What do you do?

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What do you do?

Post by Serious Paul »

It's been a while since we have all really got along in a friendly fashion, in some respects, not to mention a lot of us are very busy. So we tend to forget or lose things. So what are you doing?

Right now? All the time? For a living? For fun? It's designed to be open ended, and get us talking!

I'll post too!
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Post by Serious Paul »

I am still a corrections officer, working in the same nutty place. I am currently divorcing for those of you whom hadn't heard. I have lost fifty pound since last August, and I am still hard at work in the gym. I currently bench more than my body weight, which while it is sort of a silly way to judge my progress, is still a cool one to me!

I seem to have lost my way, even Shadowrun just doesn't have the appeal it normally does to me. But I am trying to find it!

So what about you?
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Post by Reika »

Still working at ZC sterling doing data entry, only I'm a permhire instead of temp now. I finally have a comp desk after several months of using boxes to hold up my monitor, still gaming online only since I haven't met any local gamers I actually want to game with. Otherwise life is pretty much the same in JAX as it was back in NY.
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Post by Szechuan »

Still doing the student thing at UNB. I've been accepted into the basic research section, which is mandatory for Honours but has limited placement. This time next year, I'll be trying to get into the Honours program itself to write my thesis. Have been single a while, learned that I am allergic to Ecstasy, and am rebuilding my psyche, as it were. Moving back into residence next year to give me more time for schoolwork.
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Post by Bishop »

Still work at the same restaurant. Very very close to getting a pretty major promotion, and it's about damn time. Almost completly done with doctors and surgeries. But I'm resetting my sights, as it were. I want a house that I'm not repairing something on every day. I'd like all the components on my car to operate, like the frigging power steering. So I'm working for all that. And I miss hanging out with my friends occasionally.
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Post by MissTeja »

Face first into my Master's studies. I'm working at the University as an Assistant in the Department of Criminal Justice, as well. I just finished up the first draft of the literature review section of my thesis (a major pain in my ass, but happy to have it finally accomplished) regarding Eastern European Child Sex Trafficking. Lost about 25 pounds last fall/winter. Quit smoking. Leaving for London on May 7th for just over two months to do a work placement with ECPAT. Prepping also to spend Sept., October and November in Prague doing an internship with Amnesty International and to do trafficking research.

Really just trying to get through the next 12 months without losing my marbles, after which I will likely be doing one of 3 things: beginning work at a human rights organization addressing child sex trafficking, going straight on to get my Ph.D, or else enlisting. We'll see. I think I've pretty much tossed the 4th option of law school out at this point.
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Post by Reika »

Oh, one other thing I've thought of, going to be applying to one of the local community colleges for a biotechnology associates degree. It'd mean I was fit for being someone's gofer (as in go fer this and go fer that), but it'd be better than doing mindless data entry and I figure I could work towards better as time went along.

Would much rather go for something for jewelry, but alas no courses, not even apprenticeships.
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Post by Johnny the Bull »

Final year of my law and business degrees. I'm actually just about to go out the door to post my acceptance of a position as an investment banker with the biggest investment bank in Australia.
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Post by Brineshrimp »

Hey, SP. Sorry to hear about the divorce, bud.

As far as what I'm up to....

Still at Buffalo Wild Wings (formally BW-3s). I'm an Assistant General Manager (bar manager, mainly). Good to see I'm putting my Master's in Education to use. :(

I've been sending out resumes and had an interview or two in the hopes of landing a teaching job this summer. We'll see how thaty goes.

And, lastly, Melissa and I bought a house and should move in Sept. 1 (barring any buidling mishaps).
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Post by Crazy Elf »

Just finished a four week show run at the International Melbourne Comedy Festival, leaving me with a run of Antony and Cleopatra to focus on while I still study and finish up my mish-mash Arts degree. My knee has also healed, so I can get back to training fencing, wushu and gymnastics. Also filming a six part mini-series that may go somewhere and may go nowhere. Aledgedly there's some interest from some major companies, but it's all in the wood work at the moment. Also been invited to do some comedy program over here for an episode, nothing major but it'll keep me busy for a moment or two.

