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[OOC]Streets of Rage: Baptism of Fire

Posted: Sat May 29, 2004 11:27 pm
by Serious Paul
This game is accepting applications. Spots will be assigned on a first come, first served basis.

I am accepting eight players, maybe ten depending on intrest. Players should:
  • Be able to post at least once a week, or provide notice if they cannot.
  • Generate a character that is no more than 90 points or the equivalant of 300 points on the BeCK's system. All phenotypes, archetypes and races welcome.
  • All characters will be a part of a street gang, the name you will collectively decide upon. Characters should know each other intimately-being familiar with each other through years of friendship.
  • Characters should be between 12 and 17. No older.
  • Maximum availibilty of 6. Absolutely no heavy weapons-assault rifles, grenade launchers, machine guns, mortars, artillery, man paks, dreckcetera...
  • Street Index means nothing to me, so don't bother using it if the availibilty is higher than 6.
  • Each character should be emailed or PMed to me by June 14th. The game will start June 14th. No exceptions.
  • All characters are, of course, subject to my approval.

The following Edges and Flaws have no place in this game:
  • Friends Abroad
  • College Education
  • Technical School Education
  • Hunted. Period.
This game will require you all to work extensively with each other during character generation. If that bothers you, please don't apply.

For everyone else, the following are some details to help us get started:

Location: Seattle, UCAS
Timeline: June 1st 2063

You should all be from the same district, The edge of Barrens in Hells Kitchen.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 1:35 am
by Anguirel
I have a character already written for a previous Forum game that seems perfectly suited to this. I think he's presently at 100 points, plus a little for cash which, as I recall, was not bought with points at all. He can pretty easily be done with fewer points. I wouldn't mind getting into this game, but I've been pretty busy lately and I know my posting has been somewhat sporadic, so I'm tossing my hat half-way in. If eight other enthusiastic players want in, I'll be happy to let them go for it. If another person is needed, I can pretty quickly get this guy into a playable condition, and I know his character well... and I even already have a forum account for him, since I based my character for the S&S game off the original version of this SR character.

So -- yeah... I'll wait a bit to see how recruiting is going, but I have the backstory ready to send, along with the too-many-points version of the sheet if anyone would like to see it. I could probably also dredge up the related thread from the old DSF, assuming there's an archive of the previous version of the board somewhere.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 2:02 am
by Kai
I'll be reading what comes of this. Wedding planning plus 2 games coming up plus the usuals is probably already more than I can handle, no way I'd be ready for the 14th :)

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 2:59 am
by Ancient History
*Ding* PM sent. This could be fun.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 3:44 am
by crone
This looks like fun - I'm in. What happens next? I guess once we get 8 players, we can start making characters.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 5:32 am
by Cain
I'll give it a go.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 10:57 am
by Serious Paul
Excellent, to my new players welcome aboard.

One foreword-I am more than willing to be flexible with the timeline, if needed. I want this to be fast paced, and this game will hit the ground rolling.

As of right now we have confirmed Anguriel, Crone, Cain, 3278, Ancient History and three or so possibles.So hopefully this will pick up some more steam, and we'll have a better idea within a few days-this being Memorial Weekend I don't expect a whole lot of responses real quick.

I would like everyone to be as public as possible with their character concept-who you are, so we can get a good idea of the gangs dynamics. Hopefully this will allow us to intertwine the characters in a much more intimate fashion.

Team work will be essential for survival in this game.

We'll be using the Hell's Kitchen area of Puyallup as our starting point. You will have an abandoned building of some sort as your base of operations. Ypu currently control the equivalent of five square blocks. (For those of you with the old Seattle Sourcebook, page 175, grids K and 27 is round abouts your home turf.)

Direct any questions or concerns to me, and I will answer in what I hope will be a timely fashion.

Ancient History: Sticks appears fine at first glance, I will dwelve into him more in depth after I wake up.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 1:16 pm
by Bishop
I'll play. Sounds like fun.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 3:16 pm
by Buzzed
I'll post my character sometime today. Let's start coming up with the gang's criteria (name, theme, gang rules, ect.)

Ok I came up with the name for my character. Billy Womchomp. Billy loves junk food and never refuses a cram. (A cram is a competition where two or more people attempt to consume as much food as they can in a period of 30 seconds. The person that consumes the most wins. Some gangs use crams as an initiation tool, usually performed in Stuffer Shacks. The universally accepted time limit used to be 60 seconds, but has evoled to 30 seconds due to faster response times from security over the years.)

Name: Billy Womchomp
Street Name: Chopper
Race: Human

A very heavy set male with a tatooed head and shoulders. Noticably large bonestructure for his jaw. Likes to wear black leather and chains. Transportation of choice is a Harley Scorpion. Likes to play with basically anything intimidating, like chainsaws, axes, bats. Shotguns are perferred when it comes to firepower. Keeps a street sweeper handy on his Harley for those pesky pedestrians in his way or to damage the occational sign to get someone's attention.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 4:03 pm
by Ancient History
Serious Paul: Cool. I'll change him as needed, natch.

Here is a description:

"Sticks" has spent his whole life in the Barrens. He got his name from his skill with a pool cue...both on the table and in the occaisonal brawl. Sticks doesn't really like to fight, though, he prefers being the "Face" of the gang, where his intellect and keen wit usually leave him more victorious and less scarred.

