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IC: Shots in the Dark

Posted: Fri Oct 31, 2003 2:41 am
by FlameBlade

The carnival has been going by very well. Very well. Until that one moment. One single moment. Where calmness of the city would be shattered in mere moments.

The fireworks explode with colorful brillance of pyrotechnics on the night of the Carnival. The cool night with light breeze swaying spectators’ hair around as they watch the wisps of smoke trailing from the decorated floats on the river in the middle of Sheboygan. the wisps of smoke ends in a brilliant cloud of fire. All of the sudden, several rocket-propelled spears suddenly fly from a boat into the crowd, apparently targeting three people: Half Dragon Roman Catholic Brother Goldtooth, Father Flathery, and Half Orc Buddhist Monk Silent Fist, three people with leadership ability in Sheboygan. As spears gashes through knees of Goldtooth, he collapses to the ground, as Father Flathery approaches Goldtooth. As Flathery looks at Goldtooth, several blunderbuss blasts sprays into Father Flathery. As Silent Fist saw both Flathery and Goldtooth, he rises, only to face a huge spear flying toward him. Silent Fist quickly dodges the spear in time to avoid the spear aiming for his face. It was not long before the words of the assassination attempt spread around Sheboygan like a wildfire, and sending everyone into disarray with local militia mobilizing…

Chapter one: The Beginnings

It is dawn.

The dawn is strangely calm despite the commotion of the previous night. In the previous night, there was a concerted attack on respected members of the community. But now, it's calm. Strangely calm.

It is dawn. The sunlight breaks through the masses of cloud at the horizon, shining on the docks near the Commerce Waters. It's very quiet. Somber shuffling of sailors cleaning up the previous night's festivities.

The place of attack can be seen clearly from the docks despite the distance of the location from the docks. The disheveled tent. Marks of destruction. It is certainly a wonder that very few people died in that attack.

Somber militia wanders around the area quietly, posting several fliers.

The black letter is smudged, as if someone wrote on the fliers hurriedly:

Requesting assistance. Join the Militia. Need some help on investigating the attack of previous night and investigating strange activities in northern sector. See Tevual StarShine at the site of attack for details.

The fliers begins to pop up throughout the city.

Tevual looks around grimily at the scene. The shattered chairs. Pool of blood. All of victims already are brought from the scene to a nearby church, Shining Hope. Currently, there are several sheriffs and emergency militia recruits patrolling around the scene, searching for any evidence and clues that they may gather.

As for rest of people in the town...all rose to the bright sun, anxiously anticipating what would happen now. Citizens begins to wander through the streets, minding their business.

I make toys. Why the hell am I here?

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2003 12:07 pm
by Toyman
Alphonso rolled over in bed. Light streamed in the window and across the room, lighting the dust suspended in the air. Pulling his blanket up higher, Alphonso tried to shut the day out, to ignore the aches in his legs and the half-remembered screams in his ears. Giving it up as a lost cause, he rubbed at his gritty eyes with his left hand and reached for the glass of water he kept by the bed with his right. Scratching absently, Toyman ran through the previous night's events in his head.


The town had been prepared so lovingly, so perfectly. He had done brisk business in his favored trade of toys as doting parents had gotten wooden gliders and whirly gigs and tiny music boxes that played old marches by some guy named Souza. He'd even finished up a full set of marionettes for a show to be put on during the festival. These ones still used strings, but he'd heard of a model that used his other trade, technomancy, to control the wooden dolls. He wasn't that proficient yet, but one day he hoped he could make a set like that.

Mostly, though, he'd sold glow wands, and glow balls and tiaras set with glowing glass gems. They'd burn out after a day or two, but the kids loved them and the parents liked knowing that their kids were visible if nothing else. He'd also put together some specialty items this year, alchemical charges that shot dragons, birds, old flags, even songs, as well as one other specialty shot that he'd sold out of rather quickly -- it turned every gun into a water pistol, a water pistol shooting not a stream but a globe of water.

