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Literary Discourse

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2004 12:13 am
by Sticks
What's current? Cyberpunk is dead (albeit living a healthy un-life in the box office), Modernism is thankfully dead, and Post-Modernism seems dead-but-not-buried (I swear Lit profs and grad students throughout America are sacrificing chickens and other hoodoo to bring it back). Deconstructionism is still alive, albeit reviled by most people not stuck in academia for the remainder of their "lives."

I hear of something obliquely referred to as "Posthumanism" which appears to me to be old round, the more philisophical arguements of Cyberpunk's more literary efforts taken more seriously and standardized. With perhaps a tad of post-modernism tossed in for good measure.

So, what is current today? I know that it's possible to know, because Cyberpunk and Modern were labelled while they were still alive. But I've the entirely wrong viewpoint with which to distinguish any sort of shape; there's been nothing both popular that's spawned any literary movements recently that I can see.