Sticks has made a living scrounging from local junkyards and doing petty crimes with the gang. He's made enough for to maintain his cheap apartment, and hopes one day he might become a runner or join the Yakuza to earn some real cash. For now, he's happy playing pool and hanging out with his friends.

Name: Timmy Tanaka
Nickname: "Sticks"
Age: 15
Race: Human (eyes show some Asian ancestry)

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 5:47 pm
by Serious Paul
Okay our gang expands.

Confirmeds: 3278,Ancient History,Anguriel Bishop, Buzzed, Cain, Crone, and some possibles. We should be doing good here pretty soon!

Start thinking of a gang name!

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 7:45 pm
by Buzzed
Ok I came up with a name. Might be corny but here it goes.

Gang name: Chopsticks
Gang Leader: Sticks
Gang leader's body guard: Chopper

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 8:49 pm
by Ancient History
<chuckles> I suddenly have the urge to go see The Warriors again.

Name: Inked Angels

Focus: Body modification, especially tattoos.

Initiation: Initiate must have a cut made all around their left hand, the skin is then twisted up, braided and left to heal, forming a bracelet-scar all around their left wrist.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 11:13 pm
by crone
Is this a mixed-race gang or racially purist?

Are we about home-defence, i.e. the kids that live on this block, or do we hang together for a different reason, like, we all play pool together? Or maybe some of the characters have some scams going already, and they are looking to recruit around that?

I am thinking of playing a basic ganger footsoldier, unless we end up with too many of them.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 11:26 pm
by Serious Paul
I am going to say it will be racially mixed based off what I know about everyones characters already-so Humanis may not work out so well for the True believer flaw. :)

As for the reasons you hang togetehr I can leave that up to you, or I can make some comments. My own comments would basically run like this:

"For the most part you've all grown up together, and this is your turf. You protect yourselves from the other gangs in the area, which for the most part are just a bit older than you all on average."

As for what sort of scams you guys are running-welll I'll let you guys determine how dark or light this gets. If running a teen prostitution ghoul feed ring for Tamanous is your thing, then so be it. If the occassional B&E,turf tag, and rumble is as bad as it gets, then thats cool too.

At this point I'd prefer to let you guys decide, but should it become a sticking point I can step in.

Also while I am here, the big bucks option is not an option. I won't set a limit, but I trust you all to use your judgement.

Posted: Sun May 30, 2004 11:36 pm
by MissTeja
Room left, Paul?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 12:24 am
by crone
Serious Paul wrote:"For the most part you've all grown up together, and this is your turf. You protect yourselves from the other gangs in the area, which for the most part are just a bit older than you all on average."
So we are not quite big enough to be taken seriously yet?

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 12:33 am
by Ancient History
Hey, we can be really low-key and diverse too. Get an otaku decker, a physad, maybe a street shaman. One or two kids with a bit of cheap cyber for an edge.

Naw, let's make clones of the Clockwork Orange gang. Who wants to be Malcom?

Seriously, this'll be fun. We can be very gritty.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 1:43 am
by Buzzed
Alright, here is grim for ya. A minor alteration to my charactor. Let's say we do run a ghoul feeding ring. Chopper enjoys cram challenges with ghouls. Who can eat the most human flesh in 30 seconds? Yum.

Chopper's tag line: I eat chums like you for breakfast.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 4:21 am
by Anguirel
No, I don't expect you all to read all of this, but since we're being open, this is the (original) background. Age is being down-tweaked a little, and location info will need to be tweaked -- he was set up for the Redmond Barrens and access to the Rat's Nest region. I'm going with 90k starting resources (10 points) since that's what I had when I first made him. Summary for those who don't want to read the next several paragraphs if backstory -- He's (probably still) a rigger (this was originally to bypass problems with handling RC cars and mini-copters in game and give him some scouting abilities -- could be dropped). He plays with toys that look like weapons and weapons that look like toys. He hates racists and will attack anyone displaying racist behavior irrationally (though not necessarily openly -- he's into sneak-attacks). He's very small and could easily be mistaken as 5-10 years younger than he actually is (depending on final age, probably 15-17). He has a younger sister, no parents. He has agoraphobia. He'll probably be the techie and if I can keep it in, he'll know some chemistry and demolitions. He is not good in a stand-up brawl and tends to run when given the option.

I don't mind feeding ghouls anyone we kill in the normal line of work, but I'd rather not have us going out to kill random people. Gang fight -- sure, anyone we take down we bring over. Someone bothers one of the people we protect, we kill him and he goes to the ghouls. But no go out and find some random innocents to frag just to have some fresh meat to bring over. I'd prefer to do the neighborhood protection racket, possibly low-key drugs and BTLs, maybe some security, maybe some sabotage/harrassment/distraction shadowrun-style work (you know, the stuff 'Runners hire gangs to do for them).

-- Background follows

Gunter Spielzeugmann (Yes, the last name is literally Toyman...) has had a comparatively easy life in the Barrens. By easy, I mean he hasn't been beaten on daily. His family was poor, with his mother dying shortly after the birth of his youngest sister and his father being a drunk with very few jobs prospects. Because of this, Gunter got very little in the way of food during those critical years of growth, and has ended up staying fairly small. He barely tops 4 feet and has never been one to command the attention of room with his physical prowess (from a reasonable distance, he still looks like a young boy). Instead, he survived by running and hiding most of the time.