He'd helped the rest of the technomancer's guild in tuning up the light system for the town and re-coloring elements to Reds and Blues in addition to the usual White. He didn't entirely understand it, but those were the colors of the festival and so those were the colors they added. Festive banners had been strung up with a little alchemical glow paint added so they'd be visible that evening as well. Performers had been on every corner and bars, taverns and restaurants had been filled to overflowing with revelers.

Though the early day had been rainy, the sky had been clear and the water calm for the fireworks display. Surrounded by the street kids he called friends, Toyman had entertained a small crowd around him with a story enhanced by his projector, a widget that crafted illusions under the wielder's control. When the first rocket burst it disrupted his concentration and the image dissipated, but he hadn't minded. Neither had anyone watching. They were all intent upon the show.

After the first starburst had lit the sky the crowd that had been chattering and singing and making a general babble fell silent. Then a trio of fireworks shot up and shattered that silence with bangs and pops and murmured "Oohs" and "Aahs" of the enthralled onlookers. The day had run beautifully, from the shows and speeches in town to the day-long feasts run by the churches to the faire in the market square (which had, of course, had some excitement, but it had all been resolved peaceably). The fireworks seemed a perfect end to a perfect day.

Which made what came next all the more unthinkable. Under the starbursts came spears propelled by rockets, aimed at the spiritual leaders of Sheboygan. Toyman had heard the shouts and screams and seen the damage done as Father Flathery fell, and Silent Fist dodged. The party was over. Turning, Toyman saw the children panicking. Quickly he called out and gathered them around him, got the eldest to carry the youngest and got them all in motion, fleeing the scene to let others do what was necessary. This was no place for children or a Toymaker.


Most of the children has scattered to their respective hiding holes. Buildings throughout Sheboygan remained abandoned and the children had set up dens and forts and safe places all over. A few hadn't wanted to go out, for whatever reason. Sitting up in his cot, he saw three curled up still on his floor, and the two smallest pulled closer in his bed. He roused them all and took them down to The Stone Oven, which was just down the street a short ways, for some hot fresh muffins for breakfast. Herding them into the bakery, Alphonso noticed a sign that had been posted.

Join the Militia, eh? Well, I doubt they'll need me, but maybe I can at least give them some good equipment. Anyone willing to attack Brother Goldtooth or even that Silent Fist fellow would have no qualms about slaughtering the innocent children here. I... I can't always run. These monsters need to be faced and defeated, or I'll always be afraid of when they return... Nodding silently to himself, Toyman extricated himself from amongst the kids and gave them a few copper each to go enjoy themselves.

He returned to his shop and put on his armor, acquired during his days on the trail with the caravans. A bit tight around the middle... I think I've given Bilbo a few too many coins. Cinching the straps on the boiled leather plates, he checked himself in his mirror. "A right fool I look in this... Might as well make it complete." Toyman grabbed his jester's cap which he'd worn the previous night to the delight of the kids. After hooking his whip to his belt and grabbing up and securing his 'toys', Toyman headed out into the calm bright morning and down to the Commerce Waters to see Tevual StarShine.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 5:49 am
by TheScamp
Doh. Wrong account.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 5:50 am
by Welby Thorngage
Welby was pissed, absolutely ripshit. In fact, he couldn't remeber a time when he was quite as angry as he was now. His normal friendly attitude was overtaken, and he stormed up and down the small room he'd rented for his stay.

Bastards. Absolute bastards. To ruin a night of celebration with such unmitigated violence. The clandestine nature of the atack wansn't the problem; he was, after all, no stranger to that style of fighting. It was only good sense. It was the timing of the thing that really got his hackles up. People were getting together to celebrate; something that wasn't all that common since the cataclysm that simultaneously sundered and joined two worlds. Not only that, but they had also cost him a half night's worth of prospective income on what was possibly the biggest night of the year.

The scene kept replaying over and over in his head. His hands were firmly planted in the thick shaggy hair of Marzipan's back. He had been about to go into his final rooutine when the first explosions of light had burst over the docks, throwing the surrounding faces into stark blue and red-tinged relief. Knowing that he had momentarily lost the surrounding crowd's attetion, he lowered himself to a seated position on Marzipan's back.

