got about 15 minutes left or coherant thought :)
[23:50] <Celeste> sorry...
[23:50] <EliGM> Should only be about fifteen twenty minutes
[23:50] <Grok> that's fine with me
[23:51] <Karliss> Okay, I can do that.
[23:51] <EliGM> Thanks guys! (unpause)
[23:51] <EliGM> ((continue please, sorry to interrupt))
[23:52] <Karliss> ((we moving south/southwest?))
[23:52] <Celeste> ((yeah.))
[23:52] <Lydia> I understand you only meant well, and appreciate your efforts to help my dear companion, of course. But had I a chance to examine her wounds, I might have been able to tell more about her attacker.
[23:52] <EliGM> ((which south...or southwest?))
[23:53] <Celeste> "It was a Direwolf."
[23:53] <Lydia> "Which puffed into smoke as soon as it died. Most dire wolves don't do that."
[23:54] <EliGM> Smoke is pawing impatiently at some dirt.
[23:54] *** Celeste nods, "I know."
[23:54] <Grok> "Magic of some sort"
[23:55] <EliGM> Smoke tugs at Lydia's arm and walks back to sniff the ground.
[23:55] *** Lydia frowns, then leaves her conversation and follows Smoke. "Yes, sweetheart? What is it?"
[23:55] *** Lydia bends to examine the ground.
[23:56] <EliGM> As you look at the spot that Smoke is see something reddish green a small pool.
[23:56] <Lydia> d20+8
[23:56] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Lydia (d20+8) and gets 15.
[23:57] <Lydia> ((Nature Sense?))
[23:57] <EliGM> Smoke, sniffs more and begins moving off to the east...
[23:58] <Grok> "It's blood of some sort"
[23:58] *** Lydia turns to the others. "Come. Smoke has found the trail."
[23:58] *** Lydia says to Smoke, "Go on, dear. Show me where it goes."
[23:58] <EliGM> Smoke takes off, knowing that others are following...following the trail as best he can...
[23:58] <EliGM> Listen checks!
[23:58] *** Karliss nods and follows, keeping an eye towards the south west for anymor attackers
[23:58] *** Celeste spends a couple seconds looking at the blood as they go off.
[23:58] <Celeste> 1d20+6
[23:58] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Celeste (1d20+6) and gets 8.
[23:58] <Karliss> 1d20+4
[23:58] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20+4) and gets 6.
[23:59] <Karliss> ((ouch))
[23:59] <Lydia> d20+3
[23:59] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Lydia (d20+3) and gets 15.
[23:59] <Grok> d20+1
[23:59] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Grok (d20+1) and gets 4.
[23:59] <EliGM> Smoke continues bounding after the trail to the east.
[00:00] <EliGM> Soon you all hear the sounds of running water...
[00:01] <EliGM> Smoke is leading you straight to the River Gosen...and right up to its bank...he plunges on through the water...and stops on the far bank (its shallow enough to cross) sniffing the ground, obviously confused.
[00:01] <EliGM> He dashes back into the water and the near bank...sniffing furiously
[00:01] <Lydia> d20+3
[00:01] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Lydia (d20+3) and gets 15.
[00:02] <Lydia> "Hush, Smoke. One moment."
[00:02] <Lydia> ((SHE!!))
[00:02] <EliGM> She dashes through the water and to the far bank again...and back...and sits at Lydia's command.
[00:03] <Karliss> "Did we loose the trail in the river?"
[00:04] <Lydia> "No."
[00:04] <Grok> "Looks like"
[00:04] *** Lydia takes off along the bank of the river toward the south.
[00:04] <Karliss> 1d20+3
[00:04] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20+3) and gets 10.
[00:05] *** Lydia pats her leg as she goes, signaling Smoke to follow
[00:05] *** Celeste trails along behind, watching our backs.
[00:05] *** Karliss follows Lydia and Smoke
[00:05] <EliGM> Lydia begins to pull further and further ahead of you, smoke almost able to keep pace.
[00:06] <Lydia> ((Can Smoke roll Listen please?))
[00:06] *** Grok tags along behind of course
[00:06] <EliGM> Everyone roll listen again
[00:07] <Celeste> 1d20+6
[00:07] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Celeste (1d20+6) and gets 18.
[00:07] <Lydia> d20+3
[00:07] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Lydia (d20+3) and gets 15.
[00:07] <Karliss> 1d20+4
[00:07] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Karliss (1d20+4) and gets 7.
[00:07] <Lydia> (Smoke too?)
[00:07] <Lydia> Planted in the ground? Or in the tree?
[00:07] <Grok> d20+1
[00:07] *** Parsemea throws the bones for Grok (d20+1) and gets 17.
[00:08] <EliGM> as you get closer and closer, each begins to hear the sound..."Help me, someone help me...please..." It's a female, though huskier, almost wood-like in quality.
[00:09] *** Grok readies his greataxe and moves to investigate
[00:09] <Karliss> "Eh? Who else would be out here..."
[00:09] *** Karliss follows Grok
[00:09] <EliGM> As you break into a large clearing, covered by a single Great Oak, you are blown away by the grotesque sight in front of you...
[00:10] <EliGM> Twenty four stakes are planted in the ground, and on each of the twenty four, is the head of some animal.