Since he never fully grew up, it isn't surprising that he still loves his toys. Those toys are all he's ever had in life, and he protects many of them as fiercely as he does his remaining sister (subject to GM approval :P), who also happens to be about the only person he actually gives a damn about. The rest of his family died in a fire set by one of the local Humanis offshoots because most of that building was 'contaminated by meta-human filth'. He and his sister had been out at the time, and Toyman arrived back in time to see those responsible shooting those who tried to run from the inferno. He plotted his revenge, but it was stolen from him by an all Ork gang who had lost a few buddies in the blaze. An all troll group once chased him into a large parking lot, surrounding him and giving him no path to escape, no place to hide. After being badly beaten, he managed to grab a grenade off the belt of one of the trolls and used it to blast a hole through which he escaped into narrow alleys and finally hid from the trolls by crawling through a series of partially collapsed buildings. These events conspired to leave him with a slightly damaged psyche... He now wishes to get revenge on all racist groups, and even those who don't meet up to his own personal code of decent behavior, desiring to burn them as they burned his family.

The scars of his past manifest in other ways... Toyman has trouble interacting with many adults, though he is unusually good with kids. He also seeks his escapist world of games, online personas and well-behaved robots whenever he has the time available. In fact, when he cannot enjoy his games every day he gets agitated and will often get distracted just thinking about what he'll do next time he gets to play. Additionally, his experience in the wide open of the parking lot left him witha mild case of agoraphobia. This distracts him whenever he feels there is no place where he can run to hide. Therefore, a normal street with alleys running off is fine, but a spacious hanger might trigger his discomfort. Essentially, any wide-open region may cause him to panic (I made this an uncommon phobia, since it isn't likely he'll end up in, say, the desert, and there aren't too many giant empty parking lots or fields around the Barrens). Whenever given the option, he will automatically avoid these regions as much as possible, and in fact he knows many alternate routes that allow him to remain in smaller alleys and allow him to crawl through various buildings. This fear doesn't seem to apply, however, when he is not present in the location physically (it does not manifest when he plays games, or when he is rigging a drone or enclosed vehicle in parking lots).

Shortly after the run in with the Trolls, Gunter picked up with the gang (or at least the beginnings of it, or a similar gang, depending on other backgrounds and how they mesh), his intelligence allowing him to rapidly pick up many of the tricks of the trade. When he wasn't on the street dealing BTLs, one of the gang's contacts, a street chemist known only as Powderkeg, taught him to mix explosives for the gang in exchange for also mixing for him as well. Powder keg is a large man with a long fuse but an explosive temper (hence his moniker). Gunter still keeps in touch with Powderkeg and buys most of his chemical supplies through him.

One of the first times his psychotic break evidenced it self occured a month or so after he joined the gang, and was probably one of the few truly good things to happen in Gunter's life. One night closer in to Touristville he saw a go-gang of six humans run a car with a dwarf and his two kids off the road. Getting off their bikes, they pulled the dwarf from his car. Instead of walking away, Gunter snapped. He crept forward while the dwarf fought to protect his children, and got up to the bikes without being seen. By now the dwarf had been overwhlemed, though the punks had all taken a beating. The children were also pulled from the car and three of the humans held them up against a wall. The others stood back as the leader took careful aim and shot the father in the leg, just above the knee. The man crumpled and his children sank into whimpering piles. The ones holding backed off now while Gunter tried to find anything useful... inside the bike's saddle bag he found his salvation, a grenade and a machine pistol... The leader shot the father's fore-arm when he tried to push himself up, and then aimed at one of the kids. Gunter rose up and threw the grenade into the pack, which blasted all of them badly and completely incapacitated 4. He opened up with the pistol, taking out another but ran out of bullets in the attempt. The final one had risen and began running away. Gunter got on the bike and rode him down, smashing the bike into his back.

When Gunter returned to the dwarven family, the man thanked Gunter for his help. He also introduced himself as Erik Werner, a mechanic. He gave Gunter his business card and told him to stop by in a few days, if he could, but to leave before DocWagon and LoneStar showed up... Gunter took off, but did go to meet the man later. The dwarf thanked him again and offered his services as a mechanic at a low rate... Since Gunter didn't have any sort of vehicles yet, he declined. Not put off, Erik asked if Gunter would help out until his hand had healed. Gunter agreed (extra cred was always good) and began to pick up all sorts of useful skills for vehicle repair. The two became fairly friendly until his hand healed, and he has been willing to help Gunter ever since.

Erik is now a more distant contact, but still offers Gunter his services as a legal mechanic to obtain a lot of parts without Street Index for him. Since his shop is in Touristville, Erik runs a side business as a Shadow-Mechanic and has equal access to items that are not so legal. He also arranged for Gunter to get the VCR installed, along with the other cyberware. He initially got a chipjack to help him with his chemistry and to aid him with his B/R skills (he knew how to move his hand to screw things together, but not where necessarily). He has since outgrown the need for these in most cases, but often uses Memory Chips as data/knowsofts (ones that can be erased and have new info downloaded) with designs in them when he works on his toys.

When Gunter has free time which is spent with his sister or making toys, he often tries to get out to the Rat's Nest to find spare parts. On one of these forays he met and befriended anouther scrounger who goes by the name Chu. His real name is Matthias Schumacher, but his nickname came from some of the japanese scroungers who think he looks like a mouse. He usually can find what Toyman needs fairly quickly, since he spends most of his time in the Rat's Nest. He also often knows when people who aren't regulars are poking around the Nest.