That was when he saw them. The rockets on a trajectory far too low for any light show. He saw them fall into the section of crowd where the town elders were supposed to be. Then he heard the screams. A quick nudge, and he had Marzipan off like a shot, running to see what help he could give. But once he arrived, there wasn't much to do for a 35lb halfling. He just sat there, watching helplessly until he couldn't take it any more and had fled back to his apartment.

He had seen the town watch's "Help Wanted" poster earlier when he took Marzipan out for her morning constitutional. Maybe he could do something after all. He saw where those rockets had come from. Adding some legitimacy to the infiltration he was already planning there couldn't hurt. He could go down there, sign up, and get those bastards back for what they had done.

Hell, he might even get paid for it.

Posted: Mon Nov 03, 2003 5:35 pm
by Crimson
Crimson looked around the cave, replaying what happened the night before, The timing was perfect, assassins slip in while everyone is watching the rocket propelled spears if they hadn't underestimated me, I'd be dead.. Moves towards the spring in the rear, and starts to take a bath. Seto was right, distraction is a good strategy, he taught me other things that adoptive parents wouldn't like, of course it could have been a coincidence on the timing, of course, they couldn't have planned it together, because those assassins were after me, not the priests.. She started to dress, I should go into town, see what's going on, hopefully no one recognizes me."


Walking through town, she notices the post, Hiring milita? Why am I even considering that? Oh yeah, more beefy guys to hide behind if they decide to come after me again, of course, I have no idea why they were attacking. With a flourish, she enters the place, and signs up.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 2:15 am
by Threadbare
Oran Barzuk awoke in an occupied bed. A fairly attractive half-elf girl lay next to him.

Must have been a nice night, he thought to himself as he attempted to get his bearings, wish I remember it. Most likely they hadn't actually done much. People were a bit more careful with the disintegration of latex and polyurethane.

He had played during the early part of the festivities. Well, the connection between the two was strictly unofficial, and he didn't have the electric guitar he dreamt of, but he still rocked the asses off of anyone who happened to listen. Apparently this young lady was captured by the rocker mystique. Possibly she had just mistook his half-orc look for a poorly dressed half-elf in need of dental work; everyone had had their share of libations. But that strange attack, from what he could recall, was a total buzzkill. People just wanted to go home and forget about it.

He begins to put on his clothes, what he wears near every day: a white undershirt, a leather jacket, some heavy black denim pants, and his "stompin' boots." It's a saturday, one of his days off from Stuffy's Workshop and his usual gig day. Today, though, the mood feels different. He's a little angrier today. Somebody came after good, decent people, and that shit ain't right. That's the kinda shit they did in Milwaukee.

He leaves a guitar pick on the nightstand with his name on it, and vamooses as quietly as he can. Generally, rockers don't make breakfast.

Posted: Wed Nov 05, 2003 3:11 am
by FlameBlade
Tevual Starshine stands on top of stage of what was once a brilliant stage for speech by Silent Fist. Silent Fist had given a short speech about his life and his journey to Sheboygan, by which was widely acclaimed by everyone, and now widely forgotten due to the attacks that occured only half hour later. Tevual's face remains flat except that it is flat as an elf's face could be. His sword shines slightly in the morning sun as he surveys the region of damage. All victims are gone. Silent Fist is also next to Tevual, standing tall with orange robe and a small book in his hands, looking rather grim, accenting the atmosphere around the wreckage.

One by one militia approaches Tevual, giving reports on what is being discovered around Sheboygan. The wind bristles slightly as a woman in red arrives on the scene, and Tevual quickly makes some eye contact.

"I see that you have come. Not surprisingly. I have been watching you, Crimson."

Few moments later, a Half-Orc in leather jacket appears, looking for something. Just behind him is a person with jester's hat carrying unusual equipment. As Half-Orc rocker and jester arrives, standing behind woman in red, Tevual looks particularly pleased to see all of them. His tiny smile fell down to a frown soon as he hears a certain dog named Marzipan barking in distance and approaching fast.

Not Welby again.

