Genre Clash :: IC

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Genre Clash :: IC

Post by Bethyaga »

What follows is edited transcripts of a game called Genre Clash, played in a single 8 hour IRC session on the night of March 16-17, 2002.

The cast of players consisted of (alphabetically):

Enteri (3278): An elven mage and academic from the world of Earthdawn.
Markiel (Eliahad): Scientist and musician from the 30th century world of God's Dice.
Miles (Cazmonster): A werewolf and Vietnam veteran from 1982.
Raven (Flameblade): A mysterious dark figure with a special link to nature and especially with birds. Raven comes from an unspecified fantasy world.
Uhlan (Jeff Hauze): A troll tribal warrior from a fantasy-steampunk world of Jeff's design.

With myself serving as the Game Master.

Genre Clash is based on the Fudge RPG system.

The first five posts will be the introductions sent to each character prior to the game. I am also intending to post their character sheets/descriptions in the OOC thread.

Please put all questions and commentary on this game in the "Genre Clash :: OOC" thread.
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Post by Bethyaga »

Enteri’s Intro

Enteri's first thought is that he must have fallen asleep at his studies and then carelessly fallen from his chair. But that is wrong. This floor is neither the plush palace carpet or the smooth stone tiles of his home. It is perfectly smooth and level as if he is laying on a bed of glass.

Which is not far from the truth. Looking down, Enteri can see that this floor, or whatever it is, is indeed transparent. He can see through it to gray-brown rocks and earth that pass by him at a horse's gallop many feet below.

Enteri sits up and nearly falls over again. He feels light headed, and his balance is off. This plain of glass seems to extend for hundreds of feet in all directions, and it is then surrounded by trees and rocks and grassy plains. The horizon is somehow bent though and curves up and away in the distance. And while there is light enough here for full day, Enteri can see neither sky nor cloud above, only a darkening gray.

Of immediate concern though is the people around him. There are four yellow skinned persons around him, keeping a respectful distance. They look for all the world like very short elves, except for the yellow skin. They are dressed outlandishly is close form-fitting clothes is bizarre colors and patterns, but in spite of that, Enteri gets a sense of reverence and ritual from them. He can feel the residue of some very large magic and feels in his gut that these not-elves are directly responsible for it.

Further off, Enteri glimpses other gathered groups of not-elves on the plain of glass, and he wonders how many others have been brought here.
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Post by Bethyaga »

Markiel’s Intro

Sung Markiel is, as usual, with her violin. It is relaxing. Only a small portion of her faculties are needed to guide the bow across the instrument, and meanwhile, the rest of her mind can sort through her day’s notes, ponder the significance of a colleague’s visit, plan her itinerary for the next day. In general, just unwind, and release all the pressures, until eventually she is concentrating on nothing but her music. It’s almost zenlike in its totality.

But today, something happens. When she’s like this, it takes Markiel a while to refocus her senses on the world around her, so this slowly building hum takes her entirely by surprise. She stops playing and realizes that she is totally deaf and blind for the moment. Everything is subsumed by this all-encompassing hum. This sound, this vibration… this resonance.

Markiel is calm throughout, and she feels as if she’s almost on the verge of finding a pattern in this soft barrage of noise. And then without warning, it stops.

She feels herself fall, but only for a short distance, until she impacts something solid and floor-like. Her stool is with her, as is her violin and bow, but the slight nausea in the pit of her stomach tells her that the gravity has changed, and she is no longer aboard the Eye. She is somewhere else entirely.

Markiel estimates quickly that she is in just under half of Earth-normal gravity—considerably less than what she is used to. As her vision returns, she has a momentary disorientation as she sees moving ground rushing by beneath her, but she quickly realizes that she is actually sitting on a great transparent floor that allows her to see “outside” of wherever it is that she is.

The ground rushing by beneath this window-floor is nearly featureless brown-gray earth and rock. With no point of reference, that “ground” could be anywhere from 10 to 1000 meters away.

Markiel finally looks around her. This great expanse of window goes on in all directions. There are other people nearby, some as confused as she and others who appear to be waiting. But even as her mind takes in these new acquaintances, another part of her is observing how the “floor” here curves up and away from her. The analytical part of her does some quick calculations and is immediately shocked. The curvature indicates that she is standing on the inside of the hull of an enormous space station. Larger than any she has seen before. This curvature would mean the ship she is on is over 11 kilometers across where she is standing. And to maintain this level of “gravity” inside, it much be spinning at a considerable rate—one rotation every 10 or so minutes, so this part of the hull is moving at maybe 60 meters per second. Combine that with the apparent speed of the rocks moving by outside, she’d guess that they are only about 80 meters from the hull. Who would build a ship so big? And how is a ship this big /inside/ of whatever this rock is outside? She is baffled.

All of these calculations take only a small portion of her capacity, and she finishes them in less that a minute. In the meantime, Markiel’s senses are taking in the people around her.
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Post by Bethyaga »

Miles’s Intro

The first thing Miles notices is a low hum. Once he notices that it's there, he realizes he has no idea when it started. It's just there, like the beginnings of a headache before the real pain begins.

The hum grows until it's the only thing Miles can think of. He looks around him at the strangers passing him by. As usual, they look right through him, acting as if he doesn't exist, but in addition, they don't hear it. It's as if the infuriating noise is meant only for him.

Then the whole world seems to turn upside down. The hum is gone, but Miles finds himself falling headfirst toward a ground that seems to be whizzing by sideways at 100 mph.

The fear and panic are instinctive, and it is the Wolf that slams shoulders first into some invisible barrier after a few more feet of falling.

Wolf is on his feet in a flash, snarling teeth bared to frighten away the pale yellow skinned people waiting in a half circle around him. Wolf's senses take in everything. The ground is invisible--transparent. And beneath his paws, beneath this invisible ground, rock and earth seem to drift by as fast as a wolf's run. As his claws click on the glass, Wolf realizes the floor is solid, and everything beyond it becomes irrelevant.

Around him are more of these yellow skinned people. They resemble humans, but smell nothing like them. They are obviously wary of Wolf. But mixed among these are more who have fallen like Wolf. From these, Wolf can smell the fear and confusion--he is not alone. Wolf can see no roof above him, but he feels no sky either--this place is somehow enclosed--and that makes Wolf nervous.

But beyond all of that, and more important than any of it... the moon is gone. Wolf knows it in the pit of his stomach. He has never before, in any of his forms, truly felt the presence of the moon itself--only its effects on him. But now he feels its absence.
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Post by Bethyaga »

Raven’s Intro

Raven is sleeping when it happens. He is awakened when the world disappears.

Raven always feels the world around him. It is so close to him, that in his quiet moments, he can almost... almost... take it for granted. But once it is gone and he can no longer feel its touch, it is like a shock to his system and he is instantly awake. On waking, the first thing he notices is that even without the world, he still has several of the crows with him. Great black birds who have been traveling companions these last few weeks. They are worried and had gathered close to the sleeping Raven for mutual protection.

And as quickly as it disappeared, the world is back, and Raven's body falls just a few feet to land roughly on the ground. The world is back again, but different.

Around him are several short yellow-skinned humans who wear looks of concern as they watch him. Beyond them are other groups gathered like this one. And beyond them, rocks and trees and grass. But no sky--at least not a true one. Even though he can't see it, Raven knows this place is enclosed. There is a roof somewhere.

A look at the floor confirms Raven's thoughts. The floor is clear--some kind of glass. Through it, he can see rocks and earth passing by beneath his feet. But even that is somehow wrong.

No matter how strange everything looks though, that matters nothing to Raven. He sees beyond appearances. The true wrongness of this place is in its feel. Raven always instinctively feels out the world around him, and in this case, he is surpised to find it more alive than any place he's ever been. The rocks, the trees, the people, even this glass floor under him--all of it has some kind of life. It is wondrous and a little scary.

And then he feels it. Underneath all of it, Raven senses clearly that this world is sick--tainted. There is a blackness in it that taints everything. Turns it black and threatens to grow until it engulfs it all. Raven feels almost as if this land wishes to speak to him, but somehow that corrupted /thing/ within it keeps it silent.
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Post by Bethyaga »

Uhlan’s Intro

Uhlan is running. It seems he's always running these days. His quarry is in his sight. His feet make almost no noise across the ground as he approaches his unsuspecting prey. And then, without warning, the ground disappears beneath his feet.

Uhlan has the sudden sense of falling in slow motion, tumbling toward a waiting group of people below. They have yellow skin and large eyes, and they are looking up at him as he falls. If not for their odd clothing and yellow skin, Uhlan would take them for elven priests.

He is falling so slowly though. This is not right. As he gets closer, he sees that the waiting people below are not actually on the ground. The ground is somewhere below them, maybe 50 feet down and racing by at an incredible pace, as if all of them are flying. Uhlan is very confused.

And then he hits. Apparently, these yellow elves /are/ standing on something. A great tranparent floor, like a window set in the bottom of a ship. The impact doesn't hurt at all, and Uhlan springs to his feet ready to face these strangers.

He quickly gets a survey of his surroundings. There are other groups of these people, and others who have fallen here with Uhlan. There are trees and grass beyond this plain of glass, but the horizon somehow curves upward in the distance. Uhlan gets the distinct sense of being enclosed.

Most unusually though, the Maiden is gone. The earth, the rocks, the trees around him, even this glassy floor--all of them resonate with life, and Uhlan can feel the touch of this strange world as he once felt the Maiden. But it is not the Maiden. Somehow, he has been torn bodily from his mother, his lover, his world.
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Post by Bethyaga »

Bethyaga> Go!

* The_Wolf growls, low in his throat.

* Raven caws with his ravens

Bethyaga> The yellow skinned things around the Wolf back away in fear. They were obviously not expecting this.

* The_Wolf tries to back away from as many of the yellow men-folk as possible.

* Markiel makes sure she is perfectly centered, closing her eyes once and then looking again at the people gathered around her

* Raven looks up at yellow-skinned men, and stares at them silently.

The_Wolf> There's a pile of clothes and junk not far from The Wolf.

* Enteri blinks several times in rapid succession. Enteri looks briefly confused.

* Jeff backs into a corner, whirling about to look at all the strangers.

Uhlan> OOC: Damn, wrong name.

Bethyaga> One of the yellow beings, who is distinguished by his bright red clothing and tall elaborate boots begins speaking.

The_Wolf> ((What do the other folk who aren't yellow skinned look like?))

Bethyaga> Wolf--you'll see them in a moment.

* Markiel her gaze is inquisitive, though slightly surprised.

* Enteri looks around.

* Raven quickly finds a secure piece of grounding, and eyes the elaborate yellow being

Bethyaga> The yellow man is speaking a language that none of you understand, but at the same time, you hear a multitude of voices echoing softly behind his.

Bethyaga> He waits expectantly, and the others of his kind begin to back away reverentially.

* Uhlan draws his chan'gars in each of his hands, and tries to find a position where his back isn't exposed.

Bethyaga> You all can see one another now.

* Markiel begins shifting her senses to memory and processing, stealing away from her touch and smell, trying to recognize the sound.

* Raven looks at the man inquistively, cocking his head slightly just like as ravens...

Enteri> Well.

* The_Wolf is a titanic wolf, the size of a grizzly bear.

Bethyaga> Does everyone want to give a one or two sentence description of themselves for the benefit of others?

* The_Wolf 's pelt is gray, with black tufts at the ears and at the tail-tip.

Uhlan> As for his actual physical description, he has long black braided hair, bright azure eyes (which often seemingly change color with his moods), and a ruddy brown colored skin with few smooth spots. His skin is nearly hairless save for the waistline area and the hair on his head. It also is rough and textured, with a thickness not found in humans, forming a natural defensive mechanism. Uhlan stands at 7'1", 300 lbs.

* Raven raven is skinny,, in flowing robes, with clawish hands...hawkish face. Dark hair is flowing freely as a bird's flight..., and his height is not great.

Uhlan> As for his clothes and style of dress, it fits the tribal culture. Generally a simple tan or grey tunic with dark brown or ash half-length pants are his usual outfit. No footware is necessary for a Troll Guardian and none is used. His hair is often decorated with a few beads, leaves, herbs, feathers, and trinkets intertwined and braided into his hair. In extremely cold climates, he'll supplement this with his worg-fur tunic. In extremely

* Enteri is a tall, thin male in colorful robes. He looks nondescript in nearly every way, save his long, nearly-white hair, his pointed ears, and his shockingly intelligent eyes. He is middle-aged.

Raven> remarkably, his clothes seemingly matches his dark hair.

* Markiel is a middle-aged asian woman with a faint violet glow to her skin, she's wearing a plain oversized, long-sleeved shirt and loose flowing pants, she's about 5' 6" and of healthy build. Her dark hair is secured at one side by a violet comb tucked in her hair.

Uhlan> Yeah, that's what I get for hitting copy too soon. :)

Markiel> She carries a violin at her side, held by the scroll, and a bow in that same hand.

* Enteri is holding nothing.

* Raven is holding a dagger, but in non-threatening way

Enteri> Ah, hello.

* Enteri blinks again.

Bethyaga> Markiel--as you filter the sound, you hear languages you recognize mixed in with the hodge-podge. There is Spanish and English and something that might be Farsi. The words are jumbled, but he is identifying himself as Bentoo and offering welcome and apology.

* Uhlan is roughly 7'1", 300 lbs, with skin the color of a black male, though much rougher. His hair is dark, long, and braided. He holds a long bladed knife in each hand that resemble shivs.
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Post by Bethyaga »

The_Wolf>> since I'm not in any dire threat, I'm going to try to shift back down to Miles.

Bethyaga> Dice for Miles.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: 0 0 +1 0 = +1

* Raven takes some interest in the wolf nearby

Bethyaga> The shift is easy for you.

The_Wolf>> Thanks

Bethyaga> The man keeps talking, but...

Bethyaga> He sees that you are all still confused, and he is obviously worried.

The_Wolf> As Raven watches The Wolf, his outline shrinks, down to that of a man - currently a naked man.

* Markiel tries speaking in Spanish, "I return your welcome, and accept your apology. I am Sung."

*** The_Wolf is now known as Miles

* Raven steps back as he sees the transformation...

Bethyaga> The moment you speak, Markiel, the whispered voices cease and you hear only Spanish.

Enteri> Oh, my.

Miles> "Umm, yeah," Miles says, reaching for a patch of flannel shirt to cover his privates with.

Uhlan> "What have you done with the Maiden? TELL ME!"

* Uhlan screams at the yellow elves.

* Markiel repeats the message in English.

Bethyaga> Markiel--now in English.

Bethyaga> Uhlan--you are scaring the little men.

* Raven looks at the yellow creature, trying to understand them.

Enteri> "Ah, excuse me."

Enteri> [[Speaking in Elven.]]

Markiel> "Shhh, Quiet!" Markiel reprimands the troll, sharply, but quietly.

Bethyaga> They run from you, but now you can understand the speech. "Please," he implores you, "We truly mean no harm. We only need your help."

* Uhlan sheaths his chan'gar, and falls to his haunches, dropping into a prayer position.

Enteri> [[Do I understand the other non yellow people?]]

Miles> "Damn, I shouldn't have done them mushrooms. This shit's weird."

Bethyaga> Yes--as each of you speaks, the words come in your own language.

* Raven seems to understand them, and says in common language, "help?"

Markiel> "It's going to get worse, keep that Troll DOWN would you." Markiel steps after the yellow people, arms out wide, "Wait!"

* Miles moves back over to the pile of belongings and looks for some clothes.

Bethyaga> As he senses understanding, Bentoo begins again.

* Uhlan perks his head up at that strange dialect of Elvish.

* Raven says, "Life, Help?"

Bethyaga> I am Bentoo. These are my people.

Enteri> Greetings.

Bethyaga> We are Thermians and our home is beseiged.

Bethyaga> We can no longer commune with Halo.

Markiel> Slow down, Halo?

Bethyaga> It will allow us to use our power, but it will no longer talk.

Bethyaga> Halo, yes.

* Uhlan takes a moment to calm himself, remembering the Maiden's Breath to keep his center.

Bethyaga> He waves his arms to indicate everything around you.

Miles> "Okay, nobody said nothing about no halos."

Bethyaga> This vessel is Halo.

Raven> Halo? The Earth?

Markiel> "And that?" Markiel points out the window towards the rock.

* Uhlan stands slowly, attempting to keep his bearing relaxed to not scare the strange yellow elves.

Bethyaga> To Markiel:

* Enteri begins to wander slightly, where he can get a better view of the strange horizon.

* Miles manages to find a pair of jeans and a second hand work shirt.

Bethyaga> That outside is *****. (The word does not translate for anyone but Enteri who hears it as Limbo)

Uhlan> "Vessel? Like the Goblin's Warships? We're on water?"

* Markiel rembers the word *****, and will ask about it later.

Bethyaga> "Almost." He sighs. "Oh no--I fear we may have made a mistake."

Enteri> This is no vessel as I know one. This must be larger than the largest air castle.

* Raven caws with a raven, asking him to go off searching the land, so he can understand the land better.

Markiel> "Bentoo, Do we fly or float?"

Bethyaga> Enteri can see that the far horizons in two directions seem to curve up, as if this place sits in a large valley.

Enteri> I...would you mind if I took a look at it? I'm sure you could tell me all of this later, correct?

* Uhlan reels back at the mention of a castle in the air.

Miles> "What the heck are you guys talking about? Some kinda fairy tale?"

* Raven sends the raven away.

* Enteri smiles suddenly.

* Markiel remains intent on Bentoo, seemingly ignoring the conversation around her.

Bethyaga> The raven flies high and crows--it quickly has found other birds and sends this information back to Raven in a warm glow.

Enteri> The horizon is wrong. The distances are too great. This is wonderful.

* Raven smiles

Bethyaga> Bentoo: "Please, if everyone could just listen. Time is very short."

* Uhlan smiles and watches the birds, feeling something like the Maiden for the first time.

* Raven turns to Bentoo, and watches him intently

Bethyaga> "Even if I have erred and doomed my people to destruction, you are still our only hope."

Enteri> I...yes. I suppose.

Uhlan> "Her children are here, though they are odd."

Miles> "No problems. This place is already too weird."

* Enteri reluctantly rejoins the group.

Markiel> "Hope for what?"

Raven> Hope? Destruction?

Bethyaga> "This..." and he pats the glass floor beneath him, "Is Halo. Halo is a home... a ship sort of, if you want to think of it that way."
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Post by Bethyaga »

Miles> "Gotcha, you're aliens, this is the Starship Enterprise."

Uhlan> "Ben-too, what is the problem?"

Bethyaga> "We Thermians found Halo floating here in the recesses of ****** centuries past when we were first brought into the world."

* Markiel glares at the human that appears to be werewolf.

Bethyaga> "It has been our home ever since. But now it has been attacked."

* Raven looks at Miles quizzically

Miles> "What?"

Raven> Ships in Stars?

* Enteri listens intently, fascinated.

Bethyaga> "We Thermians have always welcomed all travelers, and if we can profit from their stay, so much the better--everyone benefits. But our trusting nature was our undoing."

* Miles looks at Markiel with a dazed expression, like he expects her to disappear.

* Uhlan looks at the man-wolf. "Starships...even Dwarves know that is not possible. Foolish tales, you tell, human."

* Markiel focuses soley on Bentoo, taking a few steps closer to the yellow-skinned...thing.

Bethyaga> "Trust me--it is very possible."

Markiel> "What attacked you?"

Bethyaga> "An evil came to Halo many days ago and began destroying our people. Guest and Thermians alike began to turn against us."

* Uhlan looks around, dismissing the Dwarvish talk about ma-sheens.

Bethyaga> "Now, it has found a way to drain the life force from Halo itself."

Raven> evil?

Miles> "Damn. That's really bad."

Raven> draining life force?

Enteri> And what form does this evil take? Does it possess a form?

Bethyaga> "Halo will not speak to us, and we can feel its pain"

Bethyaga> "Yes--a form."

Markiel> "You don't know what it is, do you.."

Bethyaga> "It is that of a giant with horns of a demon."

Enteri> What is the appearance of this form?

Raven> Stop...I can't talk...I can't talk...

Bethyaga> "And great sharp teeth with which to eat its victims."

Enteri> I... see.

Uhlan> "Daemons."

Markiel> "A demon?"

* Uhlan spits the word out.

Miles> "Great, Satan has shown up and he's about to munch on Kirk, Spock and the rest of them."

Enteri> As fascinating as this may be, what precisely what you like us to do? Why is it that you have brought us here?

Markiel> "From what system?"

Bethyaga> "And now, our own people have joined it and are returning to attack us--infest us with their evil."

Uhlan> "Find the one who summoned the daemon and kill him. The spell will end."

Raven> the silent.

Bethyaga> "You can help us."

* Miles thinks this is really screwed up and starts reaching for a "Leash", cause it can't get any worse.

Enteri> Come to think of it, precisely how did you bring us here?

Bethyaga> "Even though Halo will not speak, its power and magic is still available. We searched across the voids for great heroes who could end this. We found you."

Raven> "Me?"

* Markiel laughs, once, out loud.

Miles> "Heroes? Buddy, you must have picked the wrong guy. Maybe you should have shot further east."

Enteri> Then truly its magic has indeed been drained. For I am no hero. I am a simple scholar.

Bethyaga> At the incredulous reactions, Bentoo looks entirely crestfallen. "I am sorry. Sorry to all of you. If you are not the heroes we sought, then I have only doomed you to die along with us."
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Post by Bethyaga »

Uhlan> "I am a Guardian, Ben-too."