Oh yeah, and I'm going to start learning guitar because it's one of the few things I can't do and it's pissing me off.
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Post by Angel »

I'm three weeks into a new job working for an import/export company. The work isn't stressful at all, and so all of my realworld worries have melted away, which of course for me means that my unpleasant dreams are coming back while I sleep. It seems if my life is going good my mind needs to worry about stupid crap.

In the last three or so months I've been able to gain just under 6 kilos, and keep it on (W00t for me!) , but I'm trying hard to remember to eat, working always made me forget to eat.

I'm thinking of getting a puppy dog.
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Post by BloodHound »

In 3 weeks, i will have finally finished my freshman year at college. Yay for fucking military academy credits not transfering to civilian colleges! I recently quit my job at PetsMart after blowing up on the store director and now looking for a new one. Beyond that, I'm hanging out with old freinds, trying to get a girl with no luck, and kicking it with a bad ass local Dallas band, Pistol Whippin Ike, who's going to be opening for Sevendust sometime soon.
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Post by Lord Death Hand »

Just finished registering for summer and fall classes a few minutes ago. Next school year will hopefully be my last and I can finally get a B.A. I have an associates in Education right now, but I'll be graduating hopefully next year with a B.A. in English. As for work I'm employeed by the university as a librarian at the health sciences library. Not to difficult and I will be working there over the summer as well. As for fun I am currently gaming every Monday night whether it be Warhammer 40k or D&D or some other game. I've been with the group for 4 years now and we're still having a pretty good time together. Not much besides that. Some World of Warcraft and other video games and hanging out with some friends every once and a while as well as the normal college shit like homework and classes.
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Post by Crazy Elf »

Angel wrote:I'm three weeks into a new job working for an import/export company.
Are you a spy?
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Post by Kai »

Being a non-contract employee at White Wolf, doing web design and a lot of backend coding and support, love my job :) Winternight Technologies is continuing to do okay, finishing up a job for a client, moving to the new very nice server. Updating all the hacks for phpBB, including a major upgrade to the Account Switch.

Playing CoH still, and some Macross PB3, and contining SR2051/7. My latest obsession in painting a batch of superhero minis just because they looked cool. Other than that, life continues.

10:41 Kai: Ohayou minna
10:44 Kai: Fuck off, how's that? ;P
10:45 Adam: Much better.
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Post by Instant Cash »

My soull is still owned by the man (GE Healthcare) and have been doing the corporate monkey crap with that. I got my black belt in December and am still teaching Karate.

I gained an assload of weight over the winter months so now am starting to workout more to get back into shape. I am hoping this time it will stick. I bloody hate working out.

Got a new Pc that has sucked much time away from me, but now that it is warmer out I am getting out mroe, which is good.

Over all been pretty depressed about myself and so am trying to take strides to fix that. The only person who can fix me is me.

Oh and I am looking to start school finally in the fall.
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Post by Kwyndig »

Well, I'm still living in a house with three people, three cats, and no real social life... Still working the same dead-end janitorial position I took around this time last year. Also, I lost my muse, as it were, and I've been incapable of creative writing for the past month. So, all in all, I'm not sure why I keep on going, other than the fact that I still have obligations I don't feel comfortable giving up on. Hopefully this is just a rough patch, and I'll get through it, at least I still have ACen to look forward to.
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Post by Marius »

Finishing my second year in medical school. In the next week or two I start a 10-hour day, 7-day week study schedule for the licensing exam, and then I start clinical rotation years, which means I'll be solid 10-12 hours a day, and you'll all never see me again.
There is then a need to guard against a temptation to overstate the economic evils of our own age, and to ignore the existence of similar, or worse, evils in earlier ages. Even though some exaggeration may, for the time, stimulate others, as well as ourselves, to a more intense resolve that the present evils should no longer exist, but it is not less wrong and generally it is much more foolish to palter with truth for good than for a selfish cause. The pessimistic descriptions of our own age, combined with the romantic exaggeration of the happiness of past ages must tend to setting aside the methods of progress, the work of which, if slow, is yet solid, and lead to the hasty adoption of others of greater promise, but which resemble the potent medicines of a charlatan, and while quickly effecting a little good sow the seeds of widespread and lasting decay. This impatient insincerity is an evil only less great than the moral torpor which can endure, that we with our modern resources and knowledge should look contentedly at the continued destruction of all that is worth having. There is an evil and an extreme impatience as well as an extreme patience with social ills.
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Post by Johnny the Bull »