Soon enough, Welby Thorngage came into the scene with his faithful dog, Marzipan, much to Tevual's displeasure, but Tevual quickly caught on that Welby might be here to help investigation rather than cause some problems.

Tevual looks at individuals who showed up, then looks at the wreckage of the site of attack. "As you all may know, the attacks occurs last night during fireworks of the Carnival. Few of our esteemed members of our beloved Sheboygan are injuried in the attack. That would be all I have to say. I doubt that you are here to help. That's will be all I have to say to the people. I wouldn't want rumors to spread out."

Tevual turns away, to survey the wreckage some more and overlook people who are cleaning up the wreckage. After long time, Tevual sighs audiably dejected, accented with motion of his studded leather armor, showing his frustration. And words blends through Tevual's thoughts, People keep coming and coming, and they look to help, but I'd rather to keep them out of danger. I must wait to see who is worthy of undertaking this investigation. Only person worthy of this is Crimson and Welby, but everyone else? They...are an unsual blend of people. Perhaps they would be useful, but they have to prove themselves to me.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 12:21 am
by Crimson
Crimson inwardly winces as Tevual speaks, He's been waiting for me? Great.

Crimson's green eyes flash as she bows, throwing out her cloak, with the flair of someone under the big top, revealing a attractive human female. Her fire red hair bound in a pony tail, and tight red leathers. There can be no doubt as to the origin of the name she has just been called, "You have me at a disadvantage sir, I did not know that such illustrious company would be within."

Shouldering her bow (the only obvious weapon she has) she strides to the barkeep and orders food and a drink, and looks at the others who have entered.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 2:02 am
by Threadbare
Oran snorts.

"Well isn't that just normal. Good that I didn't quit my day job or anything. You want help, I'll give it. You want investigation? I can do that. I'll even join your little black-armband club. But don't jerk my chain with 'help wanted' notices if you're not really asking."

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 5:44 am
by TheScamp
Welby grins impishly as he notices Tevual's annoyance at his arrival. He echos the other arrivals' sentiments.

"Heya Tevie! Yep, all we came down here for is to hear a public service announcement. Couldn't have anything to do with those signs your boys have been plastering everywhere. No, not at all."

Thus Spake Alphonso...

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 3:06 pm
by Toyman
Toyman approached Commerce Waters and saw the stage where the Half-Orc Monk had spoken yesterday. He could see the Monk there again, standing in his orange robe. Toyman paused to collect himself before he approached Tevual.

Pulling off the colorful jester's cap, he ran a hand through his short black hair. Putting the cap back on, he stroked his goatee and adjusted the bandoliers across his chest. The bandoliers contained an odd assortment of minor implements... most people would simply call them toys, but some had other uses for Toyman.

He glanced back out at the stage. A woman wholly outfitted in reds had arrived while he paused. A half-orc in black leather and black jeans walked by and Toyman stepped out behind. He approached the stage and realized that the half-orc had the same destination. Well, if he's here at least he's probably friendly... Actually, I think I may've heard him play yesterday. And it's always good to have people from different walks of life. It'll help us find the details faster...

Behind him he heard a familiar padding of paws. Welby! I should've expected him. Trust him to never miss a chance to get someone who ruins a performance... At least I won't be the only short person here. The gnome was quite familiar with Welby's antics and he and the kids often watched Welby perform with Marzipan.

Tevual looked down at him and the others who had shown up recently. He told them what they already knew and summarily dismissed them as not being likely to help. Toyman was struck dumb for a moment. Luckily the others were not quite so shocked. Unfortunately, they seemed more interested in being indignant... Toyman, having recovered his aplomb, stepped forward to plead his own case.

"Doubt all you like, but Silent Fist had the right of it yesterday." Toyman grinned a moment and pulled out his music box, flipping open the lid in a smooth motion. Accenting music began to crescendo as he continued. "We're here because that's what people here in Sheboygan do... we band together when there's a problem and we help each other out. I may not be brave or strong, but I know what's right. And I can also tell you what isn't -- what happened last night.