Gunter still plays with his toys (as previously mentioned). In fact, he's been known to treat large portions of life like a game. Many of his weapons resemble toys (and are usually even usable in that fashion). The Toy-Weapons he has had in the past include:
Aerodynamic Frisbee Grenades (Treat as regular aerodynamic, I guess)
Hand-Coptor Flash Grenades (Treat as regular for distance, grenade hangs in air longer than usual)
Bouncy-Ball Concussion Grenade (the rubber acts like gel rounds such that the overall effect is the same as a standard grenade. Range can be increased by bouncing the grenade at the cost of increasing scatter as well. All grenades of this type are timed only)
Plastique Soldiers (They're not dolls, they're action figures! And don't stick them in a power outlet...)
Caltrop Jacks (played with bouncy ball grenade)
Rechargeable Flash-Pak Matchbox Cars (sides flip open to reveal strobe lights, can hold 2 sides down for a directed hand-held effect. It can continue rolling after being activated and th eeffect can be timed or near-instant, allowing it to be rolled into a room before it starts flashing or simply held up and flashed. Recharge takes 1 hour hooked into a standard outlet. New bulbs are needed (half-cost of full flashpak) every X uses).
Metal Playing Card Throwing Stars (hold the hand you're dealt carefully...)
Poison-Soaked Nerf Balls

His affection for his toys has spread to the local kids as well. He now has a few who regularly visit him to have toys repaired, get new toys and to just hang out. He occasionally goes out and plays with them. They also bring him interesting items they find, and are usually willing to part with information after a little prodding.


Feel free to suggest additional toy-weapons.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 5:48 am
by crone
Anguirel, I remember that character. He was fun.

Paul, is having cyberware a problem for these characters, given their age? I was thinking about bone lacing, but she might not have finished growing yet...

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 2:48 pm
by Buzzed
Chopper is a hard-ass, and beats up on little punks that play with toys. However, Chopper has respect for Gunter due to Gunter's bravery in standing up against bullies. But that doesn't keep Chopper from making fun of Gunter's toys.


Billy Womchomp was the child of a biker-mom. Birtha was her name, and she pretty much slept with every guy in her go-gang, so Billy has no idea who his real father is. The gang called cute little Billy Chopper cause Billy would play on the Harleys.
When the sound of the loud mufflers, and loud drunk bar crouds were not around to drown out Chopper's crying, the women in the gang fed Chopper food to shut him up. Chopper cried alot, due to lack of a toddler-friendly environment. Riding all day in a side car and spending evenings in scary bars isn't too much fun for a child. Eventually as Chopper got a little older, and a little fatter, the men in the gang would often take the food from Chopper, making him cry, and slap Chopper to make him stop crying. Chopper learned quickly that in order to keep from strving, he would have to take food and eat it as fast as possible before anyoone could steal it from him. The physical abuse led to alot of resentment toward the gang. Chopper wanted to leave as soon as possible, but didn't know life outside of the gang.

One day, when Chopper was 10, while at yet another bar, a gang of Trolls came in and started a fight, it got bloody, Chopper watched the rumble from under a pin-ball table, his favorate brawl hiding spot. When the dust settled, the entire go-gang was dead, except for the few women that survived, but they were dragged away. Billy never saw his mom after that night. Billy was forced to fend for himself on the streets. Now, at age 17, Chopper lives a life with his new family, actually his first family, a gang, in Hell's Kitchen.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 5:33 pm
by Buzzed
Serious Paul wrote:You should all be from the same district, The edge of Barrens in Hells Kitchen.
Ancient History wrote:Name: Inked Angels
Anguirel wrote:I'd prefer to do the neighborhood protection racket, possibly low-key drugs and BTLs, maybe some security,
Hell's Inked Angels


Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 6:11 pm
by 3278
I don't really care who our gang is, our what we do, or anything like that. Those are the kinds of decisions that fate has made for my character; I'm comfortable letting the other players play that role.

Posted: Mon May 31, 2004 8:58 pm
by Serious Paul
Crone I don't have a problem with Cybernetic enhancements-keep in mind the availibilty of stuff-6 is a good number to use. (Not a hard number, as a good explanation beats a number any day in my book, I prefer well thought out background over stats.)

Cybernetics implanted too early is a sad fact of street life at times.

Buzzed:I love the name, I am already picturing the guy from your decriptions so far.

Ang: Toyman sounds great, and witht he minor tweaks you already discussed he sounds perfect. I am assuming the sister is a dependent? Give me the details on her when its conveinant, and we can come up with a value for it.

Teja: Welcome aboard!

Ancient History was certainly right when he said this could be very gritty-now my personal hope is that you guys will be the hero's (Even if we love to hate some of you...) of this sorrid tale.

When I said this will hit the ground rolling I emant it, expect combat to play major role in this. (Well violence anyways.)

I have most of my IC introduction written up-I just need to post it. I have this Friday Sarurday and Sunday coming up off-expect a number of posts then.

Oh and one thing I missed:
Crone wrote:So we are not quite big enough to be taken seriously yet?
Not really. In your area-with in a few blocks of your turf, the local gangs know of you. In theory the turf you claim is really claimed by another Gang-Its likely going to be a go-gang-but they've never had reason to take notice of you. You guys average a low life style together with brief periods of middle maybe upper middle class at times.