Uhlan> "I will help you and the rest of these elves."

Miles> "I an't dead yet."

Enteri> Well, I would like to avoid that eventuality.

Markiel> "You haven't doomed anyone, what do we need to do?"

Miles> *ain't*

Raven> "The land need me."

* Uhlan steps forward, holding out a huge hand to the little yellow elf.

Markiel> "I just find it hard to believe that someone who doesn't sleep, seems to be dreaming. And I think she might like to wake up."

Bethyaga> He is almost in tears at this point. "Truly?" He grasps Uhlan's hand. "Thank you."

Miles> "Try some mescaline some time. You can dream while your awake, believe me."

* Raven looks quizzically at the bulking troll making peace with yellow men

Markiel> "Are you going to let me explore?"

Enteri> "Is there any way we could learn more about...the evil?

Enteri> "

Bethyaga> "You may do as you wish. We will provide for you as best we can."

Bethyaga> "The evil... yes..."

Markiel> "What else is there on Halo?"

Bethyaga> "Right now, it is in the area of Halo known as Quarantine."

Bethyaga> "That is the one portion of our land where we allow Guests to stay."

Raven> "Quar-antine?"

* Uhlan turns to face the bird-man. "They are in need. They may be different from the rest of the Maiden's children, but they are still Hers."

Enteri> "Because, all things considered, the place in which I can help you most at this time would likely be a library."

Miles> "Yeah, so's we don't infect them with nothin'."

Bethyaga> "Fortunately, Halo's natural security has kept it and its minions from venturing into The Land, but Halo's power is fading slowly as the Evil gains control."

Enteri> "Frankly, some sort of map or diagram of this vessel of which you speak would likely help a great deal as well. I would hope. "

* Uhlan turns back to Ben-too. "Is there any place I may not venture? I will track this daemon, but I'll need to move quickly."

* Markiel nods in agreement.

Bethyaga> A female Thermian steps forward to Enteri, "I am Fallon, Halo's Lead Statistician. I can give you access to our library."

Miles> "Trackin' and killin' used to be my job. I can help."

Enteri> A statistician? Fascinating.

* Raven looks at Miles

Raven> Tracking?

Enteri> Is there anyone else who would like to view this library?

[[Markiel> OOC: Do the PCs understand eachother?]]
[[Bethyaga> Yes--you all understand each other.]]

Miles> "Army Rangers, sir."

Enteri> Madam?

* Uhlan nods at Miles. "Can you move quickly? I generally work alone."

Markiel> "I'll go with you...I'm sorry, I don't know your name."

* Raven greets himself to Miles, "Raven."

Miles> "Nice name, sounds tribal. I go by Miles."

Enteri> A thousand apologies. I am Enteri Tinuviel Goldleaf. And I have the pleasure of your name, madam?

Enteri> *may

* Raven calls for his raven to return to his shoulders.

Bethyaga> "If you choose to enter Quarantine, we cannot risk opening the passages through Halo proper. We will have to take you to an airlock, and there will be shuttles that can reach Quarantine from the outside."

Markiel> "Sung Markiel," she bows polietly, "Markiel is fine though. Let's go."

* Uhlan steps towards Raven and Miles, kneeling before each and bowing his head. "I am Draegar Kylie Trogan Uhlan of the Whispering Woods."

Enteri> Shall we all go, or do you gentlemen desire to venture on another path?

* Markiel gets a pained look on her face

Miles> "Damn, that's about as long as you are tall."

Uhlan> "Uhlan is my birth name."

* Raven caws at Uhlan in reply

Uhlan> "Beautiful birds, Raven. You are truly blessed."

* Enteri smiles slightly at Markiel.

Miles> "I'm not too good with the books. How's about stretch, Rook and I go lookin' for this thing while you brainy types go figure stuff out."

Uhlan> "I do not read, so a bookhouse is of no use to me."

* Raven stares at Uhlan in fashion similar to birds would stare at predators.

Enteri> A splendid idea. Madame, Fallon, shall we?

* Raven after a while, Raven relaxes a little

Markiel> "Certainly," she returns the slight smile.

Miles> "Let's saddle up.

Miles> "

Uhlan> "I will hunt this daemon with Miles and Raven."

* Raven caws with his raven, "We are hunting."

* Raven watches as raven caws back.
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Post by Bethyaga »


At this point, we agreed to a 10 minute break, which stretched into well over a half an hour. Here are selected excerpts of those moments. I'll let you guess who's fault the delay was. :)
Bethyaga> Is Jeff still off making cookies?

[3278]> Evidently.

Miles> Prolly, his slow dutch ass had to haul to the minimart.

Miles> sorry, pensylvania dutch ass.

Flame> so...Liniah and Nex is slow?

Flame> :)

Flame> Nex part, I can see

Flame> but Liniah?

Flame> She converted to Illinois :)

Miles> Lin probably, she looks far more like the little dutch girl.

Miles> Nex looks like somebody who used to ride out of the hills and /Eat/ dutch people.

* Miles kicks Uhlan in the jimmy for his overlong absence.

Flame> quite a traffic jam somewhere in PA, I gather

* Bethyaga grabs Jeff and Uhlan and poses their lifeless bodies in compromising positions.

Eli_watching> He's probably pounding the wheel furiously

Bethyaga> Anyone have a camera?

Miles> Nice.

* Flame takes a picture.

[3278]> Well, yes. I have a camera.

Flame> I have a digital camera!

[3278]> Oh. I get it.

* Miles snaps a shot of Jeff and Uhlan and adds some lingerie

Eli_watching> *rrrowr*

Eli_watching> So who's recording this?

* Flame adds a cigar

* Bethyaga lifts Uhlan's mouth into a trollish smile.

* Miles is logging away.

Flame> Damn, leave bulldrekkers to do things like this.

Flame> :)

* Miles ponders getting the UNGAMUNGAs.

Bethyaga> They're so pretty.

[3278]> I'm making some damned fine music with a microphone, an echo processor, and a hairpin.

Flame> hair pin?

Flame> golden hairpin from FF3 USA edition?

Eli_watching> that's because for YOU it's three different sounds/visuals. For us, it's one

[3278]> Bobby pin, technically.

Flame> one that halves MP cost?

Flame> :P

Flame> oh...that's +1 speed then

Flame> never mind

* Miles gets out his golden hairpin and uses it to pin Jeff's hair up in a feminine doo.

*** Uhlan-AFK is now known as Uhlan

Eli_watching> WOOOOOOOOO

Flame> Heeeeeey, Trollbabe!

Flame> oh wait...that's Thorn

Flame> sorry

Bethyaga> Read the log later, Jeff. You have suffered.
After this, the group split up.
_Whoever invented that brush that goes next to the toilet is an idiot, cuz that thing hurts.
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Post by Bethyaga »

Here, the group has split. Enteri and Markiel have chosen to follow Fallon, the Thermians' Chief Statistician, to their library. Uhlan, Miles and Raven are planning a foray into Quarantine. We ran these simultaneously in two different IRC rooms, and I will try to alternate them as we go here, starting with the library:
Markiel> "Your inflection is odd, nothing I recognize, which ring are you from?"

Bethyaga> Fallon looks confused.

Enteri> Ring?

Markiel> "Oh, pardon, I was asking Enteri."

Enteri> "I'm sorry. I'm not certain what you mean. "

Bethyaga> Fallon guides the two of you off of the glass plain and among the nearby trees, until eventually you reach a massive pillar of something that might be metal.

* Markiel stops walking, "Which sattelite? Nice cosmetic enhancement by the way, the ears, very retro, that phase went out in the 50's"

Bethyaga> The pillar is about 15 feet wide and extends upward beyond sight.

Enteri> "I...ah. I do not have any cosmetic enhancement. "

Bethyaga> There is a closed door in the face of the pillar, with a panel of buttons beside. Fallon pushes a sequence of buttons and waits.

Markiel> ((Are we on the interior or exterior of the sphere, I'm not sure of the locale))

Enteri> "And I am from no moon. I am from the earth."

Bethyaga> We are inside of Halo. The floor curves upward around you.

Enteri> "And what manner of enchantment is this? I do not understand the operation of this...pillar."

Bethyaga> "This is just the elevator. It will take us to the library."

* Markiel flashes Enteri a smile.

Enteri> "An elevator I understand. Such are used in the palace I live in. But...the enchantments are strange...."

Enteri> [[Enteri is going to attempt to use astral sight.]]

Markiel> "Where is the circuitry? Where does the power come from? The center of the sphere?"

Bethyaga> What sort of things does astral sight see? Is it like SR?

Enteri> Yep.

* Markiel gazes up the pillar as far as she can see, trying to enhance her sight for maximum distance.

Bethyaga> The pillar extends up about 600 feet or so and then ends at a "ceiling" of sorts.

Markiel> How many details can Markiel pick out of the ceiling?

Bethyaga> Astral sight is shocking.

Bethyaga> The floor, the walls, the pillar and "elevator"... all of them are alive. Living and pulsing with life force and magic. Although he cannot see it, Enteri can feel the darkness of the blight Bentoo spoke of.

Enteri> "Ahh!" Enteri starts with surprise, and drops his astral sight.

Enteri> "Madam, this entire... structure... is a living being, full of life and magic. "

Markiel> "Alive?" she places a hand on the pillar, shifting the sight into touch, feeling for vibrations and pulse.

Enteri> "Alive as you or I. Perhaps moreso."

Bethyaga> Fallon looks taken aback, "Of course it is alive. It is Halo."
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Post by Bethyaga »

This group is the Trackers--Miles, Raven, and Uhlan--who are heading off to face the menace. I will switch between the two groups in alternate posts.

Bethyaga> Bentoo and one of the other Thermians guides you off of the glass plain.

* Miles walks beside them. Trying to remember what being a soldier was like.

* Raven strokes raven's feathers as he follows Termians

* Uhlan follows quickly, his long legs easily keeping pace, and moving very quietly for a huge being.

* Miles turns to our guide and asks, "The Evil, it doesn't happen to use any weapons made of silver, does it?

* Raven looks at Miles, "Silver? Filfthy Silver!"

Bethyaga> Once off of the glass and into the grass and brush, the other Thermian (he introduces himself as Jorvan) walks quickly to a large metal panel set into the earthen floor. He pushes a sequence of buttons beside the door and waits.

Uhlan> "Ben-too, how many followers does this Daemon have?"

* Raven quickly stops soon as he sees metal panel

* Raven recoils

* Raven begins to step back.

Miles> "You've got problems with silver too? This could get ugly and fast."

Bethyaga> "The only silver on this ship is mostly in our circuitry."

* Uhlan grimaces slightly at the Dwarven door, clearly not comfortable with technology.

Raven> " metal...They bad."

Miles> "No sweat then, this'll be easy like DaNang."

Bethyaga> Bentoo says, "The Evil has taken most of Quarantine. More than 500 inhabitants were there. We know not if they are all dead or converted."

* Uhlan pulls a silver charm off his necklace and tosses it to Jorvan. "Please, keep this for me. It will upset my companions."

* Uhlan begins to toss his gear to the side, stripping down to only the essentials.

Miles> "Jorvan, I've got one more question for you, you have any guns? Suppressive fire beats fangs and claws six days out of seven."

* Raven looks at Miles

* Miles is obviously agitated by the pure silver and nods at Uhlan, "Thanks Stretch"

* Uhlan growls at the mention of guns. "Black-powder...just keep it away from me."

Miles> "Have to ask. A soldier is worth ten if he's got a trusty rifle."

Bethyaga> Jorvan of course takes the charm.

Raven> "guns? rifles? What they?"

Bethyaga> "We certainly do have guns, Sir Miles."

Miles> "If you can spare one, I'd appreciate it."

Bethyaga> "We have simple blasters mostly. But you can certainly have all you wish."

Miles> "Umm, is that like a phaser?"

Bethyaga> "We will stop at one of our supply houses, and if you require anything else, we will help all we can."

Miles> "Thanks."

* Raven stares at Bentoo/Jorvan, "blasters?"

* Miles follows along, now ready for what my lay ahead.

Uhlan> OOC: Bethy, I'm only taking the two chan'gars (long bladed, curved shivs), the two Daer'gons (throwing axes), and the two Lorr'gons (throwing knives).

Bethyaga> Jorvan draws his own metal/plastic pistol from his side. A simple thing really--short barrel with a wide grip and a trigger button on top.

* Raven sees the pistol, and recoils, "dirty...dirty...dirty..."

Uhlan> Plus the healing kit, the waterskins, the cloak, my pouches, and the fire/blade care stones.

Uhlan> "Feel free to pillage my supplies if need be. The spears are handy, as well as the remaining blades if needed.

* Miles will be ditching everything aside from a lighter and my Leash.

* Uhlan dons his elven cloak, drawing the hood and setting the proper ties to keep it close during the Hunt.

Bethyaga> The massive door in the floor finally opens, revealing a small chamber below, with another door.

Uhlan> "Raven, will you use the wooden spears, or are they not needed?"

Miles> "Looks like a gun. Hold the handle, aim the other end at what you want dead. Press the trigger."

Bethyaga> The Thermians climb down a ladder into the room.
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Post by Bethyaga »

* Markiel looks at Enteri through glassy eyes, some of her sight taken into her hands.

Markiel> there is a skeptical look on her face.

Bethyaga> The elevator has arrived. "So you can imagine our distress when Halo stopped speaking to us. We are worried for it as well as ourselves."

Enteri> "I has seen life on this scale in the trees of my home. And I have seen magic on the scale in the flying castles of my home. But never both in the same structure

Markiel> "What is Halo in simplest terms? A being? A ship? A part of you?"

Bethyaga> You enter the elevator with Fallon?

Enteri> Yes.

Markiel> Yes

Enteri> Enteri looks with curiousity at the squares of light and the cylinder. He attempts to touch as much as possible.

Bethyaga> As the elevator travels up the pillar, Fallon goes on, "We don't truly know what Halo is or where it came from. It has always been here. When we found it, it claimed to have been buried here for millennia."

Enteri> "And how long have you been here? I heard something earlier....I don't recall. But it implied you have not always been in this land."

Bethyaga> "It tells us that is was grown to be a vessel that traveled among the stars. But we know of stars only in legend."

Bethyaga> "Our people have been here for 700 years."

Bethyaga> "Halo has provided for us."

Enteri> "You cannot gaze up and see the stars?"

Markiel> "Where can you talk to Halo?"

* Markiel 's balance shifts back to the center.

Bethyaga> "Anywhere. You simply talk. The library sees little use usually, because one can just ask Halo."

Markiel> "But it stopped talking...because of the evil?"

* Markiel stares intently at Fallon, blinking rarely.

Enteri> "Where were your people before you came here? Do you ever leave Halo? What is the land beneath us?"

Enteri> "Oh, oh yes. And why can't you see the stars?"

Bethyaga> "We think the Evil seeks to possess Halo. Or control it. Or replace it. But Halo will not speak."

Enteri> "What is this cylinder made of? Is this brass? Or an alloy?"

Bethyaga> "******* is not a place of stars. It is a world between worlds."

* Markiel trys to gauge their ascent.

Enteri> "Madam, have you noticed you're glowing purple?"

* Markiel smiles, "Of course."

Markiel> "Everytime I look in the mirror, I kind of like it."

Enteri> "That is a strange thing. I think I would like to glow myself, some time."

Markiel> "I could arrange it for you, Fallon, is there a lab?"

Enteri> "Ah. You are a wizard yourself, then?"

Markiel> "A wizard? Well, no...some have called me that, but I hardly do legendary things. Just help things to their natural conclusions."

Markiel> "I take it you /are/ a wizard?"

Bethyaga> You guess that you are very near the top. You also notice that you become lighter as you ascend. Markiel, you realize that the apparent gravity is decreasing as you approach the center of the ship.

* Markiel pushes off the bottom of the elevator, aiming for the top and just for fun.

Enteri> "I am, indeed. And I am studying the path of the Elementalist, now." Enteri summons a flame in his palm.

Markiel> "Wait, how did you do that?"

* Markiel pushes herself back down.

Enteri> Enteri looks confused. "I summoned it. I am a wizard."

Bethyaga> Markiel easily reaches the ceiling with her leap and then drops again.

Markiel> "No, you don't just do those things."

Enteri> Enteri pauses. "You've never seen magic."

Enteri> "Not at all. Have you?"

Markiel> "I've seen magic, sure, when I was a child, but I know all the tricks now, I don't bother going anymore."

Markiel> "There's less mystery when there's no excitement."

Enteri> "Not tricks. I am not speaking of slight-of-hand. You've never seen true magic."

Markiel> "No, I've never seen people pull fire out of their hands."

Enteri> "If that was surprising to you, I must warn you that the greatest is yet to come."

* Enteri grins.

Markiel> "It's not possible, we can't bend the laws enough."

Enteri> "Then you do not believe enough."

Bethyaga> As the elevator stops, Fallon says, "You will be surprised. Laws don't always apply in ******."
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Post by Bethyaga »

Raven> "No ruined ruined wood."

* Miles follows along, ready to do what has to be done, ready for Orders.

* Uhlan nods. "It is pure mostly, Raven. I respect the Maiden."

Uhlan> "Well enough though."

* Raven follows very nervously, being very suspcious of the ladder. and surroundings.

* Uhlan drops down if it is safe, climbing if necessary.

Miles> "What the heck is this Maiden that you keep talking about anyway? Some girl from the 'Stretch' part of town?"

Miles> ((That should be a who, not a what))

Uhlan> "The Maiden...the Mother..the trees, the ground we walk on, the air we breath. The humans call her the Earth Mother. To me, she is the Maiden."

Bethyaga> Jorvan opens the next door and says, "This is our shuttle. It is not large, but it will take us where we need to go." He gets in, followed by Bentoo.

Raven> "Earth Mother..."

Miles> "Mother Earth, right. You're one of them Tree Huggers. Didn't know they grew them that big in San Fransisco though."

Uhlan> "She is very far away now, isn't she Raven?"

* Raven looks around the place, taking note of things.

Miles> ((This thing look a little like a crew compartment of an APC?))

Raven> ((do this place looks like anything...far-fetched?))

* Uhlan suppresses a rageful shudder. "I will say this once, companion Miles. Make no jest about the Maiden."

Bethyaga> The inside of the "shuttle" is all rounded edges and corners. There is a cockpit where Jorvan sits, and then the remainder of the craft--maybe 15 feet wide by 25 long--is simply open. There may once have been benches here, but they are gone now.

* Miles looks at Uhlan with a tight look on his face. "Don't threaten me. I've killed bigger people than you."

* Uhlan clenches his fists and steps forward, ducking his huge frame as necessary, moving nearly on all fours if needed.

* Raven looks at Miles, "You not a wolf. You fear Mother."

Miles> With that, Miles clambers in.

Miles> "I don't fear anything, except winding up on a table somewhere while the spooks cut me up."

* Raven after taking the note of surrounding, he cowers in a corner, only because he has no choice...the bird is cawing wildly.

Miles> "Or maybe killing people I've grown to like 'cause I can't get a hit of Leash"

Raven> "Leash?"

* Uhlan strides towards Miles slowly. "We must work together, Miles. I intend no anger between us. I just have...some problems controlling myself at times."

Raven> "you need freedom."

Miles> "Leash keeps The Wolf down. Keeps him from showing up every month."

* Miles looks up at Uhlan, "hey, I'm easy. No threats and you've got the best partner in the world."

Bethyaga> You all have noticed an awkwardness moving around in Halo, which you attributed to disorientation, but now you clearly realize that something is wrong with gravity around here. It's just not strong enough.

* Uhlan nods understanding at Miles. "Control is necessary. I fight the Ravager, Miles. I know of what you speak."

Bethyaga> As the shuttle pulls away, all of you slowly become weightless.

Miles> "Freedom would be great Raven. Belive me. I've tried to find it. But there's nowhere left to go. Everywhere there's cars, or campers or some other piece of crap horning in on the woods."

* Raven screams, as raven feels differently

Miles> "Woah."

* Raven continues screaming

Bethyaga> Bentoo rushes to comfort Raven, apologizing.

* Raven grabs around frantically.

Bethyaga> Jorvan shouts back, "I'm sorry, we're flying couter to rotation... I should have told you the tide would cut out."

* Raven begins to sweat profusely

* Miles works a small pill out of a pocket and hands it to Raven. "Here buddy, try this. It will calm you down."

* Raven recoils from pill, trying to seek for some kind of security

Miles> "Take it easy man. Just be easy."

* Uhlan grabs onto something, speaking his mantra through clenched teeth.

Uhlan> "The Maiden guide me. The Maiden guide me. The Maiden keep me in balance. The Maiden keep me in peace. The Maiden guide me..."

* Raven faints after a while

Uhlan> "Why do we float, Jorvan?"

Bethyaga> Slowly, gravity returns to the shuttle. Jorvan says, "Hold on to something. We're matching rotation again. Tide's returning."

* Miles holds onto the nearest piece of shuttle interior and hangs tight.

* Uhlan begins to relax a bit as his feet return to the ground. "That is not an experience I wish to repeat."

Miles> "Hey Stretch," Miles says, talking to Uhlan, "you've dropped a rock before, right, and seen it hit the ground?"

Uhlan> "Of course. But rocks do not float in air."

Uhlan> "Not without the Art."

Raven> The bird caws near the sprawled body of Raven.

Miles> "They just happen to where we are. It's something called Gravity"

Miles> ((Is somebody tending to Raven's crumpled body?))