"Whoever set those spears didn't just attack one or two people they didn't like... they attacked the entire community. We were here in a spirit of unity, everyone was here... they weren't out to just hurt one or two people, they didn't have a grudge against just Brother Goldtooth or the monk here..." Toyman nodded his head at Silent Fist, "If they'd just wanted to deal with them, they'd have done it in a back alley... No, this was an assault on all of us and we all want to be a part of keeping it from happening again.

"So feel free to doubt, but don't go asking for help and then reject it when that help doesn't match up to your preconceived notions of what help should be, Starshine. So I can't fight as well as the next guy... You need to look past a person's muscles to handle this. There are other things I can do that you can't. I mean to protect the people of this town, especially the children who could've been injured last night.

"So get back to lording your power over your grunts. I've got real work to do to find out what happened..." So saying, Toyman paused a moment to let the music fade, then he snapped the music box shut and turned his back on Tevual and the stage and started walking.

Posted: Thu Nov 06, 2003 9:14 pm
by Oran Barzuk
way to stick it to The Man...

Oran makes a mental note to track down that toy guy at some point. Right now, though, he has a specific curiousity to satisfy.

He walks up to Silent Fist and asks, "Can I talk to you? It's not about the attacks, well, maybe it is in a way. I just wanted to know how you deal with all this. Being what you are, how people treat you, and how it doesn't seem to bother you. I mean, it's not even like you just ignore it, but embrace their hate. It's deep, man."

Posted: Fri Nov 07, 2003 8:58 pm
by FlameBlade
Silent Fist turns to Oran, "It is not easy. But I do have something to tell you. Believe in yourself. Believe in others. Then you will learn how to embrace everything." Silent Fist tries to continue, expressing more of his mediative thoughts to Oran, a fellow Half-Orc as Tevual began to speak.


Tevual took some time to digest words by Toyman. The words slowly makes some connections in his brain. He snorts, "Boy in funny hat, you have made a compelling point...I'll reconsider. So. I assume that you all are here to help me. I didn't expect likes of you to come help me. Boy in funny hat, you made a strong point, but that doesn't mean I believe you are suited to the assignment that I am planning to give out, but if you really believe in yourself, then..."

Marzipan was barking loudly, interupting Tevual. Tevual turns quickly to look at Marzipan, and shot at Welby sharply, "Stop that infernal barking! Welby, stop his barking!" But clearly, Marzipan was barking at something in the distance to the north. A creature was seen lumbering toward the wreckage. The creature is howling something, then proceed to limp toward the wreckage. Several of militia guards took a few steps back from the creature. Soon enough, it became clear that the creature is not quite...alive and...also...violent. The creature lumbers violently toward the guards, with violence glinting in its eye. Two guards nearest to the creature promptly react to the creature by driving it through with their awl pikes. The fleshes fly off the humanoid creature, and incredibly with no discernable effect. The creature howls, and took another step as another guard comes in with a massive thrust of another awl pike. The awl pike thrusts deeply into the creature, and the creature crumbles to the floor.

Tevual stood there, staring at the body, muttering something under the breath. Militia guards quickly move in to cover the humanoid's body and bring it out of the scene, after ensuring that the creature is indeed dead.

Tevual turns back to Toyman, Crimson, Welby, and Oran. Tevual's face is pale, which is abnormal for his relatively dark, hardened skin, "Well...looks like we do need some help. Just do me a big favor. If you believe that there is a danger greater than you can handle, just get out of there. I do not want you all lose your life over this. This is certainly a difficult situation for us all. So...first of all...let us introduce each other formally, and I will get into details of what is going on around here. I am Tevual Starshine, sheriff of Sheboygan, and I look over the city, ensuring everyone's safety."

Posted: Sun Nov 09, 2003 9:53 pm
by Crimson
Crimson bows, "Crimson, knife thrower of the Travelling Follies Extrordinaire." As her cloak is pushed out of the way, a collection of knives, you think a bola, a couple of axes.

Toyman says, "Hi!"