Marius wrote:Finishing my second year in medical school. In the next week or two I start a 10-hour day, 7-day week study schedule for the licensing exam, and then I start clinical rotation years, which means I'll be solid 10-12 hours a day, and you'll all never see me again.
Shit, that's fucking awesome. I was considering doing med school next year (got in) but decided MAFI, MBA and CA were more benefical courses. Maybe later.

Good luck Doc Marius!
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Post by zemookie »

Been making plans for our wedding (me and evildingdong) and focusing on finally getting in shape. So far I have been doing good at that.
Other than that its just been me working and learning to knit. Later this year I plan to take spanish and a dancing class.

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Post by Sock_Monkey »

Just broke 2500 hours of flight time the other day. I've been the Chief Friggin' Idiot for the last two years of the flight school I've been working for the last five. Working on making those house payments right now, and this summer I'm hoping that a contract I have to do some work in Florida and another to fly a Murphy Moose on amphibs is going to come through. If they do it will make for a very good paying summer, not to mention a lot of fun (I love flying floatplanes!)
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Post by JetPlane »

I'm a sophomore at an all-women's college, which I'm in the process of transferring from. I'll be transferring to Rhodes, a co-ed college in Memphis. I'm a creative writing major. I plan on graduating college, finishing book for independent study, try to get it published; if that fails, go to graduate school, get a M.F.A. in creative writing, write another book for my thesis, try to get it published. If that fails, go for the Phd and just fucking teach writing at colleges.

Scott and I are moving in together mid-May. We've also adopted a dog, a border collie, named K.Y. My hair is also missing in action again. Back to the buzz. Been smoking on and off, going for weeks chain-smoking and then not smoking for a week or so.

Still working at the Battered Women's Shelter. Now doing childcare, because I started having nightmares about my partner beating me in the ways the women I would counsel would tell me their partners beat them. Children are great to work with.

Start a job at Office Depot over this summer because an ex-boss from a job I was fired from randomly ran into my mother and decided to jack all over her with his ego of, "I left Target and am now working over at Office Depot and if Tara wants to work there, have her call me!" Seems the ex-boss had some strange crush on me and decided to try to "connect" by getting me to work with him. It worked, but not in the way he thinks.

I'm also in the process of studying up to become A+ certified in hardware and OS, and then after that, security. I guess as back-up, in case I'm left scrounging around for something to do. Get certified enough and I'm guaranteed a $60k job, which sounds nice, and maybe I could still write. Woot!
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Post by Salvation122 »

You're aware that A+ certs are largely worthless? You'll want to go for MSCEs for OS and security and Cisco certs for networking.
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Post by JetPlane »

A+ certs are the basics.
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Post by Angel »

Crazy Elf wrote:
Angel wrote:I'm three weeks into a new job working for an import/export company.
Are you a spy?
Yeah, but I haven't come up with a good spyname yet.
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Post by DrunkenMaster »

Enlisted in the Army in June 2004. Went through Basic and AIT through August to become Infantry(11B). This means I am proficient with broom, mop, brillo pad, floor buffer, and scary cleaning chemicals made by blind people*. Oh, and the M-16 rifle.

*No shit, almost everything the Military issues is either made by blind people or convicts. This does not inspire me.