Bethyaga> Bentoo is helping Raven.

Bethyaga> The shuttle has stopped. The door opens again.
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Post by Bethyaga »

Markiel> "Though," she looks around, "I must admit, I'm skeptical of /this/ too. Not the elevator, I mean, I mean THIS," she gestures.

Bethyaga> The doors open, and Fallon says, "The library is right this way."

Enteri> "Or perhaps...Markiel, when you look at the moon, do you see a face?"

Markiel> "Which moon? The Earthen moon is said to have a face, I saw it once, but saw a rabbit. Jupiter's moons aren't visible from The Eye..."

Markiel> "Fallon, what do you mean? 'Don't apply'?"

* Markiel steps out of the elevator.

Enteri> "The Earthen moon. You have seen it, then? So we are from the same world. The same planet."

* Enteri follows her.

Markiel> "The problem is that the outline is so faded from all the damn construction I can't see it that clearly. I tried, but it's definitely a rabbit now."

Enteri> "Construction? On the moon?"

Bethyaga> After 10 paces down the corridor, Fallon stops at a door, which opens for her. Inside is the "library."

* Enteri looks for books.

Enteri> Giggle.

Markiel> "The Mines were exceptionally clear though."

Bethyaga> Enteri finds none.

Markiel> "Fallon, what are your duties as Statistician?"

Enteri> "I'm sorry. Where is the library?"

* Markiel scans the room.

Bethyaga> This is a very comfortable room--with thick carpeting, soft paneling. Many comfy chairs are about. And 2 rows of terminal screens.

Markiel> "Excellent, follow me, wizard," she smiles at the gentle-elf.

Enteri> "You've a serious shortage of scrolls and tomes."

* Markiel approaches the terminal looking for means of operation.

Bethyaga> There are no controls visible, but Fallon senses the query--it will recognize your commands.

Bethyaga> Put that in quotes.

Markiel> "Computer."

Bethyaga> The screen glows softly--"Waiting."

Enteri> "This is an oracle?"

* Markiel grins, "Not an's complicated, think of it as a tool, a bit like a book."

* Markiel shifts her perceptions to Reasoning and Memory, taking away from Touch and Smell.

Enteri> "I bow to your obvious knowledge in this realm."

Markiel> "Computer, do you have an index?"

Enteri> ./Hmm. Realm./

Enteri> "Lady Markiel, do you know of other worlds?"

Markiel> "Well, what's your definition of other worlds? I'm assuming you mean planes? Then I know nothing. Of other planets, I know enough of our own System, less as you go further out."

Markiel> "well, nothing really, I'm more of a people person," Giggles at the irony only she would understand.

Enteri> "Other planets. I see. In your world, people live on more than one planet?"

Bethyaga> Fallon asks, "Is there anything I can provide to assist your search."

Enteri> "My pardon, Lady Markiel. Please, continue your research."

Markiel> "Computer how fast can you display information?"

* Enteri wanders around the room, muttering to himself.

Markiel> "Enteri, I may not be able to hear you for a while, if you need anything, wave your hand between me and the screen."

Enteri> "Certainly."

Bethyaga> Terminal, "As fast as you desire."

* Enteri goes back to muttering. He appears to be drawing diagrams in the air with his finger.

Markiel> "Well let's test, do you have infomation on the history of Halo and it's people?"

Bethyaga> "Certainly."

Bethyaga> And it begins to scroll information by--more quickly than Enteri can follow, but much too slow for Markiel.

* Enteri kneels on the floor and begins drawing circles in the carpeting.

* Markiel begins reading the information on Halo and its people, starting slowly, then turning up the speed as fast as her mind and the computer are able, shifting out sound and taste.

Markiel> "Computer, are there captain's logs?"

* Enteri mutters, "Logs. Captains. These things, at least, I understand. There are, then similarities..." And he goes back to drawing in the carpeting.

* Markiel continues, unhearing.

Bethyaga> The history of Halo is a long one. If you have specific questions, just ask them.

Bethyaga> Terminal--"Captain's log not found"

Enteri> "Fallon, do you have paper and charcoal, or ink?"

Markiel> "Where are they from, who are the people who found it, when did the evil arrive, what has happened to the ship since then, if possible..."

* Markiel 's voice is pitchless.

Bethyaga> Fallon produces a metal plate with a glass surface on it (like the terminals), she also has a stylus. "Will these do, or do you need real paper?"

Enteri> "I'm...sure this will be fine."

Markiel> "Computer, what is the composition of Halo?"

* Enteri begins drawing on the glass.

Bethyaga> "Halo is a biotech habitat made of varying compounds, but mostly living carbon-ceramic composites.

Markiel> "Interesting, Computer, are there daily records?"

Markiel> "Fallon, please tell Enteri what timescale your people operate on, and could you write it down?"

Bethyaga> "Yes. There is no recording of Quarantine since the arrival of the unknown quantity referred to by the Thermians as the Evil, but there are recordings of activities originating from there as hostile persons enter Halo proper.."

Markiel> "Show the recordings please."

Bethyaga> The stylus produces marks on the screen.

Enteri> "Interesting. Now..."
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Post by Bethyaga »

* Uhlan motions for Bentoo to let him carry Raven out first.

* Miles looks out the shuttle doors, alert for ambush.

Raven> the bird follows Bentoo, being very wary.

Bethyaga> Bentoo and Jorvan exit into another chamber just like the last, with the door above and below. Once everyone is in the chamber, Jorvan pushes the buttons to open the top door.

* Uhlan grabs Raven and nods for Miles to lead.

Uhlan> "He needs to be out of this metal room, and quickly."

* Miles moves to the front, trying to watch for possible hostiles.

Uhlan> "Safe?"

Bethyaga> The door finally opens. Climbing up the ladder puts everyone in an area that looks like a hotel lobby. (For those of you who've seen hotel lobbies.)

Miles> "Nice Hotel Bentoo."

Bethyaga> "We have never had use for this building, so it is a convenient warehouse. What do you think you might require... other than guns, of course?"

* Uhlan quickly sets Raven down, gently lowering him to the floor, checking for his breathing.

Raven> the bird caws at Uhlan gently.

Raven> For some reason, the bird is trying to tell Uhlan that Raven needs some time.

Miles> "Bentoo, besides a good gun, a big carrying strap, and a general idea of where "The Evil" is. I don't need much."

* Uhlan takes care to take slow, neutral motions in regards to Raven.

* Uhlan nods at the bird, smiling. "I will be near if you need me."

* Uhlan steps away, walking towards Bentoo.

Raven> the bird caws back at Uhlan

Uhlan> "Some foods that will keep would be useful, but something light. Grain mix, or dried fruit.

Bethyaga> Essentially, anything you three would think to ask for, they will provide. If I see anything not-doable on the list, I will nix it.

Bethyaga> Everything is good so far.

Uhlan> "Fresh water, for the skins, and a general idea of where we are headed. Something to mark the trail with. A dye perhaps, or berries to use for paint."

Raven> ((OOC: Raven's still unconsicious.))

Miles> (( Miles is ready to rock. A good gun and a direction to cause havoc in are plenty.))

Uhlan> "Some rope, not much, but something light and strong."

Miles> "We'll have to wait until Raven comes to."

Uhlan> "That is all I need. I will scavenge whatever else I need on the trail."

Uhlan> "Miles, just keep your black-powder rifle away from me. As silver is dangerous to you, such weapons are trouble to my kind."

Raven> The bird tries to search for a pungent scent which may will revive Raven

Miles> "No problems, Stretch."

* Uhlan looks back at the bird, holding his smelling salts under Raven's nose.

* Raven jolts awake, and quickly scrambles backward, away from everything

Raven> The bird quickly joins Raven's shoulder, and caws softly in Raven's ears...and Raven relaxes slightly

Miles> "It's okay Raven. It's all right. It's just a bad trip, ride it out."

Uhlan> "Be calm, friend Raven. We have reached a safer place now."

* Raven relaxes slightly more...

* Raven begins to take in his surrounding.

* Uhlan retrieves his salts, and extends a hand to Raven to help him up. "Peace?"

Miles> "If being closer to 'The Evil' is any safer."

Uhlan> "At least our feet are on the ground now."

* Raven looks at Uhlan, "Peace?"

Miles> "Can't argue with that."

Raven> "The land? Land stable now?"

Uhlan> "I mean only that I wish you peace, Raven. A greeting among my tribe."

* Raven relaxes at Uhlari's words

* Uhlan turns away for a moment, as he realizes what he said. His frame shakes for a moment, before he visibly relaxes.

Uhlan> "Miles, the can control it? If the Wolf comes, should I not turn my back on it?"

Miles> "I've got some Leash still. And if I decide to change, I'll tell it not to go after you or Raven. It listens to me, most of the time."

Bethyaga> You all are equipped as requested. Several polite Thermians help bring in everything you need.

* Miles stops somebody to ask how many shots are in the blaster.

Raven> "Food for my bird. water for me."

Bethyaga> Jorvan says, "Once we get back on the shuttle, I can take you to the main gate where most traffic comes in and out of Quarantine from the outside. Once on the inside, I can tell you little more. All recordings and conversation since the Evil's arrival have been cut off."

Uhlan> "Miles, I understand."

* Miles nods at Jorvan and responds, "how many friendlies do you think are still inside?"

* Miles nods once to Uhlan as well.

Bethyaga> Bentoo adds, "The only description we have is of a massive man--larger than you, my Guardian," he indicates Uhlan. "He has a beastial faces with great demon's horns and slavering teeth. They say he consumes his victims alive."

* Uhlan stops one of the Thermians. "A bit of cheese or nuts that will keep, or some dried meat if you have it, good sir. Something to keep the blood strong."

* Raven eyes Jorvan suspicously, remembering the weightless trip.

Bethyaga> "There were 500 inhabitants of Quarantine--some Thermians, but mostly Guests. We do not know if they are dead or converted or somehow in hiding. None of our people have returned when sent in."

Uhlan> "More that I know not how long we'll be on the road, and the injuries we may suffer. The meat or nuts will help if someone loses blood."

* Miles nods again, slower this time. "Civilians should never be involved. We'll scout out and see how we can help."

Bethyaga> Food for all of you (even the bird) is provided.

* Raven accepts food.

Uhlan> "Jorvan, you think we'll be able to scavenge inside, yes?"

Bethyaga> "Probably--Halo has always provided for us. There are supplies and edibles everywhere in the Land."

Miles> "Nice. This should be an easy hump then. Get in, scout around, engage some unfriendlies, get out."
_Whoever invented that brush that goes next to the toilet is an idiot, cuz that thing hurts.
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Post by Bethyaga »

* Enteri begins diagramming metaplanar interaction in Throalic script.

Markiel> "Show the recordings since, 'the arrival',Computer"

Bethyaga> Images flash by of many areas of Halo. Most however center on the place identified as Quarantine.

Bethyaga> There are images of Thermians who come from Quarantine, but they are not like the Thermians you've seen so far. They seem angry and desparate and feral.

Markiel> "Pause."

* Enteri looks up.

Enteri> Oh, dear.

Enteri> "Well

Enteri> , that's something, then."

* Markiel shifts enough senses that she can hear those around her.

Markiel> "Fallon, who are these? They look like you...but..."

Bethyaga> There are several images of attacks, as these corrupted Thermians attack others. They bludgeon or grapple with the others and then eventually begin (eating?) them as they pull them close.

Enteri> "Have you completed your meditation with the not-Oracle?"

Markiel> "Nope,"

Markiel> "I've got more questions to ask, but I want alternate answers too."

Enteri> "We have things like this where I come from. Corrupt people. Though not like this. Ours are called...well, the Throalic word is 'Zombi.' Does this translate?"

Enteri> "Madmen made from normal people, who eat others of their kind."

Markiel> "Zombies? I suppose they'd be the drug addicts of my time. We don't have zombies per se. There are folk tales about them though."

Markiel> "Computer, identify origins of lifeforms from 'Quarantine'."

Enteri> "Hmm. Folk tales. Perhaps...with the interleaving of the Patterns...if the Passions could..." Enteri meanders away again, scribbling on the tablet.

Bethyaga> Fallon points to one of the images, "That is Jarvoo--Jorvan's brother--he is one of the corrupted now."

Markiel> "How are they corrupted?"

Enteri> "And what must take place in order for normal man to become corrupted?"

* Markiel smiles, "or that."

Enteri> "Great minds, Lady Markiel."

Bethyaga> Terminal, "Uncertain."

Bethyaga> "The corrupted come of all races"

Enteri> [[Does this device speak aloud?]]

Bethyaga> Yes.

Markiel> "Computer, any images of...corruption?"

Enteri> "Device, do you have any...sights...of the Evil?"

Bethyaga> "It would appear that those who have been attacked become corrupted themselves. Of all the peoples of Halo, only the Half-Men seem immune. But they are pacifistic and refuse to help us."

Bethyaga> "There are no recordings of the Evil."

Enteri> "Half-men, device?"

Markiel> "Half-men? describe and pull up some images."

Markiel> "stop that."

Enteri> "You first, my Lady."

* Enteri smiles.

* Markiel shakes her head, but can't shake the smile.

* Markiel points at the other terminal, get your own help :)

Enteri> "Device, has the Evil ever left the place described as Quarantine?"

Enteri> "These are all oracles?"

* Markiel nods, "I call them computers, I don't know what these creatures call them."

Enteri> "Computers? They make math?"

Bethyaga> Images of the Half Men show on the screen.

Bethyaga> They are very tall and slim--over 7 feet.

Bethyaga> They are covered with machinery of some sort.

Markiel> "They use math."

Bethyaga> Markiel recognizes it as extensive cyberware.

Enteri> A light enters Enteri's eyes. "Device, can you see this tablet? I have this theory..." He shakes his head. "Never mind. Another time. For now--Passions! What is that?"

Markiel> Can I determine purpose?

Markiel> Of the cyberware I mean

Enteri> "These men are half device themselves!"

Bethyaga> More clumsy than the delicate cyber of her own age, this stuff could serve any purpose. Some looks like filtration systems. Others are supports and many many tools. Etc.

Bethyaga> Terminal: "Correct. Half Man. Half Machine."

* Markiel nods, "It's common in my time, though this stuff isn't as advanced as what I'm used to dealing with."

Enteri> "If this is what is required to acquire an immunity to the evil I'm not certain I wish to be immune."

Markiel> "Computer, display other peoples of Halo and images."

Enteri> "Device, are there any spellcaster is on this world?"

Markiel> "Are there other implanted creatures?"

Bethyaga> "Implanted creatures are very rare, and the Half-Men are the only ones in current residence."

Bethyaga> "Spellcasting. Magic. There are many peoples who can manipulate forces of magic. The Thermians among them."

Enteri> "Ah. Are there any records of persons attempting to use magic against the evil?"

Bethyaga> The images that flash by are too numerous to list. Some are races currently in Quarantine. Others are races that visited or were known of in the past.

Bethyaga> They are of all shapes and sizes.

* Markiel fiddles idly with the flower comb, "I wonder...I would like access to a map computer. Give me general things, the boundary of Quarantine, locations of Labs, where we are, where the others are, eating areas..."

Enteri> "Device, has the Evil ever left the place described as Quarantine? Are there any records of persons attempting to use magic against the evil?"

Bethyaga> OK--one at a time.

Markiel> Enteri can go first :)

Enteri> Thank you. :)

Bethyaga> The map of Halo, shows a cylindrical space vessel, likely made from an asteroid. It is over 14 miles long and maybe 7 or 8 in diameter.

Bethyaga> Quarantine is a chunk of Halo at one extreme end of it. It has several large docking ports for ships.

Bethyaga> Enteri...

Bethyaga> "There is no record of the Evil leaving Quarantine. We know of it only by scattered reports"

Enteri> "There are no reports of attacks - successful or otherwise - against it?"

Bethyaga> "As for magic, the very few who emerged from Quarantine immediately following the initial destruction report that magic was able to hold some of the invaders at bay."

Bethyaga> "Eventually all who stood their ground were overrun--or so we presume."

Enteri> "Where is this...vessel...right now?"

Bethyaga> "Within one of the rock domains of Limbo"

Enteri> "Please describe Limbo to me."

Markiel> "good, I'd like to hear this too."

Bethyaga> Hold on.

Enteri> Cool.

Markiel> The computer is processing your request...please hold.

Enteri> "Lady Markiel, these devices are incredible. They are not alive, are they?"

Markiel> "Well, here...I'm guessing they are alive, just from the nature of everything this vessel seems to be. The ones I work with are very much inanimate."

Enteri> "They do not move?"

Markiel> "They work on small chips and electrical current."

Markiel> "No, they stay very much still, though they are small enough to hold in your hand."

Enteri> "I...see. I have made elecricity, but it seldom speaks to me."

Bethyaga> "From the writings of a traveler called Aristotle who visited Halo 400 years ago: Limbo is exactly that… Limbo. It is everywhere and nowhere. It is the space between spaces and the realm beyond the limits of understanding. A multitude of alternate universes touch on Limbo, and in places, one can travel between worlds and realms. Limbo itself is a hodgepodge of terrains and people. Some spaces seem to be almost earthlike open expanses of land and sky where people live and work and die. Others are seemingly infinite expanses of rock or water or plasma filling all three dimensions. These portions of Limbo--realms, the locals call them--jostle one another, and often come into conflict. Even things as basic as physics can vary from realm to realm across the known expanse of Limbo."

Markiel> "Well, if these computers opperate according to...wait, Aristotle?"

Markiel> "Computer, identify Aristotle."

* Enteri says, bewilderingly, "I understand completely."

Bethyaga> "The people and beasts of Limbo are as varied as its landscape. Some believe that there are no natives of Limbo, and that all peoples originally stumbled into Limbo from some "real" world and became trapped here. One notable fact, though, is that most (though by no means all) of Limbo's inhabitants are humanoid, and those who know their world of origin tell of a place very like Earth. This leads some to speculate that Limbo (or the known portion of it, at least) is somehow intimately linked to the planet occupying Earth's space through the infinite alternate worlds."

* Enteri holds up the tablet.

* Markiel looks at the tablet.

Enteri> "It's an intersection, is all."

Bethyaga> "Aristotle: Human philosopher from ancient Earth. Unknown if there is any connection to the traveling Aristotle of these writings."

Markiel> "400 years ago?"

Enteri> The tablet is marked in unclear German.

Markiel> "If the rest is true...Computer, describe the timescale of Halo."

Bethyaga> "Define timescale."

Enteri> "Is this Aristotle someone you know?"

Markiel> "Dates. How is the passage of time marked by Halo."

Markiel> "Days? Years?"

Markiel> "What is the division of the progression of events?"

Enteri> "Oh! I see. There is no sun by which to mark, nor a moon."

Bethyaga> "Halo tracks its calendar by Earth years as it was created."

Markiel> "Present time and date is then?"

Bethyaga> "According to Halo's subjective timeframe, it was created in 3321 AD and traveled to Limbo 45 years later."

* Markiel takes a step back.

Enteri> "Lady Markiel, I know all I can know without seeing this thing with my own eyes. Please, ask your questions. When you are finished, I would recommend we go to Quarantine."

Bethyaga> "Halo has been in Limbo for 6,720 years. Of those, the last 700 have been with the Thermians."
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Post by Bethyaga »

Bethyaga> This time, the trip in the shuttle is much longer, and the gravity in the vehicle actually increases as they move. Jorvan says, "Everyone's getting heavier. We're traveling with the rotation now." The increase in gravity is not unpleasant at all. In fact, everyone realizes why they've felt so weird--the pull has been too light up until now. But now everything feels so... normal. For just this few minutes.

* Miles breathes a sigh of relief, checks the gun one more time and gets ready for action.

* Raven breathes as gravity returns to normalcy.

Uhlan> "This place is heavy with the Art."

Raven> "Art?"

* Miles looks at his companions and says, "I'm gonna try something, got to get the senses up to snuff for scouting."

* Miles closes his eyes and concentrates on some completely internal matter.

* Raven realizes what Miles is doing...

* Raven whispers to Miles, "Be the the wolf..."

Bethyaga> Sorry--I was in the other room.

Bethyaga> I'll roll.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 3: +1 +1 +1 0 = +3

Uhlan> "Spells and magic, Raven. We, the Trach-chearn, call it the Art.

Miles> One of Miles's eyes pops open, "Don't encourage it! Less you want 3/4 ton of fang and fur in here with you."

Bethyaga> +3. No problem. Miles enters a half wolf/half man form.

* Raven shudders slightly at the mention of magic.

Bethyaga> You realize the change was easier than usual. Not easy. But easier.

Miles> After a moment or two, a larger, fuzzier version of Miles is sitting there.

Miles> ((He looks a great deal like a Glabro form WW werewolf, but fuzzier and not as neanderthally))

Raven> for some reason, Raven is able to connect with Miles much better.

Bethyaga> When the shuttle stops, Jorvan gets the door open quickly and says, "Get ready to move up the ladder. When I open the airlock, I want all of you through as quickly as possible. If the lock is compromised, I won't be able to be here when you get back."

Miles> "Right, Hot LZ, no problems."

Uhlan> "Miles, you first, I'll go for melee."

* Miles gets under the airlock and prepares to leap up the distance.

Miles> "Got it."

Uhlan> "Raven, can your companions scout for us, once inside?"

Bethyaga> Bentoo says to Miles, "You seem the most comfortable here in our world. Follow the pattern of buttons Jorvan makes. It is only four keys. That sequence will allow you to get back through when you are ready to go."