Posted: Tue Nov 11, 2003 7:35 am
by Toyman
Toyman had made it a total of ten steps before he heard Tevual turn and speak. Boy in funny hat, eh? Well, I suppose the jester's cap was a bit out of place. He paused a moment, debating whether to stay or leave... His decision was made by an outside party, though... He turned when Marzipan started barking. Looking at the dog and then following the dog's line of sight, Toyman saw a... thing.

Toyman paused, fascinated. He was too... intrigued, too curious to even consider running at this point. Instead, he unclipped his binoculars and held them up. Useful as a theory focus for his technomanctic detection spells, they also worked nicely as simple mundane magnification.

Peering through the binocs, he could see unusual patterns on the creature... almost as if it were stitched together by something, and it seems to be some kind of zombie, except it looked... different, somehow. Then the militia men speared it down and covered it with a cloth.

Tevual spoke again as Toyman resumed his place near the stage. First the lady in red bowed and identified herself as Crimson. Toyman decided to answer next. "Uh, Alphonso Veracruz, local toystore owner. I also design and repair techno-magic devices. Most people just know me as the Toyman, though." He smiles a little and reaches up to pull off his jester's hat. The bells jingle as he lowers it. "Or you could just call me Boy in a Funny Hat, I guess."

Posted: Sat Nov 15, 2003 3:34 am
by FlameBlade
Tevual looks at Oran and Welby, and sighs, because it is quite apparent that they were still staring at the area where some kind of creature were attacking. Tevual turns toward Toyman, then to Crimson with a mighty rustle of his armor, "I shall call you Toyman then. I hate to talk long, but I must talk for a little. As you all might know, we are trying to investigate the attack last night, and this appearence of strange creatures. But our men are spread thin, as raiding parties from south are giving trouble. So we need some help from likes of you for this matter. At the moment, our primary concern is: mysterious creatures and the attack last night. It is up to you to choose which to investigate. I'm afraid that I don't have much to say about both areas of investigation. That is what you are here for. Before I ask too much from you, your safety is our primary concern."

Tevual sighs, and turns back to the wreckage, to overlook any men cleaning up the mess in midst of bright dawn, which is rapidly growing older as the sun rises higher into the sky, with blustery clouds converging toward the sun from the west. Smoke continue to rise from rubble, and citizens of Sheboygans is starting to mill around in the streets, and most of them attempting to find out what exactly happened last night.

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 5:01 am
by Threadbare
Oran turns as they finish discussing what to call Toyman, taking a good look at the ugly bugger.

"I'm Oran Barzuk. I'm a musician, and I build and fix stuff down at Stuffy's. I want to look into the stuff yesterday. While undead creatures of the night are good enough for Iron Maiden, they're not quite up my alley."

Posted: Wed Nov 19, 2003 10:07 pm
by Welby Thorngage
Welby finally gets a very agitated Marzipan under control and turns her back to face the small gathering. He gives her a quiet vocal command and a quick tap on the head, and she becomes very still, and he leaps up to his feet on her back and gives a grandiose bow.

“Welby Thorngage at your service. I think I could be of help in either enterprise, but if we are to look into the creatures, then we’d best decide soon. The longer we wait, the more difficult it will be for Marzipan and me to track that monstrosity back to its source.”

Here we are now... Entertainers!

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 12:44 am
by Toyman
Toyman listened to Tevual, and then noted the names of the others who had answered the summons. He considered their evident skill sets and his own desires.

"I agree with Oran. I came here to help discover what happened last night and the standing militia men are probably better suited to dealing with those strange creatures." He paused a moment, then looked up at Welby, then at Crimson and Oran.

"As entertainers, of sorts, each of us could probably more easily gather information and rumours from the public. An attack such as happened last night rarely happens without someone seeing something strange. If no one else has any ideas, I suggest we either pair off or split up entirely for the moment, see what we can find out and meet up again, perhaps this afternoon or evening."

Posted: Thu Nov 20, 2003 12:42 pm
by Crimson
Crimson looks at the other three gathered, and considers. Great, two munchkins, though the musician has promise. Go hunting the undead where I won't really see things coming or..oh, good, they want to stay in town.