Went to Jump School at the end of August to become Airborne Infantry. This means I am proficient at falling out of a plane at 1200 to 800 feet with a cord attatched from my parachute to the plane, designed to pull out a chute designed to carry up to and over 300 pounds. Despite the high weight limit of the chute, it has a big ass hole in the middle of it, which makes me fall very fast and hard i.e. like a sack of shit. It is also circular, meaning it is difficult to steer, so after barely avoiding the guys above and below me who also can't steer for shit, I usually end up zooming down to do a perfect feet, head, ass landing a hairs breadth from the ambulance or fire barrel. Jumps look impressive coming out of the plane. They look like a disaster once people start reaching the ground. Sometimes your reserve pops out when you hit. It is kind of funny when you land, start checking to see if all your bits are in place, and your spring loaded reserve pops out of your chest, pegging the sergeant who is checking to see if you are alright in the face.

Finally, started the SF pipeline with the ultimate goal of becoming an 18E, or Special Forces Communications Sergeant. Got injured during the prep course in October. Healed up and started the prep course again in March. Got injured again! So, right now, I'm helping man the Aid Station while waiting to heal up once more and give the prep course another shot in July. Day to day, I get to do the coolest and most retarded things I've ever done in my life, normally combined.

In between sucking the pain, shaving my head(sucks), having most of my life dictated to me and learning new ways to communicate my displeasure from senior enlisted folks, I'm pretty much having the time of my life right now. Best decision I've ever made. I hope I can make it through the course and be SF, but if I fail at that goal, there is still a wide avenue of cool things to do to satisfy my inner adolescent, and I am actually working for some causes I believe in too. I'm finding out many things about myself and other people, and I've truly found the meaning of hard work.
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Post by Serious Paul »

Angel wrote:
Crazy Elf wrote:
Angel wrote:I'm three weeks into a new job working for an import/export company.
Are you a spy?
Yeah, but I haven't come up with a good spyname yet.
What's wrong with Angel? :D
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Post by paladin2019 »

Reconnaissance platoon leader in the 2d Cav at Fort Lewis. My son was born 20 February. Haven't found a stable gaming group (ie, one where the GM bothers to actually show for the first session :cute ) and I'm within 50 miles of WotC's headquarters....
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Post by Crazy Elf »

I agree with Paul, Angel is a pretty damn sweet spy name.
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Post by WillyGilligan »

Except then you have the small problem of spending every interrogation session (which you eventually escape, but it still happens) having to explain that there is NO GODDAMN CHARLIE!!
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Post by Serious Paul »


we could all take turns posing as Charlie. Who's the other Angels going to be?
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Post by UncleJoseph »

I am a police officer for a small department in a moderately sized metropolitan area. Which is to say that, although we're a small department, we get some of the big city stuff spilling over into our jurisdiction. I am also a crime scene technician, on call 24/7. I have done CSI work on 4 homicides, several rape cases, some drug cases and one kidnapping.

Right now I am chasing a job lead with the Target Corporation (owners of Target, Marshall Fields and Mervyn's) to apply for an internal fraud investigator. If I get the job, it would triple my existing salary, and I'd probably relocate to the west coast (northern california, oregon or the seattle area).

For fun I am still working on my pilot's license...should be done buy mid--June if this damn weather ever lets up. I also work on remodeling my house, restoring my '66 convertible, have LAN parties and chill wit' da homeys...
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Re: What do you do?

Post by Patience »

Serious Paul wrote:It's been a while since we have all really got along in a friendly fashion, in some respects, not to mention a lot of us are very busy. So we tend to forget or lose things. So what are you doing?

Right now? All the time? For a living? For fun? It's designed to be open ended, and get us talking!

I'll post too!
Right now: posting to BD/playing on Photoshop/reading my mail in my super-warm sweatsuit, robe, and fuzzy slippers, because my building turned the central air to "cool" and then we had a cold snap *headdesk*.

For a living: I teach for a national test-prep company, helping kids learn how to game the SAT, which is more work than you'd think; I'm finding myself increasingly less sympathetic to the angst of the overprivileged. I get to write on whiteboards a lot, so I bought myself some really happy markers. I'm a dork. :) I'm also going to be taking classes to finish my college degree in English, which should qualify me for a Barnes & Noble lead cashier position aaaaany time now. :cry

For fun: well, I've *always* gamed; right now I'm trying to write a big FR campaign now (even though I don't have a gaming group :( ) that I've gotten lots of the new sourcebooks and even some of the really old ones.