Raven> "yes"

Bethyaga> brb

Miles> "Yes sir, Bentoo."

* Uhlan draws his chan'gars, and readies himself, feeling the Hunt, feeling at home once again.

Bethyaga> They crawl out of the airlock into a thick wooded area. There is a road/path about 30 feet to their right. The door closes behind them. There is nothing moving in the immediate area.

* Raven immediately reaches out for the feeling...

* Raven hoping that he would get the news of the area.

* Miles moves out, his nose searching for man-scents.

Bethyaga> Raven and Uhlan can both feel the sickness in the earth here immediately. It is as if the ground is dead, and yet still functioning. The sense of *wrongness* about it is intense and almost painful to the senses.

Bethyaga> Miles notes broken branches and disturbed undergrowth here. Very different from the last area they were in. Many people have been through here lately and have been very careless.

Bethyaga> There is a distinct smell of decay that Miles's enhanced form can detect.

* Raven falls down to ground, trying to bring back the ground...the bird caws at Raven

Miles> "Lots of traffic through here. Watch yourselves."

Uhlan> "The daemon has poisoned the land itself."

* Raven caws with the bird, and sends the bird out to investigate the land.

Bethyaga> The ground is very cold.

* Uhlan staggers for a moment, leaning for a second on Miles.

Raven> "so cold"

Uhlan> "Take care, Miles. I may not be as reliable in this place as I would be otherwise."

Miles> "Buck up Raven. We're on patrol. I don't particularly want to get my ass shot off."

* Raven recoils slightly from Miles, and beigns to rely on his perception on the surrounding

Raven> He

* Miles looks at Uhlan. "It's all right soldier. Just keep your ass in one piece."

* Uhlan breathes for a moment, gathering his center, holding his peace, and reaching out to remember the piece of the Maiden he holds inside himself.

Miles> ((Is it possible to discern the general direction the people moved?))

Uhlan> "I'll be behind you Miles. If it comes to melee, I'll come over top of you for surprise."

Bethyaga> Yes--whoever has been here has followed the general direction of the road/path nearby.

Miles> "These people went that way," Miles points one direction down the road.

Miles> "I'm betting they were trying to get away from whatever is down there," he points the other way.

* Raven eyes the direction that Miles pointed.

Miles> "That's where I'm betting we'll find this 'Demon' fellow."

* Raven awaits the return of the bird.

* Uhlan smiles, letting Miles track for now.

Miles> ((I assume we'll be heading out after we get intelligence from Raven's companion.))

Bethyaga> The raven sends back disturbing images to Raven.

Bethyaga> From high up, it shows a blasted landscape.

Bethyaga> There is a town of sorts in the direction Miles indicated.

Bethyaga> And the raven sees many people there.

Bethyaga> And fires. Many large fires.

Raven> "ruined land...ruined in Miles' direction...many people...fires....large..."

Bethyaga> The bird sees lots of motion, but does not understand what they are doing. Only that they move.

Miles> "Sounds like the kind of trouble we want to get into. Let's go be heroes."

Uhlan> "Aye, Wolf friend. Let us be the Maiden's wrath."

Raven> "much unknown motions..."

* Uhlan smiles ferally, stepping to Miles side, holding his chan'gars downwards in his hands.

Miles> "Just how smart is your bird?"

Raven> "very"

Miles> "Damn, then there must be some kind of real mess there."

* Miles picks up the pace, jogging down the road toward the village.

* Raven follows behind, warily.

* Uhlan keeps back with Miles, just off to his rear and the left.

Uhlan> *keeps pace

Bethyaga> As you near the village, Miles senses someone up ahead. Someone hiding.

* Miles motions to the other two and points toward where I think the person is hiding.

* Raven listens and eyes in the direction.

* Uhlan keeps his sense tuned outwards, mostly towards sound.

Miles> "Spread out and get ready to take cover."

* Raven trying to trace the location...and make out what kind of person he/she is.

* Uhlan edges towards the edge of the road and the nearest cover.

Bethyaga> There are several entities up ahead. They are behind a broken vehicle of some sort by the side of the road.

Bethyaga> They are hiding intentionally and watching the group approach.
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Post by Bethyaga »

And here's what happens when you leave 32 and Eli alone in a room together with no GM supervision:
Markiel> "I..."

Enteri> "Madam, that seems like a long time. Dragon's years. Are these the same sort of years I would mark with the seasons?"

* Markiel turns the computer back to the images of the half-men, flipping through the images.

Bethyaga> The current subjective year would be 10,086 AD.

Markiel> "It depends how you mark seasons, Enteri."

Enteri> "From summer to summer."

Markiel> "Same years."

Markiel> "According to this, I was born about 7,000 years ago..."

Enteri> "10,000 summers...a long time for something to exist. In my realm, my plane, only Dragons could live so long, and they are as gods. How could this survive, and not be a god."

Enteri> "Madam, you certainly do not look it."

Markiel> "I haven't lived that long...tell me how you were brought here."

Enteri> "Well, as I recall, I was in my study, preparing a lesson for my Queen on the nature of the metaplanes and spirits. Then I must have fallen asleep at my studies, and I awakened here, where you saw me. And you?"

Markiel> "I don't know, I couldn't see. I could only hear the hum that engulfed me."

Enteri> "You had your eyes closed?"

Markiel> "In a manner of speaking. It's the same reason I asked you to wave at me to get my attention..."

Enteri> "Ah. Your meditation. I do something similar, although only once a day."

Markiel> "Not exactly."

* Markiel she fumbles for the words, "I have the ability to shift the pathways of my brain. I'm not limited to the forms of thought that the 'common' human of my time are limited to."

Enteri> "I see. Well, no. I do not, really. But it seems polite to tell you I do. What I am doing is closing off all of my senses so that my mind can focus on a single element."

Markiel> "That's where it's different, I can focus on several...we need a test. Can I see your tablet?"

Markiel> "Fallon, do you have another stylus?"

Enteri> "Certainly."

* Markiel assumes she does, for sake of time.

Enteri> [[ :) ]]

Markiel> "Ask me to write two different phrases."

Enteri> "Very well. Write, 'I serve at the pleasure of my Queen.'"

Markiel> "And?"

Enteri> "'There is no peace but inside.'"

* Markiel writes the phrase 'I serve at the pleasure of my Queen with her left hand while simultaneously writing "There is no peace but inside" with her right.

Enteri> "Oh, my. I see. That is quite a skill."

Markiel> "Now, test two, I want you to push my head forwards twice while I do that again, it can even be with seperate phrases if you like.

Enteri> "Very well. The same phrases should do."

* Markiel shifts her touch receptors to nothing. "Go."

* Enteri does as Lady Markiel requests.

Markiel> The phrases are written with the alternate hands, and the printing is exactly as before.

Markiel> "You can stop touching my head now...are you?"

* Markiel lets the touch fade back in.

Enteri> "Oh, my apologies."

* Enteri looks sheepish.

Markiel> "Actually, I didn't know if you were? It was an honest question."

Enteri> "You lose your sense of touch to do such a thing."

Markiel> "I don't need to, but it keeps my hands from moving reflexively.

Enteri> "Can you sense...can you sense life? Magic? You cannot, can you. There is no magic, in your plane."

Markiel> "There are tricks, I suppose, but not what you call magic. We operate in scientific means, I know it doesn't look it, from the violin, but I'm a scientist as well."

Markiel> "How does your magic work? Why does it work? That's what interests me. You talk of theories, tell me of them."

Enteri> "Well, I, too, am a scientist, exposing the workings of the universe through magic. On my plane, all life creates magic, although not all can work it. This is a gift given only to a few. I have yet to know why some may, and some may not."

Markiel> "But if life creates it, shouldn't all be able to use it?"

Enteri> "But this magic is created by all life, and if you are aware of the patterns, and have the power to change them, you can make nearly anything occur. If, that is, you know the formula for the alteration."

Enteri> "A good point, but..."

* Enteri thinks.

Enteri> "We all breathe, correct? Does that mean that all life gives air, and thus can use it?"

Markiel> "What are the patterns? Is it like a weave, a tapestry? You were looking at things, earlier, I could tell they weren't things that I could see, what did it look like?"

Enteri> "The sun cannot use light; it is light."

Enteri> ""

Markiel> "Actually..." ponders describing the physical process.

* Enteri mutters.

Enteri> "Ah, yes."

* Enteri outlines a doorway with his index finger, then turns and places his hand over Markiel's eyes.

Enteri> "It looks like that."

* Enteri takes his hand away, and Markiel can see into the astral plane.

* Enteri himself is a weave of blue and green too complex for the senses to follow, much like the rest of the life in the room.

Enteri> "And now, if you watch, with your sight, you can watch the process of the magic. You know mathematics?"

* Markiel shifts her mental abilities to reasoning and remembering.

Markiel> "Yes, I do."

Enteri> Then

Enteri> "Then witness this."

Markiel> "This...this looks like my home...can you make it red and orange and brown?"

* Enteri takes two stones from his pocket.

Enteri> "That is not the sort of magic I am gifted with. Alteration and Illusion are things I've been meaning to get around to. In the meantime..."

* Enteri throws the pebbles into the air. They then turn crystaline and accelerate toward the wall, driving deep into it.

Bethyaga> [[I'm not back yet, but let me say: you guys are fucking fascinating.]]

Markiel> ((oh?))

Enteri> "Now, I could do that with any stone, of course. Dirt is best, because there are more darts. But I could theoretically do this to a mountain...I would simply have to know the Pattern of the mountain."

Enteri> [[We rule! w00t!]]

Markiel> "A mountain? It's taken thousands of years for Earth technology to do that, and you say you can do it yourself?"

Markiel> "Though..." Markiel remembers the shifting pattern, "You can work your magic /with/ other people? Is it communal?"

Markiel> "How do other people of your time react to it."

Enteri> "Well, I may be able to. Someday. Today, I suppose the largest item I could transmute in such a fashion would be...well, about your size. And I'm not certain I could move it very quickly. But my Queen, for instance, could destroy an entire mountain if she chose."

Markiel> "Your queen? It's a feudal system?"

Enteri> "It can be worked in groups, and most effectively. My people accel at such. The reaction...well, how do your people react to breathing?"

Enteri> "We all serve - all Elves - at the pleasure of Alachia, our Rose Queen."

Enteri> "She is our example, our mentor in all things. All elvenkind lives to emulate her. She is...perfection itself."

Markiel> "Where did the elves come from? Are they off shoots of the human genetic tree?"

Enteri> "All Name-Giver races are...well, the Dragons, first of the Name-Givers, created us."

Enteri> "Long before my time, some Dragons took elven women and made children with them, to create a race of servants. These servants rose up and threw off their chains, and we have been free ever since. My Queen is of that line."

Markiel> "So your earth is straight out of my mythology...hmmmm."

Enteri> Markiel remembers a line of the Christian Bible: There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

Markiel> "Hell, /you're/ straight out of my mythology, no offense ;)"

* Enteri chuckles.

Enteri> "Well, you glow, so we're even, My Lady."

Markiel> "If you're worried about getting tech implanted, Enteri, you don't want me making you glow. It's even more invasive."

Enteri> "Ah. I'd forgotten you use devices to do most things. You, yourself, are like these Halber Mensch? These Half-Men?"

Markiel> "So what are you looking at when you see the colors, what is it exactly?"

Enteri> "The Pattern of that which is seen. Just as each element of a weave has a weaving, itself, so do we, and so does magic. So does everything."

Markiel> "I' them, in a small way. I've altered my body through technology."

Markiel> "What do you see if you look at the Terminal, can you see the pictures? Or the color of the pictures?"

Enteri> "You are like a Golem." Enteri looks stricken.

Markiel> "I'm not a golem, I'm like," she searches her mythology...

Enteri> "I do not see the pictures, no. Being alive, I see only the living. That which is not alive does not have a Pattern I can see. But, since it exists, it has a pattern. Merely not one visible from the Astral Plane."

Markiel> "I'm like you."

Enteri> ""

Markiel> "I'm similar to humans but a little different. I am Sung. You are an elf. Like a human, but a little different. Wasn't it said that elves live forever?"

Markiel> "I don't know how long I live, not one of us have died yet. All I did was help those like me into the 'form' they now have. Which happens to have a glow attatched to it," she smiles.

Enteri> "Some elves. The Children of the Dragons. You are do not have blood magic. Hmm. There is magic in my realm, in which you sacrifice some of your life, your flesh, to allow a device to aid you in seeing, or to armor you, or allow you to see astrally."

Enteri> "When I think of it as blood magic, it does not bother me so much. And the form certainly is pleasing to the eye, no matter what lies under it."
_Whoever invented that brush that goes next to the toilet is an idiot, cuz that thing hurts.
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Post by Bethyaga »

* Miles continues forward, sure of his invulnerability as a defense.

Bethyaga> Four creatures burst from the cover of the vehicle and charge at Miles.

* Miles growls at them and lays down a burst of fire at their feet.

Bethyaga> They are short and squat--Raven and Uhlan recognize them as dwarves.

* Raven quickly recoils from the sight of them.

Miles> ((or whatever comes out of the blaster))

Raven> "dwarves!"

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: +1 0 -1 -1 = -1

Uhlan> "For Her."

Miles> ((Crud))

Bethyaga> Sorry--that was Miles's roll... now dwarves.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: 0 0 0 +1 = +1

* Uhlan whispers and charges.

* Raven hangs back in the background, recoiling in horror from the gunfire.

Bethyaga> Miles's firearms skills are Great, so his roll is a Good shot. The dwarves are not hurt, but they are held at bay temporarily.

Bethyaga> As they are closer now, you can see the feral look about them. The sharp fangs. The red eyes.

Miles> "Hell with suppressive fire!"

Bethyaga> Uhlan knows... these are vampires.

* Raven recoils further from the red eyes...

Bethyaga> Miles opens up:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: -1 +1 0 -1 = -1

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 2: 0 0 +1 +1 = +2

Miles> ((Double Crud))

* Uhlan growls in hatred. "Nos-farok!"

Bethyaga> And the dwarves slide easily forward, ignoring Miles shots (which are some kind of energy bolt, btw)

* Raven sees the danger...

* Miles is more than a little freaked out by the Dwarves from beyond the Grave.

Uhlan> OOC: Bethy, I'm going to charge forward, directly into the crowd of them, bowling any over I can, and then start the mad dancing and swinging.

* Raven caws ferciously, hoping to summon the land against the vampires...

Bethyaga> *said the werewolf*

Miles> ((Said the vietnam vet :) ))

Bethyaga> Give me a roll. Uhlan and Raven.

Uhlan> Uhh...I'll try.

Bethyaga> Sorry--forgot Jeff.

Bethyaga> Uhlan's roll:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 3: +1 +1 0 +1 = +3

* Raven rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: -1 +1 0 -1 = -1

Bethyaga> Dwarves are clawing and beating at whatever they can reach. They have little strategy and no weapons.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 2: +1 +1 -1 +1 = +2

Bethyaga> Uhlan actually decapitates the first dwarf to reach him, sending the next scurrying sideways in fear.

Miles> "Yeah! Go Uhlan!"

Bethyaga> Raven is not so lucky, and one of the dwarves grapples with him, trying to hold him.

Uhlan> "Come to me, Nos-Farok."

* Miles runs toward Raven to help him out.

Bethyaga> Actions?

* Miles runs toward Raven to help him out.

Bethyaga> Yah.

Bethyaga> Raven?

* Raven tries to break, continuing to caw for help from nature.

Uhlan> Engage the other two, and go for the throats and head with the blades.

Bethyaga> Uhlan?

Bethyaga> danke

Bethyaga> Miles roll:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: +1 0 -1 -1 = -1

Bethyaga> [[You suck man]]

Miles> ((GAAH, third -1 in a row!))

Bethyaga> Raven roll:

* Raven rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: -1 +1 +1 0 = +1

Raven> [[finally a +1]]

Bethyaga> Uhlan:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: -1 +1 0 0 = 0

Bethyaga> Raven is surprised, when his frantic call is answered.

Bethyaga> From all directions, birds great and small flock to him.

Bethyaga> They have been hiding in the high places in fear.

Bethyaga> They are relieved to have a purpose. They swarm about the groups, pecking and clawing at whatever they can reach.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: +1 -1 +1 0 = +1

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: -1 +1 0 0 = 0

Bethyaga> While this is happening, Uhlan is now sparring with two of them. No one comes near one another, and then suddenly the birds are upon them.

Bethyaga> In the midst of all of this, the little dwarf holding Raven bites him on the shoulder blade and sinks his teeth in.

Miles> "Damn it!"

Bethyaga> Thoughts? Actions?


Bethyaga> [[good response]]

* Miles is frustrated and lets the frustration do what it's good at, getting the Fang Machine fired up.

* Miles yanks on his trousers and calls on The Wolf.

* Raven tries to get off the vampire, and tries to break away.

Bethyaga> Uhlan? More of same? Different strategy?

* Uhlan barely controls the Ravager, keeping him on a thin edge, dancing between the two, keeping them from grasping him, looking for any openings at the head, neck, and eyes.

Uhlan> One second.

Bethyaga> cool

Bethyaga> Miles wolfs out and tears at the dwarf holding Raven.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: -1 +1 -1 0 = -1


Bethyaga> He sinks his fangs deeply into the undead body, cringing at its bitter taste, but he cannot yet tear it from his companion.

Uhlan> OOC: As soon as I can, I want to run between these two as fast as possible, go to one's rear, and go for the dual-blade hook and decapitate.

Bethyaga> Uhlan goes:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: 0 -1 -1 +1 = -1

Bethyaga> Dwarves respond:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: -1 +1 -1 +1 = 0

Bethyaga> Uhlan is able to cut one and knock it to the ground. It screams and bleeds, but is still very much in the action.

Bethyaga> Raven roll.

* Raven rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: -1 0 +1 +1 = +1

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: -1 0 0 0 = -1

Bethyaga> With Miles's help, Raven is able to pull away from the little vampire and roll away to one side.

* Miles chomps the vampire to bits.

* Raven quickly orders wildlife to attack vampire that Miles is focusing on.

Miles> ((or at least attempts to))

Bethyaga> Everyone involved is now taking numerous scratches from the birds (except Raven). They are annoying but not hampering.

Bethyaga> Uhlan?

* Uhlan ignores the pain, planning to stake the one dwarf to the ground, and go for a barehanded grabble with the other one.

Uhlan> I want the one down to be pinned down with my blades.

Bethyaga> Miles:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: +1 +1 0 -1 = +1

Bethyaga> Dwarf:

Miles> ((That's better))

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -2: -1 0 0 -1 = -2

Bethyaga> There is a satisfying *crunch* as the dwarf's body is crushed in the Wolf's jaws. His instinct to simply eat it is curbed by the foulness of the flesh.

*** Miles is now known as The_Wolf

The_Wolf> ((Crud, should have done that earlier))

Bethyaga> Uhlan:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: +1 0 -1 0 = 0

Bethyaga> Dwarves:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: 0 +1 -1 0 = 0

Bethyaga> The dwarves are no match for Uhlan's size and reach, undead or not. He leaves the wounded one squirming and screaming stuck to the ground, while he leaps upon the other.

Bethyaga> Roll Raven:

* Raven rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: 0 0 +1 0 = +1

Bethyaga> The dwarves disappear quickly beneath a flurry of beaks and feathers. The screaming of the wounded one soon ceases, and the one in Uhlan's arms is now contending with sharp constant tearing at his flesh while he tries to defend himself.

* Uhlan plans to grabble the last active one, go for the head lock/neckbar and just keep twisting and squeezing until the head pops off or the neck snaps..

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: +1 -1 +1 0 = +1

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: +1 -1 0 -1 = -1

* The_Wolf growls dangerously at the corpses.

Bethyaga> It is only a matter of time before the dwarf is finished.

Bethyaga> The Wolf quickly notices that none of these are dead now. The corpses are slowly... /slowly/... repairing themselves.

* Uhlan retrieves his char'gans and proceeds to behead each corpse, leaving the head far from the body.

Bethyaga> Uhlan is a thinker.

* The_Wolf mutlitates one of the corpses and scatters the bits.

Uhlan> Uhlan's fought nosferatua before. ;)

* Uhlan nods at the Wolf and smiles, feeling his blood rush.

Bethyaga> The Wolf thinks that it is not as satisfying as just eating them, but it is satisfying nonetheless.
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Post by Bethyaga »

Enteri> "My Lady, shall we travel to Quarantine?"

Markiel> "Cautiously," Markiel centers her sense again, "I don't know what to expect."

Enteri> "I agree. Caution in all things. My Lady Fallon?"

Bethyaga> "I can take you to the point where the others entered Quarantine. Do you need any equipment for your journey? Protection? Weapons?" She looks at Markiels bare feet, "Shoes, perhaps?"

Markiel> "Do you have sandals?"

Enteri> "I am nothing more than I carry."

Markiel> "Are there enviromental suits?"

Bethyaga> "We can provide sandals."

Bethyaga> "I am not familiar with environmental suits, however."

Markiel> "Radiation protection?"

Bethyaga> The terminal is still active and chirps, "Environmental suits: Doubled as space suits"

Markiel> "Oxygen tanks?"

Markiel> "That's a given then..."

Markiel> "We have to get there through the airlocks, is that correct?"

Bethyaga> "Halo was fully equipped with them when it traveled space, but recycled their materials when it realized it would never return to space."