But Seattle wide, whatever name you settle on, is just that a name. You haven't even made LSSS list of gangs in Seattle...yet...:D

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:56 am
by Cain
I've got a couple of concepts. You guys want to let me know which sounds best for you?

Bit: Bit is a twelve-year-old girl who doesn't remember much of her past. She thinks her parents were killed when she was young; all she has are faint memories of them. She was raised by the Shining Light Otaku tribe, and became a full otaku at the age of 8, running for them under the name of Mouse.

But then, Deus came. Most of her tribe decided to folow the new God of the Machine, and flocked to the Arcology to join it. Mouse and a few others wanted to wait and see, but their former tribe mates wouldn't hear of it. On the grounds that: "If you're not one of us, you're against us!" several assasin drones quickly and quietly wiped out most of the doubters.

Mouse survived, thanks in part to the actions of a friendly tribe and a street doc, Father Bear. She changed her handle to Bit, but has been deathly afraid to enter the matrix for quite a while now. Only with the death of Deus has she felt confident enough to jack in again.

Bit is nearly helpless in physical combat, and by all rights should have died while trying to survive on her own. Luckily for her, the gang found her, and realized what she was capable of. Even without her otaku abilites, she could break the copy-protection on BTLs faster than anyone they'd seen, allowing them to make a small profit bootlegging chips. Now that she feels safe in the matrix again, her abilites are becoming even more useful.

Hock: Reginald Orenthal Jameison was a corp brat of the worst kind. Spoiled rotten for most of his life, he had no clue about the amount of privledge and weath he enjoyed. He showed early signs of magical talent, and so he was always placed into the easiest classes, given preferential treatment, even though his abilities never fully came to the fore, and he was never made aware of his potential. All he knew was that in order to make the extra allowance, he had to do good in his magical folklore classes. His parents worked for a single-A megacorp, who desperately needed to cultivate extra magical talent.

When he was twelve, unbeknownst to him, his mother was targeted for hostile extraction by a rival corp. A team of amateur shadowrunners were hired to cause as much damage as they could, while they were headed to a corporate-sponsored retreat at Snoqualamie ski resort. Unfotunately for everyone, they did too good of a job-- the bus they were on was almost completely destroyed. Reggie was on the toilet in the back at the time, and he swore that a large furry creature pulled him out of the wreckage. What would be later discovered was that a second blast, from an unknown source, had blown aside the back of the bus-- allowing Reggie to escape.

Dazed and forgotten, Reggie discovered that he was completely lost, and couldn't make his way back home. He spent weeks in the woods, barely surviving on what he could find. Luckily for him, the same creature kept pointing him at edible plants. When he finally made his way back home, he discovered that he had been declared dead; his access card was revoked, and the guards tossed him back onto the street.

In the back of his mind, Reggie kept seeing the same creature. It showed him how to knock over garbage cans for food, and sense where he could go to sell things he found. When he was discovered by the gang, he had become well-known for trying to sell junk at the local pawn shops, and had become good at surviving and stealing. The gang saw that he could be useful, and gave him a chance to "earn his keep" by giving them a portion of his earnings. After a year or so, he earned a place as a full member. The nickname "Hock" stuck, though-- an unfortunate reminder of all the time he spent in pawn shops.


I've got more ideas, but those were the first two. What do you all think?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:25 pm
by 3278
I like both characters, but I think it would be more appropriate to have a character who had grown up with the rest of us, and with perhaps a less storied past. If we're shooting for gritty realism - I don't know if we are, but people keep saying it - then we'll want to keep to the streets, and keep it local. No killer AIs, no corp hit squads.

My concern is less about this game than about Dragons, in which many people made these unique characters with awesome and fancy backgrounds that made no sense at all in the context of the team itself. Think about the life of a gang today, and ask yourself how many of the kids in a gang of 13-15 year olds in South Central LA grew up as rich kids with corporate parents. Probably something like none: instead, they're local kids, who grew up in the neighborhood, whose whole lives have played out in a 20-block area of town they've probably never left.

This isn't just for Cain: this is my advice for the game. We should stay away - I think - from Venezuelan cheese farmers who were reared by wolves, or ghoul otaku ork kids from Istanbul who found their way to Seattle [and onward to our little tiny piece of it]. Our characters should be kids from the street - /our/ street - with street stories and street lives. That's what I think, anyway.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 12:36 pm
by Serious Paul
Damn those are both cool. I have to keep my mouth shut though. I know too much.

Okay some info.

I have mapped the surronding 20 blocks or so, and will hopefully be posting that map sooner rather than later. I do have to get 3278's help to do it. There are 70 plus locations on the map. I will be posting a seperate thread detailing some of these, and your surrondings.

I will also detail some of the relations between your gang and the surronding gangs.

As of right now you live just north of the Petrowski Farms, if you have the old maps, its just south of the small island in the Puyallup River, in between that and Pioneer Highway.

Your neighborhood is known as the Devils Playground. You currently live a stones throw away from an abandoned prototype Geothermal Power Plant, that provides illicit power to much of your surronding neighborhood.

So far very cool concepts.

Also welcome aboard JetPlane and Matt McS.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 1:50 pm
by Serious Paul
Okay all slots are full as of now.