I'm also a huge fan of Photoshop (because I can't draw) and like making 100x100 icons - playing in such a small space is fun. What else...I'm terribly disappointed in the quality of most books lately, especially genre fiction; I've gone back to Dorothy Sayers in desperation simply because I don't have the pounding urge to write impeccably spelled hate mail after I read her books for the nth time.
<b>Thorn said:</b> Patience really does rock!!
<b>CykoSpin said:</b> Every time I see Patience (that is, a post by Patience), I think of the Iron Maiden song "Can I Play With Madness". I don't really know why, though; for whatever reason, I just do.
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Re: What do you do?

Post by DV8 »

Patience wrote:For a living: I teach for a national test-prep company, helping kids learn how to game the SAT.
I never really understood this. It's like studying for an IQ test. Can you explain what the benefits are?
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Post by Crazy Elf »

Don't you get into better higher learning institutions if you do well on the SAT?
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Post by Johnny the Bull »

Crazy Elf wrote:Don't you get into better higher learning institutions if you do well on the SAT?
Yeah, its like our HSC or QCS tests.
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Post by Marius »

I never really understood this. It's like studying for an IQ test. Can you explain what the benefits are?
Yeah, you can really improve your score on that test quite dramatically just by learning a few good strategies for taking it, along with learning to exploit a few bullshit weaknesses the test writers left in. The courses, though, are fucking expensive.

It gets even worse as you go up. Out of about 50 or so premeds at my college I was the only one who didn't take the prep class for the med school admissions test. (That, primarily because neither I nor my parents couldn't afford to shell out the price of a new car to cheat on a fucking test. Asshole rich kids.)
There is then a need to guard against a temptation to overstate the economic evils of our own age, and to ignore the existence of similar, or worse, evils in earlier ages. Even though some exaggeration may, for the time, stimulate others, as well as ourselves, to a more intense resolve that the present evils should no longer exist, but it is not less wrong and generally it is much more foolish to palter with truth for good than for a selfish cause. The pessimistic descriptions of our own age, combined with the romantic exaggeration of the happiness of past ages must tend to setting aside the methods of progress, the work of which, if slow, is yet solid, and lead to the hasty adoption of others of greater promise, but which resemble the potent medicines of a charlatan, and while quickly effecting a little good sow the seeds of widespread and lasting decay. This impatient insincerity is an evil only less great than the moral torpor which can endure, that we with our modern resources and knowledge should look contentedly at the continued destruction of all that is worth having. There is an evil and an extreme impatience as well as an extreme patience with social ills.
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Post by Johnny the Bull »

Marius wrote:
I never really understood this. It's like studying for an IQ test. Can you explain what the benefits are?
Yeah, you can really improve your score on that test quite dramatically just by learning a few good strategies for taking it, along with learning to exploit a few bullshit weaknesses the test writers left in. The courses, though, are fucking expensive.

It gets even worse as you go up. Out of about 50 or so premeds at my college I was the only one who didn't take the prep class for the med school admissions test. (That, primarily because neither I nor my parents couldn't afford to shell out the price of a new car to cheat on a fucking test. Asshole rich kids.)
You got into Med school /and/ you'll be a doctor.

You realise your kids are going to be asshole rich kids, right? ;)
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Post by JongWK »

Still trying to approve my last course so I can graduate. :(

I'll start a new job next Monday, at the state-owned energy company (consumer attention--joy of joys). At least it'll get me by for now, because being unemployed for 10 months is ugly.

I'm still a freelance writer for FanPro, currently working on System Failure. :)

Oh yeah: I shot a commercial for a bank from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. I find it hilarious that they used Montevideo as a replacement for Tokyo. :lol
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Post by Marius »

You got into Med school /and/ you'll be a doctor.