"I concur, finding out if anyone saw anything would be helpful. And breaking into teams of two would be appropriate, as one might miss something." That and if anyone after me is still here, I have a body to put between me and them.

Crimson turns to Tevual, "Do we have some sort of paper, or badge saying we're with the guard? With no official sanction, some are likely not to cooperate, we're not Scooby and the gang."

Posted: Sat Nov 22, 2003 12:40 am
by FlameBlade
Tevual looks at the entire group, impressed with their fresh minds, and fresh breath, "Well, if you're interested in those undead creatures, the place is to start is somewhere north of here, on the outskirts. That is far as my officers could track to, or is willing to track to. I'm not sure which. Also, there may be victims who may recall the incident at St. Gregory's. Also, we have managed to detain three ships suspected in the sabotage, but I am not sure which ship is involved. It's entirely possible that neither of ship is involved. I'm afraid that I will have to let the ships go after three days of impounding the ships and people for evidence, per city policy, so you'd better get a leg up on ships if you want to investigate more throughly. Anyway, for recongitation, here's a silver pin. Just pin it on your clothes' collar, and guards will recongize you immediately, and citizens will know that you are working for me."

Tevual looks directly at Welby, then scans across Toyman, Oran, and Crimson. Soon enough, Tevual locks his eyes on Welby, as if not quite trusting him, but as if he has no choice but to trust Welby. Then Tevual passes around silvery moon pins, which eeriely resembles the moon above Lake Michigan. Then Tevual pauses for a while, then he puts in some more words:

"Remember, your safety is our primary concern, if anything is too dangerous, get reinforcements soon as possible. And also, you all are dismissed."

Posted: Tue Nov 25, 2003 1:59 pm
by Crimson
Crimson takes the pin, and attaches it to the inside of her cloak, "Thank you Tevual, this might make some things easier."

Crimson, sensing that the audience is at a end, withdraws to slightly away, and waits. "I must be out of my mind, I should run very far away, but...without knowing who's after me, that might be exactly what they want.

Posted: Thu Nov 27, 2003 6:38 am
by Threadbare
Oran takes the pin and puts it on proudly between his SUPPORT MENTAL HEALTH OR I'LL KILL YOU button and his Pink Floyd button.

"Hey, either of you low-pockets want to go with me to the ships? I got nothing better to do on this fine saturday morning than catch the word on the street or go Columbo on some hung-over sailors."

Posted: Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:03 am
by FlameBlade
((This post is just to give you a feeling of what is around the city, so you may have easier time creating posts.))

The city stands quiet in rising sun. The white puffs moves on rapidly across the sky. The bright, blue sky remains very still.

At St. Gregory, not very far away from the site incident, masses of people are surrounding the front gates, inquiring for all information about beloved ones, loved ones, friends, or whomever that may be at the site of incident.

At Commerce Waters, just down the river toward Lake Michigan, well away from the site of incident, the merchants mill around in subdued silence.

The words continue to spread throughout the city of Sheboygan, where taverns are filled with people trading rumors in somber, subdued tones.

Citizens of Sheboygan begin to move throughout the city to do their businesses as normal, but however, in very subdued tone, very unlike to what citizens used to be last night and well before the incident. There is much sadness hanging over the city despite bright, beautiful day, with sun shining on everything.

Posted: Tue Dec 09, 2003 12:40 pm
by Sludig
Crimson looks at Oran, "Why don't we all go down to the docks, I'd like to talk to the harbormaster and find out who owns which ship, and if they were scheduled to make deliveries."

Posted: Sun Dec 14, 2003 10:09 pm
by Toyman
Toyman nods. "That may be a better idea, especially since we don't know each other particularly well yet. We can split up later once we have a better idea of how we all work. How about it, Welby?"

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 10:19 pm
by Threadbare
"Sounds fine to me. Let's boogaloo down this broad way, to the docks.

Posted: Mon Dec 15, 2003 11:37 pm
by Welby Thorngage
Welby affectionately thumps the side of Marzipan's neck.

"Yes, let's head down that way. There's a certain ship I'd like to check out, as well."