The Roster as it stands:

3278, Ancinet History,Anguriel, Bishop, Buzzed, Cain, Crone, JetPlane, Matt McS, MissTeja, and Scamp. There is one Possible left over who may be added before we go live.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 2:34 pm
by Coasini
(Ancient History, let me know if this is okay at all. If not, I'll scrap the character altogether)

A kid, now 16, spent his life growing up in the Barrens. His parents gave him up since they couldn't afford him, and he quickly found himself many enemies and many bruises. His eagerness to fight made him adopt the name 'Ares', after some greek myth. His venomous tongue earned him quite a few shiners, but one kid stepped up and forced him to back down from the fight without ever raising a fist. That kid was Sticks, who tamed the self-proclaimed 'God of War'.
"Ares" is one of Sticks' best enforcers. He rather enjoys getting his hands messy in the more violent parts of gang life. He enjoys it to a fault. In fact, growing up, he has managed to wreck most potential ties with his particularly nasty attitude.
He considers himself better than most because he knows he's "touched" by the adept way. However, he maintains a fierce loyalty to the gangers he's grown up with and a particularly keen respect for Sticks.
When he's not whipping his guns out to lay waste to someone, he is usually willing to listen to reason. Regretably, this is not often.
Over the years as a ganger, he's scrounged up a number of gadgets that seemed useful. Usually these are found on corpses of 'warring' gangs, but sometimes they're legitimately found by digging around at abandoned Barrens homes. He found that his aggression could be focused on fixing electronic gubbins and mucking about on the computer.

Physical Description:
He's a kid standing about 5'10", roughly 150 lbs. His black hair is unkempt and falls into his face fairly often. A few missing teeth are shown by a strange grin he wears. Dark brown eyes watch the world go by carelessly, but the smallest thing could set those eyes into narrowed furious slits with only rage in mind. He looks generally unwashed, and even his clothes are shabby.
The only 'clean' thing on this kid are his guns, which appear meticulously polished.

Birthdate: May 5, 2047
Age: 16
Race: Human
Gender: Male
Magic: Phys. Adept ("way of the gun")
Conclusion: Firey-tempered pissant ganger

((Oh no... the slots were closed in the half hour I was still writing. Nooooo!!))

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 3:39 pm
by 3278
That's Frakkle, by the way, for those who haven't figured that out. And Paul? Check your PMs: you were still logged in when I came back, so your new PMs won't show up unless you go there and look at them.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 3:47 pm
by Buzzed
Chopper lost more then a few bets over games of pool against Sticks. Without having enough money to pay his debt, Chopper has agreed to provide temporary "assistence services" for Sticks. Eventually, both Sticks and Chopper lost track of how much he was still in debt to Sticks, but by that time they both became good friends and Chopper really didn't want the debt to end. He liked hanging out with Sticks and still occationaly plays pool against him, but stopped making bets over them a long time ago.

Please post your character descriptions here before we start the game, so I can come up with ways to tie in a releationship between your characters and my character. I also encourage all of you to write a blip abourt how your characters tend to generally interact with Chopper.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 4:00 pm
by Ancient History
Buzzed: Chopper and Sticks are a good team when it comes to intimidating a mark, Sticks talks and Chopper looks dangerous. In a fight, Sticks tries to keep out of Chopper's line of fire; or finishes off anybody that sticks puts down but hasn't finalized yet. Sticks is careful not to make more than a few friendly jabs at Chopper when yukking it up.

When not making trouble, Chopper and Sticks hang out at bars, when Sticks plays pool and Chopper eats incredible amounts of cheap fried food.

Coasini/Frakkle: Ares is fine by me, now you have to get 'im past Paul.

Everybody: Sooo...are we 'bout set to vote on gang name, initiation, colors, leader, etc? Or should we wait?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 4:02 pm
by Cain
Think about the life of a gang today, and ask yourself how many of the kids in a gang of 13-15 year olds in South Central LA grew up as rich kids with corporate parents. Probably something like none: instead, they're local kids, who grew up in the neighborhood, whose whole lives have played out in a 20-block area of town they've probably never left.
There's actually several different ways that street gangs can form, and that's just one of them. Another way that I've seen a lot of are the street kids-- largely runaways, but some who are fleeing abuse, or have been thrown out of their homes-- who are sick and tired of being preyed upon and decide to form a gang so they can start preying on others. In 2063, that would get taken to a whole new level, as kids get "lost in the cracks". In these type of gangs, your value is more determined by what you've done for everyone lately, rather than by childhood ties. There's also a strong "yuppie gangster" contingent out there-- kids from wealthy surburbanite parents, who run away and join gangs for the thrill. They're actually a lot more dangerous than the real street kids, from Compton or the Hilltop-- those kids have learned to keep their heads down, avoid trouble, and only do what they have to do. The yuppie gangers are the ones most likely to cause trouble simply because they can.

I'm more than glad to try and come up with something along the lines that you describe, if that's what people want.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 4:03 pm
by Coasini
I'm going to wait until I hear from Paul before posting further, but I have plenty of ideas on how Ares would get along with the rest of you chummers.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 4:49 pm
by Serious Paul
Coasini, say how is that pronounced anyways? Anyways per our MSN discussion, you are onboard.

Cain I like both your ideas. I will however mention immediately, for everyone, this game will be action heavy. and short. Our timeline In Game is literally 3 days. This will focus on one segment of thier lives, a turning point. Some of you will most assuredly die, even horriblely. Some of you will be heroes. Some of you will be hated.