You realise your kids are going to be asshole rich kids, right?
Yeah, and if they're dumb enough to need the prep test, I'm going to drown them in the bathtub.
There is then a need to guard against a temptation to overstate the economic evils of our own age, and to ignore the existence of similar, or worse, evils in earlier ages. Even though some exaggeration may, for the time, stimulate others, as well as ourselves, to a more intense resolve that the present evils should no longer exist, but it is not less wrong and generally it is much more foolish to palter with truth for good than for a selfish cause. The pessimistic descriptions of our own age, combined with the romantic exaggeration of the happiness of past ages must tend to setting aside the methods of progress, the work of which, if slow, is yet solid, and lead to the hasty adoption of others of greater promise, but which resemble the potent medicines of a charlatan, and while quickly effecting a little good sow the seeds of widespread and lasting decay. This impatient insincerity is an evil only less great than the moral torpor which can endure, that we with our modern resources and knowledge should look contentedly at the continued destruction of all that is worth having. There is an evil and an extreme impatience as well as an extreme patience with social ills.
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Post by Moonwolf »

I'm currently studying games programming. It's gone from being cool to being mindblowing amounts of work, so it looks to be a good preparation for the industry. For fun the rest of the time I run roleplaying games, and get to play computer games some of the time.
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Post by Johnny the Bull »

Marius wrote:
You got into Med school /and/ you'll be a doctor.

You realise your kids are going to be asshole rich kids, right?
Yeah, and if they're dumb enough to need the prep test, I'm going to drown them in the bathtub.
I'll sell mine. Cleaner and profitable. The threat of a Thai brothel should whip 'em into shape. ;)
No money, no honey
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Post by FlakJacket »

General low level grunt warehouse work over here. Got promoted to shift leader again after I gave it up a year or so back because I was just getting tired of all the bullshit and transfered from the massive regional centre down to a warehouse on the back of a store so that's made life a little easier/quieter. Also means no more occassional working in a freezer the size of a house in -24c conditions, now it's just large room sized but still -24. :/ Looking into night classes or part time uni courses since I don't want to do this forever plus I figure it might be interesting to go back into education and learn some new stuff. :)
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Post by Daki »

Working as a consultant/contract recruiter now using the same firm to find new assignments. I just started a new project two weeks ago and will hopefully be here for the next few months or until a better project comes along (read: more money).

Beyond work, my time is split between planning for our wedding next year and finishing off the debt that has plagued me for years. By summer I am going to be debt free and ready to plunge myself back into it through buying a home and a wedding.
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Post by 3278 »

I'm the Controller for a midsized freight factoring company in Grand Rapids. In short, if it has to do with money, it's my job: accounts payable, accounts receivable, setting rates, and so on. It's a tremendous responsibility, since hundreds of thousands of dollars pass through my hands weekly, and there's no "higher authority" auditing me; if I screw up, we lose buckets of money. Period. It's also incredibly challenging, since this is a field about which I know spectacularly little; only my mathematical acumen qualifies me for the position at all, so I'm learning the inner workings of accounting while trying not to accidentally bankrupt my firm. So, inevitably, since it's challenging, unfamiliar, very difficult, and carries a high degree of responsibility, I'm having the time of my life. I have to remember to switch fields more often. On the downside, I do make mistakes, of course, and while everyone's been nothing but forgiving and supportive about it, and I haven't done anything I haven't been able to rectify more-or-less instantly, I still feel particularly bad, because they took a chance on me when no other employer would, and I'd really like to live up to their expectations.

It pays reasonably well - I bought a BMW, which is approximately 1 billion times better than my Cadillac - and comes with the standard benefits, which, of course, I'm not availing myself of, because I prefer cash to insurance. The people I work with are pleasant and generally amusing, and for once, I'm not the most unpleasant person in the office; there's someone there who complains so often and so steadily that it makes me never say anything unpleasant, just on the basis of not wanting to sound anything like him. It's amazing how effective a bad example that acts just like you can be.