Enteri> "Yes. Of course." Enteri looked amused.

Bethyaga> Terminal: "The environment outside of Halo contains breathable air identical to that inside."

Enteri> "Will we need to step outside the vessel?"

Markiel> "Are you sure about that?"

* Markiel can't believe that the atmospheres are so similar.

Bethyaga> "Yes, travelers approach Halo through tunnels in the earth, and then ferry shuttles carry them to Quarantine. The atmosphere has been fully tested."

Bethyaga> Fallon adds, "We won't need to be outside though. The airlocks take us directly to the shuttle and then to Quarantine."

Enteri> "There is no connection directly between this portion of the vessel and Quarantine? We must take this 'shuttle?'"

Markiel> "I don't know enough to think of what I need...what sort of protection can Halo offer?"

Bethyaga> "The internal connections have been sealed to prevent the Evil from getting through."

Bethyaga> This discussion is continued on the way to the elevator.

Markiel> (good)

Bethyaga> By the time you are "outside" in the chamber with the glass floor, someone has provided sandals for Markiel.

Markiel> ((YAY))

* Markiel slips them on.

Bethyaga> Fallon walks you across the glass to an area covered in grass and shrubs. There she finds a great smooth slab of what looks like stone set in the floor/ground with a large door in it.

Markiel> "Is this the base of the cylinder?"

Bethyaga> She pushes buttons, and the door opens, revealing a small chamber beneath. The airlock.

Bethyaga> "We are actually midway along the cylinder, Markiel."

Bethyaga> The next door of the airlock opens, revealing the shuttle.

Bethyaga> It is a small vehicle, very similar to Markiel's experience.

* Markiel examines it, noting anything familiar... "Can you fly, Fallon?"

Enteri> "This is a tidy little..." Enteri fades out, not knowing what to say about the device.

Bethyaga> Fallon is piloting, and there are three seats behind her.

Markiel> "Have a seat, Enteri, these can be entertaining."

Enteri> "Personally, I believe I will sit down and attempt to not crash us into anything."

Bethyaga> "We will be traveling in the direction of rotation, so be prepared. The tide will increase significantly."

* Markiel sits with a clear view of the shuttle path.

* Markiel braces herself for the increase in gravity.

Enteri> "Of course," Enteri says, without having a clue what's being said.

Markiel> "Sit down and get ready to feel heavier."

Enteri> "Ah. That I can do."

* Enteri sits down.

Bethyaga> As the shuttle speeds along the outside of the massive habitat, the pull of artificial gravity at their feet does indeed increase. The pull is uncomfortable for Markiel, but Enteri is able to relax as the gravity actually nears that of Earth.

Markiel> "God, I hate this."

Enteri> "Well. This is quite nice, actually. Much less like the bounciness, before."

Markiel> "Yeah, well, you're an can deal," some of the glow fades from Markiel's face.

Bethyaga> The trip is only a matter of minutes, and the speeding shuttle stops at another airlock. This one has a shuttle already there, but it slides aside. Bentoo and another Thermian can be seen through its windows.

Enteri> "Ah, our host."

Markiel> "This is quarantine?"

Markiel> "Did Bentoo accompany the others?"

Bethyaga> Fallon: "This is Quarantine. Bentoo and Jorvan brought the others here and are waiting."

Enteri> "We /will/ be able to get back, correct?"

Bethyaga> She docks, and the door opens again. In the airlock, Fallon says, "Bentoo and Jorvan will wait here for you. Markiel, watch the sequence I use to open the lock. You can use it to get back in at any time. It is only four keys and should be easy to remember."

Markiel> "Remembering won't be a problem," she smiles at Enteri.

Bethyaga> And it is open.

Enteri> "Nor for I. I've not forgotten a single item in 50 years."

Enteri> "Except for a few times, after particularly impressive parties."

Bethyaga> They crawl out of the airlock into a thick wooded area. There is a road/path about 30 feet to their right. The door closes behind them. There is nothing moving in the immediate area.

Markiel> "We can test that later too," her grin grows, "I'll recite Themian history for you."

Markiel> "Bentoo, which way did the others go?"

Bethyaga> You begin looking around, but in only seconds, a large flock of birds is heading this way. Ahead of them is Raven himself.

Enteri> "Truly, he is a Beast Master, to control them so well."

Markiel> "I hope he's in control."

* Markiel whispers, hoping the sound doesn't cover the distance.

Enteri> "Well, if he's not, they are."
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Post by Bethyaga »

* Raven assesses himself

* Uhlan sheaths his blades and strides towards Raven. "May I look at your wound?"

* Raven checking the wounds...

Uhlan> "It needs to be cleaned. Their bite is foul."

Raven> "clean me...clean me....clean me..."

Bethyaga> The bite mark on Raven's shoulder bleeds freely. Vampire saliva is an anti-coagulant.

* The_Wolf buries the 'waste' in a shower of dirt and leaves.

Bethyaga> The spot is incredibly painful.

* Uhlan pulls forth a kingsfoil leaf, applying a few other herbs and a bit of woodchip paste to make a nice salve.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 3: +1 +1 +1 0 = +3

Raven> ((nice healing, I see.))

Bethyaga> Uhlan is very proud of his healing work.

* Uhlan uses a bit of water, cleans everything, and allows for air and light to also reach the wound.

The_Wolf> As Uhlan is 'doing menfolk things' to Raven, The Wolf scents for the things tracks.

Uhlan> "The kingsfoil will keep the wound clean, my friend. You need not be concerned."

Bethyaga> Wolf: the things obviously came from the town. But they have been sitting here for quite some time.

* Uhlan smiles and pats Raven's uninjuried shoulder, helping him to stand. "Your friends were very helpful. Nos-farok are mighty foes."

* The_Wolf lopes back to the pack and tries to get them to follow him.

* Raven caws more for help.

* Raven hopes to draw powers of nature toward himself...any animals...any birds...

Raven> "To win the land back...we need land."

Uhlan> "One moment, Pack Mate. I need to clean my blades and make sure Raven is well."

* The_Wolf bobs his head and bounces once. His tail is held high, almost like a flag.

* Uhlan begins to clean his blades, using a bit of farriga weed and water to clean his blades and his hands.

Uhlan> "Raven, you're fit to continue on?"

Raven> "I seem to be."

Raven> "Wolf, stay wolf. wolf helps land."

Bethyaga> He is fit.

Bethyaga> And I'm still not here.

* The_Wolf rubs up against Raven once and then scampers back to the road.

Uhlan> "Aye then, my friend. Let us depart. Keep yourself behind the Wolf and I. Your friends are a great benefit, but we need to keep you safe."

* Uhlan howls to the Wolf once, letting his blood rage pass through his long, loud cry.

* The_Wolf howls once as well, and likes the song.

Bethyaga> In just a moment, Raven will report that his birds have spotted Markiel and Enteri entering through the airlock behind them.

* The_Wolf 'Marks his territory' by the abandoned vehicle.

* Raven will dash for Marikel and Enteri soon as the birds report in, using his high speeds to reach to them soon as possible.

* Raven bringing good number of birds with him

* The_Wolf 's years perk up as Raven runs the other way.

* Uhlan strides over to kneel by the Wolf, tussling his fur for a moment. "You're of stout heart to be willing to taste the Nos-et-farok flesh, Miles."

Bethyaga> NOW Raven learns that the others are here.

* Raven does what I stated above

* The_Wolf shoulderchecks Uhlan once and puts up with some fur-rubbing.

The_Wolf> It's the first time, ever, that somebody hasn't gone screaming into the woods at the sight of him.

* Uhlan smiles. "You would love my home, Miles. Free woods to roam for leagues and leagues. None of those ma-sheens you spoke of earlier. Plenty of Ogres to slay, and plenty of room to move about."

* Uhlan looks up at the Wolf above him from his sprawled out position. He nods back towards Miles gear. "Should I carry any of that with me?"

Bethyaga> Raven takes off at incredible speed, and the birds begin following him.

* The_Wolf doesn't seem to care one way or another about the gear.


And thus the teams have (finally) reunited. So we just have the single narrative after this... thank God.
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Post by Bethyaga »

Raven> You see black cloud of fluttering objects. You hear a lot of cawing sounds, as you recongize that they are birds...perhaps under someone's command. Soon enough, you see Raven approaching you at insane speed, and birds seem to follow him. Soon as Raven see you two, Raven stops in place, and birds begins to encircle the position where Raven is standing...his bird standing on his unwounded shoulder, tall and proud. Raven (the character) caws at you, and

* Markiel examines Raven's wounds, taking away some of her sense of taste to get a good view.

* The_Wolf gets up, grabs the blaster with his teeth, and then jumps around Uhlan until he gets up as well.

Bethyaga> The wound is ugly, but has been cleaned and tended by talented hands.

Enteri> "Good sir, will you allow me to double-check the care of your wounds?"

* The_Wolf keeps pace with Uhlan as they move back toward Raven.

Bethyaga> Focusing her vision tightly, Markiel sees what looks like necrotic tissue at the edges of the wound (this is a bite mark). A wound this fresh shouldn't be necrotic.

* Markiel smacks her forehead, "A medical kit. Dammit."

* Uhlan chuckles and gains his feet. "Come my friend. The scholars approach."

Markiel> "Enteri, stay right there."

* The_Wolf bounces once and then moves with Uhlan.

Enteri> "I certainly will. Sir? The wound?"

* Raven approaches Enteri slowly

Markiel> "Bentoo, I need someone to run back and get a medical kit. Your best."

Markiel> "Back away, Enteri."

Markiel> "Talk to him from here."

Bethyaga> Bentoo is outside the lock in the shuttle--are you going through the airlock?

Markiel> I'm asking him to go through the airlock.

Markiel> I'm staying with Enteri.

* Enteri backs away, somewhat confused.

* Uhlan strides forward to meet the rest.

Markiel> "Raven."

Markiel> "Stop."

* Raven stops

Markiel> "What attacked you?"

Raven> "dwarves."

* The_Wolf has a seat, his ears move around, searching for other sounds.

Enteri> [[I'm confused; how bad's this wound?]]

Bethyaga> The wound does not look bad to the naked eye at all.

Bethyaga> It's a small but deep bite.

* Uhlan strides to stand near Raven, making his approach loud so no one is spooked.

Bethyaga> It has been tended and is doing well, but Markiel can see things others can't.

Enteri> "Markiel, I'm a trained healer. I can't just stand here without assuaging my professional curiousity."

Markiel> ((If they're still inside the airlock, I open the door to talk to them and ask them to get a kit and then return))

Markiel> "Talk as you approach, and approach carefully, if he's been, infected, use your 'tricks'."

Uhlan> "The scholars return. Why the long faces?"

Raven> "infected? tricks?"

Bethyaga> Markiel punches numbers into the panel and drops through the airlock--quickly she does the same at the second door and passes her request along to a surprised Bentoo.

Enteri> "I assure you, I have no idea what's going on. But the Lady is about a thousand times more intelligent than you or I, so let's trust her, shall we?"

Markiel> "I'll be here when you return, sorry I forgot the first time."

* The_Wolf watches the 'Man-Folk-Doings' for a little bit, then runs some distance back toward the village. Trying to get them to follow.

Enteri> "Here, goodsir. Would you mind if I examine the wound?"

* Uhlan looks perplexed at the conversation. "Raven's wound has been treated, Markiel. He'll not suffer the rot, if that's your concern."

* Markiel hops back out, closing the doors behind her, "I need to wait for the kit before I go anywhere."

Bethyaga> Bentoo rummages through a storage hold on the shuttle and quicly produces an emergency pack. It is more advanced than anything Markiel has seen, but most of the components are recognizable.

* Enteri shifts to Astral Sight.

Enteri> [[I examine them closely, and particularly Raven, and particularly his wound.]]

Markiel> "Thanks, Bentoo," she hurries next to Enteri and focuses her sight as accurately as she can, completely removing taste.

* Markiel gets into position at Enteri's right shoulder.

Enteri> "Sir, I'm going to carefully remove this bandage. Please tell me if this hurts at all."

* Raven winces as he watches the bandage being removed

* Enteri begins to remove the bandage, carefully paying attention to his astral sight.

Bethyaga> Astral sight reveals a... wavering... of Raven's aura at the wound site.

Bethyaga> Nothing big, but also not normal.

Enteri> "Hmm."

* Uhlan shakes his head, not understanding these scholars. He throws up his hands in frustration.

Enteri>> I'm going to cast "Divine Aura" on him.

* The_Wolf looks at Uhlan, then at the group, then back up the road toward the village.

* Raven recoils sightly at Markiel...but lets the elf examine.

* Uhlan turns and whispers to Miles. "These bookworms waste too much time. The wound is treated."

Markiel> "I heard that."

* The_Wolf looks at Uhlan, then starts to pad up the road toward the village where the stuff was going on.

* Uhlan smiles and chuckles. "My apologies, Madame Markiel."

* Markiel leaves the kit with Enteri and approaches Uhlan.

Enteri> "She's unlikely to be lying," Enteri mutters, while looking into the wound.

Markiel> "You're going to have to wait, what was he bit by?"

Uhlan> "A Nos-et-farok."

Markiel> "Describe."

Uhlan> " the humans, a human, or dwarf in this case, that is in undeath, living by other's blood."

Markiel> "And it bit him?"

Markiel> "when?"

Uhlan> "No more than ten minutes ago. I did a good job on the wound, and the kingsfoil will keep it clean."

Enteri> "It's not the wound I'm concerned with."

* Raven looks back and forth between Markiel and Uhlan

* The_Wolf moves back to where Raven and Enteri are and fairly gently bumps his shoulder against them to get them moving.

Enteri> "Uhlan, did you say he was bitten by something that lives on blood?"

Markiel> "Then why is it rotting anyway?"

Raven> "rotting?"

Uhlan> "Then what is the concern. The infection won't take with the poultice there."

Markiel> "Tell him to let me check him, Enteri."

* Uhlan shrugs. "Your eyes may be better than mine, madame. I'm a Guardian, not a Shaman."

Enteri> "Infection comes in forms and forms."

Raven> "infection?"

Enteri> "Where I come from, these are called Vampires. Is this word something you all understand?"

Markiel> "Yes, though I don't agree."

Uhlan> "I believe the Northern Humans call them that."

Enteri> "Well, that is what has bit him, right?"

Uhlan> "Yes, or something very similar."

* The_Wolf shoves at Enteri and Raven a bit more forcefully and lets out a frustrated growl sound.

Enteri> "Well, that makes some sense."

Markiel> "What is he complaining about," Markiel indicates the wolf, "We have time, there's no threat."

Enteri> "And someone tell that animal that if he bumps me again, I will whack him on his snout."

Uhlan> "Shall the Wolf and I scout ahead? Infection is not a concern for me. It will not take to one of my Clan."

Markiel> "Well, no threat but the one to Raven at the moment."

Markiel> "HAve you been bitten?"

Uhlan> "There are many people in the village ahead. I'd like to save those that we can."

Markiel> "Answer my question, have you been bitten?"

Uhlan> "Of course, bitten, scratched, and bruised. Though you'll not see the wounds by now. It is the nature of my people."

Markiel> "I don't care, show me where."

Enteri> "Lady Markiel, the Vampirism has not taken in this one."

Enteri> "And the wound is well-bound. If you wish to examine it?"

Markiel> "Thank goodness for that. Check the robbruck too, I'll check that wound too."

Enteri> "Robbruck?"

* Uhlan bristles a bit. "I can assure you madame, my people do not suffer infections."

* The_Wolf snorts, bumps at Raven one more time, and then starts moving toward the village.

* Uhlan stalks off ahead to scout with the Wolf.

Enteri> Quietly, Enteri says to Sung, "Do not concern yourself. I will use my sight on them."

* Raven looks at Enteri and Markiel

Enteri> "You are fine, good sir."

* Markiel approaches Raven and inspects his wound as closely as possible.

Uhlan> "We'll await down the road. Someone needs to keep an eye ahead."

Bethyaga> The wound is obviously a bite, with torn flesh and all. On a microscopic level, there is much dead tissue. Whatever tore through here killed every cell it touched.

Enteri> "Do so, please. We'll be along in a moment."

* Uhlan moves off at his best run, making great speed with the Wolf.

* Raven orders some birds to assist Wolf and Uhlari

Enteri> "In fact, with my Lady's leave, I will join you."

Bethyaga> It looks as if the "dead" areas may have spread some since the intial wound, but it is very hard to tell.

Uhlan> OOC: Bethy, we'll move back to at least the vehicle, if we can.

Bethyaga> Yes. The vehicle.

* The_Wolf sees Enteri following, lopes back, offers him a ride and then catches up to Uhlan.

Markiel> "Go, I'll wrap this for now, but if I tell you to stop, I expect you to stop, got it?"

Enteri> "I do, indeed, have it." Enteri smiles.

* Enteri gets on the wolf without a second thought.

Bethyaga> It is exactly as you left it. You both note with some satisfaction that the bodies of the dwarves have not stirred in your absence.

* Uhlan sees the birds overhead and smiles. "Thank you Raven."

Uhlan> "Those are the Nos-et-farok, Enteri."

Markiel> "Same goes for you, Raven, if I want to check this again, and I will, I want you to comply, okay?"

Enteri> "Well, they seem a bit dead, now."

* Raven stares at Markiel, without much spark in his eyes.

* The_Wolf deposits Enteri by the vehicle and then circles it, looking for any other signs of trouble.

Markiel> "At least nod."

Enteri> [[Is there real ground here? With dirt and rocks and the like?]]

Uhlan> "They must suffer from fire or grievous wound to stay dead. My ba'lans, the wooden stakes, are usually very effective."

Bethyaga> Nothing has been altered.

* Raven nods slightly

Bethyaga> Yes. this is a place of real ground. With dirt and grass and rocks and bushes, etc.

Markiel> "Oh good, can you turn cartwheels too?"

Markiel> "Let's stay with the others."

* Uhlan takes his nose to the scent with the Wolf. "No one new, eh, Miles?"

Enteri> "Fire I understand, and well." Enteri bends down and grabs a handful of soil. Quickly, with practiced movements, he sorts the dirt from the pebbles, and puts each handful in separate pockets.

* Markiel sharpens her ears, taking away from her touch (slightly)

Bethyaga> The air carries the stink of the dead, but nothing yet that can be traced.

* The_Wolf looks at Uhlan and shakes out his coat.

Uhlan> "You smell that, don't you Miles? This place is wrong. They've poisoned the Maiden herself."

* Uhlan perks up his eyes at Enteri. "An Artist? That will help against foes like this."

* The_Wolf looks at the rest of the pack, then back toward where they were supposed to go.

Enteri> "I am, if such as well you are implying, a wizard. "

Enteri> "Where are we to go from here? Do we know where the evil is located?"

Bethyaga> Markiel hears two voices, approaching from the direction of the village. They are female, but apparently not being translated at this distance.
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Post by Bethyaga »

* Uhlan nods to Enteri. "Yes. My people call it the Art, as our Creators called it. The Da'er Kath'ran were well skilled at it. Giants in the common tongue."

* Raven listens to the birds, hoping a message will be conveyed.

* The_Wolf thinks that maybe Miles would be better here for a moment or two.

Markiel> "People approach."

* Uhlan lays a hand on The Wolf. "I'll keep pace with you. Take the right, aye?"

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: 0 -1 +1 0 = 0

Enteri> "From where?"

* Markiel Markiel points in the direction the sound comes from.

Markiel> towards the village.

Bethyaga> The Wolf becomes Miles again.

Enteri> "Shall we speak with them?" He smiles. "Cautiously, of course?"

*** The_Wolf is now known as Miles

* Uhlan draws the char'gans again, stalking towards the edge of the road.

Markiel> "I can't make out the voices, it's too far away, but yes, we should talk to them, or try."

* Raven tries to listen to his surroundings as he moves with the group.

* Markiel listens more intently, reverting some sight to normality.

Enteri> [[Astral Sense, again.]]

Bethyaga> Raven concentrates in the direction Markiel indicates, and the birds show him two dwarven women approaching. Distance is hard to judge, but maybe a quarter mile off.

Uhlan> "Just be wary. The village seems to be the source. They are probably tainted.

Raven> "dwarves...dwarves..."

Markiel> "Where else have you been?"

Miles> "Mr. Enteri, Mrs. Markiel. We got here, hit these short guys with the red eyes, then tried to help Raven there with his injury."

Enteri> "Ah. We talked to devices."

* Uhlan growls. "More of the blood-rots."

Markiel> "Computers," she returns to listening.

* Enteri walks in the direction of the voices.

Miles> "So far as the intelligence we got from Raven's birds, there's a village down the road a stretch, it's got some fires and there's a lot of people movin' around there."

Bethyaga> Enteri's Astral Sight shows him clearly the two approaching women.\

* Uhlan finds some cover, and climbs up a bit, intent upon an aerial ambush.

Raven> "dwarves coming...dwarves coming..."

* Miles seems to be completely fine with being naked. He does hold the blaster in front of his privates but that's about it.

Enteri> [[Are they "tainted?"]]

Bethyaga> They are black, black holes in his sight.

Bethyaga> Most certainly undead.

Markiel> "Moving how?"

Markiel> Can I hear them yet?

Bethyaga> You still hear them approach, but they have ceased talking now.

Enteri> "Oh. They're evil. Kill them." And then he casts Flame Flash.

* Uhlan prepares to leap onto the two, going for the pinning manuever again.

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: 0 0 0 +1 = +1

* Miles takes some cover and lines up a center of mass shot on one of them.