I think both your characters definitely fall into the people who have fallen in the cracks, the shadows of society, so feel free to use either. A word of caution for anyone considering a Matrix based character. Power is sporadic at best in your hood. Jack points are low res, and bandwidth is at a premium. You have been forewarned.

That said,nothing is out of the question. A Ghoul Otaku with a solid concept is a possibilty, as long as we all don't make one. Which so far seems unlikely.

My own take is you guys are antiheroes as a whole. Not quite perfect, but better than most of the scum that is crawling about in the Barrens. You all still have hope.

What remains to be seen is after the Devil takes his due, if you'll still have it.... :)

3278: Rodger Dodger! Will do.

Also a hearty thanks to 32 for posting the map for me. Now to get those locations i promised started.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 5:00 pm
by Coasini
Well, as I had mentioned, Ares met up with Sticks at a fairly early age. Being his way, he wanted nothing more than to put several holes in the weak kids' face.
But Sticks talked him down, actually like.. talked to him. So he got basically an admiring infatuation with the guy and stuck to him. He tried his hand at pool once, hated it, and never went back to it.

He met Chopper through Sticks, obviously, and got along famously with him. Particularly when it came to intimidating 'outsiders'. I'm not sure how Chopper would react to Ares' generally ruthless and violent nature.. but Ares did/does enjoy trying to provoke fights, even when the odds were against them. He very much enjoyed Chopper's arsenal of rugged melee weaponry, finding it to be a refreshing complement to his own gunnery way.

If Sticks, Chopper, any of the other gangers were willing to pick up cards, that's a game he would be able to get into and play for hours. Poker, in particular. It appealed to his need for 'instant-gratification'.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:17 pm
by Anguirel
Toyman's initial meeting and general interaction with other gangers...

Sticks: Toyman and Sticks have probably known each other for a long time. They both have a lack of will to confront directly that makes them work well together. Since Sticks is a scrounger as well, I'd imagine they met in the junkyard, probably got into an argument over who owned a given piece of scrap and decided to settle it over a few games. Sticks beat Toyman in pool, Toyman beat Sticks in one of the arcade games, and then they tied repeatedly playing a variant of marbles (which was the only game they could agree on -- Toyman played often enough to feel confident and Sticks figured it was enough like Pool to give him an edge) and finally decided to just sell the part and split the money. They still play regularly.

Chopper: Chopper and Toyman didn't get along, at all, initially. Chopper was loud, rude, and overly violent, even when he was just playing around. Toyman looked like a little kid playing with toys. A string of pranks from Toyman and retaliatory beatings from Chopper ensued. This ended when Chopper chased Toyman to the edge of their territory and Toyman encountered a trio of rival gang members. Toyman bolted aside and started dropping his usual tricks -- caltrop-jacks, marbles, and the like, but was finally cornered. However, Toyman had slowed them down enough that Chopper finally caught up. When they turned to face the much more obvious threat of Chopper, Toyman seized the opportunity and took one of them down with a surprise attack. Together they creamed the remaining pair (albeit, Chopper did more). After that they had a sort of mutual respect which has held since, generally strengthened by each of them helping the other when necessary.

Coasini/Ares: These two work together fairly often of the gadget front, along with playing cards among other games. They probably met initially from Sticks introducing them. No interesting stories come to mind, though possibly both can go on a rampage of some sort -- Toyman does have those psychotic anti-racist breaks.

As for any others, Toyman doesn't mind being treated like the loveable kid of the gang. He doesn't do well in a straight up melee, so those who do would be inclined to protect him in those situations. However, he's decent with his gun (hopefully a gyrojet, which goes with the whole "burn and blast the bastards" theme), has a small pile of tricks to help him out (and his toy-weapons often give him a slight edge), and he's got a decent throwing arm for his explosives. He also has a few drones which I'll detail once they've been approved by the GM.

I'm all for the Inked Angels thing. Gang name isn't hugely important, and that works pretty well, I think. As noted before, we seem fairly well set up to do BTLs, probably some B&E, and some local protection work. Maybe the occasional GTA if the opportunity presents itself. I'd imagine Chopper will have his bike. Anyone else planning on a motorcycle or any other vehicles? Being on the rigger-side and all, I'm likely to toss in those vehicle B/R skills. I'm currently looking at Bike, Car and Rotor Aircraft.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:38 pm
by Gyro


I'd be interested in being a part of the gang. I was gone for the holiday weekend so this is the first I’ve seen of this @ 2:30 on Tuesday. I’ll understand if you’re too full. If by chance I can play I’ll have a character done by tomorrow. Just say the word and I’m there!


Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 6:43 pm
by TheScamp
Ok, current character concepts for me are either a huge slightly retarted troll brawler or a shaman type guy. Considering this is somewhat of a group effort, what do you think would fit in best?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 10:53 pm
by Cain
Agreed. I'm leaning towards Hock the raccoon shaman, personally; I think he'll have better survival skills than Bit will. Personality-wise, Hock is a smart-alecky fifteen year old who's always looking for a quick score, although his dignity (and totem!) prevents him from petty thievery. Bit is... well, think Ed from Cowboy Bebop. She's got zilch in the way of actual survival skills.