My employers consider this a long-term position, by which they fully intend for me to be employed there for 10+ years, as nearly everyone there has been. My own future plans - for college and such - will almost certainly collide with their intent, but I'm waiting to see how things go, and trying not to look too far ahead. So far, everyone likes me. There are only three people in positions above me in the office, and not one of them has taken a dislike to me, which is, I shouldn't have to point out, highly irregular.

Outside of work, I mostly father - my daughter has been living with me lately - and spend time outside. I'm still working out - 'cause Paul'd be disappointed if I didn't ;) - but I'm doing it outdoors now, instead of at the gym. I spend an hour or two walking or biking every night, and so, of course, don't own any clothes that fit anymore, and am far too apathetic about clothing to bother buying more. On weekends, I party a little bit, and kiss girls, but am remaining almost exclusively clean and sober, and trying not to get too entangled with the ladies. I also drive recreationally, and sometimes squeeze in a little time to watch Top Gear. I'm managing to keep up maintenance and whatnot on my car, but haven't been able to fit in the time to continue modifying it as it deserves, settling instead for tweaking the stereo or tuning the idle control valve or whatever when I have a few minutes. I've gone from 20 hours a day of free time to about 2, which is exciting, but doesn't allow me enough time to get everything done that I'd like. Can't decide, yet, which I prefer.

Okay, I think my dinner's settled. Time to put on some shorts and a black wifebeater - don't laugh! I look sweet! Really! - and go for a run around the lake. Sniff you jerks later!
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Post by Sowhat »

Right now I'm sitting next to my heater and drinking green tea, trying to warm up. Most of the time I'm either sleeping at uni, sleeping on the train, sitting at my computer, at my boyfriend's house or hanging out with friends. I don't have a job yet, I really need one of those I guess. Haven't found anything to do for fun yet, other than watching The Simpsons and Charmed (I have the box set of the first series, so 22 episodes of Charmed, woohoo!).
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Re: What do you do?

Post by Patience »

DV8 wrote:
Patience wrote:For a living: I teach for a national test-prep company, helping kids learn how to game the SAT.
I never really understood this. It's like studying for an IQ test. Can you explain what the benefits are?
Knowing the format of the test AND knowing tricks to get through the answer choices/etc will help a person score higher; most people are good with the actual subject matter and choke because the timing/format/using a #2 pencil is unfamiliar.
<b>Thorn said:</b> Patience really does rock!!
<b>CykoSpin said:</b> Every time I see Patience (that is, a post by Patience), I think of the Iron Maiden song "Can I Play With Madness". I don't really know why, though; for whatever reason, I just do.
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Post by Patience »

Crazy Elf wrote:Don't you get into better higher learning institutions if you do well on the SAT?
So they tell me; as always,however, YMMV.

It's actually a combination of a good SAT score, good essays/applications, good recommendation letters (if the college requires it), and good grades. Colleges are able to be very selective these days.

Having said that, however, if you don't have a good test score, your odds of acceptance go WAY down. In all the college books that get sold out there, there's one statistic every parent looks at: the "median SAT score" of the accepted students last year. If your kid is pulling a 300 (say) Verbal and the magic median score is 500, that kid will generally speaking not be admitted unless their Verbal score goes up.
<b>Thorn said:</b> Patience really does rock!!
<b>CykoSpin said:</b> Every time I see Patience (that is, a post by Patience), I think of the Iron Maiden song "Can I Play With Madness". I don't really know why, though; for whatever reason, I just do.
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Post by Crazy Elf »

3PO wrote:Okay, I think my dinner's settled. Time to put on some shorts and a black wifebeater - don't laugh! I look sweet! Really! - and go for a run around the lake. Sniff you jerks later!
3PO, it scares the fuck out of me when you say shit that could be word for word something that I'd say. Stop it.
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Post by Caine Hazen »

Well I now can offically post here....I GOT A JORB!!! YEAH!!

I'm now a Sys Admin for Reynolds and Reynolds in Dayton here. Then I come home and goof off on my puter...I think that's my whole life....

No..I forgot, the club on Friday nights...must have dancing and drinking
I would be clever and witty here..but that uses brain cycles that are processing your demise....
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