* Raven stares ahead, and prepares the next call of the birds.

* Markiel moves behind Enteri, staying as out of the way as possible.

* Enteri waits until the women are within 25 yards, and then begins making wild, fanning gestures and whoosing noises.

Enteri> *whooshing.

Bethyaga> The flame flash catches the women completely unaware, and Enteri hits one squarely.

* Raven begins to run away, fearing the possible magic...

Enteri> "Yes, you see how useful that is?" Enteri says to Markiel.

* Uhlan leaps as soon as possible, using his size and strength to pin them down.

Miles> Unless I can get a shot off before he leaps, I won't be shooting anywhere near Uhlan.

Bethyaga> Miles fires just after the flaming magic:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 2: -1 +1 +1 +1 = +2

Bethyaga> And does something right for once.

Markiel> "I don't deny its usefullness, I deny its exsistence."

Enteri> [[Bla-dow!]]


Uhlan> ((Nice Caz!))

* Bethyaga rolls 1d4 for a result total of 3: 3 = 3

Markiel> ((schweet))

Enteri> "I would think its existance would be considered, at this point, somewhat incontrovertible."

Markiel> "I'm not going to argue that here, especially considering our situation."

Bethyaga> Both shots land on the same woman, and she is blown backward some distance where she lays motionless.

* Raven after hearing the blasts, Raven turns back...

Raven> and watches who's left.

Enteri> "Oh, yes. The situation. I should do something about that."

* Miles does not take his eyes off of the combat and says, "Woman, if you've got a firearm, I suggest you get it on the line."

Markiel> "I can't use them, never had to."

* Enteri summons a small flame into existance on the fallen woman, and begins to ignite it.

Bethyaga> As Uhlan charges, the second woman simply falls to the ground and screams, covering her head with her arms.

Enteri> [[Casting ignite on Miles' target, just to make sure we got her.]]

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of -3: -1 -1 0 -1 = -3

Enteri> [[And sucking at it.]]

* Markiel puts bodies between her and the women.

Bethyaga> [[ Enteri sets his own ass on fire. ]]

Enteri> [[No kidding.]]

Markiel> bodies being Miles, Enteri and Raven

Markiel> and Uhlan

Enteri> "Bother."

* Uhlan goes for the double stab and pin.

* Enteri puts out his ass.

* Miles has a tight look on his face, then moves to the side of the vehicle and toward the screaming woman, covering her.

Markiel> Can I climb the truck?

Bethyaga> The woman makes no attempt to defend herself, and Uhlan finishes her quickly.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 2: +1 -1 +1 +1 = +2

Bethyaga> And with flair.

Uhlan> If I can just pin without death, I will.

Bethyaga> Both women are down and out.

Uhlan> NM.

Markiel> "Enteri, what are the colors here?"

Bethyaga> You can pin without killing her.

Enteri> "Lady Markiel, if you remind me next time, I can conceal you during the fight."

Bethyaga> She's a vampire. You can stick her to the ground and still talk to her.

Markiel> "I'll remind you next time, don't worry."

Uhlan> Then, just keep her teeth away from me, and keep her immobilized.

* Enteri tells her the colors. After he looks about with his astral sight.

Uhlan> "Keep quiet, souless one, before I remove your head."

Bethyaga> Vampire: "Hisssssssss!"

* Miles moves to where he can drop a headshot on the woman and then takes a second to look up the road.

Uhlan> "How many in the village?"

Bethyaga> Nothing else is coming at the moment, Miles.

* Raven looks at Uhlan, "I check."

Enteri> "Corruption hangs heavy here, My Lady."

Bethyaga> Vampire: "Burn in Hell, trog!"

* Uhlan grabs a flaming piece of debris from the other corpse, and uses it as 'incentive' for the remaining vamp.

Markiel> "Let me guess," she points towards the village, "That way."

* Raven sends a raven to explore the area for any further information...

Miles> "That's right, Miss Markiel."

Enteri> [[Seriously, I'm going to look around with the astral sight, and gain all the information I can.]]

Uhlan> "After you, foul one."

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: 0 +1 -1 +1 = +1

* Uhlan finishes the job, and sets the corpse to flame.

* Uhlan cleans his blades with the flame.

Markiel> "Miles, could you boost me up on top of this truck?"

Miles> "No problems, Miss."

* Raven stays away from the truck.

* Miles hoists Markiel up to the top of the truck.

Uhlan> OOC: Is Raven small enough to ride on my back?

Markiel> "I might need you to catch me, could you stay there a minute?"

Bethyaga> Enteri: Astral sight reveals again a living landscape, but in this case, the landscape is faint. Fading, as if the colors had been washed out of it.

Miles> "Take your time. Like they said in the rangers, keep your intelligence people in good shape."

Bethyaga> The aura of the land itself is intact, but weak.

* Raven calls for his raven back.

Uhlan> "Madame, now you've seen what inflicted the wound to our friend."

Enteri> "My Lady, it would appear that the life is being drained from this place. There is no direction to it; it is simply all fading."

Bethyaga> [[ Yes--Raven can be easily carried.]]

* Markiel shunts all of her senses into vision, her muscles become rigid and she begins to sway gently, she is unresponsive to sound and the slightest touch sends her toppling.

* Uhlan strides towards Raven. "If you would like, I could carry you for a time, with ease."

* Markiel she scans the village as best she can, trying to count the number of people if possible.

Miles> Miles looks at Enteri for a moment, "What's with the woman? She all right?"

Enteri> "Oh, she's fine. She's very focused at times. She can write different things with each hand. How's that for fascinating?"

Bethyaga> From here, she can see the village. It is not far, and it is up the curve of Halo from her so she has a decent view. The fires burning throughout the village seem to be buildings burning, but in a controlled way.

Uhlan> "Miles, wear my cloak. You can easily take it off before you change."

Bethyaga> People--maybe vampires--seem to tend to these fires, feeding more material into them.

* Uhlan tosses his cloak to Miles.

* Miles nods and accepts the cloak.

Bethyaga> The visible figures in the village number in the dozens (63 to be exact).

* Raven senses weariness approaching him, lets Uhlan to carry him.

* Miles nods at Enteri, "nice abilities. Bet the boys in Washington would have loved that."

Enteri> "I'm sure they would have," he said, confused.

* Uhlan seats Raven high upon his shoulders, so his arms are not locked out of use.

Bethyaga> Following the pattern of movement, Markiel calculates the most likely "command center"--assuming the undead follow any sort of logic. It is a building with a great domed roof near the far edge of the town.

* Raven uses the time to sight-see for any potential problems.

* Uhlan tests walking, and running, with Raven, finding the right position that would still allow for mobility and defense.

Markiel> There is a sharp intake of breath as Markiel returns the rest of her body to it's normal state. She sits down firmly on the top of the bus.

Markiel> "Damn."
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Post by Bethyaga »

Enteri> "Problems, My Lady?"

Bethyaga> The birds nearby report that there are three other small groups moving far out from the village--maybe scouts or guards or errand boys.

* Miles looks up at Markiel with a look of concern.

* Markiel relates what she's seen, especially the number of vampires and the domed roof.

Miles> "Y'all right miss?"

Raven> bad guys...bad guys...

Uhlan> "We'll need to move quickly against the village. The scouts will be noticed as missing, and probably soon."

Enteri> "Ah. Well, if they mass, we could have some problems."

Uhlan> "Not if we choose our battlegrounds."

Markiel> "I'm fine, just give me a minute, I'm not used to switching that rapidly...urgency is something I haven't felt in a while."

Miles> "Can you do that magic stuff on the move?"

Uhlan> "They use fire, and that's to our advantage."

* Raven says, "no problem. The land is with us."

Bethyaga> The birds refuse to fly over the village itself though. But they can report that none of the scouting groups are anywhere near here.

Markiel> "Sure, it's not magic."

Enteri> "I can do that magic stuff in my sleep."

* Uhlan chuckles. "Then, sleep away my friend."

Miles> "Whatever. I'll turn back into The Wolf, and we've got a mobile fire platform."

* Markiel examines the truck, is it in tact?

* Raven begins to caw softly

Miles> "Markiel, what have you got as far as fighting abilities?"

Enteri> [[Is anyone using a melee weapon that's not wooden?]]

* Uhlan nods. "I can do the same with Raven, for light combat. If things get rough, I'll set him down somewhere safe.

Bethyaga> Yes. The truck seems dented and beat up, but intact.

Markiel> [[my bare hands]]

Uhlan> OOC: I am.

Enteri> "She hides well."

* Raven calls toward land, "we need you. you need us."

Markiel> "Help me push this over."

Uhlan> "Raven, do you think you and I could find two more mounts to help us?"

* Raven his hair flutters like a bird as he begins the calling

Markiel> "There's one right here, help me push it over."

Bethyaga> Raven--roll.

Miles> "You can drive? That could change a lot of things."

* Raven rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: +1 0 +1 -1 = +1

Markiel> "I can figure it out."

* Uhlan looks at the truck with distaste.

Markiel> "Deal with it, robbruck."

Markiel> "Help me push."

* Miles puts his shoulder to part of the chassis and shoves.

* Uhlan then strides to help, but not before starting his mantra.

* Raven calls for mounts...

* Markiel does her best to help out.

* Enteri stands, doing nothing.

Bethyaga> Raven hears a faint but very distinct voice that speaks in his head, "I am too tired. I cannot fight, and the pain..." The voice fades out.

Bethyaga> The truck heaves over onto its wheels and thumps into place.

* Raven cries back, "call for your creatures! You need not to fight. Call for your creatures."

Miles> "A fast moving vehicle with Enteri's fire and my blaster can get us in and knock down anyone who tries to stop us."

Uhlan> "What is this robbruck you keep calling me, Madame?"

Miles> I'd prefer a Huey, but it'll do.

Uhlan> "You want me to ride that thing? It's worse than the iron horses the Dwarves build on Rhiael!"

Markiel> "It’s what you are."

Markiel> "We have to see if it works first."

Bethyaga> The voice again touches Raven's mind, but it does not speak. Then it is gone.

* Uhlan shakes his head in confusion at the strange elf woman.

* Markiel gets in the driver's side and sits behind the wheel.

Miles> "Uhlan, where I'm from, there are thousands of these things. And if it helps us kill these vampire things and maybe stay somewhere where I don't have to take drugs to keep from killing people, I'll do it."

Miles> ((That should be I'll ride it.))

Bethyaga> The controls are not too outlandish. You'll be able to start it.

Bethyaga> Roll 4dF Markiel.

* Markiel rolls 4dF for a result total of 2: +1 +1 -1 +1 = +2

Bethyaga> Not even a problem.

Raven> suddenly, rage flares from Raven's eyes, and he becomes very intent on his target, calling for creatures, birds, animals, anything to take revenge against the evil that has poisoned the land so.

* Uhlan shakes his head. "I understand that Miles. But that's so wrong. Like the land around. Dead, and cold."

Bethyaga> Whatever fuel it uses, it seems to have. And the Thermians must be very trusting for there is no key.

* Miles looks frustrated for a moment. "It must be nice to live in a fairy tale. Most of my world is dying now."

Bethyaga> Raven. Roll again.

* Raven rolls 4dF for a result total of 3: +1 0 +1 +1 = +3

Raven> [[yeah :)]]

Bethyaga> [[ Jesus ]]

Raven> [[rage helps]]

Miles> [[Shyeah!]]

Uhlan> "Not a fairy tale. My world is overrun with the Men who bring War to the lands, and the Elves who play their secret games."

Enteri> [[Damn.]]

Markiel> "The world is dead where I'm from, we've moved on to destroy some other planets too. At least I'm fighting to give some things back."

Markiel> ((Two good rolls in a row))

Enteri> "Hmm. My world's a virtual paradise, ruled by a Queen of grace and perfection."

Bethyaga> The birds come in in force. They flock to the team and practically cover the top of the truck. They are perched and still, with eyes intent.

Markiel> "So you've said," Markiel winks.

Uhlan> "I fight to keep the Children safe, and fight hard for that. But you ask too much."

* Raven Raven raises his hold birds

* Uhlan shakes his head. "I'll not ride a Dwarf death machine."

* Raven beigns to caw along with birds...

Miles> "How's this for an alternate plan. We go crashing in from the North, you come in from the South and we kill everything with red eyes and bad dentures."

* Uhlan begins to head down the trail.

Enteri> "I'll ride it. I've ridden stranger. Where should I sit, Medame?"

Bethyaga> In addition, there are smaller creatures. Things that might be cats or rats or snakes. Low and hidden in the grass... but there.

Markiel> "I want to make it to that dome, how would you like to get there?"

* Miles nods at Raven, "very impressive."

Enteri> "Quickly."

* Raven asks, Enteri, "ready?"

Uhlan> "The only way I know how, madame."

Markiel> Starts up the truck.

* Miles gets into the truckbed.

Enteri> "I am ready, goodsir." Enteri sits somewhere convenient.

* Markiel checks the gauges she can understand.

Bethyaga> Enteri's sight catches glimpse of a wavering near Raven. It is intense and full of life--the very opposite of the undead. Maybe this world's version of a spirit. But it is hidden again as quickly as he notices.

Miles> "You three get inside, where there's at least a little cover."

Enteri> [[So no one has non-flammable melee weapons?]]

* Uhlan draws his char'gans, and begins the Hunt he knows so well. The mad dash with his blades whirling, leaping, his limbs flying over the ground, intent on reaching the target at the same time the ma-sheen does.

Enteri> "If I'm to be useful, I'll need to be in the open air."

Markiel> "I'm going to need a few minutes to get used to it so hold on." ((Uhlan does))

* Raven continues to contact with land, and requesting land to gather more...

Miles> [[Umm, unless your flame does a lot of damage, you could just light me on fire after I fang out.]]

Uhlan> OOC: I'm going for pure speed, and death. All out, just short of the Ravager style berserk to fight my way through to the dome, Bethy.
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Post by Bethyaga »

* Markiel starts her up.

Miles> Lock and Load people.

Markiel> "This'll be bumpy, so hold on."

* Uhlan starts the Hunt, letting the Call of the Wild overtake him, just keeping the Ravager in check.

* Raven begins to channel land toward the dome, where it is apparently a source of evil...

Uhlan> OOC: Let the Mad Dash of Uhlan begin.

Miles> ((Is this basically a 4x4 or something close to it?))

* Enteri forms a flame in one hand, and takes a handful of dirt in the other.

Enteri> [[6x6.]]

Markiel> ((hurr hurr hurr))

* Miles crouches in the truckbed and waits for targets.

* Markiel follows after the Hunter.

Bethyaga> Okay. Approach people? This village is maybe all of 8 blocks wide and long. You're entering from what we'll call the East. The dome is on the West edge of town. There are maybe 6 large fires through the town. The road you are on goes straight into the East side of town. There do not appear to be roads that go around.

* Raven continues to concentrate

Bethyaga> The landscape here is not particularly rough. You'd imagine Markiel could take this off-road if she wanted.

Uhlan> OOC: I plan on cutting cross country and hitting as many outlying scouts in my path as possible. I'll come in from the North east and link up with the truck before they hit the dome, hopefully.

Enteri> [[Our approach is up to Markiel, if she wants.]]

Markiel> "SPLIT! Raven take the south with Uhlan, we'll go North.

Bethyaga> Raven is continuing to ride his +3 and build strength.

Miles> "Nice, see you at the dome."

* Raven begins to split, following Uhlan, continuing to channel land along with everyone.

Markiel> Or the other way around, :)

* Markiel heads the other direction.

Miles> ((Does this blaster have burst fire?))

Uhlan> What Markiel said, I'll follow.

* Markiel off road towards the south.

Bethyaga> Blaster--one would imagine that if you held down the button it would just keep going.

* Uhlan starts the mad dash.

Bethyaga> No telling how long it would last though.

Uhlan> OOC: Eli, you got it. Go South, I'll hit North.

Markiel> Ooc: cool, we'll do that.

Raven> OOC: then where do I go?

Uhlan> You'll move faster than I will.

* Markiel goes as quickly as she can keep the truck in control.

Uhlan> OOC: With me, since you're on my shoulders. :-)

Bethyaga> Will either group pass /through/ town or are you going around it. If you are off-road, either option is viable.

* Raven continues to channel powers despite the insane speed.

Markiel> off-road coming up through the southern part of town

Miles> I wanted us to go at least part of the way into town, to draw forces away from Uhlan.

Markiel> cutting through the southern half then

Markiel> He's a back seat driver

Uhlan> We'll eventually pass through town. I want to cut as many of these fuckers down as I can.

Enteri> "We want to attract attention, then?"

Miles> So long as we're zapping vamps, I'll be happy.

Miles> "That was the plan."

Markiel> "Start flinging your magic then :) ))

Uhlan> OOC: Bethy, I'm going as full out Call of the Wild, Favored Son as I can here. Balancing Raven on my shoulders, whirling, leaping, and dashing, cutting everything down as I run by, as often as I can.

Enteri> [[Bethy: Let me know when I'm within 120 meters of anyone hostile to us.]]

Bethyaga> As the charge commences, the masses of birds take wing, filling the air with the beat of their wings.

Miles> [[120 meters would be good, that way I can blast holes in the Vampires.]]

Markiel> "You guys want me to steer towards things?"

Bethyaga> Uhlan, Raven and his birds guide you to a scouting unit not far of your path.

Bethyaga> It looks to be three vampires--two human and one green and spindley.

Uhlan> [[Bethy, no stealth here, no tact, just full out combat and running/acrobatics for me. Not quite Ravager, but walking the razor's edge here.]]

* Raven orders birds to distract birds long enough so that Uhlan can slash through.

Miles> "Nail what you can. The pyro next to you and I will take out anything the bumper doesn't." Miles yells through the wind.

Raven> *distract vamps

Bethyaga> They are startled and on alert because of the birds, but they are not expecting Uhlan.

Uhlan> "Drache naxa, nos-et-farock."

Bethyaga> Uhlan rolls:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: +1 +1 0 -1 = +1

Bethyaga> The unsuspecting vamps:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: +1 0 -1 0 = 0

* Uhlan blows into the crowd, going for a nice charge and slice to him multiples.

Bethyaga> Uhlan mows over the two human vamps like a whirlwind. They are cut and wailing before they realize their danger.

Bethyaga> More?

Bethyaga> I'm assuming Uhlan continues this assault?

Uhlan> OOC: If I can finish them without losing too much time, I'd rather not leave them at my back. Just going for all out decapitations here.

* Raven continues to concentrate

* Raven cries out, "'s almost time."

Bethyaga> Raven roll

Uhlan> Heads off, spines sliced, anything that will put them down for good. Hell I'll use my hands to rip heads off if I need to.

* Raven rolls 4dF for a result total of 3: +1 +1 0 +1 = +3

Markiel> ((Holy...))

Raven> [[geezers]]

Miles> ((SHYEAHHHH!!!))

Uhlan> ((Holy shit!))

Bethyaga> The spindly thing doesn't know what hit it. It is torn to itty bitty vamp bits in an instant.

Miles> ((Flameblade rocks like eggs on toast))

Bethyaga> The birds are swarming on the other two, picking at their wounds. Uhlan pauses long enough for one more shot.

* Uhlan takes a second to make sure they're all done and out, and then runs again.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -2: 0 -1 0 -1 = -2

Uhlan> ((Eww))

Bethyaga> Uhlan hits them easily but can't stay long enough to be sure of their death. Hopefully, they do not rise again.

Bethyaga> Everyone keeps rolling.

* Markiel punches the throttle.

* Miles waits for the first vampire to pop his ugly face up and tries to drill a neat little hole in it.

Bethyaga> Markiel spots people emerging from the village now. The attack is no secret now. A wave of maybe 30 is approaching the truck on the south side of town.

Markiel> "Umm, guys..."

Markiel> "That's half of them, what do you want me to do?"

Miles> "Punch it Miss. We can take them."

Bethyaga> Uhlan meets no such resistance on his end. He is approaching the village swiftly, and is unopposed.

* Markiel keeps driving forward.

Enteri> "Get close. Within...30 yards. Do you know yards?"

* Raven conintues to summon more powers...

Enteri> [[Are we within 120 meters?]]

Markiel> "Yeah, I know yards," punches it again.

* Miles is waiting to get a little closer and then gets ready for burst fire.

Bethyaga> We are now closing to about 100 yards.

Uhlan> OOC: If I make it to the center point, and they are there, I'm charging towards where the truck should be coming in.

Markiel> What's it look like beyond the 30?

Markiel> clear?

Enteri> "I believe I can get their attention."

Enteri> Enteri's shakes his flaming hand, and frost begins to appear on it.

Bethyaga> There are more watching/massing beyond these 30.

Miles> 100 yards is close enough for me. I start blasting now.

Enteri> [[Ice Spear.]]

Bethyaga> Roll.

Markiel> Any big turns?

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: 0 -1 +1 0 = 0

Bethyaga> Roll again.

Miles> ((you've got to roll for me))

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: 0 +1 -1 0 = 0

Bethyaga> The Ice Spear does it's work, and one of the vampires falls, but you had really hoped for something more spectacular.

Bethyaga> Miles, you're laying down burst fire?

Miles> That's right, a nice swath to the left side of the truck.

Enteri> "Closer." Enteri holds a handful of dirt, ready to throw.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: 0 0 -1 0 = -1

Miles> ((AAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!))

Markiel> "I'm going straight through them unless there's objections..."

Miles> "Go for it."

