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Some Music Teacher's just know what they're doing....

Posted: Thu Sep 26, 2013 8:46 am
by Serious Paul

Posted: Fri Sep 27, 2013 9:36 pm
by 3278
Ever since my daughter's first middle-school band performance, I've thought that a lot more could be done with this huge pile of musical talent these schools are all full of. It occurred to me pretty quickly that if I were to need a band to play score for an independent film, I could do worse than to recruit any random school band: most everything anyone these days writes can be played by any idiot with a tiny amount of talent and some training. The shit these kids play at the high level is miles beyond what you usually hear in pop music or even film score...and they do it while marching on the field.

Lately I've been watching the halftime show my daughter's marching band puts on and thinking that I should write 20 minutes of music especially for a school band. The things I could do with 100 instruments with 100 talented minds behind them beggars belief.