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2004 11:05 pm
by Anguirel
I'm thinking Hock and the Troll are probably the better set. Extra scroungers are always nice -- we seem to be half scrounger, here, which is certainly fine -- and we could certainly use one or two more big bruisers to counter-balance, say... me. :D

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:28 am
by TheScamp
Righto. UG the troll it is, then. That's how I was leaning anyway. I'll have something up on background, etc up by tomorrow; rough character sheet to Paul around that time, as well.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:41 am
by MissTeja
Okay, moved a load to the new house today, but I will try to get my (or at least the basics of my) character up tonight, Paul.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:42 am
by Serious Paul
Shit Gyro, you know you're always welcome at my Table Niggah.:D

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:06 am
by Coasini
Ares: These two work together fairly often of the gadget front, along with playing cards among other games. They probably met initially from Sticks introducing them. No interesting stories come to mind, though possibly both can go on a rampage of some sort -- Toyman does have those psychotic anti-racist breaks.
Ares would be more than happy to plug around with helping Toyman build things. Even more to the point, he'd find it an invaluable relationship, to be able to bounce ideas off of another mechanically-minded person.
Doubtful that any stories of noteworthiness came from it, however, beyond wandering the Barrens and doing some serious shooting and looting for drone parts for Toyman.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:15 am
by Ancient History
I'm rather glad Sticks is so accepted. Must be that high charisma!

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:16 am
by 3278
I'm hanging back until I have a decent idea of what everyone's doing [which is good, since either of the characters I've thought of so far would have been rip-offs of someone else's character], but now that NSRCG works, it only takes me five or ten minutes to make a character, as opposed to 15-30 doing it from the book. No worries here.

Those of you using characters recycled from other games get the 32 Frown of Disapproval. Just so you know. Not that you care. :D

Those of you who haven't played PB3 with us before get the 32 Nod of Approval, in particular Cain, whose characters have it going on.

This game is cool. I am happy.

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 1:20 am
by Coasini
Yeah, I'm completely green here to the gaming via forum posting thing. I hope I do well enough...

Posted: Wed Jun 02, 2004 3:37 am
by MissTeja
Alrighty, this is what I've got. Paul - let me know if anything needs to go/change/etc.

Name: Jillian Alexandra Day
Street Name: "Speed"
Race: Human
Sex: Female
Age: 14

Physical Description:
Speed stands 5'1" tall, weighs 112 lbs., has shoulder-length blonde hair, has two tattoos - one of a vine going up the left side of her neck and another around her right bicep.

Jillian's mother gave birth on May 18th, 2049 in Portland, with her being one of a set of triplets. She and her sisters, Jada and Jennifer, were sent to Seattle when they were age two to live with their Aunt Bella who lived in Hell's Kitchen, as their mother was imprisoned for four counts of negligent homicide, with the sentences running consecutively. In 2057, her two sisters went back to live with their mother after she was released on parole. Jillian, however, adamantly demanded to stay behind, now detached from her mother and life outside the Barrens.

Growing up in the Barrens was no luxury for a growing girl, but Speed liked it that way. She stopped going to school when her sisters left. Her Aunt Bella, turning to days of relishing in a drunken bliss after losing her job, could have cared less. Speed began running errands and odd jobs for neighbors to help supplement the income.

A neighbor, who Speed duly nicknamed "Old John," befriended her and took Speed under his wing. Day after day for weeks, Old John and Speed would sit around as he taught her the art of Poker. She found a natural talent for the game and eventually started testing her skills on others. One night while playing with a random group of locals, one invited her back with him to play for the "big cash." Speed didn't hesitate and put her skills to work. The group she ended up playing with was a local gang, one known for it's brutal reputation. That didn't stop Speed from taking the entire pot three nights in a row, though. On the fourth night, heading back to Aunt Bella's, the gang confronted her, having had their fill of her skill. They began to jump her. After taking a few good blows to the face, she was knocked unconcious.

When Speed awoke, she was in a bar, lying down on the seat of a booth. As she sat up, she was sitting across from a chubby, tattooed boy who was scarfing down french fries like there was no tommorrow. She stared at him silently for a while, trying to allow the aching in her head to alleviate, when she finally asked who he was and what had happened. The boy introduced himself boldly as "Chopper." and explained that he and "Sticks" had seen the attack and decided to have some fun. Sticks knocked out two guys with his pool stick and Chopper had taken two out himself, before the rest finally backed off. She never did ask why they helped her, but instantly knew she owed them much more than her simple gratitude.

After that night, Speed never returned to her Drunk Aunt Bella's again. She stayed with the gang, though still occasionally paying a visit to Old John. She got along well with everyone, even though she was very kept to herself and quiet. Speed was never one to relish in the limelight. Toyman and she would play an occasional game of poker, and she would let him win once in awhile, but most of her time was spent mastering her skills with non-gang members, and making money. In the six years since she joined with the gang, she has blossomed into a beautiful young woman, though it is rather masked by her almost mysterious demeanor. She is regularly dressed in a black tank and khaki's which she keeps rolled up mid-shin. She keeps her locks stuffed under her black ball cap whenever out and about, as she has found it easier being less noticeably female in these parts, not drawing the attention she would otherwise.

While Jillian was originally nicknamed Speed by Old John in relation to the quickness with which she mastered the game and learned the tricks of the trade, it stuck with the gang members, both in part for her ability to run long distances very quickly, as well as her skills pick-pocketing. While she remains not much of a skilled fighter, she brings her financial gain and speed to the gang, which have proved useful on more than one occasion.