Enteri> "Did you know," he says, "that the amount something exerts energy is proportional to its mass and its speed?"

Bethyaga> Miles succeeds in tearing up a lot of dirt and scattering the vampires to make a path, but he can't tell if he actually got any.

* Markiel accelerates as much as she can between here and the vampires.

Miles> "Hell with this, I'm gonna turn into the first truck-launced werewolf here in a second."

Markiel> "There's thirty of them!"

Uhlan> OOC: Bethy, have I reached town center yet?

* Miles fuzzes out and gets ready to leap at impact.

Enteri> "There should be fewer once we get close to them. 30 yards. I certainly hope this works."

Bethyaga> The truck is doing maybe 45 mph or more over the grassy ground. We are 50 feet from impact. Time for one last action from everyone.

Enteri> [[50 feet! Eek!]]
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Post by Bethyaga »

Markiel> "We're getting there now, Enteri, go for it."

Enteri> [[Earth Darts.]]

Enteri> Enteri throws a handful of dirt in the air and mutters.

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of -2: -1 -1 -1 +1 = -2

Markiel> ((DAAAH))

Enteri> FUCK!

Uhlan> ((Doh.))

Bethyaga> Uhlan, you have entered town, and just before the dome, you find a half-dozen dwarven vamps. These are armed with firearms of some sort.

Markiel> ((Don't make me invisible, kay?))

* Miles springs at the vampires as the truck crashes into the front line.

Enteri> [[Shut up. :) ]]

Bethyaga> Enteri throws a handful of dirt in the air and mutters.

Miles> ((Sucks worse to be Enteri than it does to be Miles.))

Uhlan> ((Well, at least you made some nice Lawn Darts, Earl.))

Uhlan> ;)

Enteri> [[SHUT UP! :) ]]

Bethyaga> Miles:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 2: +1 -1 +1 +1 = +2

* Raven sends the land against the vampires, hoping for the best.

Uhlan> ((W00T!))

Markiel> ((See how nice that worked, no problems there... ;) ))

Miles> RARGH!

* Miles lets out an ear-splitting howl as he crashes headlong into the vampires.

* Uhlan drops Raven, off safely under cover. "Get to the truck, and get them to the dome, no matter what it takes."

Enteri> Enteri reaches his hand into his pocket, taking out another handful of dirt.

Bethyaga> Miles tears through vampires like they were butter, carefully keeping ahead of the truck as vampires begin to bounce off of it.

Raven> ((ooc where is the truck in relative to me?))


Markiel> ((coming towards you from the south??))

Raven> [[vamps between me and truck?]]

Bethyaga> Raven, the truck is visible coming in from the south, and there's still a couple dozen vamps between you.

Miles> ((should be just a few blocks between us and them.))

Markiel> "Where's that magic, Enteri?"

* Uhlan charges the dwarves, screaming "Drachae naxa! Drachae naxa!", immediately launching his two throwing axes for two head shots, then switching to his two throwing knifes as he goes on a mad dash to make himself a difficult target.

Enteri> [[Let me know when I can try this again. *sigh* ]]

Bethyaga> Your birds have followed you into town and flock and swarm about you like a cloak.

* Raven sends the land against the evil...

Bethyaga> Uhlan:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: +1 0 -1 +1 = +1

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: 0 0 0 +1 = +1

* Miles keeps ripping vampires into itsy bitsy bits.

Markiel> ((Distance to the dome?))

Bethyaga> Uhlan drops two of the vampires with his axes with practiced ease. He then whirls to use the knives just as the remaining ones raise their guns.

Markiel> ((AAHH))

Bethyaga> Maybe 5 blocks to the dome... ?

Markiel> Can I pick up the pace?

Bethyaga> A little--you've hit road now.

Uhlan> OOC: Next turn, more mad dash to throw of aim, and two more knives at two more heads.

Bethyaga> Enteri--you are in the back of the truck?

* Markiel takes it as fast as she can without endangering Miles.

Enteri> I suppose, yes.

Bethyaga> You are no longer alone. An undead friend has climbed aboard. Or rather... is climbing.

Bethyaga> Miles (rippy rippy rippy):

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: 0 +1 +1 -1 = +1

Enteri> Enteri turns to the new occupant of the truckbed with another handful of dirt.

Enteri> [[Earth Darts, again.]]

* Raven tries to approach the truck, hoping he can assist, and clear away vamps.

Bethyaga> Dice, Enteri.

Bethyaga> Don't be scared

Markiel> ((cross fingers))

Enteri> Die roller's gone wonky.

*** Miles is now known as The_Wolf

Bethyaga> Shall I roll?

The_Wolf> ((Damn, I wish I would have been better about that.

Enteri> You'd better. It's just dropping things into the field below.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: +1 0 -1 0 = 0

* The_Wolf buries his fangy maw in a vampire's chest.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -4: -1 -1 -1 -1 = -4

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: -1 0 -1 +1 = -1

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: -1 0 +1 0 = 0

Enteri> There we go. I think.

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: 0 0 0 +1 = +1

Enteri> Okay, it works.

Bethyaga> It doesn't matter. The things defense roll was a -4. It pretty much destroys itself.

* Uhlan stops dead on a dime, hopefully with shots tracking his projected course, hurling the knives, and then grabbing his long knives and charging straight at whatever is left.

Bethyaga> At least the truck is safe.

Bethyaga> OK Uhlan:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 2: 0 +1 +1 0 = +2

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: +1 0 0 -1 = 0

Uhlan> ((W00T!)

Bethyaga> His first knife does its work and a third vamp falls. The fourth however is only wounded.

Bethyaga> They return fire:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: 0 0 0 -1 = -1

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 2: +1 0 0 +1 = +2

Enteri> [[Shit. I want Bethy to roll for me all the time. :) ]]

Uhlan> (Uh-oh.)

Bethyaga> And even with his tricky defenses, one puts a bullet in Uhlan's thigh.

Uhlan> (Now, the fun starts.)

Uhlan> OOC: Bethy, Will check?

Bethyaga> The black powder burns. [[ It burrrrrnnssssss! ]]

Bethyaga> Oh yeah--forgot about that.

Bethyaga> Will of... Poor.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 2: +1 0 0 +1 = +2

The_Wolf> ((If there are inhuman screams of Trollish agony, The Wolf will redouble his efforts to get to him.))

Uhlan> OOC: Two, actually. This may trigger my not so friendly side.

Bethyaga> It does.

Uhlan> (There goes the neighborhood.)

Bethyaga> With the wound and the adrenaline and the loss of the Maiden, Uhlan disappears right over the edge of control.

Uhlan> OOC: Do I still control, or do you take it?

Bethyaga> You do it. I'll nix anything I think is too wrong.

* Uhlan nods.

Enteri> [[Are there any vampires close to us currently?]]

Raven> [[basically, Raven will send against the great evil inside.]]

Bethyaga> Raven and his birds form a welcoming beacon to the incoming truck and werewolf. The scattered vamps are regrouping, but there are still many nearby.

* Markiel chases the birds.

* Uhlan starts the Ravager's Call, a fiendish howl that has no words, no tone, just pure, daemonic rage. It communicates nothing more than overbearing, unthinking, murderous evil.

* Enteri grabs another handful of soil.

Bethyaga> Uhlan will... go medieval on the three vamps right next to him?

* The_Wolf howls again, not terribly different from Uhlan's call.

Raven> [[I'm gone...Beth, can you cover for me?]]

The_Wolf> ((Howls are howls after all.))

Bethyaga> Sure--sorry FB.

* Uhlan flashes the Chan'gars and tear the vamps who shot him into four, and then head for the next nearest opponent, working his way towards the largest crowds of foes, intent on tearing the largest bloody swath he can find.

Bethyaga> Uhlan:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -2: -1 +1 -1 -1 = -2

*** Raven has left the room.

*** Flame has left IRC.

* Uhlan moves at blinding speeds when possible, just a flash of trollish mass and whirling metal, backed by unholy strength.

Bethyaga> Even with a -2 roll, Uhlan has no trouble with the wounded vamp. The rage fuels him and moves him to the next target.

* The_Wolf chomps on anything that gets too close, trying to get to his friend.

Markiel> ((Are we with the others now?))

Markiel> ((And where's Mile's blaster?))

Enteri> [[Are there any vampires close to us currently?]]

Bethyaga> Truck is now parked in front of the dome. Miles is by the truck. Uhlan is 20 feet off to the North, and Wolf is headed that way. Raven is directly in front of the truck. Behind it, is a smallish force of maybe 12 vamps who are just starting to move this way.

Markiel> "Hey, is the blaster back there?"

Uhlan> OOC: Bethy, let me know who passes close to me, friend or foe.

Bethyaga> Yes.

Markiel> Is there any huge chunks of concrete around?

Markiel> *are there any

Bethyaga> Many--the roads are made of it, as are two or three of the buildings.

Enteri> [[If there are any vamps around, I'd like to kill some of them with this dirt. :) ]]

Bethyaga> The team of twelve is now approaching from behind. But slowly.

* Markiel backs the car around, and grabs the blaster, yelling at Enteri to get out of the back. She then aims the thing at the vampires and puts the concrete on the gas.

* Markiel will shoot the truck when it hits the vampires.

* Enteri gets out of the truck. Quickly.

* Uhlan will rip the nearest thing to shreds.

Markiel> ((Can I do that? I want to explode the thing))

* The_Wolf is still trying to get to Uhlan, to help him fight.
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Post by Bethyaga »

Bethyaga> [[ Jeez. Smart girl. ]]

Bethyaga> Uhlan:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -2: -1 -1 0 0 = -2

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 2: 0 +1 0 +1 = +2

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: 0 -1 +1 -1 = -1

Uhlan> ((Nice move, Eli.)

The_Wolf> ((Eli's got a big giant brain))

Markiel> ((It's how the Sung think :) ))

Bethyaga> Not so good Uhlan. He cuts one of the vamps without dropping it, but takes another bullet--this time in the stomach.

Uhlan> ((Nice save back there as well Earl. Nice to see the Lawn Darts spell pay off.))

Uhlan> :-)

Bethyaga> The Wolf is there now to assist (rippy rippy)

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 2: +1 +1 0 0 = +2

The_Wolf> ARooooWOooooo!!

Bethyaga> Wolf immediately disembowels the vamp that shot his friend.

Bethyaga> This puts Wolf in arm's reach, Uhlan.

* Uhlan staggers for a moment, stalking towards the vampire nearest him, but much slower now, though he doesn't seem to notice it.

* Markiel grabs the med kit while she's at it.

Bethyaga> Enteri gets out of the truck... quickly.

Bethyaga> Markiel executes her clever plan.

Bethyaga> Getting the truck to bowl into the vamps is easy, and they begin to scatter to let it drive past them.

Bethyaga> Roll Markiel.

Markiel> FIRE!

* Markiel rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: -1 -1 +1 +1 = 0

* Uhlan goes into a whirling technique, looking for multiple hits on all three opponents. The Wolf and the two vamps.

Markiel> ((For someone who can't do it, I think that's bad))

Markiel> Wait, do we get fudge dice?

Bethyaga> Close. The blaster shoots out a window of the truck.

Enteri> Ignite.

Markiel> If we do, I want to fudge...

* The_Wolf chomps at the vampires.

Bethyaga> What--Fudge /points/?

Markiel> Yah!

Enteri> I'll ignite the truck.

Bethyaga> Yes.

Bethyaga> Hold that thought brainiacs.

Bethyaga> Wolf:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -2: -1 0 0 -1 = -2

Bethyaga> Uhlan (vamp, vamp, wolf):

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -2: 0 0 -1 -1 = -2

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -3: -1 -1 -1 0 = -3

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: +1 -1 +1 -1 = 0

Bethyaga> Wouldn't you know it.

Uhlan> (Heh. Just my unlucky day.)

The_Wolf> ((Happy Dance))

Uhlan> (There goes that friendship.)

The_Wolf> ((Less Happy Dance as I read the numbers right))

Bethyaga> The Wolf's jaws snap on empty air. Uhlan whirls again, the vamps barely dodge his blades, but the unsuspecting Wolf doesn't see it coming and Uhlan slices a deep furrow down Wolf's back.

Uhlan> (Damn.)

* The_Wolf snarls in confused pain.

Bethyaga> It is painful, but the flesh closes back up rapidly.

Uhlan> (Glad I got rid of that silver dagger charm.)

Bethyaga> Okay--back to the brainiacs.

Bethyaga> Enteri: You said something about fire?

Markiel> I want to add +2 to that last roll, or is it too late for that...

Enteri> Ignite.

* Uhlan lets out the Ravager's call again, his voice bouncing and echoing off the buildings. The Beast calls out in victory.

Markiel> ne'er mind.

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: +1 0 -1 +1 = +1

Bethyaga> It is not too late, Markiel. You burn a Fudge point.

Markiel> I'm down to two

Uhlan> (me prays the truck goes boom-boom.)

Markiel> (me too)

Uhlan> (me prays the wolf doesn't kill me too.)

Bethyaga> Markiels shot may have gone through the window, but it set the interior of the truck on fire. Enteri uses that to his advantage to take the flame to the entire vehicle.

* Markiel dives for cover.

Bethyaga> The truck makes a spectacular noise as is goes up in a giant fireball.

The_Wolf> (Didn't get hit with silver, so I'm not incredibly pissed, yet)

Enteri> "So, it's on fire, now...why are you running? Oh, my--"

* Enteri ducks.

Bethyaga> Roll dice Markiel and Enteri:

* Markiel rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: +1 0 0 -1 = 0

Uhlan> (Earl, you rule.)

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of 2: -1 +1 +1 +1 = +2

Uhlan> (Lines like that are why we love you.)

Enteri> [[Thank you. :) ]]

Bethyaga> Both are lucky. They are bruised and shaken, but are largely unscathed by the explosion.

Markiel> ((And you're cute))

Enteri> [[Results?]]

Bethyaga> The Raven has been standing still this whole time. His arms are up and his eyes wide open but unseeing.

Markiel> "Come on!" Markiel grabs the medkit and heads for Raven and the others.

Bethyaga> The dirty dozen are incinerated in the blast (burning a Fudge point can buy you a lot). Their bodies fly in all directions.

Bethyaga> There are other vamps in the area, but they are not eager to show their faces yet.

Enteri> "You know, this may seem a bit silly, Medame, but I don't know the names of these others, and if I'd like to not atomize them with my spells, I really need to."

Markiel> ((This one was literally burnt))

* Uhlan goes for another whirling attack, trying to exert his will over his own form again, aiming more for the vamps then the Wolf.

* The_Wolf snarls at the two remaining vampires and tries to kill them.

Bethyaga> Wolf:

Markiel> "We'll worry about that when we get there. Come On!"

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: +1 0 0 0 = +1

Bethyaga> Wolf finally drags down the wounded vampire and turns to face the last, keeping a wary eye out for his confused troll friend.

Bethyaga> Uhlan whirls again:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -4: -1 -1 -1 -1 = -4

* The_Wolf slavers and growls at the combat.

Uhlan> (Holy fuck. I just impaled myself.)

Enteri> Guh.


Markiel>> it's probably time to invoke the first of Markiel's social flaws...(at least the first)

Uhlan> (I think the Ravager may be gone now. Mostly because I just committed seppuku on the field of battle.)

Uhlan> ;-)

Bethyaga> Uhlan ends up face first in the dirt at the vampire's feet, his weapon snapped in two.

The_Wolf> ((Sucks to be Jeff))

Bethyaga> He makes a will check for his rage (ha ha):

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: +1 -1 0 -1 = -1

Bethyaga> And boy is he pissed.

Markiel> ((snicker))

Uhlan> (So I'm pissed off, wounded, looked like a tool, and broke my favorite two knives? Somebody get that blaster handy.)

Markiel> ((I'm a coming))

Bethyaga> Markiel: I think you're right. you should roll for that.

Uhlan> (You're going to need a spare truck.)

The_Wolf> With Uhlan down, The Wolf goes for a leap at the Vampire's head and neck, hoping to rip the thing off of it's shoulders.

Bethyaga> The vampire turns the gun on the Wolf:

Markiel> ((SHIT))

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: -1 0 +1 0 = 0

* Markiel rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: +1 0 -1 -1 = -1

Markiel> Bethy, that should be a -3, I hit the wrong button in the die roller.

Bethyaga> And hits it, but without effect. Bullets mean nothing to the Wolf.

Bethyaga> It matters not, Eli. Consider your roll failed and play appropriately.

Bethyaga> Wolf? Uhlan?

* The_Wolf tries to rip the last Vampire to pieces

* Uhlan grabs his only remaining two knives (the parrying/stabbing set) and leaps for the Wolf and the Vamp.

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: +1 +1 -1 0 = +1

Bethyaga> The vampire is torn apart, so Uhlan leaps upon the Wolf:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: -1 0 +1 +1 = +1

Markiel> How close are Enteri and Markiel?

Bethyaga> Once again stabbing without effect.

* The_Wolf won't take another wound from Uhlan.

* Uhlan tries to hear the Maiden's Calming Voice in his mind, imaging his father's gift departing.

Bethyaga> Enteri and Markiel are about 10 feet apart, and maybe the same from the dome.

* The_Wolf goes to circle around him, trying to pin him, like in a dominance contest.

Markiel> "The medkit, he needs the medkit, where's the medkit?"

Bethyaga> Uhlan tries:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -2: 0 -1 -1 0 = -2

Markiel> How far from Uhlan?

Uhlan> (Bethy, I'm putting anything I can into this. Karma, Luck, whatever.)

Bethyaga> Uhlan so sucks at Will rolls.

Enteri> "In the truck. Is that a problem?"

Markiel> "I thought I grabbed it."

Markiel> "Did it fall next to me?"

Markiel> "Where is it?"

Bethyaga> If you want out of this rage, it will take 2 Fudge points to bring this up to a success.

Enteri> "You're the one with the good eyes, Medame."

Uhlan> Whatever it takes.

Markiel> "shit, I left it, I have to go back."

Uhlan> (I guess I missed FUDGE Points somewhere in the rules. Sorry Bethy.)

Enteri> "Then lets move quickly, Medame."

* Markiel Markiel goes back to look for the Medkit where she dropped it out of the truck.

* Enteri follows.

Markiel> "I'm going!"

Bethyaga> Uhlan lunges for Wolf again, but at the last second, he brings his blades down to stab one into each thigh, and then he collapses.

* Uhlan feels the Call sink into his mind, moments before he sees the darkness close in.

* Markiel Markiel runs her hands through her hair repeatedly as she bolts for the kit, searching the debris

* The_Wolf growls over Uhlan in a very confused way. His one friend hurt him, then hurt himself.

Bethyaga> The rage is still in him, but he is fighting it back. The self-inflicted wounds help him focus, but it is not enough.

Bethyaga> There's the medkit.

Uhlan> The Beast is gone.

Enteri> "There's the medkit."

* Markiel grabs it and hurls herself toward Uhlan, blindly pushing her way past Enteri.

Markiel> "Come on we have to go, we need to go."

Enteri> "I'm sure he'll be fine."

Bethyaga> Not quite gone, Jeffy. Controlled, but just under the surface.

* Enteri follows.

Markiel> "Shut up, we need to go."

* The_Wolf keeps watch over the Pack.

Uhlan> (OOC: Okay Bethy.)

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: +1 +1 -1 -1 = 0

Bethyaga> Just as they all get there, Uhlan's eyes clear.

* Uhlan stays kneeling on the ground, making sure that no one approaches him. He leaves the knives impedded in his thighs.

Enteri> "Have you operated on a Troll before?"

Uhlan> "Stand back, and do not touch."

Bethyaga> He is in pain, but pain means little to a troll.

Markiel> "Jesus, are you hurt, I need to help. Let me help."

Uhlan> "Stay back."

Markiel> "NO!"
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Post by Bethyaga »

* The_Wolf interposes himself between Uhlan and Markiel and growls protectively.

* Markiel fumbles with the Medkit, trying to get it open.

Uhlan> "Find my axes and my throwing knives. I need them. NOW."

Markiel> "I just want to help, let me get to him, come on wolf, let me go."

Uhlan> OOC: Are both my shivs broken?

Enteri> "Very well. Calm yourself. We will find them. My Lady, I don't think you understand. Silence yourself, and locate the items."

* The_Wolf looks between Markiel and Uhlan, trying, in dog terms, to figure out who to obey.

Bethyaga> [[ Whatever you were wielding when you fell is busted. ]]

* Enteri begins looking to the items.

Uhlan> OOC: Both of them then.

Markiel> "What will they do? He needs help now!"

* Markiel searches the medkit for sutures, anything that seems helpful.

Uhlan> "I need something to remove the bullets with, and my knives are broken."

Bethyaga> Enteri finds the weapons quickly--mostly buried in vampire skulls.

Enteri> "No, he needs his belongings, his weapons. More healing is needed than his flesh."

Markiel> "Let me do it!" Markiel moves to push past the wolf.

Uhlan> "The wounds will heal, but the rage is still here. If you come near, I may well kill you were you stand."

Uhlan> *where

* Enteri retrieves them and returns with them, remaining at a safe distance."

* The_Wolf growls again, then whines, not willing to move.

Uhlan> "Toss them to me, wizard."

* Enteri tosses the weapons to him.

Markiel> "You don't let me come there then you may not live!"

Enteri> "Do you heal him for himself, or for you? Let him alone. He knows his Path."

Bethyaga> [[ Why won't anyone listen to you, Markiel? ]]

Enteri> "He will not die from such as this."