[00:10] <Celeste> "Dear God."
[00:10] <EliGM> Deer, elk, bobcat...everything...but the greatest, resting between you and the voice, is the head of an ancient Dire Bear.
[00:10] <EliGM> A young girl is curled up at the base of the tree, leaves in her hair, crying her eyes out.
[00:11] <EliGM> Lydia motions to stay back.
[00:11] *** Karliss looks faintly sick at all the killing
[00:11] *** Lydia is kneeling next to the girl, trying to comfort her
[00:11] <Grok> "My god"
[00:11] *** Celeste backs off towards the river.
[00:12] *** Lydia reaches out to gently touch the girl's arm.
[00:12] *** Grok is disgusted and angered by this slaughter
[00:12] <Lydia> "Oh, you poor thing...."
[00:12] <Grok> "I want the head of whoever did this"
[00:12] <Celeste> "I can guess."
[00:12] <EliGM> The dryad jumps away from you, nature's fury in her eyes. But seeing the kind face, and the soft eyes of a druid looking back...she throws herself into Lydia's arms
[00:13] <Karliss> "Don't say that, Grok, there shouldn't be anymore killing here...."
[00:13] *** Karliss steadfastily refuses to look at the animal heads
[00:14] *** Lydia wraps the dryad in her arms and holds her as she cries, gently stroking her back.
[00:14] <Lydia> "I know, I know... it's all right... it's all right... you've been through so much...."
[00:14] <EliGM> "Oh, thank Terrandai you're's horrid, it's still horrid. They came, all of them with their broken teeth and blistered skin."
[00:15] *** Lydia lets the girl sit up. "Who came?
[00:15] <EliGM> "One, a fat one stood apart from the rest...wearing the skin of a wolf...a smaller one prancing cheerfully beside him, as they planted those poor things in the ground...oh help them..."
[00:16] <EliGM> The Kor-Gahl...they came.
[00:16] <EliGM> "The Kor-Gahl they came."
[00:16] <Karliss> "The goblins....but why? It doesnt make sense..."
[00:17] <EliGM> "He said they were presents. He said he wanted to give me presents."
[00:17] <EliGM> "So he brought...presents..."
[00:17] <Lydia> "They wanted to give you presents? This is your tree, isn't it?"
[00:17] <EliGM> She nods.
[00:18] *** Lydia reaches out to stroke the tree's bark.
[00:18] <Lydia> Would you like us to take these wretched things away?
[00:18] <EliGM> "They didn't touch the tree...they didn't touch me...the fat one smiled at me, and the small one smiled at the fat one. And they brought presents..."
[00:19] <Lydia> "Not presents fit for a tree as grand as yours, they didn't."
[00:19] <EliGM> "But...he...the fat one...he didn't look at me...the way the little one did."
[00:19] <Lydia> "How did they look at you?"
[00:20] <Karliss> "Living things aren't presents to be taken and given..."
[00:20] <EliGM> "The fat one...he...he thought he was doing the right thing...the little one looked at me like I was a thing to be had...owned."
[00:21] <EliGM> She shudders, and continues rocking.
[00:21] *** Karliss starts to remove the animal heads from thier stakes and burying them
[00:21] *** Lydia continues comforting the dryad
[00:21] <Lydia> "No, not you. A dryad should never be owned. And animals should never be slaughtered as "gifts". You poor thing, it's dreadful."
[00:22] *** Grok helps Karliss with his task
[00:22] <Lydia> "But we're here. We'll help you and your tree."
[00:22] *** Lydia glances at her companions for confirmation.....
[00:22] <EliGM> "Th-thank are...kind."
[00:22] *** Sludig ( has joined #The_library
[00:22] #the_library Celeste ( [Sludig]: (0 hops) [H@]
[00:22] #the_library Celeste ( [Sludig]: (0 hops) [H@]
[00:23] *** Celeste has quit IRC (Connection reset by peer)
[00:23] <Karliss> "Of course. I promised my aid to you as long as Parsemea allows it, if you offer your aid, I offer mine."
[00:23] *** EliGM sets mode +o Sludig
[00:23] *** Sludig is now known as Celeste
[00:24] <Lydia> "You see? We will deal with these goblins, and you and your tree can go back to living in peace."
[00:25] <EliGM> Her eyes shine briefly...but they go dull soon after..."Thank you."
[00:25] *** Lydia reaches up to stroke the bark of the tree again. "It is a magnificent tree, you know. Your life before all this must have been very happy, yes?"
[00:25] <EliGM> "It was beautiful...even the yellow-skins were not so ugly."
[00:25] <Karliss> ((okay, I'm falling asleep guys, I gotta go to bed))
[00:25] <EliGM> ((We're done soon soon soon))
[00:26] <EliGM> ((we can leave off right here...if everyone so wishes and pick up some other time))
[00:26] <Karliss> ((that would be most excellent))
[00:26] <Celeste> ((pick it up at some point, no idea when...but that was fun.))
[00:26] <EliGM> ((Game Pause))
[00:27] <Lydia> ((I'm fine with that. I'd just keep chatting up the dryad, try to get some info once she's calm again.))
[00:27] <Lydia> ((But that can wait until next time))
[00:27] <EliGM> We can finish that next time, Thorn.
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