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Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 6:45 pm
by Serious Paul
Okay I am all caught on my Heroes folks. Let's get to jibber-jabbering!

Spoilers ahead folks!!!

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 6:47 pm
by Serious Paul
Okay I'm pretty fucked up after watching Episodes 20 and 21, and I am not sure what to say?

Nathan dies?

The bomb is all arranged? Wow days of future present X-men anyone?

I'm starting to like Peter more, Matt less-which sucks because I want to relate to Matthew. And of course I'm torqued about Hiro.

Although I love that they made Sylar a bit more relatable.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 8:09 pm
by MissTeja
My only beef is that I'm just not believing Peter as Claire's uncle. I mean, every time he walks up to her in the room, I'm like - "AH! He's gonna kiss her!" and then am like...oh wait. That'd be wrong? They just look so close in age. Milo (Peter) is only eleven or twelve years older than Hayden (Claire). Which isn't, y'know, implausible or anything - but it would just play more believeable on screen if she were 5 and he was a 17 year old or something. With them being older, it just seems less of a noticeable age gap.

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 9:50 pm
by Jestyr
Random thoughts:

Yeah, ep 21 was the first time I've actually liked Sylar, at all. Thanks, Mommy Sylar, for dooming the whole world. If only you'd told him he didn't have to be special! Geez! And I agree, I'm starting to like Peter a whole lot more, now he's not just Whiny Emo Kid. Matt got boring early on though; he's got the potential to be awesome, but he turned into more of a Whiny Emo Kid than Peter.

The "Five Years Gone" scenario is intended to show the heroes exactly what's at stack, and why they _must_ succeed. Nathan dead, Claire dead, Daddy Bennett dead... I can't see that happening. The show's creators acknowledge that it's a homage to Days of Future Past, too. :)

My theory: Mohinder is "the key" to his father's research. He's clearly been genetically engineered anyway; I'm sure his genetic code will unlock the rest of what his father had hidden. (Incidentally, have we ever found out exactly what Shanti's powers were?)

I can't wait to see what happens when Daddy/Matt/Ted actually find "The Walker System" now used by the company to find the mutants. Matt, put a bullet in the little girl he rescued, the one he wound up giving up his job for? I can't see that working out too well. :)

Posted: Thu May 10, 2007 9:55 pm
by jo_alex
I have the same thing about Peter and Claire - the looks they are exchanging are so not family-love only. I liked ep. 20 and the screwed up future it showed, but I guess the goal - to change it - is still achievable. Just someone please kill Suresh quick - I can't stand this guy.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 5:52 am
by DV8
Wasn't Shanti's power the same as the boy that Mohinder sees in that dream right before he figures out the password to his father's software? I thought it was mentioned or implied in one of those episodes.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 9:01 am
by Jestyr
Hrm. I didn't get that impression, although you could well be right. That said, have we seen anyone with duplicate powers yet? (Other than Peter, whose power *is* duplication, and Sylar, who just gets the powers of whoever he tastybrains.) Even closely related people have very different powers - Niki/Micah, DL/Micah, Texas!Claire!Mommy/Claire, Nathan/Claire, Nathan/Peter, Peter/Claire...

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 9:09 am
by DV8
That's a good point. I distinctly recall coming that conclusion, but perhaps I was completely off.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 9:28 am
by jo_alex
The invisible man who was teaching Peter to control his powers mentioned others who had the same ability as he has - to duplicate powers.

BTW I wonder what kind of power mother of Nathan and Peter has.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 9:30 am
by DV8
The power to be a complete bitch?

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 9:35 am
by jo_alex
That one doesn't require ANY special powers. ;) I bet their dad didn't commit suicide at all. She killed him (or made him kill himself) to help Nathan get where he is. All for the case.

Posted: Fri May 11, 2007 10:53 am
by WillyGilligan
One theory that I heard was that Candice was pretending to be Ma Petrelli when she convinced Nathan to go through with the plan. She's definitely manipulative, but she seems to have a few redeeming qualities.

Posted: Sat May 12, 2007 5:59 am
by Jestyr
WillyGilligan wrote:One theory that I heard was that Candice was pretending to be Ma Petrelli when she convinced Nathan to go through with the plan. She's definitely manipulative, but she seems to have a few redeeming qualities.
Yeah, we had that thought too. Mostly because we'd hypothesised that Mama and Papa Petrelli were amongst the people who split off from Linderman because they had a different vision and thought Linderman was misguided.

I'd also heard an interesting theory along the lines that it was Papa Petrelli that tried to have Nathan bumped off, and Linderman was protecting Nathan (and Nathan's role in the future) by taking out Papa Petrelli before he could do any more damage.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 9:20 pm
by jo_alex
Just watched the last episode. Spoiler below.

So... what do you think? Is Sylar dead? Did he have any ability to transform into bugs? They mentioned this other "worse" guy, which I guess could be our villain in the next season so they don't really need Sylar but it looks as though they left themselves a window open.

I don't understand why Peter couldn't just fly on his own. He could use two abilities at the same time, I believe.

Aside this one weak point and the whole sacrifice in the name of love routine - the last episode was brilliant, I thought. Totally made sense.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 11:10 pm
by TheScamp
Sylar may well be dead, though I do like how they made it uncertain whether he went down that manhole himself or was dragged under by something else. There was also some strange tentacle or sludge that that was oozing up through the manhole after they showed it, which leads me to believe that something dragged him down - possibly the bigger bad guy mentioned by the tracking system.

I don't think Peter could fly because he was completely out of control with all the glowy radiation/ET hands. It was taking all his concentration to hold off the boom, and that kept him from doing anything else.

Posted: Tue May 22, 2007 11:43 pm
by Cash
Peter did say that his radiation ability was blocking his other powers.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 12:04 am
by WillyGilligan
I think the thing coming out of the manhole cover was a cockroach like the one that was in Sylar's cell at the paper plant. Unless you mean something that I didn't see.

I liked the ending. Not enough badass special effects, but it totally made sense withing the context of the other episodes except for Nikki fighting Sylar with no clear indication of which side of the fight was the bad guy

Good show and I'm looking forward to next season.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 6:06 am
by DV8
There were a few glaring inconsistencies, such as the fact that after that little episode with Sylar everyone is free to go home by the police, which I can't imagine would happen. Especially "Noah," a name I love for his character, by the way.

Also, I think the sludge you're mentioning, Scamp, was just blood. I didn't spot a tentacle, but perhaps I wasn't looking properly.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 7:35 am
by jo_alex
I haven't seen any tentacle either. The cockroach was what got me curious. Cause its presence in the otherwise probably sterile lab could not be an accident. And it did seem it was in some kind of contact with Sylar before.

Also - no one was running around saying either: "OMG, Sylar is finally dead!" or "OMG, Sylar has disappeared!". They kind of fast forward the last minutes - but I guess they might not be sure themselves yet where they want to go from there.

Oh, and Nikki knew Nathan, she might have known that Peter was his brother and that's why she chose to help him.

And who's Noah?

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 8:29 am
by DV8
Claire's adopted father. He introduced himself as Noah. Considering his role in the bleak future as seen in episode 20, I think it's very appropriate.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 8:41 am
by jo_alex
I missed it. :( And yes, it does fit.

Posted: Wed May 23, 2007 8:42 am
by Cash
Deev: Yeah, that bugged me as well.

Jo: Claire's adoptive dad, Mr. Bennet.