Markiel> "He MIGHT!"

* Uhlan takes the axe, carving into his gut to open a gash to pull the bullet out with.

Enteri> "Then you definitely do not have Trolls in your world."

* Markiel tries her best to examine the wounds from here, concentrating as best she can. (less than usual though)

Markiel> "SCREW IT"

* Markiel grabs the kit, and shoves past the wolf.

Enteri> "Goodsir Wolf, hold her. Please."

* Uhlan then uses the knife to make sure the bullet passed clear through his shoulder.

Enteri> "Gently."

* Markiel rips out what she needs, and leaves the rest behind.

Bethyaga> The gut bullet is found and removed with only a little digging.

* The_Wolf pins Markiel to the ground and growls at her.

Markiel> "Shit, let me up!"

* Uhlan then removes the knives from his thighs, setting his weapons around him, and laying down to let the Maiden's Gift work.

Bethyaga> As soon as it is gone, Uhlan ensures that his innards are in place and waits for the healing to begin.

* Markiel struggles.

Enteri> "If you must burn the wounds out, I can heat your weapons."

* The_Wolf is stuck between hurting the little human and letting her up.

Markiel> "LET ME UP!"

Enteri> [[Switch to Astral Sight.]]

Enteri> [[Is he healing at all?]]

Uhlan> "Enteri, take my weapons from me, and then she may examine me, if she must."

Bethyaga> Oh, he's healing just fine.

Enteri> "Very well."

Bethyaga> But the surprise in Astral Sight is Raven....

Enteri> I take his weapons.

* The_Wolf is really confused, and lets Marikel loose.

* Uhlan focuses on the Gift, feeling her loving Breath once more.

* Markiel races to the wounds, examining Uhlan closely.

Bethyaga> Raven and his flock of birds have not moved for minutes, and he's now blazing in astral space like a dozen suns.

Enteri> Distractedly, staring at Raven, Enteri says, "Let her up, and make sure he doesn't hurt her."

* The_Wolf whines, looking at his friend and at the little woman with the big voice.

Enteri> "In the meantime, I'm going to chat with our friend."

* The_Wolf stays very close, to keep anything from happening.

* Enteri walks over to Raven, averting his eyes.

* Uhlan extends a hand to run his hand over the Wolf's snout and back, distractedly, as he meditates.

* Markiel runs her hands around the wound and probes them, looking with her enhanced sight for any oddities.

Bethyaga> Raven says, "It is there." Pointing to the domed buidling. "And it is afraid of us."

Bethyaga> Markiel finds the wounds are half healed already.

Enteri> "So. I didn't catch your name. And I don't think you're listening to me, anyway. But I'd like to pass some thoughts past you. Are you collecting all of the life left here? I know you've collected all the living things, but your degree of power is...hmm."

Markiel> "How?" Markiel sits down firmly.

Uhlan> OOC: Bethy, once the wounds are stabilized and not in danger of breaking open upon any action, I'm going to get up.

Bethyaga> There seemed to be some initial sudden healing, and now, his body is slowly mending itself.

Uhlan> "It is the Maiden's Gift, madame. All of my people possess it. We are the chosen protectors."

* The_Wolf makes some encouraging sounds and then rubs against Marikel.

Enteri> "Yes. As I thought. You're slowly gathering energy."

Bethyaga> Uhlan--you feel right to move after only a couple minutes. You are at a Wounded status though.

* Markiel shakes her head for a few moments, still not believing.

Uhlan> "We would never be able to fight the Orgai, other wise."

Markiel> ((I think considering the circumstances I should maybe make another 'social

Bethyaga> Raven says, "I am simply Raven. And the earth speaks to me."

Markiel> ' check))

* Uhlan stands, limping on his wounded legs towards Enteri and Raven.

Enteri> "You're going to need to stop, I suppose, after a while. You'll explode if you don't. But turning this realm's energy against the evil should be effective. Shall we go inside, and break some things?"

Bethyaga> I'm up for that if you want to roll, Markiel.

* Markiel rolls 4dF for a result total of 2: +1 -1 +1 +1 = +2

* The_Wolf moves toward the Pack, ready to fight.

Bethyaga> You're fine, Markiel.

Markiel> ((Oh good, I'm the same ))

Bethyaga> "It is time."

Uhlan> "I appreciate your help, madame, but I would have broken you in two if you had touched me.)

* Markiel stands, "Whatever, let's go."

Enteri> "Sir, I think we shall follow you. And your birds. And mice. And snakes."

* Uhlan kneels by the Wolf for a moment. "You saw my Beast inside, my friend. You understand that, don't you?"

Uhlan> "Enteri, my weapons, please."

Enteri> "Oh, yes. Sorry. Here you are."

Enteri> "Would you like those flaming? I can do that."

Bethyaga> Raven opens the doors to the dome.

* The_Wolf looks at Uhlan with a tight look on his face. He no longer totally trusts him, but it may be a temporary thing.

Uhlan> "The flame won't bother me right now, so yes, if you think it will help."

Enteri> "Certainly."

Bethyaga> Inside is what can only be described as a church. Rows of pews face an alter. The icons on the walls are none that anyone recognizes, but the meaning is clear.

* Markiel gathers up the medkit.

Enteri> [[Flameweapon. Twice.]]

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: -1 +1 0 0 = 0

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: 0 +1 +1 -1 = +1

* Uhlan strips away all his flammable materials, leaving nothing but his weapons on their straps, and his loincloth, and his blood covered body.

Bethyaga> Simple enough.

* Markiel carries the blaster as well.

Bethyaga> How long does Flame Weapon last?

Enteri> "Ah. A temple."

The_Wolf> ((Naked Troll!))

Enteri> [[3 Minutes.]]

* The_Wolf growls and pads along with the rest.

Uhlan> "Now, let us end this, my friends. The Hunt ends here and now."

Enteri> Frost begins to collect on both Enteri's hands. "Yes. It does."
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Post by Bethyaga »

Bethyaga> Inside, the church appears empty.

Enteri> [[Astral sight?]]

The_Wolf> ((What about smells, or possibly other heartbeats?))

Bethyaga> It also appears to be a single room.

* Uhlan holds his flaming Thaer'gars in his hands, limping forward with more strength each step.

* Markiel cranks up her hearing and smell.

Markiel> taking from touch and taste.

Bethyaga> Something dark has been here or is here. Uhlan, you feel totally disconnected from the earth in this place.

* Uhlan takes the point with the Wolf once more.

Enteri> [[We've got so much sense in this room, we can see things that aren't here. :) ]]

Markiel> ((heh))

Enteri> "Oh, before I forget...what the devil are all of your names?"

Uhlan> "Show yourself. Come forth and face me, daemon. By the rites of your lords and master, I challenge you to the Pax Nagra Daemona."

Bethyaga> From behind the alter rises the most fearsome creature any of you has faced.

Uhlan> "Face Uhlan the Guardian, daemon."

Markiel> "Too late, Enteri," moves closer to the wizard, holding the medkit close.

Bethyaga> For those from the right worlds, it is clearly a minotaur. A giant bull-headed man some 8 feet tall.

* The_Wolf barks at the thing and his hackles rise.

Enteri> "Ah, good. Uhlan, Raven, Markiel, and...well, I'll just try to miss the wolf."

Enteri> "Bloody."

Bethyaga> But the red eyes and sharp teeth mark its vampiric nature.

Enteri> "Well. Time to kill it, then, right?"

Enteri> [[Ice spear.]]

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of -2: 0 0 -1 -1 = -2

Uhlan> "Uhlan and Miles will tear you to shreds, Daemon.

Enteri> [[I fucking suck.]]

Bethyaga> It wears some type of metal armor and carries an axe in one hand and a giant sword in the other.

Markiel> "Right," Markiel drops the medkit and hoists the blaster, "Or is there some honor thing involved here?"

* The_Wolf pads toward the thing and readies himself to spring on it.


Bethyaga> Markiel roll:

* Markiel uses her enhanced sight to look for a weakness in the armor, anything she can find?"

* Markiel rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: +1 0 +1 -1 = +1

* Uhlan charges for the daemon, his flaming knives whirling to the ready to both parry and stab any open spots.

* The_Wolf springs on it just as Uhlan charges.

Enteri> "That is, in fact, some fearsome armor. Perhaps something for which that doesn't matter."

Bethyaga> Markiel scores a solid hit to it's torso. The blaster burns a hole through the armor and obviously scorches the skin beneath.

Enteri> [[I ready Mind Dagger for my turn.]]

Markiel> "I wish I actually knew how to use this thing."

Uhlan> (Nice shot Eli.)

Bethyaga> Uhlan first, and then Wolf:

Enteri> "You're doing fine, I think."

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 0: +1 -1 +1 -1 = 0

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: 0 0 +1 0 = +1

The_Wolf> (Spending a Fudge point)

* Markiel rolls away from Enteri towards a wall of the unholy church.

Bethyaga> Defense roll:

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: +1 +1 -1 0 = +1

The_Wolf> (was typing that as I was going)

The_Wolf> (or as you were going)

Markiel> "Hey, Enteri, this is a vampire right?"

Bethyaga> Then Wolf's roll is replaced by a +4 (as long as you did it before I rolled).

Enteri> "Quite correct. Or very like one."

The_Wolf> (I was typing it as it came up, damn my slow fingers)

Markiel> So a wooden stake through the heart does wonders, right?"

Enteri> "Do you know of a way to accelerate one of these pews?"

Markiel> These pews are wood right?

Markiel> ((there we go again))

Bethyaga> Uhlan hits, but his blades slide off the bull's armor, throwing up sparks. But Wolf takes advantage of the distraction and sinks its fangs into the demon's throat.

Enteri> [[Yep. :) ]]

Bethyaga> Wolf taste's cold blood.

Enteri> Okay, Mind Dagger. And I'm spending a Fudge point.

* The_Wolf savagely rends away at the neck.

* [Ghost] rolls 4dF for a result total of -1: 0 -1 0 0 = -1

Bethyaga> Excellent idea.

* Markiel uses the blaster to slice a pew in half, trying to sharpen one end into a savage point. ((on her next turn of course, and spending a fudge point to do it))

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of -3: -1 0 -1 -1 = -3

Uhlan> OOC: Bethy, I'm moving to purely defensive, with just enough thrown in to make sparks on his armor and keep his attention on me. Keep shouting, growling, anything to keep his attacks on me, so I can spend all my energy blocking them.

Bethyaga> The Mind Dagger tears through the vampires brain, and Enteri feels it as solidly as tearing flesh.

Uhlan> "We could really use that Art right now! Whatever you're going to do, do it fast!"

Markiel> "Enteri, have anything to propel these things?"

Enteri> "Well. That worked nicely. Come to think of it, Crushing Will may be more effective...Have you figured out a way to accelerate that spike yet?"

Enteri> "No. Sorry."

Markiel> "No spells that create a forceful object?"

Bethyaga> It bellows as loudly as the Wolf at its throat allows, and there is a sudden rush of energy in all directions. Even Markiel can feel the sudden wave of pure /life/ pass through all of them. It's the closest thing to a mystical experience she's ever had.

Bethyaga> And now it is Raven's turn.

Markiel> "Or...what the hey...?"

The_Wolf> [[Boomshakalaka]]

Enteri> "Only one that would ignite it, or let you speak to it, if it were alive..."

Uhlan> "Let my friend Raven introduce you to the Maiden, daemon."

* Uhlan smiles ferally.

Bethyaga> Raven is obviously gladdened and energised and releases the brunt of the earth's force as the demon.

* The_Wolf chomp chomp chomps.

Enteri> "Oh. Here goes the strange fellow."

* Bethyaga rolls 4dF for a result total of 1: +1 0 -1 +1 = +1

Markiel> "I...don't think we need it..."

Markiel> "Compressed canisters!"

Enteri> "I don't think we should plan on success."

Bethyaga> And with that, the minotaur disappears.

The_Wolf> "uurah?"

Enteri> "Ah-ha!"

* Markiel despite the experience, Markiel screws her typing and forgets looking through the medkit

Bethyaga> It's armor is suddenly empty, and a thick gray cloud of mist rises up slowly.

* Uhlan begins tuning into the earth, seeing if this thing is truly gone.

Enteri> [[Watching the mist closely.]]

Markiel> ((Also))

* The_Wolf sniffs around, looking for the bad thing.

Bethyaga> Uhlan and Raven both feel the return of the earth. Whatever this thing had been doing to Halo. It has stopped now.

* Uhlan grabs the nearest pew and breaks the wood around the weapons and armor. He begins breaking as many pews as possible and starts making a pyre where he has tossed his flaming knives.

Uhlan> "Everyone outside. Now."

* Markiel leaves.

Bethyaga> The mist follows everyone toward the door, but it is very slow.

* The_Wolf looks at Uhlan once, then sees that he's lighting stuff on fire and lopes out.

Enteri> "I suppose we shouldn't disagree with the pyromani--you're all leaving already."

* Uhlan stays until the pyre is starting to roar up and about the walls, and before the mist reaches him.

* Enteri steps outside, casually.

Uhlan> "Burn in the fires you belong in, daemon. Go back to your world. Your master in Hel are waiting.

* Uhlan slams the doors shut and steps outside, making sure no mist is escaping.

Markiel> Despite the trials of the past few hours, Markiel looks especially harried, and she continues to rub her temples as she waits for the others.

Enteri> "Medame? Are you entirely alright?"

Uhlan> OOC: I'm also making sure that Raven got out. :-)

Markiel> "Tired. And no, I'm not entirely alright."

The_Wolf> Outside, The Wolf, changes back to Miles.

*** The_Wolf is now known as Miles

Bethyaga> The mist reaches the doors, with Uhlan, but it cannot leave. Raven's animals surround the building entirely, and they stand their ground, even as the heat begins flowing from it.

Enteri> "Then you should spend some time relaxing. Play some music on your instrument. I suppose it should wait for a few moments, though."

* Uhlan stands back and watches it burn.

Bethyaga> Raven is out.

* Miles grabs some vampire's cloak or something to wrap him in.

Markiel> "There's a bath between me and the violin, I assure you."

Miles> "Well done folks."

* Uhlan then turns to Miles and walks towards him.

Bethyaga> As the flames rise through the roof, Raven relaxes and lets the animals leave.

Enteri> "Ah, a bath. Just the thing. I suppose I would join you, but I doubt they have baths like my home."

* Uhlan places his axe in Miles hands, exposing his throat. "Make your strike."

Markiel> "Probably...oh shit, not more of this," runs to intervene.

Enteri> "Oh, please, don't do that."

Miles> "What? I'm not about to hurt you."

* Miles throws his arms up. "Am I hurt, anywhere?"

Markiel> "You'd better not hurt him,"

Bethyaga> From inside, there is a single unholy scream, and then it is done.

Uhlan> "I owe you kasaricha...a blood debt."

Markiel> "There's better ways."

Miles> "Fine."

Enteri> "Then give him a cup of it at supper. Let's go."

Uhlan> "These are my ways."

Markiel> "Shut up. You don't have a say in this."

* Enteri shrugs. "Eh, okay."

* Miles balls up a fist and punches Uhlan square in the nose, hopefully hard enough to make it bleed.

* Enteri goes back to the flaming temple.

* Uhlan stumbles backwards, chuckling.

Markiel> ((I meant Uhlan, Enteri))

Enteri> [[Oh, I know. I was talking to him, too.]]

Markiel> ((okay :) ))

Enteri> [[ :) ]]

Uhlan> "You twist my customs to save my honor. You would make an excellent elf, my friend."

Enteri> "Not really."

* Uhlan smiles and lays an arm around Miles for support.

Uhlan> "Do you still have ale-houses on your world?"

Enteri> "He does, however, have the ears."

Markiel> "I'm ready to get the hell out of here. Hello! Dream people! It's over, we won!"

* Miles hugs Uhlan once, clapping him on the back.

Bethyaga> There is now a voice from around them that says, "Thank you."

Miles> "Let's head back to the airlock."

* Enteri taps Raven on the shoulder.

Enteri> "All is well?"

Markiel> "You're welcome, Halo."

Enteri> "Oh, no. Another device is talking to me."

Bethyaga> "Bentoo is waiting for you. Return and rest, and we can discuss your reward."

Enteri> Enteri's eyes light up.

Miles> "Reward, that sounds good to me."

Markiel> "Get used to it, in a coulple thousands of years, you'll be using them all the time."

Uhlan> "Miles...come see the forests with me. Here the Call and run with me over the plains of Rhiael. If they can arrange so."

Enteri> "In a couple thousand years, I should be ruling the planet."

Markiel> "Not if I have anything to say about it, what about this Queen anyway?"

Bethyaga> [[ Does Rhiael have a moon? ]]

Miles> "Sounds better than where I was. If the thermians can do it, I'm up for it."

Markiel> ((It has two I think))

Uhlan> "A feast before depature? I could get to like these Thermians."

Enteri> Enteri chuckles. "I could rule beside her, given that much time."

Bethyaga> [[ Just checking. We can write whatever happy ending we like. ]]

Uhlan> OOC: Eli's right. Two of them.

Enteri> Medam

Markiel> "Bull shit." Markiel walks to the airlock.

Markiel> "yes?"

Enteri> "Medame, gentlemen, should we depart?"

Bethyaga> Bentoo welcomes them happily. Apparently, all of the Thermians have been speaking with Halo since the finale.

* Uhlan strides after the two bookworms.

Uhlan> Or more accurately limps after them.

Uhlan> OOC: Uhlan has to be looking like shit right now. :-)

* Miles looks back at the carnage, and then follows the rest. If he had a tail, it would be almost straight up.

Bethyaga> There is certainly a feast for the evening. A party really.

Markiel> "Oh GOD!"

Enteri> "A problem, Medame?"

Bethyaga> The Thermians can't seem to get enough of thanking these strangers.

Markiel> "I'm not in the mood for a party, tell them I'm not here."

Enteri> "I shall do just that."

Enteri> "She's not here."

* Miles basks in the light of being a hero, so very unlike the last time he was called up.


* Markiel finally gets around to punching Enteri.

* Uhlan smiles and sweeps Markiel up onto his shoulders, where she is safe from the crowds.

Enteri> "And I'll sneak you some food."

Bethyaga> Later...

Uhlan> "Better, mistress?"

Enteri> "Oh, my."

Markiel> "Time always helps, Uhlan."

Bethyaga> Halo explains that it is able to send everyone back to their rightful homes, and within an hour of the moment they left. The Thermians were able to call on Halo's abilities with their magic, but they don't have Halo's fine control.

Markiel> "I'm sorry about that, it's a...side effect, of my being. Or rather a part of my nature."

* Uhlan looks to the Thermians.

Bethyaga> And then there's the rewards: "if it is within our power to give, we shall."

Uhlan> "I believe that Miles would like to return with me. Is that possible, HALO?"

Enteri> "I don't suppose infinite knowledge is within your power, is it?"

* Markiel giggles, "I want Halo."

Miles> "Really, my life where I was was horrible. I'd like to go with Uhlan. His world sounds much better than home."

Markiel> "Oh Enteri, you wanted that second test?"

Bethyaga> Placing the two of you together on Rhiael would be trivial at best. I shall do so whenever you are ready.

* Markiel sits the elf down and makes him listen to the /entire history of the Themian people.

Miles> "Being one werewolf in a world where there are none is horrible."

Enteri> "The one where I push your head around?"

Uhlan> "I would only ask for Miles to accompany me, and to have a new cloak and replacement weapons for the ones I lost."

Enteri> "Oh, that one. Superb."

* Miles chucks Uhlan in the shoulder and has another drink.

Markiel> "I'd ask to take your computer, but I don't think that would be possible...seeing as it is a part of Halo."

* Uhlan then pauses for a moment. "HALO, can you assist me in fighting the Ravager? Or is that my battle to fight alone?"

Bethyaga> Raven chooses to stay here with the Thermians a little longer, to commune with this amazing life. Then maybe, he'll return home, and I'll let Flame pick his own reward.

Markiel> "I'm going to stay for a while too, I'll take the study I can accomplish here as my reward. As long as I can stay in your library ;).

Enteri> "Since it is unlikely that you can grant me infinite knowledge, could you, perhaps, give me one item of magical power I don't understand? Just to give me something to do for the next thousand years, while I'm waiting to rule the planet." He smiles at Markiel.

Markiel> "Isn't going to happen, I'm telling you."

Bethyaga> Markiel: "I certainly can share what I know. If it is just our history and facts you wish, I share them with you gladly. I can give you one of our tablets, and we will load it with whatever you desire."

Bethyaga> Enteri: "And we could do likewise for you."

* Markiel 's eyes glow like a child in a trid store.

Enteri> "I would be quite pleased."

Bethyaga> Uhlan: "I am sorry, we have no help for your Ravager. That is not in our power."

Enteri> "Perhaps my Lady could teach me to read so quickly. And I could teach her to believe."

Enteri> :)

* Miles has another drink, and feels good that he hasn't had to smoke Leash in a while.

Markiel> "I'll have to teach you genetics first," she laughs.

Markiel> YES!

Uhlan> "I understand. I believe that Miles may be the true key to control the Ravager.

Enteri> "First you'll have to tell me what 'genetics' means."

Uhlan> "Miles, did I mention that Rhiael has two moons?"

Markiel> "Maybe we can talk more. ;)

* Uhlan smiles slyly. "Sure you can handle that, furball?"

Miles> "That could be interesting. But with all the wild woods to wander, we'll see what happens
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